
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Anime und Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 55 - Clones and Girls are Difficult

Inside the Hokage Office, after returning from Orochimaru laboratory, the ANBU and Kakashi were dismissed after submitting their reports. Which left Kagami and Mira facing Hiruzen inside the office as the old man sighed as he looked at the evidence they brought back. Many which seemed to make the man's skin tingled which is saying something. For the man was an old shinobi and not many could make the man's skin tingle.

"How true is this?" Hiruzen spoke softly, but they could hear him perfectly fine. "Is this solid evidence? Enough to tie it to him and make it stick?"

"While many are outside or on the edge of the Land of Fire. Most of it is consistent with the missing people reports from Konoha and ones surrounding it." Kagami replied.

Hiruzen sighed as he flipped over the papers and rubbed his eyes as he laid them down on desk. Leaning back into his chair as he looked at the ceiling, Hiruzen took a moment of silence to think. Then his shoulders sagged a bit before he straightened up and a determined look appeared in his eyes.

"Good work you two." Hiruzen said as Mira and Kagami nodded. "Come here in a few days to retrieve your new mission. Which will be to investigate a few of these locations. Now off with you two as I have work to do with sorting out this mess."

Unlike Mira who was a bit excited, Kagami was sighing in his heart. On that list was the Rain Village which is Pain territory, and someone he doesn't want to face quite yet. While he was confident he could hold Nagato back, Obito would surely pull Nagato out before he could kill him or destroy the Rinnegan.

'This is slightly troublesome, but it will take a few years to put out most of these fires that Danzo left to burn unattended.' Kagami thought.

Leaving the Hokage Office, each with their own thoughts on the upcoming mission they will need to complete. Kagami let out a small stretch as he headed towards his laboratory with Mira. While it might be a stressful and slightly long mission they needed to complete, it was one they didn't need to rush completely. Even if they had a day off here and there, it shouldn't change the outcome mostly because they were looking into things from years ago and the latest was nearly a month ago.

"Do you feel something wrong with the mission?" Mira asked. "You seemed quite troubled."

"More a troublesome duo truthfully." Kagami shrugged. "Nothing to really worry about for the moment."

After a bit of walking, they reached the laboratory and entered. Inside while Mira placed her weapons in the small locker. Kagami walked towards the tanks that recently grew his latest attempt to gain Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. Which has grown well recently if the data is to be believed.

"How are they?" Mira asked after appearing behind him.

Pressing a few buttons on the panel, Kagami began to drain the liquid inside so he could pull the clone bodies out. However, while he felt like he was close, this wasn't going to be a successful attempt.

'A rotten smell, this isn't a good sign.' Kagami thought as Mira pinched her nose in disgust.

In the end, it was indeed a failure in this run of cloning for the entire clone bodies were rotten on the inside. Each organ inside was decayed and from what he could tell, it was something outside of his predictions. For what the data showed the organs were fine but a sudden change in the DNA took place. Almost as if someone added a different string to the DNA that was incompatible with it.

'It doesn't show signs of tampering, so it must be because of the DNA inserted. Is it the Serum fault for this failure? The serum shouldn't be the issue unless it is still working on altering our bodies slightly.' Kagami's thoughts raced before he wanted to bang his head.

The serum was still working on their bodies growing and strengthening their bodies. A fact that will probably last until they are done with puberty at the earliest and later teen years at the latest. For while the effects weren't very noticeable it doesn't mean it is not there nor at work either.

However, that is only one of the issues. It seems the cells are dividing extremely fast. Almost like Creation Rebirth that Tsunade made. The old cells weren't being repaired but new ones were being created and even without activation or need, the cells were dividing at a rapid rate.

'The Serum is probably what kept this clone body growing, otherwise either the clones will have died or I would be looking at a very old Mira and myself now.' Kagami theorized as he began to notice graying on their hair.

"I feel sad." Mira broke Kagami's thoughts for a moment.

"Why?" he asked.

"I always thought I would be bigger. I hope I won't reach Tsunade size, but I thought I might reach D or at least C." Mira poked her clone's chest.

"I don't think you have to worry, I don't think the clone size will represent your future." Kagami nearly choked, but answered honestly.

The clones didn't represent her much and there more to girl bust size than genetics. Though he won't deny that genetics play a fairly significant role in them.

"Really?" Mira raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you fairly knowledgeable about breasts?"

"I'm fairly knowledgeable in biology. So ha." Kagami stuck his tongue out at her in a mock victory.

Sadly this was a mistake as Mira took the chance to grab his tongue with her fingers. She looked him straight in the eye as an eyebrow slowly raised.

"I'm sorry." Kagami attempted to say with his tongue held.

Mira nodded before she let his tongue go.

'When you think you one up a girl, you still lose.' Kagami mentally sighed to himself.

Thanks for reading.

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