
Naruto one-shot

A series of one-shot that just don't make sense

Alyssa_Eaton · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Into the Akatsuki part 1

<p>What if Sasuke was there when Danzo killed Shisui. Sasuke is also mortality must up.<br/><br/><br/>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br/>Sasuke View<br/><br/>Everyone's been active, strange, and no one's telling him why. Itachi spends less time with him. His mother and father are also too buzzy to play with him. So Sasuke does what any child would be. He investigates, and he watches the way his clan treats each other like enemies. He sees the shadows watching the compound. <br/><br/>After 2 weeks, go by, he has come to a conclusion. So he does what all 7 years old would do and ask someone who would know. <br/><br/>Since his mother was too buzzy and he doubted Itachi would just tell him, there was only one person that he can ask.<br/><br/>"Shisui-nii." Sasuke ask after him and Shisui get far away from anyone that can be listening. "Is there going to be a civil war? Sasuke says with a tilt of his head, looking at how Shisui reacts.<br/><br/>Shisui tense up "Who told you that, Sasuke-chan? he says with a frown.<br/><br/>Sasuke thinks for a pit, "No one, it was easy to tell after investigating." He says with a smile. Shisui looks down at Sasuke and then sighs.<br/><br/>"The clan is planning on overthrowing the Hokage." He says. "Itachi and me are spys for him, thoug- Sasuke hide." Shisui hisses.<br/><br/>I stopped talking to look up up Shisui who was looking into the trees. Getting the hint, I go and look for a hiding spot under a tree. <br/><br/>"Danzo, Shisui says suddenly. "What a surprise to see you here." I try and turn as quietly as possible to look at the person he was talking to. <br/><br/>An old man with a cane. After that, all I saw was fighting. I close my eyes, not wanting to see anything else, but then I hear a scream. Itachi scream. Opening my eyes, I see Shisui jamp into the water. What happens next, I have no idea because my eyes burn and all can see is red. <br/><br/>I stay in the tree, not waiting to be spotted watching my brother cry and cry. Until, he stops and leaves. Waiting for a pit, I slowly start to get out from my spot and go home a different way I came.<br/><br/>~~~~~~~~~~~<br/><br/>After about a day, everyone blames Itachi for Shisui death. I try to be there for him, but he keeps pushing me way. Until one day 3 mouth later when I skip after school classes on my way back. I found a Uchiha on the street dead. No, nii-chan couldn't do this all alone. <br/><br/>Running home because Nii-chins a Idiot it was easy to put together that Itachi killed our clan for the village. <br/><br/>I opened the door one I got home. To see my brother standing behind my live father and mother. And all three of them turn to look at me, each with a different reaction. <br/><br/>Father in just blan acceptance, Mother with shock and Itachi was with despair. Watching them, I walked up to both my mother and father, taking the Kunai with a qrick flick of my wrist, both of them implied in my present heads. <br/><br/>Itachi snaps back to reality with that looking at me like he've never seen me before. "Let's go." I said turning around and taking out my bag in the closet that was full with sealing scolls after Shisui murder I've went to the library and picked up a few things. <br/><br/>Itachi stumble to my trying to grab my but the alarms goes of. Not the one's he expects by the looks of it. <br/><br/>"Looks like they've notice already." I say with a smile. Before looking at Itachi shock face. I sigh before answering. "I've killed both the Hokage and Danzo, I'll tell you later became we need to go now." I said with more focus then needed but it got Itachi to react and pick me and. <br/><br/>With that we leave Konoha I make a hand signed with my hands and out in the distance you can see smoke coming up from the Uchiha compound. " Hiruzen was a bad Hokage." I said looking at my brother. "And Danzo killed Shisui." I finished off Lifting my arms up towards my brother. "Well where to next nii-chan." I say with a sweet smile. <br/><br/>Itachi picks me and. "To the Akatsuki." Says.<br/><br/>I smile at that. "Ok let's go then." I say<br/><br/>I am Sasuke and I am preservation <br/><br/>~~~~~~<br/><br/>So this is may very own fuck up versus of Sasuke. yes he believes killing for peace. Evil for the greater good amd what not.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>