
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Ch 26

"What?" The usually noisy hokage office was for once quiet. It was as if it were a ghost town and not the office of the village leader. The members in the office were Tsunade, Jiraiya, Anko, and Naruto.

The room was in this state because of Naruto's recent question. He had just been told Iruka was killed.

"Naruto-kun." Anko thought in sadness for her man. He had been there for her ever since he was assigned to her and she wanted to return the favor any way she could.

Tsunade gazed towards Naruto with sorrow. This was the worst part of her job and it only made things worse since she saw Naruto as her son.

Outside the office the sky became dark and storm clouds started to form above followed by the pouring rain and familiar sound of thunder clapping. A bolt of lightning shot down from the sky and completely obliterated a training ground.

"Naruto-kun, you need to calm down!" Kasumi shouted from the seal.

"Naruto stop! You need to relax!" Tsunade screamed over the thunderstorm outside.

"I can't calm down!" Naruto retorted with his power exploding off him. Inside his mind, Naruto started to recall all the memories he had with Iruka. He remembered when they ate ramen, how Naruto told Iruka he would become a ninja legend. Now, he wouldn't see him complete his dream. All because of the stone ninja.

"Naruto-kun, just hold on!" Anko tried to make her way towards Naruto but was blasted into the wall when Naruto released a enormous amount of power blowing the roof of the building off allowing the pouring rain to fall into the office. The blonde paid no attention to the fact that he just attacked everyone in the office and simply floated to the sky. Everyone then looked up and saw Naruto's hair turn completely white and his blue eyes become slitte while his body hummed with power. This was Godspeed.

"Oh no." Tsunade whispered while looking up with trepidation at Naruto.

"Naruto! Don't do it!" Jiraiya yelled towards Naruto who was not listening and only had his mind focused on one goal at the moment.

Destroying the hidden stone village.

Naruto then took off flying towards the direction of the hidden stone village with great speed. It sounded like thunder when Naruto took off with his full speed flying at speeds faster than lighting itself.

"Damn!" Tsunade smashed her desk, angry that Naruto was not listening to her. As a hokage, it would be for the best if Naruto went and destroyed the hidden stone, but as Naruto's surrogate mother she was worried about the backlash something like this would have on his mental state. Nobody needed an insane Naruto flying around destroying countries. Tsunade only hoped that Naruto would calm down on his way to the village and have some mercy for the village, which was a very small chance since the teen was merciless.

Things really got out of hand quickly. What was them reporting a successful protection mission and delivery of the supplies turned into her explaining how Iruka fell in battle. She knew that Naruto would react in some kind of violent way and to no surprise she was correct and indeed Naruto reacted in such a manner. Jirayia had brought up the idea of trying to contain Naruto which would not have worked. Naruto was far stronger than the both of them and the only way they would be able to contain him is if Karin used her chains but the redhead teen knew better than to try that again. Since last time, she said Naruto made his own Uzumaki chakra chains and completely overpowered hers and then proceeded to fly through the air while holding her with the chains.

So expecting the worst but praying for the best they got none of the above and Naruto simply went ape shit and is about to commit mass genocide.

In the dark clouds of the sky, Naruto was flying at immense speed with a blank face. There was no bloodthirsty grin on his face like there usually was when he was about to engage in a fight. Instead he was like a calm storm. Or at least the eye of it since he was about to wreak havoc in only a matter of minutes. Naruto looked down to see the rocky plains and mountain ranges of his target in range. The usual grin then started to make its way on his face while his blood began to pump in excitement. He was about to face a village by himself after all and he would surely have a good dance.

"Naruto-kun, You should stop before it is too late." Kasumi tried to reason from within his head. "I know how you are feeling, but you-"

"You don't know how I feel at all! You are just a mass of chakra who happens to be good with her mouth. You couldn't possibly know how I feel!" Naruto retorted in anger not even caring about what he just said to someone he loved.

Kasumi inside the seal gasps and tears quickly form in her eyes. The orange fox ears laid flat on her head in sadness while her heart ached. It was true she was a mass of chakra but that didn't mean she didn't have feelings or a heart and Naruto knew this but he still said those hurtful words. Normally words like this wouldn't even bother Kasumi but since it was coming from someone she loved and cherished. It just hit differently.

And what did Naruto mean she knew nothing? Kasumi had told her about the life she had lived and how her father, the sage of six paths, died and it hurt. Kasumi had told Naruto about how when her siblings started to get captured it felt as if she failed them all and couldn't protect anyone. If he wanted to act like that, then he would get no chakra from her.

"FIne! I was just trying to help you, but if you're going to be a bitch about it, then I won't help you at all!" Kasumi retorted in rage.

