
Naruto Online: The Strongest Shinobi

Michael, living in a dystopian world devastated by nuclear warfare, discovers a new VRMMORPG game called 'Elemental Nations.' Excited by the opportunity to escape his harsh reality, he purchases the Tier 1 headset and prepares to embark on an adventure. In his cramped living space, surrounded by the remnants of his previous life, Michael contemplates the hardships he and his family endure. The scarcity of resources and the confined conditions serve as constant reminders of the post-apocalyptic world they inhabit. As Michael watches the game's trailer, he recognizes familiar elements from the anime series Naruto. His passion for the show in his previous world fuels his excitement to explore this virtual rendition of the Naruto universe. However, in this new world, anime is not as popular, with people favoring slice-of-life stories over war-torn narratives. Equipped with the VR gear, Michael eagerly enters the game, expecting to unleash his knowledge of the Naruto world to become a powerful shinobi. The game's mechanics limit the number of players who can join as shinobi from the five great villages, adding a sense of exclusivity and competition to the experience. With the promise of potentially earning money through the game, Michael sees an opportunity to contribute to his family's welfare. Unemployment and limited opportunities in the real world have left him longing for a chance to make a difference. As the game servers go online, Michael finds himself transported to a new location, ready to embark on an extraordinary journey within the virtual world of Elemental Nations. Little does he know that this adventure will hold secrets, challenges, and the potential for him to become the hero he aspires to be.

Fat_Cultivator · Anime und Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 19: Technology

Chapter 19: Technology

When we were about 10 kilometers out from our location, sensei made me stop and began using some tracking Ninjutsu.

I pulled up my status page.

[Status Panel of Player Michael

Name: Shikomu Nara


Konoha Shinobi

(Training speed in Konoha increases by 100%)

Fuinjutsu Genius

(Training in Fuinjutsu increases by 100%. Stackable)

Blue Beasts Apprentice

(Training in Taijutsu and Physical training increases by 100%. Stackable)

Ninja Rank: Genin

(Access to Genin level missions)

Physical Stat: Below Average- Chunin(100/300)

Chakra Amount: Below Average-Chunin (100/300)

Chakra Control: Advanced


S-Flying Thunder God

(1/ 5,000)

A-Shadow Clone Jutsu


B-False Darkness Jutsu


C- Shadow Neck Bind Jutsu


C-Shadow Possession Jutsu


D-Body Flicker Jutsu


D-Clone Jutsu


D-Substitution Jutsu


D-Transformation Jutsu



D-Imaginary Illusion Jutsu



B- Maito Guy Special Taijutsu


C-Konoha Taijutsu


Fuinjutsu: Intermediate


EXP: 780]

I had decided to use 70 EXP to bring my Physical and Chakra up to 100 points.

My main improvement was my Chakra control. As sensei mentioned, now most of my Jutsu are using 25% less Chakra than before.

Even Taijutsu was getting better.

"Now, let's change into civilian clothing. We will be posing as merchants trying to move to the edge of the Land of Earth. I already prepared the documentation beforehand." Sensei told me

After that, I took off Guy's workout clothes and moved with sensei.

While we were walking, he continued to brief me.

"I had bought these Chakra suppression seals beforehand. With this, our Chakra amounts will be limited to Civilian levels. Even sensory ninja would be unable to detect this. So, we will use this and pose as civilians. Unless instructed, do not remove the seal."

I nodded and placed the seal on my chest. As soon as I did, the energy inside of my body rapidly decreased until only a miniscule amount was left. Enough for maybe 2-3 Body flickers.

"It is temporary and we will have to change it every 2 days." Sensei told me.

As we walked closer to the place that seemed like a makeshift town, we saw a couple hundred people.

"Identification?" The main guard asked.

Sensei then passed some Merchant documentation. The man inspected us for a second before letting us pass through.

As we began walking, sensei and I made fake small talk, about finding a location to set up our booth to sell some goods.

However while we were talking, we were analyzing the area around us.

As we were walking around, I saw something that caught my attention.

'Is that a pen?' I couldn't help but think. The people of the town use a pen instead of an ink brush or pencil like most of the world.

As I looked around a bit more, I also realized that everything seemed a lot more modern in its design. Modern as in from my old world, not the post-nuclear one.

As I looked around, I wondered if I hit the jackpot.

We eventually went into a motel where Sensei put up a sound suppression seal.

"I will make this short. My clones which were around the border have confirmed this village has no Ninja whatsoever." He told me, as he took out his suppression seal.

With no Ninja, it didn't matter if we hid our Chakra volumes.

However I wondered why Sensei was so sure. He didn't even doubt that some Ninja might have been hiding.

"However there are weapons that I did not recognise at all. We might have stumbled into a hidden operation of the village hidden in the Stone. But I don't understand why they would put such an operation out in the open." He said.

"Weapons? Like what, sensei." I asked him.

"Weapons that fire miniature projectiles from long distances. It was at speeds I am sure even Chunin would have a hard time dodging. It came out of this barrel like thing." He described.

Then it hit me.


Modern architecture.

I might have run into a human settlement with modern technology, like Guns as well. I just infiltrated the new village which had just been established.

"Sensei, what does it take for a village to be established?" I asked him.

"Well, they have to be recognised by the Daminyon. Pay taxes to the Lord and report to the authorities." He told me.

"Then how are Shinobi villages any different?" I asked him.

"Well, we are the main military forces of the Lords of our lands."

"Then why do we attack some villages within the Nation of Fire?"

"That is because the Lord usually gives us full reign to expand military operations. However, usually, these villages do not report to the lord completely like the Hidden villages and thus the lords do not care even if they are destroyed."

I took in that information as Sensei removed the sound suppression seal.

"I will go look for a place to look for our booth. You should rest and check this motel out. Maybe you will find something interesting."

He basically told me to scout this building for anything unknown.

However as sensei left, I first looked at the chat with the other player of the Elite Chat.

[???: I see. So, which Lands territory are you from?]

The person asked this last time and I had yet to reply.

I then decided to reply, to which I got an instant reply, surprisingly.

(Authors note: from now on, I will bracket when MC is talking, the other person is obviously the other player)

[??? (MC): I border between the Land of Fire and water. How about you?]

[??? : I am established in the Land of Earth, but I moved around. Are you a vassal of a major village?]

[??? (MC): Yes, I am. I am a vassal to the village hidden in the leaves. How about you, you are linked to a major organization?]

[???: I am, but not to the VIllage hidden in the stone, but to their further superiors, so I have a lot of sway in these lands. How about this, we collaborate with each other.]

As I read that line, I paused for a little. It had been a while since the game started. Considering the progress of technology that they were trying to bring in from the real world here, it would make sense this person was sponsored by the Lord of the Earth country.

With that funds and resources, expansion will happen easily.

I might have to watch out. While Kage level Shinobi can dish out Nuclear level attacks, if that technology is brought to this world, the entire development of the world will move in a different direction.

If the Akatsuki can somehow use this to help them, they might even capture the tailed-beasts way sooner and bring the 4th great shinobi war forward.

What the fuck is going on? I have to be careful from now on.


(Author's note: Before anyone complains, I believe it is normal for technology such as guns to be brought in. As I mentioned before, not everyone can become a Ninja, the non-ninja's will still have to compete, and to do that, they would bring in modern technology. With that, they will be able to fight Ninja.)