
Naruto: Serial Killer System

An FBI agent dies and wakes up in the Naruto world with a Serial Killer System. Sam considers himself a supporter of good; he is a protector of U.S. citizens, but now he is in a world of ninjas. In a world where children are taught to kill and where death is commonplace, he gains the power of those he once fought against.

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21 Chs

The World of Naruto

Sam found himself in a dark space. He touched different parts of his body, checking if he was alive or not. He was puzzled and didn't understand what had happened. Sam noticed a faint white light emanating from him, illuminating the small space around him.

Sam: Where am I? What is this place? - he thought. From his expression, it was evident that he didn't even remember how he died. Suddenly, a blue screen appeared in front of him. Words slowly began to appear on the screen: Initiating Serial Killer System. 10%... 20%...

Sam squinted, looking at the mysterious words, and said: What is this system? What does it mean? - Suddenly, fragments of memories flashed in his mind: events, people, places, and even distant memories began to return to him.

He cautiously touched his chest, feeling the heartbeat and the warmth of his body: Am I alive? - he felt relief, as he didn't want to die. - Why is it so dark here? - his thoughts were interrupted by a sound coming from the blue screen.

System: Installation completed 100%.

A large blue screen appeared in front of him.

Name: Jurin Samuel

Role: Serial Killer

World: Naruto

Attribute: Agility

Talent: Close Combat

Sam noticed the world: Naruto? - he said puzzledly. Sam tried to recall his distant past, over 20 years ago, when he first watched the anime Naruto at the age of 6. They were pleasant memories, and recalling the plot, he began to guess in which events he found himself.

Then Sam shifted his gaze to another cell, where there was a label: [Attributes]. He clicked on it and saw the basic characteristics: There were three indicators: Chakra, Stamina, and Health. Each of them had 100 points.

[Chakra] - 100

[Stamina] - 100

[Health] - 100

The skill cell was divided into two categories: Personal skills of the serial killer and Skills from the world of Naruto.

Sam: Serial killer system? What irony - After that, Sam clicked on the personal skills of the serial killer.

Sam: Are these my available skills? - he thought, looking at the skills marked in blue.

Stealth - Level 1: allows you to become stealthy.

Combat Mode - Level 1: allows you to deal bonus damage from martial arts techniques, depending on the skill level, and enhances all close combat statistics.

Sam: Not surprised by this system, there are so many skills here that are meant for killing - Below these two skills, Sam saw a multitude of skills scrolling down, and there seemed to be no end to the abilities.

Sam: There's also a search and filter option. - Then he clicked on the filter.

Sam: Skills can be purchased with points. From 1 to 1,000 points. - then, looking to the left corner and noticing the font written in green: Points here are like currency, and I currently have 3 points, let's leave them for later. - he said.

Sam shifted his gaze to the second cell - Skills from the world of Naruto.

Skills from the world of Naruto:

Sam, seeing how many techniques were available for purchase, was astonished and let out a surprised gasp. Of all these skills, 40% were marked with a locked padlock, and when clicked, a message appeared:

System: These skills are not available due to the requirement of special Talents, Dojutsu, Kekkei Genkai, Elemental Affinity.

Sam: I guess I know how to earn points here - he said with an indifferent tone.

Sam: Do you really think, system, that I'll kill for power or points? Sure, I'm glad I'm alive, but I expected something else. I thought I would end up in heaven or hell, go through God's judgment, not all of this - he said, exhaling heavily.

After several hours passed, he tiredly sat down, as he had been waiting for a long time and sat down waiting for something. Several tens of minutes passed, and Sam began to think about the past. His wife, children, work, and death. He remembered death vividly because the pain he felt from hundreds of bullets hitting him was etched into Sam's brain.

Sam thought about his wife, her beautiful green eyes, and her warm embraces. Sam lay down to rest and fell asleep on the floor. And his consciousness seemed to stretch in the stream and merged with a new world.

He woke up from sleep without knowing how, slowly opening his eyes, and saw the room, it was a little dark, but he clearly saw the body lying on the floor illuminated by the moonlight. He wanted to inspect the body and help the person, but he couldn't even move because his body froze in horror. Suddenly he felt pain in his heart, it was emotional pain, he felt betrayal, anger, grief, and sadness.

The person lying in front of him was dressed in Japanese clothes, and the peculiarity was the hair, as it was ash-gray. Sam suddenly felt that someone was behind him: behind! - he mentally screamed, but he couldn't move to turn around. He felt someone put their hand on his shoulder.

