
Naruto : The Hyuga Villain

In the eyes of outsiders, Hyuga Yuto was a genius in the traditional sense of the Hyuga Clan: resilient, strong, gentle, and calm, a reliable comrade at all times. However, no one knew that on countless quiet nights, this young genius of the Branch Family would caress the caged bird seal engraved on his forehead and fall asleep with a sharp needle in his mouth, fearing that in his sleep, he would utter the madness and anger buried deep within his heart – "What Uchiha Itachi can do, can I, Hyuga Yuto, not dare to do the same?"

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44 Chs

Chapter 44: Time-Limited Mission

Hiruzen Sarutobi, as always, had his pipe in his mouth, wearing the red and white Hokage robe, with a gentle and amiable demeanor.

"Hase Shinhiko, Shinozaki Raizo, Uchiha Mieko, Hyuga Yuto, Hatake Kakashi." He softly recited the names of the five outstanding elites about to be promoted.

Three from "noble clans," two from "commoner" families. Uchiha and Hyuga each occupied a spot, revealing a glimpse of the delicate balance within Konoha Village through this single Jonin promotion exam.

The five stood respectfully with their hands clasped. Over the years, Hiruzen Sarutobi had wielded both authority and benevolence as the Hokage, establishing considerable prestige in Konoha. Even the rebellious Uchiha wouldn't defy him openly.

"You are all the true elites of the village." Hiruzen Sarutobi paused, then said solemnly,

"A tree has roots, a trunk, branches, and leaves. Every part is indispensable."

"If we want this tree to thrive and pass down the Will of Fire, someone must step forward to shield it from the wind and rain. I am pleased that Konoha is about to gain five sharp blades."

"Chunin and Jonin are completely different. The former are merely squad leaders, while the latter can potentially decide the life and death of dozens or even hundreds of people."

"Often, the success or failure of a battle, even a campaign, hinges on the decisions of a Jonin."

"So, what do you think is the most important quality for a Jonin?" Hiruzen Sarutobi posed a question.

"Strength!" A female voice rang out. The answer came from Uchiha Mieko.

She had the typical Uchiha appearance and personality—beautiful, black-haired, and emotionally expressive.

At this time, the Uchiha Clan was not yet in the precarious position of being ostracized on the eve of their annihilation. They hadn't become withdrawn, and many of their members were still relatively outgoing.

She glanced at the other four and snorted,

"A Jonin must have the ability to solve problems in any crisis. That is, to be strong!"

"Strength?" Hiruzen Sarutobi clapped his hands.

"A very good answer. Indeed, you and the four beside you are all exceptionally skilled combat-types... Are there any other answers?"

"Completing the mission," Hatake Kakashi said calmly, his eyelids drooping.

"No matter the sacrifice, no matter the cost, a Jonin must complete the mission."

The death of Obito has hit him hard, Hiruzen Sarutobi sighed inwardly. He didn't show favoritism and expressed his agreement.

The remaining two ninja also shared their understanding. There was nothing particularly remarkable, but their answers weren't wrong.

Soon, it was Hyuga Yuto's turn. He rubbed his forehead protector, hesitated for a moment, then spoke in a gentle yet firm voice,

"Hokage-sama, I believe that a qualified Jonin is someone who earns the recognition of everyone."

Someone who earns the recognition of everyone... Hiruzen Sarutobi was moved. Just like their conversation in the office six months ago, the answer from this Hyuga Branch House boy demonstrated an extraordinary sense of perspective and inclusiveness.

"But Yuto, gaining everyone's recognition is an extremely difficult task, a thousand times harder than mastering an S-rank jutsu."

"Hokage-sama, when walking the path of dreams, how can we speak of difficulty?"

Hyuga Yuto noticed that when he finished speaking, Tsunade, who was standing behind Hiruzen Sarutobi, had a smile on her face. Her eyes sparkled, filled with satisfaction and pride in her student's answer.

Hiruzen Sarutobi took a puff from his pipe, suppressing his complex emotions, and continued,

"All five of your answers are excellent and correct. Jonin are the most elite ninja in a village. They must surpass ordinary Chunin in leadership, mental fortitude, combat abilities, and all other aspects."

"You have risen rapidly in recent years, completing many missions and proving your combat skills and problem-solving abilities. In my opinion, you are all qualified to become Jonin."

"But to become a Jonin, you must undergo an assessment. This is a rule established by the First Hokage-sama."

"A one-on-one sparring match cannot fully reflect your abilities."

"Therefore, I have specially selected five S-rank missions, one for each of you. After completing them and returning here, you will become Jonin of Konoha."

"Remember, you must complete the mission and return within five days. Even exceeding the time limit by a single second means failure."


Hiruzen Sarutobi stepped back, and Tsunade Senju stepped forward.

She took out five scrolls and placed them on the ground.

"Choose one each. Once you open it, you cannot change your choice."

As always, Uchiha Mieko was the first to step forward. She picked up a scroll without looking at it, bowed to Hiruzen Sarutobi, and left the underground chamber.

The others followed suit, making their selections. Hyuga Yuto remained in place, waiting for the others to choose, demonstrating "prudence and courtesy." The chief examiner, Tsunade Senju, was his teacher. It wouldn't be appropriate for him to be the first to choose, lest others suspect that the master and disciple had pre-arranged a mission, engaging in underhanded dealings.

When only one scroll remained on the ground, Hyuga Yuto picked it up.

He opened it in front of Hiruzen Sarutobi and Tsunade, scanned its contents, and his expression remained unchanged. He simply said respectfully,

"Hokage-sama... My mission is number four. You must know the specifics. Before I depart, I would like to ask... To what extent can I go? Do I need to control the [intensity]?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi replied calmly,

"Don't worry about any diplomatic issues... If you cause trouble, Konoha will have your back. Do as you see fit."

Hyuga Yuto practically smelled blood.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, barely over fifty, was still at the peak of his powers. The coldness and ruthlessness deep within his heart far surpassed his demeanor at the start of the plot years later.

Hyuga Yuto bowed and, without further delay, swiftly left the underground chamber.

This was a time-limited mission. Every minute and every second had to be utilized.

In the enclosed underground space, Tsunade suddenly sighed.

"Sensei, I don't seem to have seen these five scrolls on the village's mission board..."

"Yes, I drafted them last night with Danzo and the others." Hiruzen Sarutobi sighed.

"Tsunade, although Shimura Danzo is a bit shady, and I know you've always disliked him, sometimes, his words do make sense."

"What kind of war involves cowering in our shells and waiting for the enemy to attack?"


Hyuga Yuto swiftly ran back to the Senju Clan compound. He often stayed there now, even moving many of his daily necessities and ninja tools to the room next to Tsunade's. His excuse was perfectly valid: training and attending to his teacher. The Hyuga Main House couldn't find fault with him.

Since it was a five-day time-limited mission, he didn't bring any spare clothes, only taking his ninja tools and a certain amount of money. Then, he left the village, sprinting eastward.

[Mission Four:]

[According to top-secret intelligence, Kirigakure has dispatched an elite squad to the Land of Fire. Their leader is one of the "Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist."]

[Regardless of their objective, prevent them from approaching the Land of Fire.]