
Naruto: I, Hinata Have A Demon

Hinata Hyuga became unconscious on a snowy afternoon and entered her mental space where she encountered a very powerful spirit or being. Chaos and destruction were what Hinata felt when she saw that man. From that moment on, she did everything she could to prevent that evil being from leaving her body and destroying the ninja world. Years later, she was at the top of the ninja world with her efforts.

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3 Chs

Chapter-3 Foiled Kidnapping



In the Hyuga clan's training ground, an adult and a little girl were fighting intensely.

The man waved his hands as he dodged the girl's blows.


A strong palm hit the man's forearm. He frowned, feeling a stinging pain in his right arm.

He took a step forward and pushed his way into the girl's guard.


A knock echoed across the training field. The man's palm hit the girl's chest.

"Ahh~"The girl spat out saliva and fell to the ground, clutching her stomach.

"Young miss, your progress is impressive. There is no doubt that your talent surpasses that of my son."The man caressed his arm and saw some red dots on the skin.

"Ahh... Thank you... Uncle..." Hinata sat on the ground in pain.

"As Mr. Leviathan said, my training progress is faster," Hinata thought with a frown.

A couple of days had passed since she met that demon inside her. She wanted to tell her parents, but the demon threatened to kill her if she revealed the secret of her body.

The only thing she could do was train and not let that monster take over her body. She gave up her shyness and low self-esteem and began training until she was exhausted. Even though she was only 5 years old, she understood that some things shouldn't be said or done. It was better to keep quiet and wait for the right moment to act.

According to that demon, her body had adapted to make her faster in cultivation. Not only had her strength increased significantly, but also her understanding of techniques. By seeing a new technique once, she could copy it perfectly within a few days or hours.

Furthermore, all physical, mental, or chakra exhaustion could be recovered after eating and a night's sleep.

In just one week, she could already use the soft fist and some other fighting styles.

Although she had not activated her bloodline, her progress was noticeable from her training.

"Let's go again..." the man said to the 5-year-old girl.


Hinata reluctantly stood up and lunged at her uncle.



A couple and two girls were at the dining table, which was filled with all kinds of food.

The couple and the little girl, just over 2 years old, looked surprised at the older girl, who was swallowing a piece of meat the size of a small human head in one bite.

Hiashi looked at his daughter without words. In just a few weeks, the girl who barely endured light training had now mastered several martial styles of the Hyuga Clan, even surpassing children of the same generation.

Furthermore, the training his daughter did was not easy at all. Every morning, before the sun rose, his daughter would run around the mansion for an hour or two. After a brief rest for breakfast and a bath, she went to the training ground to train with him all morning until midday.

After training with him, she would look for his twin brother or a Clan ninja to practice what she learned in the morning.

The Hyuga who practiced with Hinata said that the girl progressed too quickly. If they were not careful, they could get hurt by her. Even her brother praised her for mastering the soft fist without activating her white eyes.

"Genius, the Hyuga clan finally has a talent."

Hiashi sighed with mixed feelings. On one hand, he was happy that his daughter was a genius, but on the other hand, Konoha, and the high officials of the village, could not see the birth of a genius.

The clear example was the fourth Hokage, a war hero and terror of the Shinobi villages. Five years ago, the Kyubi appeared in the middle of the village. As a Shinobi and patriarch, Hiashi wanted to help the fourth Hokage. When he was ready with his clan members, an Anbu who served the third Hokage ordered him to evacuate the civilians.

Not only the Hyuga clan but also the Uchiha clan, Nara clan, Inuzuka, Aburame, Yamanaka, and all the important clans of Konoha received the same order: evacuate the civilians while the civilian ninja went to stop the Kyubi.

Hours later, the death of the fourth Hokage was reported, and a few days later, a baby with blonde hair and whisker marks appeared as the vessel of the Kyubi. Just by looking at him once, Hiashi knew he was the son of the fourth Hokage, but no clan said a word about it.

With the death of the fourth Hokage, a fifth Hokage should have been appointed to stabilize the village. The only candidate in the village who fought for the position of the fourth Hokage was Sennin Orochimaru, but for some reason, the third Hokage postponed the appointment. A year later, Lord Orochimaru defected from the village and was treated as an S-class traitor Ninja.

Without the three Sennin in the village, the position of Hokage reverted to the third Hokage, who sat on the throne without a competitor. The Hyuga clan, like many other clans, withdrew from Konoha's power zone for fear of the old Kage. The only clan that still tried to maintain its political power was the Uchiha, and many clans could see that the Uchiha clan would not meet a good end if it continued fighting with the Hokage.

Now the clans were trying to cultivate a new generation of Shinobi, hoping that the old Kage would die somehow and that one of the two Sennin would sit in the position of Hokage.

Hiashi looked at his daughter, who showed abysmal talent, and made the decision to hide her from the high officials of Konoha and cultivate her to be the greatest pride of the Hyuga clan.

"Daughter, starting tomorrow, you will train to open your white eyes."

Hiashi drank some tea and watched his eldest daughter out of the corner of his eye.

Hinata swallowed a piece of meat and drank a jug of juice.

"Well, I also want to open my white eyes to become stronger."Hinata nodded her head, her eyes shining brightly.

"My daughter, you must rest a little. If you continue like this, your body will not bear it."

Hinata's mother became concerned about the intense exercise her daughter was doing.

Hinata averted her gaze and didn't dare look at her parents.

"Silly girl, we share the same body and soul. Do you think I don't know what you think?"

"Hehehe... Even if you train for a thousand years, you will never be able to stop me from taking your body. The only way is to kill yourself, but unfortunately for you, that will never happen while I am in your body."

