
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Team selections

Day of team placements

We can find Naruto doing something that has become one of his new favorite things to pass the time when there is nothing to do or his Nai-chan isn't there for him to tease her. Instead he is running his fingers through the tails of one 9 tailed vixen named Kasumi who is purring happily while laying across his bed in her hanyou form since Naruto told her it would be okay to show what she really looks like in the comfort of his run down apartment. He can't help but laugh at how they meet.


"Anko-chan I think I've d-drunk enough, Haven't we celebrated enough over my new discovery." He speaks with red cheeks due to the alcohol or the way anko has her breast on his head.

"G-gaki you lightweight, Ha can't hold your liq-." She was cut off when she passed out due to how much drinking she had did that night and Naruto had to carry the drunk Anko home getting weird looks from the villagers. When they got to her house he put her in the bed but as he tried to get away she pulled him down into his favorite place to rest.

"Ahhh I was gonna go home and work off this drunken state but this is fine"


"Uhh why am I in a sewer and why am I still drunk? I can't even stand straight, Damn Anko-chan we need to bring Kurenai-chan with us next time she is the responsible one."

"Well lets go explore!" He then runs off without a care in the world

After a few minutes of just stumbling around he finds himself in front of a cage and because of the state he is in logic goes out the window and he just runs up to it but trips and falls on his face dogging a giant claw but he doesn't seem to notice.

"Stupid ningen can't even run straight I'm amazed you got so strong with that stupid bloodline of yours.' A voice in the darkness says.

"Hey! Who you calling a stupid ningen you must not know who I am. I am the pie eating trailblazing eyebrow raising jabroni beating heart-stopping elbow dropping NARUTO UZUMAKI!"

A moment of silence followed, no one even moved but Naruto still had that grin on his face.

"HAHAHAHAHA that was actually pretty good, you are a very entertaining ningen."

"Heheh yea I just came up with that now I wonder if Anko-chan will like it." He says with a hand behind his head and a grin that could split his face.

"But now that I'm not so drunk I can only assume you are the Kyuubi and this is inside the seal and this is a representation of my mind." Naruto says with a serious gaze looking into the darkness. A giant red eye with a black slit appears followed by giant teeth and a grinning face makes Naruto match it's grin.

"My my maybe I was wrong and you are not a stupid ningen."

"Are you a boy or girl?" The question came from the blonde who had a questioning gaze aimed at the fox.

"Really, That is the first thing you decide to ask me."

"It just makes talking to you a lot easier and not calling you an it"

The Kyuubi eyes him for a second deciding if it should revela such information to the baka ningen. "I am a woman that you have never seen before." Said the now female fox with pride in her tone.

"Oh my ramen gods up above the strongest bijuu is a woman and a prideful one at that. Oh man, wait until Kurenai-chan hears that she is gonna be happy for the rest of her life."

"What, you have a problem with that ningen." The vixen says releasing some KI on him that makes him nervous.

"N-no I think that is really good for all the females in the world who are put down because of sexist men and you have really nice furr it makes me want to just lay in it all day."

"R-really y-you think so?" The kyuubi says in a more softer female voice.

"Yes I do, You could be a pillar of strength for all the women of the world. All you would need is a more human appearance and be a little nicer and you might just become a role model similar to Tsunade Senju."

"Well I do have a hanyo form if you would like to see it but you would have to do something for me."

"What would that be?" Naruto says with a raised eyebrow

"You need to change this place up a bit and give me messages anytime I ask for them." She says in a tone of arrogance as if talking to someone lower than her.

"Umm,That seems reasonable. I could imagine being in a sewer 24/7 would suck." He then closes his eyes so that he can focus on changing his mindscape and little by little the place gains light the water is replaced with grass, the walls become huge trees and the sound of following water could be heard as a river along with a small waterfall can be seen coming out of the ground.

"Ha now tell me this isn't awesome."the blonde says, pumping a fist in the air.