Before his eyes appeared a teenager aged 18-19 years old. Sam immediately noticed and recognized his face. Yellow hair, blue eyes, forehead protector - Hidden Leaf Village.

Sam: Is this Minato? - he thought to himself.

Minato: Kakashi, you should be alone now, but not here. - Minato looked at Kakashi's father's body with puzzled eyes. Behind Minato, several faces with masks of various patterns appeared. They gathered around Kakashi's father's body and checked on Sakumo's condition, but the answer was negative.

Suddenly, Sam woke up again in the dark space.

A red notification from the system appeared before him: You have run out of control points and observation. - Then Sam clicked on details next to the text.

Control Points - allow the system owner to gain control over the connected person. Control points depend on the time spent in the vessel's body. 1 minute equals 40 control points.

[Control Points] - 20/20

If the connected person is stronger than the owner, the control is canceled.

Observation Points - allow the system owner to observe the connected person through their eyes. Observation points depend on the time spent in the vessel's body. 1 minute equals 20 observation points.

[Observation Points] - 0/40

Sam: Am I in Kakashi's body? Can I observe Kakashi for only 2 minutes? - Sam started to search the guidebook for control and observation points and learned:

Control Points - The owner receives 1 control point per day. The base value is 20 points.

Observation Points - The owner receives 10 observation points per day. The base value is 40 points.

Sam: It's too slow to gain control over Kakashi; I'll have to wait 20 days just to have control for 1 minute.

Sam: So, this must be my inner world; theoretically, I should be able to do what I want. - Thinking to himself, a comfortable sofa appeared before him.

Sam smiled and said: That's better. - He sat down and began to contemplate his next steps.

Sam: I have no other choice. I'll have to start a new life in this world. But when I become strong enough, I'll return to my wife - he said, his voice filled with longing, remembering his wife's gentle touch on his cheek.

After a few hours, Sam looked at his points again and pondered: how to use his 3 points? He opened the skill menu and selected the section for serial killers. Then he filtered the skills costing 1-2 points.

These abilities were similar to basic skills of maniacs and killers. Among the cheapest and most active skills were: stealth, hacking, item sharpening, limb severing, dagger throw, pursuit, pain suppression, and combat desperation.

Passive skills included: weapon specialization, steel will, trained gaze, weakness detection, and pain point. Sam carefully studied the descriptions of the skills costing 1-2 points. He was particularly drawn to combat desperation.

Combat Desperation - Costs 2 points. This is an active skill that injects a dose of adrenaline into the blood when the owner is on the brink of death. The lower the owner's health, the more adrenaline is in the blood.

Description: When activating the Combat Desperation skill, the lower the owner's health, the stronger they become. The percentage bonus to damage and characteristics depends on the character's current health level.


Health below 50%: The owner receives a 5% bonus to damage and resistance.

Health below 25%: The owner receives a 25% bonus to damage and resistance.

Health below 5%: The owner receives a 50% bonus to damage and resistance.

[Spends 24 points of stamina per second]

Sam: This skill is quite useful; it costs only 2 points. - Sam acquired this skill. Then he clicked on the categories of skills in the Naruto world.

Sam: There are so many here, but they're all expensive. - Sam looked at the skills and selected the cheapest ones in the filter. - The most basic skills in the Naruto world cost from 1 to 1,000 points.

Sam bought the basic chakra control skill for 1 point.

Sam: Now I need to learn chakra control; the more time I spend in Kakashi's body, the more control I'll have over Kakashi's body. - Saying this, he began to contemplate what to do in this world.

Sam: Kakashi is currently 7 years old; there are 5 more years until the war. There is time to prepare.

Three days later,

Sakumo's death caused a stir in the ninja world, as no one expected the renowned White Fang to end his life in such a way.

Three days passed, and Sakumo's funeral took place. Not all high-ranking figures of Konoha attended; only those who knew the White Fang well, such as the Third Hokage, Shimura Danzo, Namikaze Minato, Orochimaru, and leaders of some clans. Other ninjas also came to pay their respects at Sakumo's grave.

Not many villagers came because the stigma of betrayal lay upon Sakumo, and he was shamed by many, even his friends and comrades. Sarutobi watched as the villagers arrived with bouquets of flowers, dressed in all black, to bid farewell to Sakumo. Today, the streets of Konoha were filled with sadness and sorrow.

Meanwhile, as Kakashi walked the streets, the villagers looked at him with pity. Kakashi passed through the crowd of passing villagers, feeling their looks of pity, indifference, and doubt.

