
Chapter 9

Kazuki's mind buzzed with thoughts as he navigated the delicate situation in the restaurant. The disruptive group's deliberate targeting of Nara establishments hinted at a deeper conspiracy, and one name floated to the forefront of Kazuki's suspicions. The mere thought of the insidious dealings behind the scenes made him smirk, and he couldn't shake the idea that someone was orchestrating this assault on his clan.

As the manager settled the issue discreetly, Kazuki's mind shifted gears. Orochimaru's departure from the Leaf was a crucial development. While Danzo had managed to erase most evidence of their clandestine partnership, this unforeseen circumstance presented an opportunity. Kazuki pondered the implications of Orochimaru's betrayal and how he could leverage it to undermine Danzo.

The memory of their past dealings lingered in the shadows of Kazuki's thoughts. He knew Danzo's cunning ways and the depth of their clandestine collaborations. Orochimaru's departure could potentially expose some of these connections, and Kazuki couldn't help but see it as a chance to dig a substantial pit for Danzo to fall into.

Kazuki, however, understood the importance of timing. It wasn't the moment to act impulsively. He needed a stronger backing, a force that could withstand the intricate web Danzo had woven. The mention of the Sharingan crossed his mind as a powerful tool that Danzo might be harbouring. Whether he had already started implanting Sharingan on his arm or not, Kazuki wasn't certain, but he was convinced that the bandaged eye concealed a Sharingan.

As these thoughts circulated in his mind, Kazuki decided to tuck them away for the time being. Taking on someone as cunning and influential as Danzo required careful planning, and Kazuki knew he needed to bide his time. The chessboard was set, and the pieces were moving, but it wasn't yet the right moment for a decisive move.

After relishing the meal, Kazuki escorted Naruto back to the orphanage, ensuring the gifts for the other children were distributed. Choji was dropped off at his home with a satisfied grin and a bag full of goodies. As he returned to the Nara compound with little Shikamaru, Kazuki hoped for a smooth transition back into the quietude of his home.

However, the moment they stepped through the door, a sudden uproar in the living room shattered the tranquilly. Shikaku sat on the couch, looking like a cornered cat, while Yoshino paced back and forth, brandishing an IOU in her hand. Kazuki, sensing trouble, attempted to retreat quietly with Shikamaru in tow, hoping to avoid the impending storm. Yet, before he could take more than a few steps, Yoshino's thunderous voice stopped him dead in his tracks.

"KAZUKI NARA!!, I dare you to take one more step. I will break both your legs. Come here now; we need to have a talk regarding this."

The threat in Yoshino's voice echoed through the room, freezing Kazuki in his tracks. Even Shikamaru, with a gloomy premonition, knew that trouble was brewing. The only person Kazuki seemed to fear was his mother, and if Yoshino was angry, both of them were in for it. Reluctantly, they sat down as instructed, preparing for what lay ahead.

As Yoshino paced, holding the IOU like a damning piece of evidence, Shikaku tried to offer a feeble defence of Kazuki. He knew better than to wade into the storm when Yoshino was in such a state. The mention of a million ryo spent in a day left Yoshino flabbergasted, her anger simmering just below the surface.

"Sit, both of you. Care to explain what made you guys spend a million ryo on a day's shopping? Do you guys know the value of money?"

Shikamaru, unconsciously hiding his scroll of gifts behind his back, drew a dangerous look from Yoshino. Kazuki, however, stepped in to defend his little brother before things escalated further.

"Yoshino Obasan, the items we bought were genuinely valuable and would greatly benefit our clan. I never make a losing deal, and the gifts Shikamaru picked were barely a few hundred ryos. So, please don't look at him like that, will you?"

Kazuki's defence aimed to diffuse the situation, emphasising the strategic importance of their purchases. Yet Yoshino remained visibly upset. Taking a deep breath, Kazuki tried to console her.

"Yoshino Obasan, let me explain. The items we acquired today will contribute significantly to our clan's strength and prosperity. I understand the importance of money, and I assure you, this was a well-thought-out investment."

Meanwhile, on the couch, Shikamaru, taking advantage of the diversion, animatedly showed off his new crystal shogi board to Shikaku. The older Nara, ever intrigued by relics and history, found himself drawn into a conversation about the origin and significance of the unique piece. While the storm raged in one corner, a quieter moment unfolded on the couch, where Shikaku and Shikamaru bonded over the intricacies of a centuries-old board game.

Shikaku, ever the calm mediator in the face of his wife's storm, suggested a momentary diversion. "Yoshino, why don't we first let the kid show us what he bought? Maybe what the kids brought might be truly valuable. Look at this Shogi Board; I am sure this one was something that was once a prized collection of a great clan."

Yoshino shot a dangerous glance at Shikaku, torn between her desire to reprimand and her curiosity about the crystal shogi board. Shikaku, however, continued to indulge in the intricacies of the antique, drawing her attention back to the items at hand. Although Yoshino knew Shikaku's penchant for artefacts and history, she couldn't help but agree that understanding the value of the items before passing judgement made sense.

Reluctantly, she turned her attention back to Kazuki, awaiting an explanation for the extravagant purchases. Her internal resolve to discipline all three of them remained firm, regardless of the treasures Kazuki might unveil.

"Fine, let's see what you have brought that's worth a million ryos."