"Fine, I don't need you anyways." Naruto retorted and cut their mental link leaving Kasumi to comfort herself.

Kurotsuchi's house

In her training field, the jounin of the village was currently training. Wearing gray leggings along with black slip on sandals. She was wearing a dark red shirt with a Uzumaki swirl on the left shoulder while her village symbol was on the back. It was a shirt Naruto gifted her during one of their many fights over the years and he said think of it as a way of friendship and a way of saying she was an ally to the Uzumaki. After her fight with Naruto and seeing his power dwarf her in such a manner. It made her feel helpless and inferior. As a proud kunoichi and woman, There was no way that could fly.

So the pink eyed teen was now fighting multiple rock clones of herself with a blindfold on to increase her sensor capability. She had attempted to try and fuse with her bloodline like Naruto did but only ended with her getting burned and cursing Naruto.

Kurotsuchi threw a punch and a lava dragon rose from the ground and destroyed the clones in front of her. The girl performed a spinning kick and kicked the heads off of two clones. The teen jumped back avoiding lava bullets. About to continue, she paused when there was the feeling of water hitting her forehead. Raising a hand up to see if it was just sweat or actual rain. The liquid was cold instead of being hot like her sweat.

"Weird, I could have sworn it was a clear sky today." Raising the blindfold above her eyes and looked to the now dark skies roaring with thunder and the similar flashes of lightning. It was then a feeling of dread overtook her stomach. "T-there is no way that bird b-brain would come all the way here by himself r-right?"

She received her answer when a bolt of lighting struck the front village gates and a massive KI was felt throughout the whole village.

"He would!" She rushed inside to prepare her gear and get ready to go off and fight the blonde.

Naruto was standing outside the front gates with fury burning in his blue slitted eyes. There was his trusty moonlight blade which looked like yin and yang being black and white but always ready to slay enemies and shed blood. He turned to the shocked gate guards. "Take a picture, it might go with you to heaven."

"The heavenly demon!" one of the guards said in fright.

"S-storm of the leaf!" The other trembled in fear. Just being in the presence of Naruto was overwhelming, not to mention he was in a bad mood. That was until their fear quickly turned to rage. "You bastard!" They pulled out kunai and quickly charged Naruto intent on avenging their fallen comrades.

Naruto simply raised his fingers and bolts of lightning came from his fingers and shot right through their hearts killing them in an instant. Naruto then proceeded to casually walk inside the village as if he was just some traveler and not a double S rank ninja. Once he got inside there were 2 squads of anbu who surrounded him with their weapons drawn and KI pushing down on Naruto in an attempt to scare him. However, their KI was at best only massaging his shoulders and at worst tickling him.

"What are you doing here you bastard?!" The captain asked with clear anger towards Naruto who simply looked back with a grin that unnerved everyone since it was called the devil's grin. Since Naruto always had the grin on his face when going into battle and massacring their forces.

"Isn't it obvious? I've come to kill you all." The anbu all shuttered at the cold tone of Naruto. He was dead serious and despite being 1 to a whole village, there were doubts about their power.

"You won't be killing anyone, Storm of the leaf." Another stone anbu said getting his weapon ready.

Naruto simply smirked at them. "Oh yea, so what about those guys?" Naruto jerked a thumb to the dead gate guards.

"You are going to face the wrath of stone for that." all the anbu went down to impale Naruto with their swords but only got impaled by chains. Naruto had manifested 12 chakra chains and stabbed all of them. He threw their bodies into buildings causing extra damage to their dying bodies and village.

The civilians who saw this cowered in fear and ran away screaming, afraid they would be next on Naruto's kill list. Naruto didn't even pay attention to them and simply started moving through the village slicing down any stone ninja he saw rather they be genin, chunin, or jounin. Rather they be women, children, or men. All that mattered was they were his enemies and he showed no mercy to his enemies. You threatened him and your life was forfeit.

Naruto blocked stone bullets and turned to the direction it came from. He saw a dozen ninja on the roof shooting stone bullets. "Really, stone pebbles." His sights then locked onto all of them and a rather sinister grin took form on his face. Naruto wasn't down right a evil person nor did he go out of his way to be a dark person but that did not mean he didn't enjoy the rather bad parts of the ninja lifestyle. He loved to fight and the feeling of taking victory in an intense situation was rather addicting but he tried not to become overcome by his bloodlust and bloody path of the ninja. All of that was thrown out of the window right now and he would simply lay down his enemies like any ninja would. This is what came with war and it was never pretty but Naruto did not care at the moment he was too blinded by his grief and rage allowing his emotions to guide him for once in his life.

