137 A Man called Jack

Spirit Realm

Ishizu POV

You know I expected my time in the spirit realm to go like this:

I would train and learn Chi before someone who was close to our side, most likely Oogway or Tigress, the ones I had the most contact with, would be kidnapped, and we had to save one of them.

A long journey to the west or something like that would begin. We would be climbing mountains and passing rivers while encountering the bad guy's minions who were sent to defeat us before eventually having to fight the boss.

The enemy would be so strong that only some deus ex-machines power up the hero, aka. ME acquired on his way would let us win.

Yeaaaaaah, sorry, but I ain't living in Lord of the Rings or some other movie with similar tropes. Murphy's Law not only laughed at my face but also spat on it.

Sure, the first half of the first part was right, but instead of some mid-tier minions coming to kidnap a friend… THE FREAKING BOSS APPEARED!!

1 week passed and my training only went mediocre when suddenly an explosion was heard and 10 cloaked humanoid beings descended from the sky.

My battle instinct made me stand up immediately, and I ran toward Oogway and Shifu to help them with whatever enemy that came.

There I saw the hooded person landing before me, creating a massive crater underneath him. Why not be more dramatic?

"Found you."

Pain wasn't something uncommon to me since even I started off as a child and had strong opponents that taught me what pain meant and how to handle it.

Though after I gained the Rinnegan and Sage Mode, few, if not any living being, could make me feel this much pain.

So I was quite stuck when the figure disappeared and I felt the worst pain ever. I didn't even realize how he hit me but my nose was bleeding, a couple of rips were broken and I believe my spleen ruptured. All at the same time.

My head also struck against stone, giving me one hell of a concussion. My regeneration should do its job, but it was somehow impaired by something his attacks.

Was his Chi corrupting my regeneration? Fuck, what the hell was that guy?

"You are dead," he spoke, and before I could realize he disappeared again, not for Oogway to appear before me.

I believe he literally saved my life just now. Fuck!

"How did you find us, Jack? This place should be invisible to you."

The turtle forced the human back, but it wasn't that easy.

The human named Jack laughed before revealing his face. Looking at him, only one word came out. Wow. He was the definition of a bishounen or pretty boy.

Long silver hair with heterochromatic eyes. One silver and one green eye plus an angel's face many women would die for. His mother must have been an angel too.

"Heh, it would have stayed that way if not for that foolish human boy over there you have taken up. His use of chakra could be felt through the whole Spirit Realm. Of course, I would go myself to see what it was, and I was glad since now I can eradicate you all."

Guess I found the person I had to defeat and judging by his ability to fight Oogway with no problem and beating me so easily, I knew I wouldn't be able to beat him in a Chi fight.

That didn't mean I had lost. I just had to find a way, and that means improvising.

General POV

Otsutsuki Yamai watched from inside the soul of the man who loved her sister. When she first found out about this man, she was a bit stunned since she didn't expect a human in this world to remember her sister due to the passage of time.

She herself came down to this world to visit her sister after some time only to find humans wielding chakra. Her sister and the other Otsutsuki, Ishiki, were nowhere to be found.

Then she found a man who claimed to have known someone she resembled and being benevolent and curious, she followed him.

This man turned out to be crazy. He was once a follower of someone called Hagoromo Otsutsuki. Yamai was quite curious since he had their name, yet she had never heard of him. Her nephew, perhaps?

So she learned that after his death the man felt betrayed since he believed Hagoromo to be a god who would lead humanity to glory. Unfortunately, it appeared that humans break when their gods die.

Since he was one of the first people to obtain chakra, he began searching for a way to become a god himself so he could take over the goal of Hagoromo.

Seeing Yamai, he recognized her as someone close to Hagoromo, and with a ritual; he bound her, trying to be the man he idolized.

On that day Yamai 'died' and her soul became attached to the man granting him abilities like bastardized immortality and using the blood of others to kill them.

This man was called Jashin, and he spread his new religion, proclaiming to be a god. This was how the religion Jashinism came to be.

It was funny that the immortality Yamai granted wasn't affecting age, so even if Jashin couldn't die through bodily harm, he still aged and, like all humans, he eventually died.