Yoshino ordered, as Kazuki knew that he had to grab this chance and immediately started forming hand seals at a blinding speed.

"Sanraku Kekkai Fūin," (Threefold Isolation Barrier), Kazuki intoned, completing a series of intricate hand seals. The air shimmered with chakra as various runes began to glow around the Nara house, forming a three-layered barrier. This unique sealing technique was one of Kazuki's own creations, a testament to his mastery of fuinjutsu. As the runes settled into their protective positions, the entire residence was enveloped in a secure shield.

Kazuki had taken it upon himself to enhance and fortify the Nara clan's barriers. His expertise in Fuinjutsu had reached a masterful realm, enabling him to rival and surpass even the most skilled sealing masters in the Leaf. With each passing day, Kazuki continued to grow stronger, both in terms of raw power and intricate knowledge.

The deployment of the barrier was a routine occurrence for the Nara clan, and none within the house displayed any surprise. Kazuki had diligently provided Shikaku and Yoshino with the necessary details for barrier control, ensuring that the Nara home was even more secure than the Hokage's office. The scene reflected not only the advanced level of protection Kazuki had established for his family but also the depth of trust he shared with Shikaku and Yoshino in matters of security and sealing techniques.

Shikamaru's wide-eyed amazement at the three-layered barrier quickly shifted to gloominess, especially when he recalled Kazuki's recent interest in teaching fuinjutsu. The complexity and strength of the barrier made him ponder if such caution was genuinely necessary.

Yoshino, initially surprised by Kazuki's actions, began to reconsider her nephew's actions, leaning towards the belief that the items he brought back must be truly significant.

Kazuki calmly retrieved the items from the storage scroll—a large book too big for even adults to hold, two old tattered scrolls, and an ancient wooden case larger than Yoshino herself. As they gathered around, Kazuki decided to introduce each item one at a time, starting with the massive book.

As Yoshino carefully flipped through the book's pages, her eyes widened with delight. The book contained detailed explanations of various medicinal herbs, their cultivation methods, and numerous recipes for medicines and poisons. It was a treasure trove for someone with Yoshino's background as a former medic and herbalist.

"Kazuki, this is incredible! The wealth of knowledge in this book is extraordinary. It's a true treasure," Yoshino exclaimed, completely absorbed in the contents.

Kazuki then directed their attention to the scrolls, particularly the one Shikaku was examining earlier. He explained its significance, describing it as a fuinjutsu ritual that enhances a shinobi's overall chakra capacity. The ritual, most beneficial when performed during the initial chakra refinement stages, could result in a remarkable 8–10-fold increase in chakra capacity over their lifetime. However, the effect would diminish to 4–5 times for a mature shinobi.

Shikaku, absorbing this information, felt a mix of astonishment and concern. The potential impact of such a technique, especially if it leaked outside the Nara clan, could lead to disastrous consequences. He quickly seized the scroll, going through its contents and realising the rarity and expense of the required materials. As the head of the Nara clan, he began mentally strategizing the acquisition of these materials, creating a list of Nara ninjas who should undergo the ritual, and devising countermeasures to keep this newfound knowledge a top secret within the clan. The possibilities and challenges presented by Kazuki's discoveries were profound, and Shikaku knew that the Nara clan was on the brink of significant transformation.

"Well, uncle, the ritual can only be performed once per person. I believe our Nara clan should be able to handle anywhere from half a dozen to ten rituals with our current resources. I would like to reserve two spots for Aunt Yoshino and little Shikamaru. As for the rest, you can arrange them yourself. From the level of fuinjutsu, I don't think anyone else in the family will be able to perform it other than me. So, please let me know beforehand when it's time," Kazuki nonchalantly declared, as if he were sharing some sweets. Shikaku couldn't help but shake his head, impressed by how much importance Kazuki placed on his family.

"So what about the other scroll? It seems to be blank. But I am sure you wouldn't have picked up an empty scroll for no reason." Yoshino, who had already forgotten about the kids' lavish spending, curiously pointed at the ancient-looking scroll on the floor.

"This one might not be of much help to our Nara clan because of our Yin affinity, other than a few members who have Fire element affinity. This should have been the clan treasure of a fire-related clan during the Warring States. The nature of the seals placed on the scrolls is so haphazard and inefficient that they ended up destroying the scroll a bit. But I should be able to extract a dozen or more Jutsus out of it, and the best part is I should be able to get one or two S-class fire ninjutsus from it," Kazuki explained the significance of the scroll to the family.

Shikaku started doubting if Kazuki had raided a treasure trove because each of these items held immense significance and could form the foundation of a clan. Shikaku mentally made a note to visit this mystery shop later to try his luck.

"Uncle, with this, there should be no trouble in exchanging things with Sandaime-sama. I'm sure the village would be happy to have a complete lineage for fire mastery in its library," Kazuki suggested regarding the scroll. It would be a waste to keep the fire scroll to themselves, and Kazuki might be able to extract more jutsus than the village fuin masters could, making it a win-win for the Nara clan. The information Kazuki was eyeing had eluded him until now because he did not have a proper item for exchange.

"Fine, I will make sure to get in touch with Sandaime-sama about this. Just make sure to get as much out of the scroll before we make an exchange." Shikaku understood that the information little Kazuki was looking for was not easily obtained without a significant contribution to the village.

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