
Naruto : Hentai

Autor: Im_Casper
Anime & Comics
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I don't own anything inside this book, the cover is also not mine, I just do this for fun.

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Chapter 1Sarada's day off.

"It looks like everything is in order," Naruto said, shuffling through a stack of forms. "The Treasury has signed off on it, so that's the Academy budget for the next quarter settled. Does it look… ah, look good to you, Iruka-sensei?"

The aging instructor took the papers from the hokage and scanned the relevant portions. After a moment, he nodded.

"It would be nice if more could be spared from the budget, but this should be enough to cover all the essentials."

Naruto nodded.

"That's good. I'd hate if the Academy wasn't able to afford everything it needed. The younger generation is our most important investment, after all."

"Sure, sure," said Iruka, chuckling good-naturedly. "But we have enough for everything important. Anything more would just go to added bells and whistles, and just between you and me, I think some parts of Academy management put too much priority on getting fancy new technology for the classrooms when they could be refining the basic curriculum."

"Oh, I hear you." Naruto nodded. "Bloated budgets can be as bad as ones that are too lean, if the right things aren't prioritized. Ah… but it's good to know that I can leave the instruction of our young ones to someone as dependable as you."

"You flatter me, Hokage-sama," Iruka said. "I just do what I can to make things work out."

"That's more than a lot of people do."

"I suppose. Well, not everyone is as passionate about their work."

"No, maybe not…"

Naruto shrugged, and he gave Iruka a wave, bidding him a fond farewell. The man nodded and departed, wearing a smile.

When the door closed behind Iruka, Naruto's shoulders drooped, and he slumped in his chair like he was a puppet whose strings had been cut. His eyes fluttered shut, and he clenched his teeth, faintly hissing. Peering through lids that were open by just a sliver, Naruto looked down under his desk, grimacing at a head of raven hair and a youthful, lewdly smiling face. Dewy onyx eyes gazed up at him, a fair countenance flush with smoldering arousal while soft, sweet, girlish lips quietly, wetly smacked on the sides of a throbbing, girthy erection.

His best friend's daughter grinned slavishly up at him, and she whispered sultry celebrations of his manhood, wiggling bare hips and lifting a round, white tush. Her bottom wagged in the air, a petite body kneeling in the buff at the hokage's feet, kneeling unseen beneath his desk, unsuspected and unrepentant as she sighed and rolled her eyes and reverently kissed and licked and sniffed his cock, pleasuring him and savoring him and adoring him with all her heart. A flat, nubile chest was puffed out in pride, a fresh and feminine form flaunted in secret for him, and him alone.

"Geez, Sarada-chan…" he said with a merely mild exasperation. "I can't keep it together if you're sucking so hard while I'm talking to someone. Couldn't you let up on it a little while I'm meeting with someone? I know you like sucking my dick, but I've still got all sorts of important business."

"Don't you like it, Daddy?" Sarada sweetly asked. "But you're the one who told me to sneak in here and take care of you… It was so hard to get past the night guards, too… if anyone saw me sneaking in without any clothes, I would have gotten into so much trouble"

"By the time I was your age, I was able to sneak past the guards and knock the hokage out cold," Naruto said, though he indulgently patted Sarada's head. "If you can't even slip past some overworked chuunin in your birthday suit, you deserve to be punished."

Sarada giggled, and she laved her tongue cheekily up his shaft, moaning throatily as she soaked in the flavor of his cock. Her tongue slipped over bulging veins, and it slipped under the lip of his cockhead, teasing the sensitive skin. His erection throbbed, and precum glistened, welling up from his meatus. His length was shining with her saliva, and her cheek was rosy as she rubbed it against his manhood, pressing it against the soft, smooth skin of her face.

"Maybe I should get caught on purpose, next time…" she said dreamily, giggling a little and wagging her hips. She affectionately nuzzled his rod, stroking it with one hand while rubbing it on her cheek. "Would you punish me then, Daddy? How would you punish me?~"

"Maybe I'd bend you over my knee and spank you," Naruto suggested. He smiled, seeing Sarada's eyes light up, and he watched her body twist in gleeful anticipation as she imagined it. "Yeah, I bet you'd like that. I'd smack that cute little butt of yours silly, and when I was done, you wouldn't be able to sit down for a week."

Sarada's rump bobbed enthusiastically, and she moaned into his prick, turning her head and opening her mouth wide to curl a wagging tongue against his manhood and wetly, lovingly, indecently kiss it.

