
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Anime und Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 43 - Camp Raid

After making the plan of attack and the retreat plan with various backup plans. Kagami and Mira separated as Mira needed to run to get into position while Kagami prepared himself. Since he will be ending unfortunately many lives.

"Why are you sad? Aren't they our enemy?" Asura asked.

"They are our enemy, but they are also people who are doing their job." Kagami replied with a sigh. "It is why this shinobi system is a lose-lose situation, well unless one is a weapon dealer."

"I don't understand, isn't it very similar to the stories you told us? Whoever has the bigger fist decides the rules? So why don't you just set the rules?" Asura replied.

"I'm strong, but not that strong yet. Trying to change the rules everyone followed for so long is like holding the sky in one hand and battling the whole world with the other. While also unable to take a step forward or backward." Kagami said after thinking for a while.

"Are there really that many people who can match you?" Asura sounded surprised.

"The world is a small yet big place. There are many strong and strange people in the world."

While waiting for the planned time to arrive, Kagami just continued to watch the large camp in front of him. Many of the Kumogakure shinobi he could make out were fairly burly or lengthy in height.


Inside the Kumogakure camp, a middle aged man who was one of the many picked to be on patrol. Dressed in Kumo jonin standard uniform, he just glanced around only really focusing on something that either captured his attention or appeared suspicious.

"Korin, how is it?" A younger man dressed similarly asked him.

"The way I like it, nothing." The middle aged man replied. "Boring is best after all."

While he continued to look out at the hills and taller rock, he shifted his head slightly. He felt a slight unease welling up in his heart, but couldn't tell why. So he shifted his head to the man who just asked him.

"Did the sensors pick up anything?"

"No, nor did any of the scouts find anything. Either the tree huggers don't know we are here or keep an eye at a large distance." The man smiled as he looked relaxed.

"Be on guard, I feel uneasy suddenly." Korin said before he saw a small figure on the horizon. "I see something. Hand over the telescope."

Taking a closer look, the man peeked through the scoop and only saw a three point kunai in the ground. While the distance was large apart, he couldn't see much details besides it being a specially made kunai. He let out a breath as he felt more at ease thinking it was one of the guys in camp playing tricks.

Then Korin remembered something. He remembers hearing and seeing in the bingo book that a Konoha shinobi had learned the Flying Thunder God Technique. However, he remembered that the entry said he wasn't as skilled as the Yellow Flash Minato with it.

'It's better to sound the alarm and it be a false alarm, then not raise it and it be a real enemy attack.' Korin thought as he reached for the alarm.

Yet, as his finger was about to touch the switch, he saw a blade piercing out of his chest from the back. His blood dripped off the blade as he heard, 'I'm sorry.' Then Korin knew no more as the blade was removed and he dropped to the ground dead.

The one naturally holding the blade was Kagami as he flicked his sword removing the blood. Then in a blink of lightning as he threw out a series of kunai, he vanished from his spot.

Appearing above the head of the man who was just talking to the man, Kagami didn't even touch the ground as he slammed his kunai into the man's skull before vanishing to the next one. Hence, in a semi juggling manner, Kagami began to flash around the camp rapidly, slaying a dozen in a blink of an eye and nearly two dozen before someone reacted and sounded the alarm.


While the Kumogakure shinobi in camp were rushing towards the enemy attack. No one noticed another small figure running from the side on the water drawing closer to the ships.

"Do you think Papa is going to be fine?" Kōsetsu asked Mira, slightly worried.

"I wouldn't worry about that guy. The amount of tricks and hidden cards he has is probably triple the deck." Mira dismissed the worries, despite feeling slightly worried about him.

"You're not very honest, Mama." Kōsetsu mumbled.


"Die brat."


"And another one." Kagami said as he danced his way across the battlefield.

His eyes flickering about as he threw his broken sword hilt from the sword he brought. The small piece of blade still attached pierced an unlucky Kumo Chunin throat. However, Kagami still flickered about as he picked up the now unowned sword from the recently fallen man and continued his rampage.

"Not as proficient as Konoha Flash. Raikage I disagree, he is way more terrifying!" A man cried as he saw Kagami appear before him.

Then in horror, an explosive tag his best friend threw with a kunai appeared on his clothes. The man's last expression was of horror as the tag exploded taking not only him but the four standing near him.

"It's only one brat, take him down!"

"Coward, don't run while shouting."


"I don't believe he has that much energy or chakra left." A woman shouted.

However, Kagami continue to appear and vanish in a blink. Then he appeared in the sky as he clapped his hands above a fairly large group. Inside his body a large pool of chakra was molded inside before he spewed it out causing a large sea of flames to appear below him engulfing all below him.

"Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation."

"Retreat. Run to the boats." The Jonins shouted together realizing that they couldn't win, however at this moment.


The boats that were once their salvation went up in flames as they watched as they began to sink. Along with the sinking, they all felt their chances of living sinking away.


A while later as he sat upon the wall to the camp, Kagami waited as Mira appeared next to him. Where they just stared at the bodies littering the camp, before Kagami clapped his hands together. The ground below gave away as the earth swallowed everything.

Thanks for Reading.

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