Over the years, many of Jashin's followers tried to bind her to them. Some succeeded, going on a rampage until most of the followers were killed.

Hidan was the last follower of Jashinism who was strong enough to harbor her until Ishizu used the Human Path to separate them.

If not for Kaguya's intervention, she would have used her Kama on Ishizu to be reborn as him. Seeing that this man wanted to resurrect her sister, she instead ordered him to find a body to be reborn instead of using his.

At first, Yamai didn't expect anything from him. By the Otsutsuki standard, Ishizu was on par with the weakest members of their clan who hadn't eaten chakra fruits yet and that's because they overestimated themselves.

Still, what fascinated her was his ability to utilize chakra into what humans called Fuinjutsu. Who knew that a few strokes of ink-infused chakra in certain ways could have such effects?

Maybe that's why her sister saw something in this human? She had to speak with her about her love preferences.

The fascination went up when this animal called a panda transported them into another dimension, one that was devoided of chakra.

A lot of Otsutsukis had the ability to move from one dimension to another, but a lot of them were either uninhabited or were used to grow God Trees, destroying them in the process.

Seeing Ishizu now in an unfamiliar territory and having to deal with this new threat made Yamai excited and fearful.

Even inside Ishizu's soul, she could feel the power radiating off the human. His strength rivaled a high-class Otsutsuki.

If Ishizu and this man fought, there was no doubt that Ishizu would lose, yet if her sister saw something in this man then Yamai would see how this man could defy his fate.

"Now, let's watch the chaos unfold."

Ishizu POV

I was really unlucky today. When I came to help, I didn't expect to encounter the end boss and for him to easily defeat me.

"Oh, I forgot you are still alive thanks to the turtle. I will make this a painless death but first… tell me, shinobi, or else your death will be worse than you have imagined. Have the Uchiha finally eradicated those pesky Senju or is the war still ongoing?" he asked, or rather demanded to know.

I must have waited too long to answer, or because I was caught off guard by such a question.

The next thing I felt something flash in front of my eyes and I felt cold. Looking down, I saw a large fist size hole.

"Ishizu, no... Jack, you have gone too far!"

Oogway's voice sounded hollow to my ears as my vision declined. I never expected my death to be so… unspectacular.

Just as I collapsed, I could see something orange in my periphery before I lost consciousness.

I couldn't help but offer a smile to death's embrace.

General POV

Tigress didn't know what overcame her when she ran towards the human and picked him up.

The man in question didn't even voice out a scream of pain, making Tigress even more agitated. Everything she did now was on instinct mode. When one of the other humans tried to grab Ishizu, she instead pierced the attacker's brain with a chi-enchanted claw, ending his pathetic life.

Tigress didn't look back at the dead body. She didn't feel pity for those humans, even if she knew what was happening to them.

The reason they weren't feeling any pain is that their bodies changed over the years.

Honestly, who would think there wasn't any backlash for living beings to enter the spirit world? Po was clever to teleport the population to the Spirit Realm hoping no human would be stupid to follow since staying there for a long time would cause changes to one's body.

What Tigress fought shouldn't even be called a human anymore. Their eyes lost their natural color and changed to a jade green color, with their skin turning green too. Now they were thralls to the one leading them.

Somehow, Jack circumvented the process of turning and instead became their leader and started a path of destruction through the Spirit Realm.

Turning towards the sky, she saw the man that caused all this. She resisted the urge to go up and fight him together alongside Master Oogway, but her priority was the man under her arm.

Tigress placed her paw on his neck to check his pulse. It was weak and growing weaker with each second passing.

'You won't die. Not on my watch!'

Only because he was Po's student, only this was the reason she would save him. After that, she would teach him a lesson. How dare he die now!

Placing his body on the ground, she kneeled before him as her paws glowed golden, growing in brightness with each second.

"You piece of shit! I will never be able to look into Po's eyes when you died in front of me. I will beat that smile off your face. Now live!"

Tigress slammed her chi fist against Ishizu's body, making it jump up before it fell down.




Scene change

Ishizu rolled his eyes when he found himself inside a dark tunnel with a light at the end. It couldn't be more cliché than this.