"Yes!" she panted. "Mmm… I'm a naughty girl, Daddy. I deserve to be punished all night. I'm such a hopeless little slut"

"Yes, you are," Naruto said. He stroked Sarada's hair, smiling down at her and nearly causing her to swoon. "But you're MY little slut."

Sarada looked at him with lovestruck, worshipful eyes, and she surmounted his tip with a panting, gaping, drooling mouth and slipped her lips down over his cockhead, blushing lewdly and moistly mewling as she proceeded to suck and slurp on his dick.

And the door chose then to open, another visitor coming in to speak with the Lord Hokage.

"Hello, sir," said Shizune, leaning in through the open door. "I know you said not to bother you unless it was important, but a diplomat from the Hidden Cloud has been complaining about their accommodations, and he wants to speak with you personally…"

"Is it a serious complaint?" Naruto asked, having straightened up the second he saw the door open. "Or is he just looking for excuses to cause a scene? Darui is pretty reasonable, so unless it's something really substantive, it shouldn't need my personal attention."

"Hm… Well, maybe not…" Shizune said. "But I don't know. It's possible it COULD wind up being serious."

Naruto made a face. Partly it was exasperation at the thought of having to placate an uppity diplomat, and partly it was pure enjoyment of Sarada's mouth working dutifully over his cock. But he did well to make his expression look like it was purely the former.

"My schedule is very busy," he said. "Even if this guy is an important diplomat, unless there's an imminent threat of war or something of that sort, he can afford to wait a couple hours. I can see him after lunch."

Shizune pursed her lips, considering this.

"Are you sure?"

"Is this a matter of life or death?"

"Well… no."

"Then it's purely on him if he's too impatient to wait a couple hours."

Shizune nodded.

"Okay, then. I'll go tell him you'll be available after lunch."

The woman turned around and walked out the door, and Naruto stroked his fingers through Sarada's hair while he watched her form depart. He wasn't a womanizer, but Shizune had aged gracefully, and he could appreciate the fullness of her mature, womanly ass and the particular way she swayed her hips, and it didn't hurt his appreciation of the view that Sarada's sucking deepened, the girl responding to his half-conscious touch and sinking her mouth farther down on his huge, throbbing cock.

Naruto closed his eyes when the door closed behind Shizune, and he basked for a moment in Sarada's eager, diligent sucking. The girl sipped and slurped and slobbered on his cock, smiling dreamily around his rod as she breathed in his musk and sampled his strong, heady taste. Despite her youth, the lass was very eager and quite able to suck his dick, and she exhibited a laudable talent for fellatio as she smacked her lips and rolled her tongue this way and that around his shaft, laving the underside when she bowed her head low and swirling around his tip when she raised her head to crest his length with caving cheeks and drooping lids.

The blonde sat behind his desk, silently enjoying Sarada's fawning, slavering attentions. He looked like he had nodded off, but the stroking of his hand atop Sarada's head, brushing back her hair and pressing down to coax her to ever deeper sucking, betrayed his persistent consciousness. Naruto shifted in his chair, arching his back while Sarada cupped and fondled his balls, the girl handling his junk with impressive familiarity. Perhaps it was a dubious position for the Lord Seventh Hokage to be in, having a naked genin under his desk and sucking his cock. Maybe it would have been an outright scandal if anyone discovered the relationship he had with the daughter of his former teammates.

Sarada should have been like family to Naruto, given how close he was with her parents, yet here he was with his dick down her throat, sitting at his desk with the naked Uchiha heiress kneeling between his legs and polishing his knob like an amorous handmaid. Naruto grinned a little despite himself, basking in Sarada's lewd, worshipful attentions, and he nodded his head and softly bucked his hips, bumping the girl's head with a lurch of his groin. She squeaked, feeling his navel smack her face, and she gagged, feeling his length get shoved not too gently down her throat, but she also blissfully smiled, and she raised incandescent, reverential sharingan to the Lord Hokage's face, staring at him out of half-lidded eyes and committing to a superhuman eidetic memory every contour and every twitch of his contented face. Lewdly gulping, she bobbed her head, pulling back enough to breathe and sweetly kissing his tip.

