

Minato and Kushina sacrificed their life by sealing half of nine tails in their daughter Nurumi, a fraternal twin, elder sister of Naruto. Miraculously, Kushina saved by her uncle Kenji Uzumaki. Lord third taking care of twins until a rumor about Nurumi as demon fox spread in village. Which resulted in lord third make a decision as joining the twins in orphanage, Nurumi as Nurumi Uzumaki and Naruto as civilian orphan. Both Naruto and Nurumi growing up in orphanage always fights each other. Unknown to everyone this is their way of showing love each other. As time passes, they become true siblings, but Nurumi becomes younger sister and Naruto becomes elder brother. Naruto learns truth and meet his mother who is unconscious for so long. This is a story about the fraternal twins against their odds. This is a fiction story written by a Naruto fan that wants to present readers his version of Naruto story. thankyou, manu1318

Manu1318 · Fantasie
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12 Chs



I have to say that I am happy right now. I have a mother, even though my father died for this village, he is hero. But my best is my brother, he is the one who is present in my every step of my life, whether in my bright part or darkest part of my life.

All things that I have were given by him. I feared many times he may leave me, since he is my real brother. There are many times I prayed why he is not my real brother. After my mother woke up, not only my brother healed his weak body and also become he is my real brother.

Even though I am elder due to birth, after living for many years with him, I like being his little sister than his elder sister. So, I love calling him elder brother.

I have to say he is genius out of all the people I saw, even compared to the little price from mighty Uchiha clan. After his bloodline awakened, he indeed proved himself. Grandpa hokage always says, 'talent only can't take you anywhere, but your efforts will lead your talent shine more brighter than the sun'. After looking at my brother, I realized meaning for it.

From that day onwards I decided to put more efforts. Normally when I am in academy, I will be frustrated whenever I fail. But that not the case with Naruto. I am really lucky to have him, for me he shines more brighter and warmer than sun or moon.

Today is the day that my brother attends graduation exam with me. I know this is going to be most memorable day for me in my life. I am going to become genin along with my brother. This is déjà vu for me, since my dream coming true.

As expected, written exam and ninjutsu exam were passes without problem. We moved to training ground for taijutsu exam. There is another sensei joined with Iruka sensei, his name is Mizuki. Even though he is not friendly, but he still good to me.

"Now students, each and everyone of you has to battel with Mizuki sensei and still stand in the ring for one minute. After a minute those who are standing in the ring were passed. Now, I will call name of the students"

This is surprising, because fighting a chunin is more difficult. But not for us, were trained by my mother and granduncle, jonins. Soon, everyone turns came, most of my friends Ino, Hinata, Sakura, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, Aburame etc., were passed without much difficult. Next my brother's turn.

"good luck brother"

He gentry patted my head, with a smile, "just watch"


I am standing in ring infront of Mizuki, my examiner waiting for signal to start. Soon bell ring, I run towards holding my fist to punch on his chest, he stopped with hand. I lifted my leg to kick his head, he stopped again with other hand. I channeled chakra into other leg to kick him to release from his grip and create a distance. Without waiting any moment, I jumped high to land heel attack, but last moment I turn round and kicked in his abdomen.

He grunted holding his stomach and looked at me annoyingly. I really wanted to test my taijutsu with chunin, so I tried other attacks to test myself. Soon, one minute is passed and I passed.

As Iruka gives signal the battel started, but compared to other battels including me. This battel is much more intense. Still Nurumi is struggled not step away from the ring. Every time Nurumi falls, the examiner looked at me with ridicules expression, it is as though he is mocking me. At first, I thought it is just illusion, but that's not the case. Yes, he is doing it on purpose.

Even Iruka showed discomfort, but did not expressed any objection. At fifty eighth second, she fell out of ring, that means she failed, of course it's on purpose. Looking at Nurumi who is still trying to stand, it felt like thousand sharp knifes were slowly embedded into my heart.

Now I have only one thought, "torturing him as painfully as possible. But my first priority is to ensure Nurumi is safe". I knocked her out and took her to hospital for medical treatment.

Later that evening I went to meet old man hokage to report this matter. He looking exhausted, "what happened Naruto"

"I think you already know what happened in the exam, since academy in under your jurisdiction"

"yes, indeed I know"

"so, what are you planning to do?"

"for now nothing", he slowing put a glass sphere on the table and gesture me to look into it"

"when I look into it, I can see image of Nurumi sitting in ground and crying"

I understand using this tool he can observe anyone atleast in this village and now Nurumi is not in hospital.

Another person come out from dark behind Nurumi. I am shocked to see him, since he is exactly looking like old man hokage.

'someone is disguising as old man and approaching Nurumi", my heart filled with fear and I am loosing strength in my limbs. Without thinking anything, I am running to meet Nurumi. But old man stopped me,

"wait Naruto. Look until the end"

"what is there to look and why are you sitting as though this is not concern you when someone imposter you"

"yes, this is indeed first someone dare to use transformation jutsu to transform like me. But don't you want to see what will Nurumi after this?"

"what are you thinking old man?"

"this is the problem with you Naruto. Your overprotectiveness towards Nurumi will cost more than you think. Previously it is ok for you try to keep Nurumi safe. But after today Nurumi will be kunoichi and will go on missions, will experience many dangers."

