
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Storm awakens

It was night time in the village hidden in the leaves and a boy with sun-kissed hair and bright orange clothes was reaching out to his teacher, brother, father figure Iruka Umino. Why, because a giant shuriken was flying towards him about to pierce his chest.


A bright flash followed by a loud clash sounded off and next thing everyone sees is naruto with smoking hands and the ashes of the giant shuriken on the ground in front of Iruka.

A moment of silence was in the clearing until it was broken by the blond who spoke in a confused tone. "D-did I do that?" He looked toward Iruka to see him with wide eyes looking back at him. "N-naruto y-you just shot lighting". Mizuki in shock at what happend looked at Naruto with shock. He shook his head and shouted at the blonde.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SHOT I'M STILL GOING TO KILL YOU AND IRUKA", He screamed with rage in his eyes.

Naruto, knocked out of shock by Mizuki's outburst, hardened his gaze and responded. "For your crimes against the leaf you shall die TODAY!" As he says that he makes a cross sign with his fingers and shouts SHADOW CLONE JUTSU next thing everyone see's is a massive cloud of smoke and 1,000 clones in bright orange with serious faces with arms out. "Now die,'' they all say in unison sending chills through Mizuki's body.

They all shoot lightning blasts out from their hands and the screams of mizuki echo through the whole clearing for 5 minutes straight. When naruto was finally done there was nothing left of the traitor, not even ashes.

Naruto hunches over and pants heavily then notices iruka still with wide eyes.

"Iruka-sensei are you okay do you need me to help you with anything?". This finally snaps him out of his daze.

"Naruto close your eyes for a sec."

The blonde responds. "I don't know how that will help you but okay."

"Okay you can open your eyes now naruto." He did so only to notice iruka was missing his headband and he reached to his forehead only to feel metal and soft cloth. He shed a couple tears and gave Iruka a hug.

"Thank you Iruka, For everything you've always been there to help me even when no one else would. You're the only person plus the ichiraku's to know my real self."

This causes Iruka to smile warmly. "So does that mean you will stop hiding yourself from everyone and step into the "Darkside". This causes them both to chuckle.

A squad of anbu appear out of nowhere and an anbu with a cat mask and purple hair walks forward. "Uzumaki-san, Umino-san the hokage wishes to speak with you." This causes Iruka to sigh and naruto to scowl. Next the anbu walks up to them and places a hand on their shoulder and shunshin away.


"Thank you anbu you can leave us now."

"Yes hokage-sama" with that they all leave, allowing him to focus his attention on the duo in front of him.

"Naruto-kun the scroll please.'' He asks with a kind smile which pisses Naruto off. Naruto throws the scroll at him aggressively which causes anbu to come out and point their weapons at him.

"We have a lot to talk about Old man. Unbothered by the 4 anbu with weapons at him.

"Yes we do Naruto-kun anbu leave us."

"So what do you want to ask first?"

"When did you plan on telling me I had the 9 tailed fox seal inside of me?" He says with an angry face Leaking little amounts Killing intent out but enough for both of the men to know he is serious.

Hiruzen sarutobi was an old man who has seen 2 wars along with the 9 tailed fox but yet a child of only 12 has made him nervous with just his look that reminded him of another red head woman who gave him the same look, he could have sworn he saw a ghostly image of her behind the boy but he shook it off.

"Naruto-kun I was going to tell you when you were 16 or a chunin." He responded in a straight tone.

This causes Naruto to release a low growl. "When I'm 16 or chunin are you kidding me," "I already failed 3 times and I'm 13, You should have told me when I wanted to become a ninja or maybe even when I asked you why everyone hates me. Don't even tell me this was a secret when the whole village knew about it except ME!" He screams releasing even more KI enough to make the hokage sweat and Iruka to gasp in shock.

"Naruto-kun you have to understand it was for your own sa-"

"DON'T even say safety."

"The villagers would still break into my house and beat but noooo what do you say."

"The villagers are just confused and angry right now, forgive them." No they didn't forgive me for something I didn't even do so I will not forgive them and if they want to try to hurt me again. They will be put down for attacking a ninja off the leaf" through this declaration his eyes turn red for a moment enough for only the hokage to notice and fear that the seal was breaking.

"You owe me old man"

The old hokage just sighs sadly and gives into his demands. "Fine Naruto-kun what is it you want".