Naruto disappeared from view causing the stone ninja to panic and look around for the blonde. It was then they heard the sound of lightning crackling, but it was already too late. The leaf jounin fell on them like a bird coming down to claim a snake. Naruto and his several clones shoved their lightning-covered palms on their heads causing their brains to fry and insides to melt. "Lighting Palm can really be deadly." Naruto covered his hands or palms in lightning and used them to directly attack his enemies or shoot blasts of lightning towards the enemy.

He then saw more ninja quickly approaching him from all sides and he grinned. If they wanted to play the numbers game he could as well. Naruto crossed his fingers and in a puff of smoke, 100 clones of Naruto appeared. He could make more but that would just be overkill and it would be no fun that way. Naruto and his clones all dashed off in different directions with Godspeed Activated and making their way towards the squads of enemy ninja.

Ohnoki watched from the top of his tower in anger as this one brat completely demolished his village by himself. His pride was hurt at the fact a boy alone could do this much damage to his village. Naruto wasn't even using his summons which would have only made things worse for the place. He watched as a giant stone golem raised its fist to smash Naruto to a blood stain on the ground. The blonde haired teen simply grabbed the fist with one hand before smashing him and tossed the arm to the side allowing the golem to be wide open. Ohnoki watched as Naruto did a jumping uppercut and took the golem's head clean off.

"He did that with just his strength alone!" Ohnoki's eyes were wide as can be. Even he would have to dodge something like that. It wasn't over however though, it seems more ninja wanted to try their hand and smash him with giant golem's. "He's dead now." Ohnoki smirked in victory but couldn't shake the worry he had in his stomach at the young teens grin.

"DIE DEMON!" Ohnoki heard his ninja roar before sending there golems to attack.

"If you're going to call me demon." Naruto put his hand out and gripped air allowing a giant blade of wind to be seen in his hand. "Then you must say the HEAVENLY!" Naruto swung the giant wind blade in a wide arch and sliced all of the surrounding buildings in half along with killing some ninja and the golems.

"My god." Ohnoki mumbled in shock and a little fear at Naruto. He was still sure that he could handle the blonde for the most part but his speed and shadow clones would be a big problem.

A horde of ninja jumped down in front of Naruto and didn't say anything and only charged with their weapons ready to kill and jutsu on hand. Naruto jumped in the air and caught a falling lighting bolt and threw it towards the small army causing a giant explosion to go off and blow up everything for miles. When the smoke cleared it showed dead bodies and blood stained streets, a real murder.

More and more ninja appeared surrounding Naruto who was already going through hand signs. "Water style:raging seas!" Titanic waves formed from thin air and swallowed up everything in its path like a starving beast cancling the screams of terror that wanted to escape to the world. Naruto ducked, weaved and side stepped multiple fist and sword strikes. The blonde launched consecutive punches at an undetectable speed creating after images of his fist. It connected with tremendous force to his multiple enemies and caused colossal explosions to form from the power of his attacks.

Ninja were sent flying from the shockwaves that occurred through the village, it felt like an earthquake was happening. While buildings were destroyed. Naruto backflipped out of the way of a lava dragon that would have done major damage.

"Why are you doing this, Naruto?" Kurotsuchi asked in a sad tone. Sure she had killed some leaf ninja but that was on the battlefield where it was killed or be killed. In a way Naruto could be said to be doing the same things but this felt. Personal.

"Oh Kuro-chan, nice to see you made it home safe." Naruto gave her a wave and smirk.

"Why are you attacking my village?!" Kuro yelled losing her patience.

"I am simply taking out my enemies. Come on, you know how I do." Naruto went to slice off someone's head but was stopped when Kurotsuchi appeared and blocked the sword strike with her kunai. "Before we fight, let me get the boss."

"Wha-" She was cut off when the Naruto she was talking to left in a puff of smoke. "T-that was a c-clone doing all of this." A blue flash appeared a little in front of her, showing Naruto standing there. Except he was covered in blood and his sword dripped in the blood of its enemies. His white hair still spiked up while small blood drops stained his face.

"I'd rather not kill you, bumble bee." Naruto said softly, a contrast to his bloody appearance.

"Then just leave! Whoever you are trying to avenge should be satisfied right now. You've taken enough lives today." Kurotsuchi told Naruto in an attempt to get him to calm down. The blonde then looked around at the damage he had done. There were collapsed buildings, deep trenches from his sword marks, and craters that could fill up a lake from his massive rasengan. There were dead bodies everywhere along with people crying out for help. The ground rumbled and he saw his clones launching all kinds of jutsu, even different elements from his main water, wind, and lightning. The village was a wreck and in shambles.

