
Netorare: Consequences of Choice

What potential consequences could arise if the protagonist, who has been transmigrated into a game world, were to succumb to complacency and choose to disregard the events that take place within the game, particularly when faced with anomalous events? ----------------------- [ Author's Note: Simple Novel :) ]

Nariiiiii · Fantasie
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69 Chs

Not Worthy

Sucura carefully sipped the health potion from the small vial that Linda had graciously provided. As the potion coursed through his veins, mending his lacerations and bruises, couldn't help but ruminate, 'I barely managed to strike her once, let alone corner her.' He released a disheartened sigh.

"Why so disheartened, Sucura? You managed to land a solid kick to my face, which I didn't expect. Your aerial maneuver was truly remarkable," Linda complimented him, gently touching the spot on her cheek where his foot had connected. Her injury had already healed, and her violet hair danced in the night breeze.

Sucura replied, "No, it's not that, Instructor Lin—" Suddenly, two silhouettes descended onto the circular platform.

Sucura and Linda turned their attention towards the unanticipated arrivals. Sucura thought to himself, 'Ah, Master Kalinski has finally arrived. But who is that with him?'

Linda whispered under her breath, "Grandmaster Fabio?"

[Lvl. 85]

Sucura sensed the dense, potent mana emanating from him, but what truly astonished him was the presence of the Grandmaster.

Despite his shock, he managed to maintain his composure and endeavored to steady his nerves, contemplating the unforeseen circumstances.

'Why is the Grandmaster here? I had intended to visit the Adventurers' Pub tomorrow and utilize Master Kalinski's esteemed name to procure the coveted item.'

'However, I was uncertain about the most appropriate manner in which to approach him. In the game, one can readily join the Death Flower Party, but the matter becomes considerably more complex when it involves Angel's Quill.' He recalled what Jonas had said.

Jonas had cautioned, "Even the most inconsequential decision can alter the course of events. There are numerous hidden endings; in fact, I believe there are currently over 30 distinct routes combined. As for Angell-ss Quiil youu ne-nid tu-u haadve valll vall"

Sucura tried to remember more of Jonas's advice, but found himself drawing a blank. 'I can't recall anything else. Damn it…' he mused, as another thought began to form.

'Yara's message tersely conveyed an unanticipated delay, attributing it to an unforeseen emergency involving Master Kalinski, yet it offered no further details. Why do I feel uneasy about the situation? Is it due to my own transparent nature, or does he possess an uncanny intuition? It could very well be a blend of both factors.'

'If the old man harbored malicious intentions, I would already be dead without even realizing it. I must concede that my gaming prowess leaves much to be desired. It is imperative that I glean valuable lessons from this misstep, and curiously, my mind clarity skill seems to be deteriorating for reasons unknown.'

Sucura released a silent sigh, contemplating, 'Nevermind, I must perceive this as a fortuitous occasion. I shall graciously accept the Master Kalinski's presents and, for the time being, silence the worrisome thoughts that plague my mind.'

Kalinski inquired of the woman, "Aeris, why are you donning a maid's uniform?"

"Simply because I wish to, old man," Aeris replied nonchalantly, a faint smile gracing her lips.

Sucura studied his mentor with a measured gaze, mulling over his thoughts. 'Her name is Aeris… Why did she conceal it? Could she believe that I'm some sort of ill fated curse bringer, or is she merely a typical woman with inexplicable behavior?'

Kalinski glanced at Sucura, his hands clasped behind his back. "This is Grandmaster Fabio, the proprietor of the pub. I sensed that you needed something from him. In fact, all those who join the Death Flower Party require assistance from the Grandmaster. Shall we discuss this matter inside?"

Aeris stared at Kalinski in shock, and sensing her gaze, Kalinski silently conveyed that he would explain everything later.

"No," Grandmaster Fabio interjected decisively, his resonant voice conveying an unspoken expectation for the conversation to reach its conclusion. "Gavin, since you have vouched for this man, I am prepared to grant him access to the resources he desires, but only to the extent that I deem commensurate with his abilities."

Gavin nodded and gestured to Sucura, encouraging him to articulate his request.

Sucura carefully observed Grandmaster Fabio for a moment before addressing him with a tone of measured respect. "In that case, I humbly request the Angel's Quill, Grandmaster Fabio."

A hushed silence enveloped the platform as Sucura's words hung in the air. Aeris appeared bewildered, while Kalinski seemed lost in contemplation. Grandmaster Fabio, however, merely arched an eyebrow in response.

The Angel's Quill, in terms of its outward appearance, is rather unremarkable – a seemingly ordinary, unadorned quill. However, its enigmatic aura has given rise to rumors that it may have celestial origins. When touched, one can sense a viscous, mysterious mana coursing within it, yet this energy remains tantalizingly inaccessible. Numerous scholars and wizards have attempted to extract the quill's mana content, but all have met with failure.

"You are not worthy of the item, even if Gavin vouches for you," Fabio declared, his deep voice resonating with authority as he fixed Sucura with a fierce, unwavering gaze.

Gavin studied Sucura thoughtfully before addressing Fabio. "The Angel's Quill, is it not simply a quill of unknown origin and purpose? Even the churches consider its true nature to be inscrutable, and though rumors suggest it contains the essence of an angel, the priestesses dismiss such claims."

Fabio responded, "Despite the skepticism of the priestesses and churches, the Angel's Quill remains highly valuable to Archmage Wizards, High Scholars, and Nigh-Intelligent Neutral Creatures. It is an indispensable item that can be exchanged for unique skills and legendary mystical artifacts."

Gavin pondered Fabio's reasoning. Sucura's demands bordered on the absurd, but he couldn't help wondering why Sucura needed the quill.

If even the most renowned powerful wizards couldn't access its secrets, what use could it be to Sucura? And if Sucura did manage to unlock its potential, they would surely be swarmed by covetous magicians.

Gavin considered the possibility that Sucura's true intention might be to barter the quill for more tangible assets, such as weaponry or equipment, rather than harness its mysterious power.

Fabio's voice resonated with a deep, sonorous timbre as he spoke, "Instead of the Angel's Quill, I can offer him a selection of less powerful artifacts or equipment that he may desire for his journey into the Accursed Forest."

The atmosphere on the circular platform suddenly grew heavy as Aeris, Gavin, and Fabio turned their attention to Sucura.

Crimson blood seeped from Sucura's hand as he clenched his arm into a taut fist, while his other hand grasped the hilt of a dagger with such intensity that it elicited a strained creaking sound.

The air around him seemed to crackle with his barely restrained fury, yet his visage remained disconcertingly composed.

With a slight bow of his head, Sucura proposed, "Grandmaster Fabio, might I suggest an alternative? You may utilize the Return Item, and in exchange, I wish to enter into a different pact. Should I fail to deliver the Chrysanthemum within a month's time," he paused, fixing Fabio with a gaze of unwavering solemnity, "I shall forfeit my life."