Sighting, Ishizu thought about his life. Nobody forced him to move, so he had time to think. He couldn't be angry about dying like this. With how many close calls he had, at some point, it would be over.

Still, there were some regrets like reviving Kaguya. There was one small chance Kabuto would try to revive him, though why would he at this point?

Seeing no reason to stay in this dark tunnel, Ishizu walked toward the light, not seeing the golden light coming from behind.

The light transformed into two golden tiger claws that grabbed his torso and forced him to a halt.

"What the…!?"

Before Ishizu could speak, the glows tugged him back, deeper into the dark.


Back in the world of living or Spirit World, Tigress panted as she saw Ishizu's hole closing.

She had used all of her chi to pump Ishizu full of it. Now he had to heal and come back and to her surprise, it was faster than she expected.

"Can't let me die in peace, huh? Am I that handsome?"

Oh, that grin on her face. How she would love to punch him, but she couldn't.

"If you can talk, then you can do something about this situation. Master Oogway is risking his life to prolong your escape. We need to leave."

Little did Tigress know that Ishizu was far from running away.

Slowly getting up and looking at his healed body, Ishizu saw two golden pawn imprints over his heart. Walking over to his savior, it was now Ishizu who took Tigress and carried her princess style.

"Where are you carrying me? We need to leave!" Tigress didn't blush at the awkward situation but rather was angry at Ishizu for running to his home.

"No. Not leaving. Fuck this OP character and his cheats. If I know one thing about his type, it's to use OP things against him."

Scene change

"Come on, come on, come on. Where is it?"

Ishizu was looking through a box while throwing a brush away while Tigress leaned up against the wall. Shaking his head at another not-available brush.

"We need to leave! Jack is coming. Why are you looking through your stupid box?" She was a bit angry remembering what he did to her in their fight.

Ishizu scoffed, not looking at Tigress. As if he would run and leave them alone. Ishizu was raised and followed the Definition of Scum quoted by none other than his favorite defector, Obito Uchiha.

As a young child, Ishizu smiled at this silly world play, not really agreeing nor disagreeing.

It was only when the 3rd Shinobi War started did Ishizu understand what it truly meant or rather what his own interpretation was.

At war, you sooner or later would find yourselves in a situation where you alone can't win. Ishizu didn't start off as some godlike being having no one to fight as an equal.

Instead, he faced off against countless enemies that could kill him. There were moments when Ishizu ran, placing his life over a simple mission.

Yet he learned through many occasions that fighting together increased the odds of winning. What a revelation!

Over the years, Ishizu learned to judge the people around him, and if he saw them in a positive light, he wouldn't leave them behind.

He knew Oogway and the others for only a short amount of time, but he trusted them and wouldn't leave them behind. Tigress just saved his fucking life. How could he leave them to die? It would haunt him for life.

Also, he had no chance to get back to the elemental nations, so he better help the people who can bring him there, or this would really be his grave.

"Because here is everything I need to beat that cheating monster!" Ishizu hissed at the tiger before returning to his box.

Ishizu needed to be of sane mind and body to have at least a small chance in this fight, and he couldn't be if she cried to him about leaving everyone behind. Just trust him on this one.

A moment of silence between the two began, with the only sound being Ishizu's hands running through his stuff.

"What are you looking for?" finally asked Tigress after her curiosity won over and the sound of silence annoyed her.

A smile appeared on Ishizu's face as he slowly turned to Tigress.

"I have suffered a rather anticlimactic death by the hands of this Jack. That gave me enough information as to what he is. As I am now, I won't defeat nor will I be of help to master Oogway. Rather, I would be a distraction he has to look out for, or I'd die again."

Ishizu looked at his hands that weakly glowed yellow before he dismissed it.

"Learning Chi would be nice, but I have lived for all this life with chakra, and learning a completely different energy source like Chi needs time and dedication. Can't do that with Jack breathing down our necks, eh? I ain't a genius who learns everything in a few days."

And finally, Ishizu smiled when he found what he needed.

"So instead of relying on Chi, I will show you all just why I am one of the most dangerous humans you will ever meet. Do you think I went all out during our fight with those seals?

Oh, Tigress, let me show you just what a Fuinjutsu master can do if he had enough time to prepare."

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