The blonde's eyes widened in shock. This looked like a massacre. A one sided beat down. Now that he has calmed down and could think straight. "I meant to come and kill you guys, but I didn't want to destroy your village or at least not to this level.

"What do you mean?! Are you not feeling guilty after everything you have done?" Kurotsuchi asked in disbelief.

Naruto looked towards his friend in pity. "Look little bee, I came up on the streets. From the very beginning I was cut throat. I just couldn't have mercy growing up in the worst part of the village. Not to mention becoming a ninja were we are trained to kill. My sensei is a bloodthirsty lunatic and I hold the strongest biju who just so happened to have a lot of malice and hate." Naruto's eyes then widened at remembering those people. Now that his mind was clear, he could comprehend what he said and did to both some of his precious people.

"Kasumi! Kasumi!" He received no response from the angry fox and only felt anger be sent back towards him.

Kurotsuchi, hearing a little of Naruto's past, could now understand why he was like this. Being the granddaughter of the kage she was a little spoiled and didn't really know any hardships until she became a ninja and even then due to being a noble in her village she had many teachers to help her. Putting herself in Naruto's shoes or at least trying to, She could understand how he must feel.

"Good distraction Kurotsuchi! I got him right where I want him!" The shout came from the flying old man who had a white cube in his hands. "Particle style:Atomic dismantling jutsu!" The square cube launched towards Naruto who's eyes widened.

"Naruto!" Kurotsuchi shouted in fear. She then glared towards her grandfather. "Why'd you do that?!"

"Why?" Onoki asked in bewilderment. "He is the enemy, that is reason enough. That little brat caused enough damage in his short life span." The flying old man would have said more if his attention wasn't grabbed by a blue light taking over his vision. He was then slammed in the face by a giant ball of chakra and sent crashing into the ground.

"Massive Rasengan!" Naruto appeared floating over the now formed crater that had Ohnoki lying in the crater heavily damaged. Naruto then turned his slitted eyes to Kurotsuchi. "And here I thought we were having a bestie moment."

"Naruto, I didn't know!"

"Save it." He said harshly and started to rise into the air. Naruto was now pissed off again and didn't want to listen to reason. The clouds above the sky, the clouds darkened and lighting could be seen flashing around the entire world. The biggest storm cloud to ever be seen in history began to form above the hidden stone village. The cloud could be seen all over the world and even from space. In the village Naruto was floating above everything with his hand raised and palm out to the sky as if reaching for something. Down in the village and really all over the world. People of the stone village began to run away and scream in fear, even the ninja who were once fighting Naruto. Some even dropped their weapons and just looked up with hopeless eyes.


"M-my g-g-god."

"Is he a God?"

These were just some of the things the ninja on the ground said. Nobody saw a venus flytrap or at least chose not to pay attention to it in others.

"Well there goes our ally." The white half of Zetsu said.

"He better not. If he destroys this village our plan will surely fail and everything will have been for nothing." The black Zetsu said through gritted teeth.

Ohnoki got up from the crater with wide eyes and a horrified face. He quickly flew up to the skys even though he just wanted to get some rest after taking that point blank Rasengan. "I have to do something!" He got a good distance above the sky and aimed his hands upwards to wipe the whole cloud out. This would be his biggest Particle style ever. Once Ohnoki got it charged up enough he launched it with a shout and watched as it didn't even dent the giant cloud.

"As thanks for entertaining me, I'll blow you all clean away." Naruto grinned and closed his hand.

Or at least would have if something or someone grabbed his hand. Naruto looked to his palm that was almost closed and saw a ghostly hand. He followed the hand and traced it back to a familiar face. "I-iruka-sensei."

The ghostly face simply smiled and shook its head before it started to fade in the wind. "W-wait, Iruka. Don't go!" Naruto reached out to try and get a hold of his fading sensei.

It was too late.

Naruto retracted his hand and let tears escape his eyes. He then looked down at the village below him that was in shambles. "This is not what Iruka would want." The blonde once again started to sober up but this time he would not flip out again. Naruto commanded Geundoowun to vanish. He was about to turn all of earth country into a smoking crater but was stopped at the last second.

"I have done enough." Naruto then left with a burst of speed back to the leaf village allowing earth country to live. Naruto knew this would keep them out of the war for a while until they get back in order.

Once he made his way to the village he just hovered over the village first. He then felt guilt creep up. He acted out in the office which he could see was being repaired. Naruto then saw Anko and his guilt only grew at seeing the limp in her step and not a limp from a good night in bed. Naruto concluded she must have injured her back when Naruto blew her into the wall. He then remembered what he said to Kasumi and only felt his sadness increase.

