
The Search for the Cat Tora

(Author Notes)

'Tailed Beast Internal Speech'

"Kurama Talking using a shadow clone/ switched with Naruto"

"Normal People talking"

'Internal Speech'



Notes/Scroll reading


(3rd POV)(Hokages office)

Hiruzen took a long deep breath exhaustion covering his old bones he already had his hands full with the mizuki situation and now as it turns out there was a problem with naruto.

"Run that by me again Kakashi. Your saying naruto has spoken with the kyuubi? And that he displayed hostility to you when you began to speak ill of it?" Hiruzen asked for comfirmation.

"yes lord third, but he also made a few disturbing relevations to me" Kakashi said with a lowered head.

hiruzen's eye brows furrowed before he ordered his anbu to leave the room and activated a seal locationed beneath his desk. Straightening up Hiruzen spoke "what did he say?"

"they made a deal, lord third" Kakashi spoke.

"What kind of deal?" he said with steel in his voice. Kakashi straightened before countining "It sounded like a deal of mutual cooperation, in which the kyuubi would help and assist naruto in anyway it could. In return Naruto is to let it out every once in a while."

"What do you mean by that?" hiruzen pressed "i mean one of two things Naruto either lets the kyuubi take control for a while or he creates a shadow clone for it to control. However-" Kakashi arruptly stopped gulping a mouth full of air with cold sweat running down his brows "H-he-he is to free the kyuubi before his death should that ever come to pass"

Hiruzen's eyes widened 'Free the kyuubi?' "It would be impossible for us to seal it again if he does that, not to mention the damage it would do to the village should it escape again" he said putting a hand to his face.

Why did he make a deal with the kyuubi? When did he make it? Why didn't he tell me? what else has he been hiding how much has he been hiding. Hiruzen thought a small smile making its way to his lips before he gave a small tired chuckle "Guess i've really gotten old if someone not even a 4th my age could sneak something passed me like Naurto did." (NA: remember because THIS Naurto is someone who transmigrated into his body it was foreign to him thus he was able to feel and with some time control every little change to his body that would otherwise be automatic. This doesn't mean perfect control, since he had to train to control these automatic functions but he trained his control over the chemicals his body produces to suppress his fight or flight reflex and his facial muscles thus allowing him to almost perfectally control his facial expression. But at the same time he never really kept it a secret nor did he try, Hiruzen just never brought it up in conversation ;p)

"Hatake, from now on you are to inform me of any changes regarding naruto, anything and everything you here me. This is now an S-Rank secret and im assigning you a long term off books S-Rank Mission Keep an eye on Naruto. I will also be increasing the teams sent to watch over him and keep track of him." Hiruzen spoke in a firm tone, Kakashi just bowed before he leaf Shunshin'd away.

Hiruzen sighed why can't things be easy with you Naruto. Hiruzen thought completly ignoring the small fly in the room that flew out under the door before disappearing in a puff of smoke


(Naruto POV) (Naruto's Apartment)

I closed my eyes as I processed the new information given to me from the dispelling of my clone. He has already told the Hokage it seems. I thought to myself, Kurama only laughed at the information even if they up the security teams they won't discover a thing it chuckled.

I smirked There really is nothing they can do now all they can do is simply watch (AN: i havent explained this because there havent been any resent journal entries but naruto uses a shadow clone now to play his second identity. And to clearify no its not the same one every day because if it was a whole months or even years worth of information could fry his brain so thanks to the seals around the originals body that the clones also copy the clones have access to his chakra storage seal and can make an other clone with the exact same chakra levels as themselves when using the seal. so doing this every night naruto gets information about the village and what the clone is up to every day. So even if his original body is under servallance they completely over look a henged naruto with less then a ninth of the original's chakra level and because there are almost no sensors in konoha and the ones that are there are no where near as good as uzumaki sensors so they are easily tricked by suppresion seals. Hope i explained that correctly.)

We start D-Ranks tommorow so i guess i'll sleep early i thought to myself a small smile forming on my lips but first there's a seal i need to finish. Still working on those Paralysis Seals? i need to get them finished before the bridge builder arc begins. Even if Haku is a boy in this world i'd still get a powerfull subordinate under me the only difference between the two being one is mindless and the other isn't but obeys me regardless so i don't mind. I'll eventually get a handle on the alteration seals i've been theorizing about i mentally told the fox.

Hmmm the alteration seals do those have to do with your plans for the uchiha? They did, but those were still atleast 4 years away devolopment wise so you shouldn't get your hopes up besides I've changed my original plans for the uchiha. i thought waving off the fox, it didn't respond but i could feel its enthusiasm through the seal causing a smile to cross my lips things are starting to get fun~ real fun and with that final thought my heavy eye lids finally shut.


(Next day) Date is SE 245 Kaze no Kōri, Taiyōday 26rd. (3rd POV)

Sun light began to filter through the village of konoha and eventually into the room of Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto was currently in nothing more then his boxers with a sealing brush in hand going over the seals on his body making and completing some of the incomplete seals in his 8 Trigram Heavenly Seals.

Sometime later as the sun began to fill his room even more then before he stopped finishing with one final stroke of the brush. Naruto mused to himself as he saw the finished seal, he had just completed his Heavenly Conversion Seal and was close to finishing the Heavens Trigram Healing seal.

