
Start Of Plan

"Uhh couldn't u find better disguises I look cute😨" ,no sorry boss, this was the best one we apologize." It ok I can deal withit ". Time to go to school, << would like a ride boss no i will walk. ( while walking Emma saw Emily and ran to her somehow they immediately became freinds { anyways back to the story }. Drrrring, time for class ,eunm what your name i'm Emily you Em- I mean Lisa i'm Lisa [ In class ] psst Emily this is boring i know but it almost recess, ok [ at recess ]. "Every one is so loud "says Emma " let go to my secret spot it so silent" Emily whispers " ok " [ After school cause i am so lazy and it is my first book ] " Wanna walk home with me Emma " Uhh my house is on the other side" " ok bye" " bye Emily " [ Another time lapse to base cause why not UwU ]. Ok step two make a criminal record as we know my family are hero's so make, stuff to fight back got. Yes ma'am.....