I don't know what to say, but with a pause, old man continued, "I know you meant good for Nurumi, but you only put Nurumi in danger. Did you forget who is Nurumi, she is jinchuriki of Konoha. Did you forgot what you asked me already or did you think becoming hokage is simple. She has lot of untapped potential and your interference is only stopping her growth, Naruto. So, stop interfering Nurumi's life."

After listening to old man hokage, I really don't know what to say. what can I say infront of truth? I can already feel, lack of devotion in Nurumi after my recovering.

I am looking at Nurumi jumping happily, seeing my silence, old man is looking at Nurumi also. After two hours, night falls and Nurumi sneak into hokage tower library, finds Konoha secret scroll.

Looking at the Nurumi left with scroll, old man hokage looked at me, and I am staring at him. Now you follow Nurumi in shadows, remember don't interfere otherwise you will be become Nurumi's shackles. Don't let that scroll miss at any cost, it will bring disaster"

Looking at him, I nod and left to find Nurumi. After an hour I can see disturbance in shinobis. After going towards Nurumi, I soon encounter Iruka.

"teacher are you also searching for Nurumi?"

"ha… Naruto so you also after Nurumi, but I heard only shinobis were known about this?"

"I alredy know and have a special permission to find Nurumi and scroll"

"Let's find them"

After searching for half an hour, we finally found Nurumi reading the scroll. I decided to stop teacher Iruka and waited for some time to find the imposter.

Soon a person looks like old man hokage moved towards Nurumi. Teacher Iruka shocked and looked at me, I nodded.

Imposter hokage arrived at Nurumi, "you passed the test Nurumi, now pass the scroll to me"

Nurumi holding the scroll and standing in guard, "who are you?"

"me, I am hokage. Now don't waste time, quickly give me the scroll"

"now you are not grandpa. I won't give you the scroll"

"then you can die, you beast"

He released his transformation jutsu, that Mizuki, our examiner. I can see everything is planned by this insect. I will make sure he will regret for being born.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I saw teacher Iruka smiling at me. I regained my composer and looking at Nurumi.

Mizuki shoot several kunai at Nurumi, she avoided them. After few encounters, Mizuki's face changes colors, he lost his composer in anger and took a large shuriken from his back and shoot at Nurumi who is still in air.

Me and teacher Iruka shoot towards Nurumi. Teacher Iruka hold Nurumi from falling and I deflected the shuriken blade into sky, which went through cutting few tree branches.

Mizuki shocked and staring at us, his shock is replaced by a dirty smile.

"you brat finally come to me this is the best day for me. I no need to search for you and waste my time."

Teacher Iruka, "Mizuki stop this now"

"come on Iruka this play is just started now. I am sorry my friend, I have to kill you to keep myself hidden"

After listening to Mizuki's nonsense, "you insect, what is your motive and why do you want to kill my sister?"

"that beast is your sister, don't make me laugh. That is a beast, nine tailed beast, who killed people. Don't you know your parents were also killed by that beast"

I felt this is funny, so I want to play with him, "I think you still don't know about me, let me reintroduce myself. I am Naruto Uzumaki, bother of Nurumi Uzumaki. Are you telling something now?"

Mizuki and teacher Iruka were shocked. I looked at Nurumi who is staring at me and tears are falling from her eyes. I know why, it's not because me saving her, because this is my first public introduction as her real brother.

"come dear sister, he is all yours"

Nurumi standup, now her eyes were filled with unbreakable determination and full of confidence she put a hand seal "shadow clone jutsu"

Smoke filled entire field, but the smoke is cleared by wind revealing nearly thousand clones of Nurumi.

Now its my turn to be shocked, I finally understand unknowingly I become shackle for my sister. I am now fully compromised with what old man said.

The battle Mizuki vs thousand Nurumi is over in an instant. Teacher Iruka took Mizuki, went ahead. Me and Nurumi were went to meet old man hokage.


Me, Nurumi and teacher Iruka were standing infront of old man and teacher Iruka reporting. After reporting he left, only me and Nurumi were present.

"first of all I have to saw congratulations Nurumi, you passed academic exam and become genin and you can collect band from Iruka. For now, you wait outside"

Nurumi looked at me and left.

"Naruto, you saw finally saw Nurumi untapped potential, right"

I am guilty for doubting him, "yes old man, I realized my mistake."

"Now you can go"

I left hokage office, at door Nurumi waiting for me, in her hand a blue Konoha head band, indicating she is now shinobi. Looking at me, she jumped into my embrace. Holding her tightly I swing her a round.

Nurumi looked into my eyes, "look brother I am shinobi, hehe… I become shinobi for before now. I am how elder sister."

Looking at her childish behavior, I am surprised. Nurumi always behave like this before. Later we went to home, a celebration is ready at home for becoming genins.

Next morning, my master took me to hokage office on urgent notice, informing that hokage requesting our presence. Soon we reached office and went inside, old man is waiting for us.

"You finally come, here I have a mission for you and you are leaving now".

"what", I am shocked and shouted loudly.

Master took the scroll and opened and read. I can't read his expression since a mask is covering his face. But looking at my confusion old man filled me details.

"We found two survivors of Uzumaki and you as next head of Uzumaki, it's your duty to rebuild the clan. Its better you leave as early as possible since, this can affect survival of them. One is in mysterious island east to land of fire and another one is in Kusagakura."