
Chapter 66

Chapter Sixty-Six The Beamon Edition of the Big Bone Boiling Soup?!!

"Depend, the big guy began to be unkind, I was eating dinner and visiting the forum, I looked at the big guy's dinner, and then looked at my own baked potatoes, and suddenly broke into tears."

"Obviously, we are all survivors, why is there such a big gap between us?" Can you answer that? "

"It can only be said that the physique between people is different."

"Are there any kind people who give some food, they are starving to death?"

"Damn, I used to see online beggars a lot, but I didn't expect that tm can still be seen across the world, Gan."

"What's so strange about that? There are still online sales. "

"What to sell?"

"Dad, give me an address."

"And you can't parachute, you have to address the dry hammer."

"I have a friend who wants to see how to sell…"


The building was unconsciously crooked.

White Night skimmed his lips, put down his phone and began to enjoy a delicious dinner.

After dinner.

Several people sat on leather sofas to rest.

White Night came to the training room, intending to try his storm power.

The potential of this force is not weak, but the main thing is to look at the development, if not developed, it is difficult to form a powerful burst of power.

Simply put. You need to create some skills.



In the training room, I saw Bai Ye holding the Autumn Leaf Knife, and the blade was covered with the power of the storm, like a thunder knife, and the thunder continued.

A knife crossed.

The sound of breaking the air kept ringing.

The Autumn Leaf Sword was like an enchantment, and the power of this knife was actually not weak.

During this period, White Night also controlled the power of the storm, constantly condensing and compressing on the blade, hoping to make the power of the storm more condensed, so that it could burst into a more powerful force at the moment of contact with the enemy.

Just trying to create skills is obviously not so simple to do.

This is not.

Without training for a while, White Night was already lying on the ground, grinning and looking helpless.

"Good fellow, forget about the problem of consumption, and if you are not careful, you will exhaust your physical strength."

"Forget it, wait a while or go to cultivate alchemy, skills or something, or wait for the future battle to explore it, anyway, don't worry."

He shook his head.

After resting almost completely, White Night recovered, took a deep breath, and continued to practice alchemy.

Sweat rains down.

In the blink of an eye, the time came to the middle of the night.

When he was sleepy, Bai Ye wiped his body with water and returned to the room to hold Mia's soft body and fall asleep.

In the blink of an eye.

A new day is coming.


By the time the white night woke up and finished washing, Noel had already prepared breakfast.

"Well, every day when you wake up, the happiest thing is that breakfast is ready."

White Night sighed.

After breakfast, the white night came to the mine.

A pickaxe smashed down.

[You get stone x100.] ]

[You get iron x100.] ]

[You get stone x10.] ]

White Night: "…"

I have a lot of thoughts in my heart.

Eventually it converged into a "Gan" word spat out of the mouth.

Came to the cab with a bottle of Ice Cube, and asked after White Night sat down.

"Hasn't Xiao Bai arrived yet?"

"Almost there, master."


Nodded, the white night is no longer nonsense, take out the mobile phone to open the trading software, go in and look.

As they survive longer, players have largely adapted to the new world and are surviving, with more and more resources.

At least until now, although there are still many players starving, at least they have the courage to go out and explore.

Those who have no courage have already starved to death.

It is also because there are more and more people who dare to explore, and there are more and more types of items that can be traded on trading software.

White Night naturally has items that she wants to buy and feels that she can find on the trading software.

That's right.

It's blood.

In the Divine Way, the blood materials of very different lives were not yet assembled, although it was really easy to put together such things.

But White Night certainly didn't want to use the blood of monsters like goblins as material.

Otherwise, when the time comes, I will really make things out, and White Night will not dare to put my mouth down.

What makes White Night happy is that on the trading software, the blood stuff is really a lot.

After all, most monsters can be collected.

In addition, although these things have no value, but survivors do not mind hanging on the trading software, in case someone finds a drawing that needs this thing as material?

White night at a glance.

A whole bunch of blood of all kinds.

"Goblin blood, the amount is coming quickly, and the wood and stone can be used to trade."

"Cat Demon Blood, Is There a Need for It?" Anything can be traded except garbage...…

"Fresh werewolf blood, no water can be traded, just tasted a bite, no side effects, the taste is still wide." "

"Brothers, the blood of the devil, is there a need?" "

Seems to have the effect of Brother Chun [Bad review reply: 艹, what is the look? Can you be a little more confident as a businessman? I also just took a sip, hit the tm one night of the plane, and now only eased up, bad review, must be bad review!! ]


White Night really couldn't help but laugh.

It can only be said that after adapting to this world, some comics have begun to recover their nature, but it cannot be said that there are many types of blood.

After Bai Ye touched his chin and thought about it for a while, he bought werewolf blood, little demon blood, gargoyle blood, beast blood, and so on.

It is all the blood of monsters that are more common in some fog.

After a while, coupled with the blood of the soulless person possessed by White Night itself, the blood of very different lives was put together.

And the material spent, that is, a hundred units of stone.

This stuff, White Night is really not lacking now, and it will only be more and more in the future.

"Then the next thing is only the rhizome of the yin and yang grass and the ingredients I need."

The white night whispered, eyes flickering.

After a moment, he shook his head, put the blood into the backpack to store, and with a glance at it, he couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart, and a large bone appeared in front of his eyes.

This is the Beamon King Bone that he got yesterday when he opened the Extreme Cold Treasure Chest.

"This thing."

"Can you stew soup like a big bone?"

White Night suddenly thought curiously.

The good villain is also Beamon.

Although there is no essence.

But if the soup is stewed, it should taste pretty good, right? I haven't tasted what Beamon tastes like.

If you don't stew soup, then this thing feels that it doesn't have much effect, and it is also a zantine grid in the backpack, so it is better to throw it directly.

"Well, sacrifice and see."

White Night muttered, opened the sacrificial platform, and chose the bone of King Beamon as the sacrifice.

Suddenly, the white night was stunned.

"Well, does anyone really want this thing?"

On the sacrificial platform, a line of prompts next to it clearly appears in front of your eyes:

[The bones of the former King Beamon, sacrificed to other gods, will lead to punishment, but if sacrificed to the 'god of hunting and strength', you will be rewarded, after all, it is an orc god.] ]

[Seventh more.] ].