The kyuubi is speechless as to what has just happened. She was not expecting the little human to do such a good job on his first try. But then she stops and looks for the seal and sees it on a rock under a tree.

"Thank you Naruto and now as promised prepare to be amazed by my beauty." In a flash of light the giant fox can be seen getting smaller until a human form is seen then and there Naruto sees a sight he will never forget. Standing there is a woman with orange hair with red fox ears on top of her head, Hair that goes down to the middle of her back followed by the 9 orange fox tails . She still has those blood red eyes with fox slits and now red lipstick and a narrow jaw line. DD cup breast and an hourglass figure that makes men's heads turn and plump thighs that make the world go round. Next thing that happens is Naruto is blown back to the seal and hits it and cracks it.

Upon seeing this Kyuubi fears the worst because her chakra starts leaking to naruto a bit but suddenly stops when naruto sees this and fixes the rock by imaging it the way it used to be.

"Now that could have been bad hahaha." The laughing blonde catches something flying towards his head and it's soft; he then starts to rub his face in it only to stop when he hears a moan come from the Kyuubi.

"Kyuubi-san I am-" He is cut off when she raises a hand to stop him.

"Kasumi is my name j-just don't stop rubbing my tails.

"Okay j-just put some clothes on your naked." the blushing blonde says.

She then puts on a red kimono with little red foxes on it. The kimono is open showing some cleavage. It only reaches to her thighs and stops showing her long legs. She wears red ankle socks to finish the outfit.

"Happy now." She says with a red face cause naruto has started brushing her tails.

"This is gonna be a great friendship, kasumi-chan." The grinning blonde says that makes the redhead blush a little.


End Flashback

"Wake up Kasumi-chan I have team placements today and I don't want to be late." The blond says whispering in her fox ears giving them a little pat.

"Naruto-kun, why do you have to strike them with your new storm release jutsu that leveled the forest clearing." She says pouting

"Kasumi-chan I did that jutsu and the whole village was in a thunderstorm for the rest of the day and then I had to tell the old man what I did." He says with a sweet drop. "Look, just become a little fox and I can take you with me when I fly there." He says with a smirk knowing how much her and Anko like that.

She transforms into the size of an inuzuka pup and instantly grins up at Naruto who is also grinning. "You know I still find it hard to believe I can fly using wind release man. I love those shadow clones, We really flew all over the village that day hahaha."

"Yea yea just get dressed and let's go flying." yipped the happy fox

"Okay jezz you can be really impatient sometimes." A smack upside his head by a tail and he's up and moving.

Naruto can be seen wearing black anbu style sandals so he can stay light on his feet. A black T-shirt with the canji STORM over his seal and a tan trench coat like anko she got him as a gift for buying her dango. His headband tied on his forehead along with a sheath katana on his waist hidden by the coat. He picked up because his clone found a style called moonlight sword style. Thestyle uses brute force or flexibility when needed but it is not really used because masters of the sword have a bloody life ahead of them, but a little blood never stopped Naruto from getting what he wanted.

The sword is about 2 feet long, the handle is black and the guard is in the shape of a yin-yang symbol while the blade is silver made for cutting through the flesh of enemies.

"Okay, I'm ready to go Kasumi-chan hop on." She then climbs onto the top of his head and walks to his window and jumps out and takes flight to the academy. Along the way the people of the red light district wave to him and give him nice smiles and the women call out to him.

"Naruto-sama, when will you come give us a visit?" A horde of women from the brothels come to ask him the same thing.

He gives them a sexy smirk that shows his longer fangs that makes them all swoon. " I'm telling you Kasumi-chan it's like they don't know I'm only 13." "Well you look like a 15 year old with all the physical training you've been doing for years and not to mention your always giving the people of this area high quality goods you steal from the nobles and stop doing that you are gonna get in real trouble." she says while smacking his head with her paws.