Approaching the burial site, Kakashi stopped and glanced at the crowd around him. He felt constrained, tension, moral exhaustion. Kakashi took a deep breath and exhaled, leaving his fear behind, he stepped forward toward the villagers standing before Sakumo's grave.

Everyone present today shared a common pain and respect for the departed White Fang. He quietly sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, bowing his head in memory.

At the same time, the Third Hokage was about to puff on his pipe, but it went out from a drop of water; Sarutobi looked up and saw the overcast weather.

Sarutobi: - Why did you make such a choice, Sakumo? You left your son alone... But I will watch over him for you. - The Third Hokage put away the pipe and sighed heavily; clearly, - he did not expect Sakumo to end his life like this.

Kakashi opened his eyes, and next to him stood his mentors - Minato Namikaze, the Third Hokage, and others whose faces he remembered from childhood. Minato, with his characteristic smile, approached Kakashi and put a hand on his shoulder.

Minato: Kakashi, it's not easy when we lose loved ones. But it's important to remember that they live on in our hearts - Minato said with a warm gaze.

Kushina, standing behind Minato, nodded and said softly, her voice gentle: We're here to support you, Kakashi, - she said, smiling softly.

Kakashi looked at Kushina with tired eyes: Thank you - he replied.

17 days later,

Sam was still sitting on his couch with his eyes closed, then slowly opened them.

Sam: Today is the long-awaited day when I will gain control of Kakashi's body for 1 minute. During this time, Kakashi completed several D and C-rank missions with his team.

Sam: Status!

Name: Jurin Samuel

Role: Serial killer

World: Naruto

Attribute: Agility

Talent: Close combat


[Health] - 215

[Stamina] - 320

[Chakra] - 120



Stealth - Level 1

Combat mode - Level 6

Combat desperation - level 1


Chakra control - Level 12

Sam saw a notification that he received daily bonuses, and then he smiled: finally, I waited for a whole 20 days to gain control over Kakashi's body for at least 1 minute.

Control points - 40/40

Observation points - 60/240

Sam: Taking control now is risky; I'll take his body when he sleeps. - Said Sam, looking at the clock in the system.

Several hours later,

Kakashi returned home after intense training. His steps were tired, and his body was covered in sweat. He needed a shower after hard work. With a deep sigh, he closed the door, feeling relieved that now he could just relax.

Half an hour later, he stepped out of the shower.

Then Kakashi prepared himself a meal - fragrant miso ramen with juicy fried pork. After all, he didn't have time to go fishing. Kakashi is also a good cook, not only a genius in the culinary field but also in other areas. And after 10 minutes, a bowl of miso ramen was in front of him.

Sitting at the table, he began to eat slowly, relishing every bite.

Eating ceased, and he wearily set down the chopsticks on the plate. His gaze drifted into the distance, through the windows, to the moon in the sky. He stared at it for several minutes, as if seeking solace. After washing the dishes, with a quiet sigh, he stood up and went to his room. He lay down on his futon, and moments later, his eyes closed, plunging him into sleep.

But suddenly, Kakashi's body seemed to receive a small electric shock, and then he opened his eyes. Goosebumps covered his skin, feeling strange he got up from the futon, inspected his hands, tightly squeezing and releasing them.

Suddenly, he felt his blood boiling inside his body: how good it feels to be alive - he said, stretching his neck, then shoulders, arms, fingers, and legs.

He noticed the chakra flowing when controlling Kakashi's body, and in the dark room, it stood out because the strength and power he experienced in the young Kakashi's body made Sam get a small portion of dopamine. After all, the feeling in Kakashi's body is so different from that body in his past life. A deep breath filled his lungs with clean air.

Sam: This kid has a good body - he said, smiling.

He glanced around his room, surveyed it, and said: What a mess, this is definitely better than my couch.

Sam: I only have one minute, what should I do? - Then he continued: Why does he even wear a mask? - Sam took off the lower part of his mask and went outside.

He opened the door and immediately took a few steps and warmed up, breathing in the fresh air. Sam didn't think about what to do when he took Kakashi's body, so he decided to test his skills first. Since there was nothing in the dark space that could be destroyed.

Notification sound *

Mission for the owner: test your Kakashi body. Receive bonus time [3 minutes]

Target: Might Guy

[Murder]: if you kill Might Guy you will get 6 points

[Defeat]: if you defeat Might Guy you will get 2 points

Navigation: 220m away from you.

Remaining time: [3 minutes] [40 seconds]

Sam: I'm an adult man, should I beat up kids? - but Sam, looking at his child's body, thought again - Damn, it's embarrassing - he said and went according to the system's navigation towards the forest.