"I want to you get your act together and start acting like a hokage and not some helpless old man who gives in to anyones demands, you run the village not anyone else." This causes a little fire to come back to the old fire shadow.

"I also want you to postpone the team selections for a week so I can have time to master my new strange power."

"It's called a bloodline you would know that if you were not sleeping in class" Iruka says with a cheeky smile on his face. This causes a tick mark to appear to Naruto's head.

Naruto then turns and gives Iruka a foxy smile that unnerves him a bit. "Crispy Iruka coming up." Naruto put out his hands and blast Iruka which cause him to scream out in pain and bright lights in the hogake office which makes the old man and anbu sweat drop.

"Now old man just tell me a secret training ground to train in and I will be back sometime later." Which causes bigger sweat drops to appear.

"Right, training ground 44 but be careful it is dangerous and is called the forest of death."

"Don't worry nothing can stop this ninja from becoming the best" This caused the old man and slightly smoking Iruke to smile.

"Well off I go to see this forest" He shouts jumping out the window in nothing but his orange pants. A tick mark appears on the old man's head.

"I hope this does not become a habit of his like someone else I know"


"You know I think I should have listened to the old man This place is dangerous, I've already killed a giant bear, 3 tigers and IS THAT A SNAKE!" What naruto see's is a snake the size of a two Storey house.

Without thinking, Naruto runs up a tree to get a better vantage point. And indeed what he sees is a giant brown snake with black diamonds going down it's back and yellow eyes that scream bad vibes, But if there is one thing naruto is a coward he is not so he makes a cross sign with his fingers and shouts shadow clone jutsu. A puff of smokeand a clone of Naruto is next to him.

"Okay buddy let's send this snake packing"

They raise their hands to the sky and let out a mighty roar and a huge bolt of lightning strikes the snake causing mass damage and crator 20 feet wide and 3 inches deep destruction.

"Ha we showed that snake didn't we"

"We sure did boss." But before they could celebrate too much a kunai to the clone's head and it puffs in smoke while another slices his cheek letting some blood fall. Someone appears behind him pressing something soft against his head pushing his body against the women if he had to guest, Then a voice follows.

"That was pretty awesome gaki you really did a number on this area and you even beat my snake with one strike."

"I think that deserves a reward she says in a flirty tone" while licking blood off his cheek which makes him blush much to the mystery womens amusement.

"W-w-w-what are you doing lady let me go"

"No no no that's not how you ask for things is it" She say's in a wistful way.

"Can you please let me go miss?" He says still blushing

"No I don't think so you'll be my little pillow for tonight and your already undressed. Should I follow your lead?" She says teasing him even more

"Wait, I don't even know your name?" He says turning red from the woman

"Right I'm Anko Mitarashi" she says in a cheerful tone

"I-i am Naruto Uzumaki." He says still blushing finally wiggling out of her grasp

Finally able to see her and what he sees makes him blush even more.

Anko is an average-sized woman, With light brown pupil-less eyes. A young woman who was a slender frame made for speed and dodging while still keeping her womanly charms which she has a lot of. D-cup breast and a beautiful heart shaped face, and smile similar to his.

" Beautiful" Naruto whispers out in shock of what he sees which cause Anko to blush.

Naruto turns around red faced embarrassed at himself for saying that out loud. Anko in shock, a 13 year old she just met compliments gave her a more heartfelt compliment then the village has in years.

"Oh yeah my plushie for the night". She walks up behind him and grabs him by the waist and snuggles against his whiskers which causes him to purr. They both pause and look at each other eyes wide

"KAWAII your going to be my little fox plushie for life" she says pushing his head into her valley.

"Fox plushie not surprised she knows about the fox but plushie for life i don't mind if i can stay in her-No no I am not a pervert"

Naruto jumps out of her arms red faced with his fist up In a fighting stance

"If you want me you'll have to take me dead"

"Bring it on gaki you are gonna regret that"

They disappear in a comical cloud of smoke punching, kicking, and biting, and a few lighting bolts. A few seconds later Anko is standing with a shirtless Naruto over her shoulder with swirls in his eyes. While she has her ponytail frizzled thanks to the lighting bolts.

"Ha Gaki will never beat me, let's get him back to my place so we can cuddle. Ya know for a kid who's 13 he has a nice body I mean look at his 6 pack and lean body kukuku he'll be a lady killer in a few years better get him while i can.'