
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Anime und Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 40 - Asura and Kōsetsu

Inside the laboratory, while relaxing in a chair, Kagami sat with two fairly large reddish-orange fox heads on his legs. Each vying for his attention as he told a story as they closed their eyes trying to imagine his word.

"In the end, Linley with his new found abilities easily killed Orloff, but his strike didn't end there. It was so powerful that he broke the binding of his universe and he stepped into a domain known as the grandmist. There he met a being who was called Hongmeng the Universe Creator of Panlong."

"Papa, is that it?" One of the large fox opened its mouth and a childish voice that leaned toward feminine asked.

Despite his mouth twitching at being called papa, Kagami just smiled as he nodded. "Of course, after this Linley created his own universe. In which another legend was born of the same standard, but that is a tale for another time."

"Really." The two foxes' eyes lit up clearly interested in hearing it.

"Then, father, do you think it possible for us or even you to create our own universe?" A deeper voice asked from the other fox.

Kagami just tilted his head as he rubbed his chin in thought. Granted first he pictured Kratos from God of War as this fox voice reminded him of that character. However, in the end he shook his head.

"I don't think so, but it would be interesting to try in the future." Kagami replied unsure.

Since he was reborn into this world, he has been breaking the so-called rules many believe in. Such as one needs to be born with the kekkei genkai to use it. The next while not totally rule breaking, but looking at the two foxes in front of him with nine tails waving behind him. He indeed created two stable tailed beasts much like the Sage of Six Paths did nearly a thousand years ago.

Hence, he wasn't sure if one could theoretically create a universe or not. However he was sure it would be very different then like those xianxia novels. Since the only viable path he could think of is if one delves deep enough into natural energy it is possible, but this was his best guess. Even with this guess, he wasn't very confident since he didn't know very much about natural energy at the moment.

"Don't you know papa?" The other fox looked a bit down.

"No one knows everything. Those that claim to be either are fools or liars." Kagami answered while looking at the clock. "Is it this time already? Off to bed you two, we got to go visit Mira tomorrow as it is her birthday."

"Ok, papa," both foxes' ears dropped as they walked towards two large beds.

He watched as they laid down and pouted like a small child, with his mouth twitching a few times. Every few seconds they would send him a glance before closing their eyes again. After a few minutes, he sighed as he caved.

"Fine, I guess we can do one more story."

In a blink of an eye, both were at his feet, eyes sparkling.


"I'm so tired."

"I did try sending you to bed, but who were the ones wanting another story." Kagami let out a small yawn.

"But Papa, after today will we still be able to listen to your stories?" the feminine sound nine tails asked.

Crouching down at her down casted look, Kagami rubbed her head before lifting her head to look at him. He just gently smiled at her, "Kōsetsu, I'm not sending you far away nor getting rid of you. So there will be plenty of time in the future for more stories or to accompany me. Just think of experiencing something new and expanding your horizons beyond these walls."

"But, I don't want to be separated from Papa and Brother Asura." Kōsetsu said with sadness.

"Silly girl, we will always be by your side and when we aren't physically nearby, we will be in your heart." Kagami said softly. "Besides, I am imparting a very important task of helping to protect Mira to you."

'Not to mention that both Mira and I will be sent out to the border once more. It has been nearly eight months since we returned and the Hokage seems ready to send us back.' Kagami thought to himself.

Besides growing and teaching these tailed beasts, introducing chakra vehicles and trying to figure out the serum. Kagami has been training hard in learning various releases and improving his Flying Thunder God Technique to Minato's level.

"Ok, I will believe Papa." Kōsetsu answered.

"Then we shall go as we are running a bit late." Kagami said as he rubbed her and Asura's head.

Then in a flash of lightning the three vanished from the laboratory.


Appearing in Mira's backyard, Kagami found Mira, Mira and his own grandfather there. However, looking around he found that other guests had already come and left as Mira seemed to be cleaning up. Not to mention judging by the three eye rolls he was given when he appeared.

"I'm not that late am I?" Kagami said with a smile.

"Judging by their reaction, I say so Papa." Kōsetsu said in a low voice.

"It seems they are used to Father, tardiness." Asura said as he looked around.

"I'm not that bad am I." Kagami mumbled as he drew circles in the ground with a rain cloud above his head.

"Here, I save you a piece with the least amount of frosting." Mira walked over with a plate.

Bouncing up, Kagami smiled happily as he hugged her before taking the plate. "You're the best, Mira."

Mira then looked at the two large nine tailed foxes behind him and rubbed her forehead. Her mouth moved slightly as she seemed to be counting backwards. Then she blinked a few times, then looked over once more before nodding and giving Kagami a big kick to his shin.

"Brother, Mama seems angry with Papa." Kōsetsu whispered.

"Maybe it's her way of showing she cares about him." Asura replied after a moment.


After eating his cake and rubbing his sore shin. Kagami grinned at Mira. "I brought you a present."

Mira just raised an eyebrow at him waiting for him to explain.

"While the serum still needs some work done on it. So I studied the tailed beast chakra I collected from the nine tails and made this pair of brother and sister." Kagami smiled.

"I have also created a seal so we can borrow their strength, but they can leave our bodies without killing us. We can also summon them out similar to a summon beast. So are you impressed?"

Kagami took her speechlessness as a good sign as she was impressed by his present. However, it didn't last long before three fists pounded down on his head.

"You better destroy those tanks and instruction on making more." Mira growled.

"While impressive, grandson. We don't want or need someone accidentally getting their hands on this technology." Taiyō said with Maru nodding.

"Fine, I will break the tanks when I go back to the laboratory." Kagami mumbled..

After the three nodded in agreement. Mira asked, "So how is this seal done?"

"Fuinjutsu, so remove your top and probably your pants and I will write it. The seal is fairly complex so I can't just place my hand and allow it to form on its own." Kagami said, making Mira blush hard.

The blush didn't come from removing clothes, but how he boldly said this in front of her great grandfather. Hence, after entering the house for a few hours, Kagami sealed Kōsetsu into Mira.

Thanks for Reading.

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