
Naruto : The Great Ninja

Liam_Janine · Bücher und Literatur
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2 Chs

Chapter no.2

A young boy with blonde hair pulled a prank one sunny morning by painting the face of the Hokage on a stone statue in order to attract the attention of the other people. He managed to evade the ninjas who were chasing after him by running away. "Weeeeekkkk!" He drove the ninjas who were pursuing him to insanity with his challenge of "If you can catch me."

"You idiot, come on over here! One of the ninjas who was chasing after him said to him, "You don't know who you're dealing with." A buzz of excitement was being pursued by four ninjas, and they were determined not to let it slip away. "Weeeekk!" The young man gave another shrug of his shoulders. In the end, the boy was apprehended and apprehended to the very end. One of the ninjas who was pursuing him said to the other, "You're going to catch the boy."

The young boy eventually stood up and cast his gaze upon the cynics who were among the ninjas who were torturing him. He showed no signs of being affected by the pain and then yelled, "Listen up, someday I'll be a Hokage!"

Would the youngster be interested in becoming a Hokake? "Don't dream, you fuckboy," I told you.

You should keep that in mind: my name is Naruto Uzumaki. "I have a name," I said.

Naruto sucked in the blood that was coming out of his mouth with his hands, and then he fled the area in some direction.

The boy was observed sitting on a swing that was hung from a large tree during the daytime hours while melting with a sad face on his face. Even though Naruto was only five years old, every member of the population who came into contact with him behaved cruelly towards him. threatening him and repeatedly brutally beating him without showing any emotion.

"He is a murderer."

"He ought to have passed away."

"Do not make eye contact with him, and do not attempt to get in close proximity to him."

"Mr. Hokage was remiss in his duty if he did not expel him from this village."

"He's a bad boy and a carrier for damn sure."

"You'd be better off leaving him behind."

Naruto's ears picked up on every whisper, which made him even more enraged and depressed than he already was. All of that was also heard by a young boy who was the same age as Naruto and who just so happened to be playing at the location where Naruto was. A cute young black boy with short silvery hair, a nose with a curl, and a jaw that was ever so slightly slick stood before us. He is Fuga Yadu, also known as the Chaotic One.

Because it made him think of himself, Fuga experienced a great deal of distress upon seeing that scene. Because Fuga's suffering and Naruto's are identical, Fuga can empathise with Naruto because he has experienced it himself. When Fuga came up behind Naruto, who was sitting in a swing, he picked him up and carried him away. Fuga greeted his close companions with a cheery "Hey friends!"

Naruto was taken aback because this was the first time he had encountered someone who appeared to acknowledge his existence: "Friend?"

"Is there something that I can help you with, my friend?" Inquire about the exit.

"Why do you refer to me in such a manner?"

Because you and I share the same fate, it's easy for me to empathise with your anguish," Fuga explained. The recollection of Fuga is still present, albeit in a much diminished capacity. He resembles the other boy more than anyone else.

What exactly do you mean by that? Naruto did not understand.

"Haya..." Fuga then moved closer to Naruto and placed a hand on his stomach.

Naruto laughed and said, "Hahah... put an end to this joke."

a state of heightened concentration designed to penetrate Naruto's mind and induce sleepiness in the target. Fuga was able to detect something going on inside Naruto with just a quick glance. After seeing the evil figure that was contained within Naruto, Fuga smiled and said, "I found you."

Fuga is able to enter the world of Naruto's subconscious with relative ease. After that, he followed his instinct and walked until he found a massive prison where Kyuubi was imprisoned.

When Kyuubi looked up, someone had suddenly appeared in front of his jail and was asking, "Who are you and how did you get into this place?" Kyuubi was immediately taken aback by this development. His arrival made Kyuubi's heart uncomfortable. Kyuubi is well aware that he is not a simple-minded individual. He sensed a significant amount of strain within that individual.

"Are you Kyuubi?" Previously, Fuga had only seen it through the painting that served as his book cover, which he described as being "exactly the same as it was in the book."

Kyuubi was vigilant. This time, in addition to Madara herself, there was someone else who caused Madara's knees to tremble. "Who are you, boy?"

"You are Kurama, aren't you?"

Kyuubi felt a tremor in his heart. He has the impression that Fuga is not a slacker of a boy, and his powers are peculiar. Kyuubi was more careful: "How do you know my name?"

Fuga's response to Kyuubi's anger was very level-headed; he simply said, "I'm happy to read the book."

"Boy, please introduce yourself to me."