"Aww I didn't know you cared so much about me Kasumi-chan, am i not just a baka ningen anymore." He says with a knowing look. Luckily her furr can hide her blush because her face was burning red. "B-baka ningen don't ever think about something like that again."

Once he exited the red-light district it's back to the glares of hatred while the kids look in awe at the flying boy and fox. "It's crazy how the people who are considered the outcast of the village treat me better than this."

"Well that's because they can kinda understand what you are going through and you've also helped these people a lot and they respect you for that." she says a little sadly feeling guilty. Naruto then turns and is now flying with his back to the ground and Kasumi on his stomach.

"Hey, I told you not to think that. None of this is your fault so stop blaming yourself, '' he says in a soft tone while rubbing her head. Kasumi then gives him a smile or as much as a fox could give with those sharp teeth. "Thank you Naruto-kun." She says feeling better

"Now what do you say? We make an epic entrance Anko style." He says giving her a foxy grin. She yips happily. Next thing the villagers see naruto become covered in blue lighting and disappear in a bolt.


In 1 classroom we can see a bunch of kids talking and laughing all excited or nervous for the test about to happen today. The civilian children sit at the bottom while the clan heir are at the top of the class.

We can see a black haired boy with the hair of a duck but by the window with girls giving him eyes with hearts while he ignores them. This is Sasuke Uchia, the last loyal Uchia of the leaf. Above him we can see a boy with red fang markings on his face. This is Kiba Inuzuka with his best friend Akamaru on his head. Next to him we can see a boy in a green overcoat with sunglasses and a small humming coming from him. His name is Shino aburame. To the left of them we can see a boy with spiky black hair that looks like a ponytail and a lazy face. This is Shikamaru Nara. Next to him is a fat boy with swirls on his face. His name is Choji akimichi. In the top row we can see a girl with midnight blue hair and lavender eyes. This is Hinata Hyuga.

She is looking around like she is trying to find someone. It is a known fact in the class that she has a massive crush on one Naruto Uzumaki but he does not know. Naruto-kun I hope that you passed."

A rumbling can be heard coming to that class and everyone covers their ears and sits down because they know what is gonna happen.

"HA Ino-pig I win first I get to sit next to my Sasuke-kun." said a girl with bright pink hair and a big forehead this is Sakura haruno. "No you didn't can't you see I'm in front of you forehead girl. Says a girl with platinum blonde hair and pupils sky blue eyes. They rush up to the duck haired boy to sit next to him and then start to fight over who sits next to him.

They are forced to stop when the outside gets dark and they can see the clouds darken and lightning start to strike down and thunder boom across the sky. Everyone all over the village looks up to see what is going on and the people of the red-light district start to cheer loud and the hokage can only rub his head and smoke his pipe at seeing what is going on.

Back in the classroom everyone is looking outside when they see a lighting bolt come flying at their school. All the kids scream and hide under the desk until it makes contact. The windows break and something has landed in the class.

The kids peek from under the desk to see what is going on and what they see all the girls blush and the boys look in awe. "Hello my future comrades, I Naruto Uzumaki have come.

Hinata with a red face looking in awe and a bloody nose along with most of the girls even Sakura and Ino can't help but blush. The boys are jealous and Sasuke is green with envy along with the furious Kiba.

"N-n-naruto is that you" asked the hesitant Ino with a red face at how handsome naruto looks. Naruto gives her a charming smile and walks real close to her making her even redder. "Yes it is Ino-chan do you like what you see." he says kissing her hand this causes her to faint along with hinata. One girl is not buying it tho.

"NARUTO-BAKA DON'T DO THAT AGAIN." She runs to him with her fist cocked ready to punch him only to be shocked when he grabs her fist and back hands her and gives her a cold glare.

