
Naruto of the kumo

Naruto is kidnapped by Orochimaru at a young age. He is rescued by The Raikage and Killer Bee and decides to go with them. My first fan fic so any criticism is welcome. Officially cancelled. Read the final chapter for more details.

frandley_mesidor · Fantasie
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11 Chs

chapter 9 chunin exams 8

Hinata awoke early the day of the second exam. She had passed out the night before still wearing her clothes from the day. Finding herself thinking of the way Naruto looked at the proctor for the second exam she got out of her bed and walked up to the mirror to examine herself. Hinata wasn't the type to casually flaunt her looks but the way Naruto was so awe-struck at the woman's figure got her thinking. Was she capable of eliciting the same reaction?

She took off her jacket and took a good long look at herself. The first thing she noticed was her rapidly growing bust. It was much larger than anyone else she knew her age. She turned her body so that she was looking at them from a side view so she could see how far they protruded from her chest. She compared herself to Ino and Sakura and she realized just how significant the difference was. She found herself thinking about Naruto's possible reaction to seeing her like this. Would he stare at her like he did to the woman the day before? Would other guys stare at her like that? Just how attractive was she? Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard someone clear their throat. She whipped around quickly to see her little sister staring at her with a grin on her face playfully tossing the skeleton key to their home up and down.

"Checking yourself out sis?" Hanabi said mockingly.

"G-get out! I have to get ready for the exams!"Hinata yelled back blushing furiously and covering her chest with her arms, even though she still had a shirt on.

"Teehee, is that what you were doing? It looked like you were staring at your boobies in the mirror."

"GET OUT!" Hinata grabbed her pillow from her bed and tossed it at Hanabi but missed as the girl swayed back and let the object sail right over her head.

"Daddy sent me in here to tell you that he wants you to eat a big breakfast. He says its to make up for you falling asleep and missing dinner."

Hinata grabbed her stomach as a low growl emanated from her core and sent pangs of hunger through her body. She was so caught up in her thoughts the day before she hadn't even realized she wasn't eating.

"Thank you Hanabi. I'll make sure to do that after I bathe."

"Try to keep your hands off yourself in there."

"HANABI!" Hinata couldn't believe what her little sister just implied. Hinata stared at Hanabi, mouth agape and blushing furiously.

"By the way you should find a better hiding spot for those dirty books." Hanabi said as she spun around and started gleefully skipping away.

"I-I READ THEM FOR THE STORY!" Hinata yelled back in vain.

"Whatever you say sis." Hanabi yelled back from down the hall. Hinata slumped to the ground mortified. "I've turned my baby sister into a pervert."

Naruto's morning wasn't going so well either. Naruto and his team had once again been kicked out of the hotel room early so that their sensei can enjoy the company of her new friend. They were sitting at Ichiraku ramen eating breakfast.

"This is some bullshit." Karui finally broke the silence they had been sharing since they arrived.

"Us being stuck eating ramen for breakfast or Yugito sensei kicking us out?" Omoi questioned.

"Sensei kicking us out. I didn't even get a chance to take a bath this morning because of her stupid booty call."

"There's a public bath not far from here. We have enough time to jump in there before the exam." Naruto stated in an effort to appease his fired up teammate.

Karui turned to look at Naruto with a serious look on her face. "If you so much as think about peeking at me I will cut off your winky and wear it on a necklace. I'm not playing."

Naruto's face turned a sickly pale and he could only nod his head to confirm he understood Karui's threat. They finished their food in silence and made their way to the bath house.

Inside the bath house Naruto and Omoi were sitting in the water relaxing. Well, at least Omoi was relaxing. Naruto was staring at the wall separating the men's side from the women's side deep in thought.

"One little peek couldn't hurt... Just one good look at some nip is all I want."

"For the love of god man, I can't believe you're even debating this. DO IT ALREADY!"

"Yes sir." Naruto started stealthily making his way towards the dividing wall. He was almost within arms length when suddenly Omoi grabbed Naruto and pulled him back to the other side.

"Naruto, I wouldn't be a good friend if I let you do what I know you were planning to do."


"If you peek on Karui then she will cut off your precious parts and then you won't be able to have children. If you can't have children then when I have children they won't have your children to be friends with.

"Omoi... thank you."

The two friends embraced each other in a hug while in the water. During their hug a large dark-skinned man walked into the bath. The two friends look at the man and then realized what the situation must have looked like to an outsider.

"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" The two said in unison as they broke the hug.

The dark-skinned man could only shake his head and utter one word.


Later at the testing site every team that had passed the first phase of the exam was assembled and ready to take the next test. They were all standing at attention waiting for the proctor to show up. She of course made her entrance with as much flair as she did the first time. There was a sudden explosion and after the dust cleared Anko could be seen in a thumbs up position with a different banner behind her. This one read "The super sexy kunoichi Anko Mitarashi presents the forest of death." written under a chibi drawing of Anko.