Leviathan mocked the girl's plan, wanting to see if she could do it.

Hinata ignored the voice in her heart and looked at her parents with determined eyes.

"Mother, don't worry, I know my body and I will take the corresponding breaks. I want to become strong; it is my goal and my dream."

The couple looked at each other and sighed. The 2-year-old girl did not understand and looked at her older sister with bright eyes.

The months passed like the wind, and the strength of the heir of the Hyuga Clan advanced in an extraordinary way. She opened her lineage, the white eye. She mastered the soft fist, the 32 palms, the empty fist, and the divergent fist in a few months.

Her chakra reserves were almost comparable to that of an elite Jounin, but the most terrifying thing was her body.No matter if she had external or internal wounds, depleted chakra, or broken bones, a hearty meal and a night's sleep would fully recover her, and her physique would become stronger.

Hiashi and the elders expressed that the heiress's physique was comparable to the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju. Although not as perverted as the first Hokage, it was still terrifying. They even considered the possibility that the heiress could awaken the legendary wood style of the Senju Clan.

In the early days of the village's founding, several members of the Senju clan married into the Hyuga clan as a sign of their sincerity for the Hyuga clan to live in Konoha.

Although the Senju lineage that entered the Hyuga clan was minimal, it was still maintained. But to the misfortune of the elders, Hinata's recovery ability was a passive ability of the demon inside her body. Although she did not awaken the Senju lineage, she would awaken the Otsutsuki lineage and the Rinnegan, comparable to the eyes of the six paths.

Hinata went to bed tired after a long training session.

After a couple of hours, in the middle of the night, three shadows sneaked into the Hyuga mansion and arrived at Hinata's room.

"Huh, this must be the heiress of the Hyuga Clan," one of the men commented

"Okay..." The last man picked up the little 6-year-old girl in his arms.

"Let's go..." The man ordered.

The three men left the Hyuga mansion in silence.

Leviathan looked at the still-unawakened brat and coldly observed the three humans who had kidnapped her precious body.

"You think this man will let you go? I'm the only one who can bother this girl."

Leviathan snorted arrogantly.

The three kidnappers felt a chill run down their spines as they entered the forest.

Black lines appeared on Hinata's delicate face.


With a flick of her wrist, Hinata pierced her captor's chest.


The man screamed, scaring the other two and they looked at him.

What they saw was their partner caressing his chest full of blood.

"My heart... Give back my heart!"

The man spat blood and fell to the ground dead.

The two ninjas opened their eyes and looked at their dead companion in disbelief.

"What a weak human!"

The two ninjas heard a girl's voice and looked up.

They saw a girl dressed in rabbit pajamas, her face showed two pairs of eyes, a pair of white eyes activated and below her another pair of red eyes. A sinister smile on her lip and the most terrifying thing is that she is holding a still-beating heart in her right hand.


The two ninjas didn't know what to say, seeing a girl holding a heart is terrifying.


One of the ninjas put aside his surprise and reached in front of the girl and held Hinata's arm and swung her like a dirty rag, ready to throw her to the ground.

"Die, you damn brat," the ninja said and waved his hand to throw little Hinata to the ground.



The man felt a void in his hand holding the Hyuga girl.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that his right arm was missing.

"Ohh, another weak human."

Sitting on a branch, Hinata mockingly looked at the man while holding the man's severed arm.

"This..." The man didn't know what happened.

"Hey, hey, don't get distracted."

Hinata appeared in front of the man and waved her hand.


A fist landed on the man's face, sending him to the ground.



The man's body hit the ground, creating a huge crater several meters deep.

The blow was so strong that part of the man's head split open like a watermelon, killing him instantly.

Hinata fell to the ground gracefully and looked at the last ninja with her four eyes.

The last one took a step back, in just 30 seconds his companions had died at the hand of a girl.

"You... You're a demon... Don't come close..."

The ninja trembled in fear.Hinata snorted and performed a hand seal.

"Don't worry, he will die too."

Before the words reached the man's ear, the ninja's body split into 10 parts, creating a pool of blood and bones.

Hinata looked around with cold eyes and then at her right hand filled with blood.

She wrapped her hand with chakra, removing the blood from her hand, and looked at her body, finding no marks of struggle.

"Well... The brat's family is coming."

Hinata nodded her head and the marks on her face disappeared and the red eyes closed.

Hinata regained consciousness and looked around, confused. She felt pain throughout her body and her chakra was exhausted.


Hinata kneeled on the ground in pain.



Several minutes later, a dozen members of the Hyuga clan led by Hiashi arrived at the combat zone.


Hiashi and the others looked at the area in horror: the dead Kumogakure ninja. One on the ground with a hole in his chest, another buried in a hole in the ground, and the last one sliced thin.

"Silly girl, I'll say you were saved by a masked red-eyed man," Leviathan said lightly without giving the girl much of an explanation.

Hinata, who felt her body on the limit, forced a smile and said quietly but loud enough for her father and the others to hear.

"Father... A red-eyed man with a mask saved me..."Hinata fainted.

"Hinata..."Hiashi ran to his daughter, worried, and held her in his arms.

"A man with red eyes, an Uchiha?"

Hiashi's brother looked at the Kumogakure corpses."We must inform the Hokage. We, the Hyuga Clan, want an explanation of why the Kumogakure ninja kidnapped my daughter. And also send some gifts to the Uchiha clan to thank them for saving my daughter."

Hiashi felt that someone was targeting his clan.

Hiashi's brother nodded and waved his hand. Several members collected Kumo's bodies, and the others followed Hiashi to the mansion.


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