"Don't do that again." He says in a cold tone amplified by the growling fox on his shoulder. He then walks up to sit down next to the passed out hinata and picks her up and sits her in his lap much to everyone's shock. But this makes one mut angry.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING WITH MY MATE." yelled the angry Kiba who is charging him only to stop when he is shot with a water bullet to the face by the blond who gives him an icy gaze. "Sit down." He adds some KI to get his point across. Everyone is shocked at this display, even the jounin watching.

Hokage Office

Everyone in the office was slack jawed at what just happened in such a short amount of time.

"H-ho-hokage-sama this is real and not a joke is it". Said a bearded man named Asuma who looks like a young Hiruzen.

A one eyed cyclops with silver hair has a wide eye and a orange book on the floor.

"Kakashi, did you see that?" Says asuma with shock.

"H-hokage sama if I am correct, that is the Storm Release bloodline from Kumo h-how does he have that?" asked Kakashi because he saw it in the last war.

"Indeed he unlocked during the scroll incident and has been training with it in the forest of death for the past week but i didn't think he would progress so fast but…He does know the shadow clone jutsu secret some I'm guessing that how." said the old hokage much to that shock of everyone.

"Yup that's my gaki right Nai-chan." Anko says pulling kurenai in a hug.

"Anko, Kurenai, you know this kid?" asked Asuma with shock.

"Yes we do know him but I wish I didn't because he's a little pervert." Kurenai says with a little bit of red on her face remembering some of the things Naruto has done to her.

"How do you know him?" asked Kakshi wanting information.

"Well he came to the forest of death and started fighting animals and training his new power. Long story short I sent a giant snake after him and he killed it with one shot and half an area." Everyone was shocked at the fact a genin beat Anko's snake.

"And how do you know him Kurenai?" Asked Asuma because he saw her red face and has a crush on her and wants to know if this gaki is a threat to his women.

"Well I ran into him and anko fighting in the forest and then I beat him black and blue for being a pervert." She says with a smirk on her face at the end of her statement. The whole room sweetdrop at her answer.

"Ahh she was just upset that he got her all wet." All the males get the wrong idea and have nose bleeds.

"S-shut up Anko or no dango for a month." she say red faced.

"Aww come on don't be like that I'll let you cuddle with him if you want." Anko says giving her puppy dog eyes.

"W-w-why would I want to do that with him? I swear you both are perverts." she says blushing at the idea

"Can we just get back to the class." said Kakashi wanting to know more about his sensei's son.


Iruka walks in to see a classroom completely silent and wide eyed. He can see a shaking Kiba and akamaru. Ino and the rest of the girls are blushing looking at naruto brushing the hair of a sleeping hinata in the lap of Naruto. The girls are sending the smiling hinata heard glares and the boys are the same to Naruto.

"O..kay class, let's get to what we all came for, which is your team." This snaps everyone out of their gaze.

"Teams 1-."Naruto tunes him out and continues to stroke both Hinata and Kasumi making the fox wag its tail back and forth.

"Team 7 will be Sasuke uchiha, Sakura Haruno and a random civilian ninja who isn't worth anything. Your sensei is Kakashi Hatake. Sakura sits next to Sasuke and the civilian ninja comes to sit next to them but Sakura punches him away.

"Team 8 will be Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Abarame and your sensei is Kurenai Yuhi. Naruto shakes Hinata up.

"N-naruto-kun?" Hinata asked looking confused at where she is sitting

"Hello Hinata-chan, did you have a good sleep?'' he spoke huskily in her ear, making her shiver. She then notices where she is and jumps up with a red face and sits back in her seat rubbing her fingers and legs together then passes out with a nosebleed.

Hokage office

"THAT LITTLE PERVERT WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON HIM I'M GONNA RING HIS NECK." Yelled the enraged jonin being held back by Anko.

"Now are you just upset he didn't do it to you." Anko says, teasing her.



"Team 10 will be Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choju Akimichi and your sensei will be Asuma Sartobi."said the ready to leave Iruka.

"Iruka-sensei, what about my team?'' asked the Whiskered blond."

"Ha dead last you don't get a team loser." Shouted the Inuzuka.