"Alright you maggots its time for you to take the second phase of the chunin exams. This time it's a survival test."

She went on to explain the rules of the test and handed each team their consent wavers. The test was simple, find a scroll that was the opposite of the one you are assigned in the begining and take the two scrolls to the tower in the middle of the forest. After everyone passed in their wavers and got their scrolls the test began.

The contestants all waited outside their assigned entrance gate and once that gate opened they ran inside. Hinata's team already had a plan thanks to Shino. It was a simple set up, stand out in the open and wait for someone stupid enough to trigger the leech trap they had set up. It didn't take long for some over aggressive team to fall for it. They were lucky enough to get the heaven scroll to go with their earth scroll so they headed for the tower in the middle of the forest where they were supposed to present their scrolls. Hinata was leading the way with her Byakugan when she noticed something.

"There are two teams of ninja up ahead. They are about to fight."

"What villages are they from?" Asked Shino.

"One is from sand. The other is from rain." Hinata replied.

"I think we should check it out. After they're done killing each other we might be able to jump in and clean house." Kiba said.

"I-I don't think that's a good idea." Hinata said.

"Let's do some recon first. If they are more powerful than us we'll just leave them." Shino said.

"O-Ok." Hinata said defeated. She really didn't want to waste time on this but she was outvoted and she didn't have the confidence to put her foot down.

The three found a hiding spot behind some bushes and watched the scene unfold in front of them. It was a massacre. The three rain genin unleashed a rain of kunai on the sand shinobi but it was all blocked by a veil of sand conjured up by the small red headed boy. That same veil of sand then turned into a tidal wave that snatched up the three rain genin. They were then suspended in the air in three distinct sand prisons.

"Sand burial" The boy said as he crushed the three genin. As the sand dissipated a mass of blood and shattered body parts fell from them. The red haired boys male team mate ran over to inspect what was left of the three.

"H-He butchered them." Kiba could barely contain his fear.

"W-W-W-We need to g-g-g-get away." Hinata was scared beyond her wildest nightmares. This boy was like a monster.

Shino was silent but he was visibly shaking.

"We got lucky. Not only is the scroll still intact but it's the heaven scroll we needed." As the boys two team mates started walking away the red haired boy simply stood in the same spot he was in before. He was eyeing the distance as if he was waiting for something. When the two realized he wasn't moving they turned to him.

"Gaara? We got what we needed. We can go now." The girl of the group said.

"No... The one who is coming here is like me. We wish to speak to them."

"Gaara, what are you talking about?" The male asked.

"Just shut up and wait."

A few seconds later another team showed up. The sight of this one made Hinata even more scared than she was before.

"N-Naruto?" She whispered as she watched her crush stand up to the monster she just saw.

"Yo. I have a message for Shukaku from Kurama."

"Mother says she wants to hear this message." The two boys slowly walked over to each other. Their eyes never leaving the other. A look of anger clearly etched onto Naruto's face.

"Do you know how to do this?" Naruto asked through gritted teeth.

Gaara held out his tiny fist and Naruto tapped it with his own. They just stood like that with their eyes closed for a few minutes. No one hearing the internal struggle between their two demons.

"Kurama, what do you want? Can't you see I was having some quality time with my son here?"

"You call that mindless slaughter quality time? You sicken me Shukaku. You spit on the teachings of our father."


"Not everyone abuses these powers Shukaku. This boy that I have the honor of calling my partner is one of those. He personifies the teachings of father more than any human I have ever seen."

"One good human doesn't excuse the rest of the species."

"Maybe not now but if we can reestablish fathers teachings we can redeem the human race."

"Screw the human race. You can preach all you want brother, I'm still going to get revenge on these weak creatures for what they did to father's teachings. I'll let you go this day Kurama only because of the bond we share. Next time you stand in my way however I will kill you and the boy you call partner."

Gaara broke his fist away from Naruto and started to walk away. "We're leaving." Gaara practically commanded to his team as they jumped away, headed for the tower.

Naruto stood in the same place with his head down for a few seconds. Omoi and Karui finally walked up to him and placed their hands on his shoulders.

"Naruto?" They both said to him.

"I'm... gonna have to kill him." Was all Naruto said as he turned and started to walk away with his team following him.

"Why did she have to be watching? Now she's going to be suspicious of me later."

"Don't worry about her. I'll think of an excuse if she brings it up later. You focus on passing this test."

Naruto's team jumped away leaving only Hinata's team hiding nearby. "What the hell just happened?" Kiba asked no one in particular.

"I don't know." Shino responded.

"I-I think w-we should g-go now." Hinata squeaked out.

Author's Note: It's chapters like this that remind me why I love doing this. I mean, a Ron Simmons reference? Where the hell did I even get that idea from? As always review and flame and all that good stuff.