Naruto Exhauled deeply "Alright that is enough for today" before he stood up and began to walk to the bathroom. Something that wasn't really told or explained in Naruto was just how difficult and taxing the creation of seals could be specially the creation of new and unqiue seals without a blueprint to follow. It was to the point where someone like naruto was left sweating and painting along with a throbbing headache.

Both of which where luckly solved moments later as when Naruto entered the bath tub of his apartment Kurama began his work slowly allowing his chakra to flow into Naruto's seal and into his body healing and replenishing Naruo's reserves while also soothing the headache which assulted his mind. Naruto almost moaned from the combination the water soothing his muscles, the suddle warmth spreading within his body and the soothing chakra of the fox helping the pain in his head lessen. It was then he spoke once more "Thanks Kurama your the best" Naruto said with a small smile.

And while the fox didnt respond verbily Naruto could feel it nod in responce within his mindscape. Naruto simply smirked before getting out of the bath and after drying off going to his room to get changed into his white and orange kimono before putting his hands in a pertecular seal. He forced his middle, ring fingers and tumbs to touch while curling his index and pinky fingers. He then muttered to himself in a low voice "Eight Trigram Seal - Heavenly Restriction True Activation" and with those words the seals on his wrist and ankles began to glow and burn red before the area around naruto seemed to thicken coming heavier and heavier until it seemed like it could sufficate any normal person with the weight that seemed to begin to press down on naruto before the ripples in the air seemed to disappear leaving nothing more than an unassuming Naruto who now with a smile on his face began to walk out of his apartment and to Training Ground Three an hour before there sensei should arrive.


(Naruto POV)

Some time passed and after what felt closer to 2 hours worth of wait instead of one we walked to the hokage's office for our first D-rank mission of the day.

"Your mission is to recapture and return the cat of the daimyō's wife." Hurizen said while taking a puff from his pipe. Sasuke being Sasuke was brooding in the corner completely unintreasted while Sakura looked confused as she read the scroll in more detail. I was also courious so i sneaked a peek and 'damn was that a lot of information' i thought to myself as i looked over the file.

'Kurama are you seeing this' i mentally spoke to the fox while looking at the scroll in bafflement, after a moment of silence Kurama looked at what i was read and began to laugh within my mindscape. The thing that seemed to amuse the fox so much was the amount of escapes, escape attempts and missions this cat has gotten.

Name: Tora the Cat

Age:16 years old

Danger Rating: D+

Description: Tora is a cat belonging to the wife of the current fire daimyō and is known to run away on varies occations. 

Known Favored Locations: Market Place, Allies, Roof Tops, Near the Hospital

Missions filed - 11,901 Escape attempts made according to the daimyō's wife 7,032 successful escape attempts 4,702 False Alarms 167

'Like i remember the wife of the daimyō sqeezes the ever loving hell out of her cat but is it really that bad?' was my only thought in that moment my mind still trying to process how bad of a owner the daimyō's wife had to be for her cat to escape so much it got a D+ Danger ranking it was only 4 missions away from being upgraded to a C rank mission for crying out loud. Taking the scroll while Kakashi and Hurizen seemed to talk i walked over to sasuke showing him the scroll he seemed to glance at it before turning away and doing a double take as soon as the information fully registered into his head. How bad do you have to be to get a cat this desperate to leave?


(3rd Person Pov)

As Team Seven exited the confines of the Hokage tower, they each looked at each other before dispering into 3 different directions in search of tora the cat, leaving Kakashi behind near the front of the hokage tower.

Sakura made her way through the roof tops in search of the konoha hospital in search of the cat, while Sasuke made his way through the bustling marketplace using his keen observation skills as a uchiha to scan through the throngs of people, seeking any trace of tora amidst the myraid of stalls and activitiy. While Naruto Jumped from roof top to roof top searching for tora before moving his hands in a set of hand seals to summon 8 different shadow clones to also help him search for the cat, all the while Karma just laughed within his seal.


Authors notes

Hey everyone! its been a while. About 2 and a half weeks or almost a month by this point since ive updated this fic at all and im sorry about that ive been very busy these past few weeks school is a bitch im afraid.

But im Back now :D and i'll be starting up with 3 chapters this week to make it up to you guys after that i will be switching to a once of week schedule and when i end up making a chapter longer then 2k words i will split that shit into 2 chapters and upload it at the end of the week as a little treat. I have a lot of idea's for future chapters so i will leave you guys with a few names of chapters to come (ahahaha fun joke) i'll leave you guys with 4 names.

The Capture of Tora the Cat.

Escorting the Bridge Builder

Now or never my Urame (18+)

Urame's (Haku's) subservience (18+)

Im giving you guys two back to back smut chapters so i hope you fucking degenerates are happy about that one (I dont know why im talking i am one to). But yeah i hope you guys enjoyed this funny chapter and i will see you guys thurday and sunday. 

If you guys have any ideas don't be afraid to leave a comment and i'll respond to it :D

Good Day Everyone.

your up and coming smut fanfiction author



before you ask why im not using this author's thoughts section its because it looks cooler in the actual thing and i can bolden my text which it doesnt let me do here

BlitzKrieG_Kcreators' thoughts
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