Before anyone could react, Naruto dropped kicked him in the face.

"Now the next person who calls me that will get the same thing."

Silence. "Iruka-sensei you can get back to it." He says going back to his seat. Iruka sweatdropped.

Yea your team is but before he could continue he is interrupted when a brown blur hits him.

It is revealed to be Anko Mitrashi. "Plushie-kun I am your sensei but you better run to our training ground you have an angry Nai-chan after you."

At that moment the other sensei came into the room. And like she said Kurenai is sending massive KI and naruto who is just sending there with a charming smile that melts her anger away.

"Hello Kurenai-chan you are looking as beautiful as ever I see." He says walking up to her, grabbing her hand and kissing it. This makes her blush and turn her head to keep him from looking. He then grabs her by the waist and pulls her to him and he is looking in her eyes deeply because he is standing at 5'6 to her 5'5 of height.

This makes her blush even more. "Don't be mad at me, I promise I can make it up to you." he says in her ear, giving her earlobe a bite making her knees a little weak. Anko pushes them apart blushing at the show while Kurenai's whole face is red and the males are wide.

"Let's go to Naruto-kun, we have things to do." she then disappears but not before naruto smacks kurenai on the ass making her jump and blush more.

Forest of death

"Okay Naruto-Kun what you have to do is find me somewhere in this forest and then you pass and i give you a good reward." She says giving him a sexy smirk and naruto returns it.

"Well Anko-sensei, you can consider this test pass. I'm gonna find you." He says with a confident smirk.

"Well if you are so sure, come and get me." she disappears in a puff of smoke.

"Kasumi-chan you got her smell right." he looks to the fox raped around his neck like a scarf. She wags her tail in front of his face.

"I will get it but what do I get if I do this?'' she said, smirking.

"Oh well I guess I could rub that spot that you can't get yourself and apply that oil on your-" She cuts him off with a smack from her tail.

"D-d-don't speak anymore baka ningen." she says blushing under her fur. He can only chuckle and shoot in a bolt of lighting after his sexy sensei.

Somewhere in the forest

Anko can be seen riding on a giant snake running from her handsome student. " That gaki's fast and probably has that fox on my scent trail." As if on perfect time Lighting strikes, Wind blades, and water blades are coming out of the sky and are closing in on her and the snake. She replaces herself with a log just in time to avoid being struck by all that. "My god he can use all 3 of his elements. Why did I agree to this?" Anko thinks to herself crying anime tears. "Well as long as he doesn't use his storm release I should be able to win." as if being cursed by the gods she sees Naruto and 3 clones going through hand signs.

"Storm Release circuit." Naruto shouts and multiple light blue rays of lightning rush in Anko who can 18 light beams coming at her. She ducks, spins, jumps and doges but still gets hit in the shoulder, left leg and right arm. "Damn, it disrupted my nervous system and now I can't even feel where he hit me." She then turns and launches a valley of shuriken and appears behind naruto with a heel drop but naruto makes arms out of lighting to grab anko and he blocks Anko shuriken with his own kunai. "Got you Anko-sensei." Naruto says only to be surprised when the anko turns into mud. "Not surprised she isn't a special jounin for nothing." Naruto thinks to himself

A little ways away Anko is limping in the cover of trees and bushes while trying to wrap her leg in banges so she can recover. "Got to be quick before he." Her thoughts were cut off when she hears the sound of rushing water.

"Found you." The statement came from Naruto on top of a raging wave. "Water style water shockwave." Naruto shouts with a wide grin on his face.

"Someone help me." Those were the last thoughts she had before the waves hit her and was tossed around until she passed out.

"You think we went overboard Kasumi-chan?" Naruto asked as he walks to the anko who is soaked in water. "Nahh she did have those snakes almost eat you." responded Kasumi.

"Yea, your right let's bring her to the hospital so we can get that reward." He says smirking.

"You pervert." Kasumi says