"I'm sorry everyone." The blonde then remembered what his summons had told him and now chose this as a good time to go and see what Haiiro wanted. Naruto bit his thumb and did the summoning to send himself to the land of the thunderbirds.

Summoning world

Naruto appeared in a puff of smoke on a mountain peek. He looked over and found he was outside a cave on the side of the mountain that was surrounded by thunder clouds and endless lightning streaks. This place had winds that could blow you off your feet when it really picks up along with very little oxygen, with being so high in the air.

The blonde looked around and saw countless birds flying around letting out caws and shriek's.

"Naruto-sama!" The blonde looked off the cliff side and saw an giant orange six winged bird flying towards him. The bird had a long feather on the top of its head that was blue, in contrast to its orange body.

"Blaze!" Naruto shouted with a smile as the bird flew right into him, sending Naruto crashing into the cliff side. He wrapped his arms around the giant bird and started giving it a big hug. "How are you doing girl?! I haven't seen you in years!"

The now named blaze smiled the best a bird could and let out happy moans as Naruto rubbed right behind her feathers like he used to all those years ago.

"I've been good as you can see!" Blaze said and licked Naruto's face, making him smile happily.

"You're telling me, last time I saw you I could sit you on my head." Naruto broke away from the hug. This was his home while being in the summon world and blaze would always come and chill with him when she wasn't training.

"So what are you doing here Naruto-sama?" Blaze asked curiously.

Naruto's look turned sad and regretful. It was then blaze got a good look at Naruto. He was all bloody and his white hair was stained with blood. It looked like he just came from a warzone. "I am here to train and also get some peace of mind."

"Ohhh, Haiiro-sama has wanted you to come for a while now, she doesn't like how you kept her waiting." Blaze said with a nod.

"Yea, I bet the old lady will try and talk my ear off about it."

"HEY! You know she doesn't like when you call her old lady." Blaze worried that Naruto would be heard and get in trouble.

"Yea whatever." Naruto waved blaze off nonchalantly. "Let me go wash up and then I will head over to see what she needs." Naruto walked into the cave which had all the things a regular home had.

"Ok, I will let the boss lady know you're here!" Blaze saluted Naruto like a soldier with one of her wings. She then flew off at great speeds and left a trail of lightning behind.

After 20 minutes Naruto walked out the cave refreshed and ready to train. He was wearing an orange wife beater allowing his toned arms to breathe free to the world. White baggy pants along with white slip ons. He then took flight and flew to the highest mountain peak and mother's nest to see the boss summon.

Naruto pierced the last set of clouds and saw a giant bird's nest but quickly ducked a lighting bolt aimed for his face. "Hey that would have hurt!"

"Oh shut up! It's not like it would have killed you." The familiar womanly voice of Haiiro sounded.

"It's nice to see you as well." Naruto said and hovered over to the bird and laid in her comfy feathers.

"I didn't call you here to rest." Haiiro said but didn't make any attempt to move Naruto.

"Yea I know, but you are just…so comfy." Naruto rolled around in her feathers looking like a child playing in mud. This caused Haiiro's brow to twitch and want to smack him with one of her wings.

"In all seriousness, What is wrong with you? I can feel there is something bothering you, plus I don't see that little fox Kasumi hanging around your neck like always." Haiiro questioned Naruto. Knowing him for almost 4 years now she could tell when something is bothering him.

"I said and did somethings I shouldn't have." Naruto said putting his face in her feathers to hide his shame.

"What did you do?" Haiiro asked, annoyed.

"Just send someone to go and look at the stone village and while you do that, can you tell my mom I am here to train." Naruto retorted, not looking up.

"FIne." Haiiro called some birds up here and then told them what to do and watched as they left in lightning bolts.

"Now." Haiiro lifted Naruto off of her with her wing and stood up. "It's time for us to get training."

Naruto rolled over on his back. "Training in what?"

"We are going to make you a sage." Haiiro puffed her chest out and had pride all in her tone.

"You mean one of those bald guys who walk around the world trying to speak about peace and get no action with women." Naruto did a fake gag. "I think I'm going to be sick."

"Yes and no, Plus didn't you say that Jiraiya called you the child of prophecy and you would bring peace to the world."

"Yea, he also said he slept with a princess." Naruto laughed out right.

"Well anyways, You will become a sage but not like those bald guys as you put it. We would not want such a wimp for our summoner." Haiiro laid her yellow piercing eyes on Naruto. "Now get up, We need to get going, you're gonna be here for a while."

While Naruto was in the summoning world, 6 people in black cloaks with red clouds were traveling through the forest. "Soon, I will have the 9 and 4 tails. Then peace can be achieved."