
Netorare: Consequences of Choice

What potential consequences could arise if the protagonist, who has been transmigrated into a game world, were to succumb to complacency and choose to disregard the events that take place within the game, particularly when faced with anomalous events? ----------------------- [ Author's Note: Simple Novel :) ]

Nariiiiii · Fantasie
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69 Chs

The Meeting

Within the opulent chamber, a multitude of distinguished individuals gathered, each draped in luxurious garments crafted from the finest fabrics.

These exquisite ensembles boasted intricate designs, adorned with vibrant embroidery and lavish embellishments that unmistakably signified their wearers' aristocratic status.

They were seated around an elongated table, upon which a detailed map lay unfurled, inviting their rapt attention.

In the distance, an imposing throne commanded the room, occupied by the regal figure of the king.

His majestic crown, a symbol of his sovereignty, rested upon his brow, while at his side stood the formidable Sebastian, the most valiant and esteemed knight of Daichetus.

The atmosphere in the room crackled with anticipation and tension, as these distinguished individuals gathered to deliberate on matters of grave significance.

King Chamethyirios gestured to Sebastian, indicating that it was time to address the pressing matters at hand.

Sebastian bowed respectfully, took a step forward, and announced, "Our intelligence agents have informed us that the Eastern Empire of Azantria is amassing a formidable forces presence in the Blackrich Peaks."

Murmurs of concern rippled through the assembly, and Kalinski pondered the situation internally. 'The Blackrich Peaks are strategically located near the border of our Daichetus Kingdom. What could have prompted Empire of Azantria to adopt such an aggressive stance?'

A distinguished gentleman interjected, "For decades, they have shown no interest in our kingdom. There must be some catalyst for this change in behavior."

Another man, with short blonde hair and a serene demeanor, inquired, "Your Majesty, what could possibly be the reason for their heightened aggression?"

All people eye on the King Chamethyirios, awaiting his response.

The King regarded them with a calm, measured gaze, taking a moment to consider his words before speaking in a regal tone. "Rumors have been circulating among the higher echelons that the Goddesses of the Holy Triumvirate Empire have mysteriously vanished. This is why they are taking a aggressive stance, to ascertain the truth of these rumors."

The revelation sent shockwaves through the room, with some attendees trembling involuntarily at the thought.

The Goddesses had been the cornerstone of their kingdom's stability for centuries. If the rumors were true, Demon Lords and other powerful kingdoms that worshipped different entities would not hesitate to seize this opportunity. In a single word, chaos would ensue.

A man with black hair and wrinkles interjected, "That's why they've tightened their security measures."

Kalinski felt a bead of sweat trickle down his brow as he pondered the implications. 'If the situation is true, we will be caught between demons from the North and the Empire of Azantria. The Accursed Forest has become increasingly unpredictable, making the kingdom situation even more dire.'

Sebastian sought to alleviate their apprehensions, asserting, "The esteemed Holy Triumvirate Empire shall soon deliver a communique." A portion of the assembly appeared placated, while skepticism lingered among others.

A man with short blonde hair inquired in a serene tone, "What about the stance of the Multiracial Overlords of Guadiczech?"

Sebastian responded, "As of now, they have neither issued a statement nor conveyed any message concerning the recent occurrences."

The chamber hummed with hushed conversations as Kalinski surreptitiously observed the Grandmaster of the Adventurer Pub.

The man's eyes sagged considerably, giving the impression of accelerated aging. His grave countenance indicated that his mind was preoccupied, seemingly uninterested in the topics under deliberation.

Sebastian divulged further, "In the North, there have been reports of the Demon Lord of Pestilence's presence."

Upon hearing this, Kalinski's aura abruptly transformed, becoming menacing and oppressive. Numerous individuals turned their attention to him as he apologized, "My sincerest apologies."

Sebastian directed his gaze towards King Chamethyirios, and interpreting the monarch's subtle gesture as a sign of insignificance, he proceeded, "There are reports of two villages succumbing to fatal illnesses, lending credence to the aforementioned sighting." The assembly's spirits dampened upon learning of the misfortune befalling their kingdom.

As the discussion continued, Sebastian broached the subject of the Village of Meroeda with a grave tone, "Lastly, we must address the matter of Meroeda."


As the Assembly meeting concluded within the palace walls, Kalinski found himself outside, deep in thought.

He strode purposefully, uttering a single word: "Yara." In an instant, the ever attentive maid materialized before him.

"Deliver this letter to Sucura, and emphasize the urgency," he instructed, then added, "Although my time is scarce and I am unable teach him personally, I can aid him in his disguise for the Conrad. I perceive a certain need in his eyes, something he seeks from the Grandmaster, and I can assist him in that regard."

Those who choose to join the Death Flower Party may claim half of what they desire from the Grandmaster, depending on their individual capabilities.

Such boons may encompass wealth, abilities, influential connections, sought after artifacts, or the Grandmaster's personal assistance and power.

However, they must sign a Death Pact, a solemn agreement that binds them to venture into the perilous depths of the Accursed Forest for in search of the elusive Chrysanthemum.

Yura offered a subtle nod before vanishing to carry out her task. Kalinski's eyes glinted with a dangerous intensity as he muttered under his breath, "Demon Lord of Pestilence," before disappearing himself.


Four harrowing days had passed since Kalinski first laid eyes upon the accursed Village of Timaston, where the abhorrent Demon Lord of Pestilence had been sighted.

As he neared the village, a sinister aura emanated from him, only to vanish as abruptly as it had materialized. "This is, without a doubt, the malevolent handiwork of that loathsome Demon."

A disquieting silence weighed heavily upon the village, its once bustling streets now utterly desolate. No vestiges of the inhabitants remained - no human or animal bones, no lingering scent of spilled blood, no carcasses or dismembered limbs. Only an oppressive, suffocating stillness persisted.

The air, though outwardly innocuous, bore a concealed peril that could render an unsuspecting soul unconscious with a mere inhalation.

Not a single creature stirred in the vicinity, as if the village had become an uncanny, nightmarish realm. Kalinski felt as though he were traversing through a twisted dream.

Disheartened, he muttered, "There's not a soul left here. My time has been wasted." But his resolve remained unshaken. "Nicolette, I vow to vanquish this Demon Lord, even if it demands my very life. I will liberate you from his vile curse and safeguard your cherished twin, who tirelessly labors to augment her own strength in pursuit of the demon's demise as well."