"You are the most powerful fox in the entire universe." "Do I have this right, that you attacked this village five years ago?" Inquire about the exit.

"How did you get such personal information about me?" "Who are you, you little rascal?"

Fuga responded by stating, "So it's true; it means that everything about your story is true."

"Reveal your identity to me!"

Fuga approached you with a solemn expression and advised, "I'm here to tell you that you should be friends with Naruto."

"Hahahaha! Are you joking when you say you want to be friends? The reality is that what I possess will be put to use by the species we refer to as man.

Fuga's comment came out of the blue: "You are very naive."

"What did you say?" You are aware of the person you are dealing with, haha!

"Do not strike me." We are going to circle back around to the main topic. I am aware of your hostility, as well as a great deal of information pertaining to you. You were once under Madara's control, and just five years ago, you were also under the control of masked men who wanted to destroy the village; have you forgotten about that? Inquire about the exit.

"How do you know?"

"You asked if I had read a book. Do you wish for it to take place once more? You are aware that the person who once had control over you is still alive and that they intend to use you as a hunter at some point in the future. "Are you interested in that?" Speak to Fuga.

"I can't believe a young man like you would have the audacity to talk like that; who are you?"

I will give a brief introduction of myself later. You should hate Madara for serving you; you should be conscious and not selfish because you value your own feelings but forget about the feelings of the boy who is your host. You shouldn't blame the inhabitants for hating you; you should hate Madara for serving you. "That is something you ought to be aware of, Kurama!" Speak to Fuga.

Fuga gave Kurama a shake, and then he started thinking deeply about something.

"You need to clear up your reputation and work towards gaining people's acceptance of your existence as well as comprehension of who you are." "You are a good man," he said again.

Not like the situation with Fuga himself, where no matter how many times he tried to do good, no one would accept it no matter how many times he tried to do good. The people who lived in the past and the people who live now are very different.

"What is it that you want from me, exactly?"

Fuga said, "Make it clear, because you, I, and Naruto are all going to end up in the same place."

"Demonstrate to me exactly who you are."

Naruto is a part of you, and so is the opposite," said Fuga, before the white chakra embraced his body and he transformed into a white lion with a srigala tail. "Well, but first listen carefully to my words, get rid of your hatred, make friends with Naruto, and guide him into becoming a powerful Ninja to reach a new future—a future where people will respect you and Naruto." Naruto is a part of you, and so

It seems that Fuga is evolving. He is not like himself before. It appeared as though Naruto had reconsidered his position.

"Why did you wake me up?" Ask the lion is intrigued, whereas Kurama appears to be taken aback.

"What is your name?" Ask about Kurama.

"Hey Fuga, can you tell me where we are?" Inquire of the lion without taking into consideration what Kurama has to say. The figure of a lion with an unusually shaped head and body, similar to that of Kurama. However, he does not possess a human body despite the fact that his legs, hands, and body look exactly like one.

Fuga spoke up from within Shimma's brain and reassured her, saying, "You calm down, Shimma; we're in the body of a rabbit's host."

"So so," said Shimma.

"So you are like me?" Ask about Kurama.

"I have no idea who you are, and I have no idea where we are in this world." Fuga is travelling. "Introduce me as the king of all evils; I am the most powerful evil and Fuga's best friend, or one could say that I am Fuga's only friend."

"Do you get along well with other people?" Ask about Kurama.

Shimma said to Fuga as they turned back into each other, "As you can see, we are good friends."

"You're familiar with me."

After saying "It's time for me to leave; remember my message," Fuga suddenly vanished and went back to the real world.

When Fuga opens his eyes, he sees Naruto sleeping, and he wakes Naruto up. "Oh Naruto! "Wake up!" Fuga struck Naruto's face in a methodical manner until the boy became awake.

What exactly is there? Naruto appears to be perplexed.

Would you be willing to be my friend? Ask for a sudden escape.

Naruto had a dream in which he was approached by an unknown person who surprised him by offering him their friendship. All this time, he had fantasised about having a friend, "a-I want," and then all of a sudden, Naruto let out a cry of frustration and immediately hugged Fuga. After hugging Fuga for a brief period of time and then letting go of him, Naruto let out a joyful jingkrak.

Naruto befriended his first fellow student. They hang out together, play together, and even live together in the apartment that was a gift from the third Hokage to Naruto. The third Hokage watches over Naruto in secret at all times. Because of all of the activities that they participate in together on a daily basis, they are already very much like brothers.