"Rougher, Daddy" Naruto shivered, hearing her tone, and he cracked open an eye to look at the indecently amorous face his friend and rival's daughter was making. He looked directly into her sharingan, undaunted by the girl's immature doujutsu, and gave her a rakishly approving grin. "Fuck my face… I need your milk, Daddy. I'm sooo thirsty…~"

Sarada stuck out her tongue and slid it torturously up over Naruto's glistening glans, silkily probing his slick meatus and tasting his precum. Her eyes rolled in a theatrical obscenity, illustrating the dizzying pleasure she felt at the taste and smell and touch of his cock, and the corners of her mouth turned higher still in a slatternly rictus, the junior kunoichi showing an aptitude for seduction excelling many of her most decorated elders. She wagged her girlish hips, still a little slender but flaring out as she gradually blossomed, and with this neophyte physique she somehow wielded a sensuality to humble the most voluptuous babes in the ninja world.

Like Boruto, Sarada was something of a prodigy. She excelled in those arts that were peculiar to kunoichi, the particular domain of women, who could in lieu of raw power lay the mighty low with their looks and their bodies. It was, of course, perhaps inappropriate for her to be getting so much practice in these arts at her age, and it was CERTAINLY scandalous for her to be engaging in these things with the hokage, but neither she nor Naruto were of a mind to feel all that guilty about this unpardonable affair. She didn't care that it was wrong, too infatuated with the hokage, and he was too intoxicated by her affections to resist, too aroused by her, too deep down the rabbit hole of this perverse relationship.

"You're a good girl," Naruto grunted. "Yeah, you saucy little bitch… You like this, don't you? Suck it harder. I'll give you all the milk you want, Sarada-chan… But you have to get it out for yourself."

He grabbed his dick with his free hand, saying this, and he turned Sarada's head and lightly slapped his dick across her face. It wasn't hard enough to smart, but the girl still looked like she was seeing stars. Sarada let out a dreamy sigh before she puckered her lips and started kissing her way back up his length, ascending to his cockhead with a flurry of light but passionate pecks, smooching and smacking and soddenly slurping. She crested his tip and opened her mouth wide, making many soft, lewd noises and shaking her ass in paroxysms of excitement as she prepared to drink her fill and give her daddy all the tender, loving care he deserved.

But the door opened, and Naruto straightened up and scooted his chair forward, immediately making it look like he was busy. One hand was still on Sarada's head, holding it in place, and in shoving his loins forward with the chair, he caught the girl at unawares and forced his length in. Sarada's eyes were wide as she gagged giddily on Naruto's length and smelled his musk clinging in his pubic hair, feeling his balls slap her chin as she was made, in an instant, to take the hokage's whole cock straight down her snug, slutty throat. There were hearts in her eyes, and her cheeks were a fluorescent crimson, and she dreamily smiled and smacked her lips, not resisting or trying to pull back.

Meanwhile, Naruto made it look like everything was above board when he raised his eyes to greet his latest visitor, and despite his reputation for being an open book, he let no hint of the illicit encounter that was taking place below the desk show on his face when he met the eyes of his former teammate, Sakura Uchiha. He smiled like he had nothing to hide, and he nodded to her with a practiced blend of professionalism and familiarity. The woman returned the smile crisply, and she curtly nodded as well.

"Hello, Hokage-sama," Sakura said. "I'm here to see about that proposal for the new Medic Corps recruitment campaign…"

Sarada perked up, recognizing her mother's voice, and she shivered in her excitement. Harder she sucked on Naruto's cock, rolling her eyes and sheathing his manhood in her throat. She gulped, clenching her esophagus around his rod, flicking her tongue and milking him with her mouth, and it took all of Naruto's restraint to maintain his composure in front of the girl's mom.

"Oh, that?" he said. "You're handling that for them, huh?"

"Yeah, you know how it is…" Sakura laughed. "They think I have a better chance of getting you to say yes, given our history."

Sarada thrilled, and Naruto felt her bob her head faster, working his cock with her mouth like it was a second pussy, riding his manhood with her pretty little face. He shivered very slightly, feeling how enthusiastically Sarada sucked him off while he spoke with Sakura, and he mused on the resemblance between mother and daughter, that resemblance which had been what first enticed him to this debauched indulgence…

"What, do they expect you to seduce me? Because I sure wouldn't object if you did, Sakura-chan…"

The pinkette smiled good-humoredly, mature enough and secure enough not to be bothered by that remark the way she would have been when younger. She and Naruto were adults, and they had mostly grown past that kind of behavior. It wasn't uncomfortable or offensive to her to joke about this kind of thing. Indeed, she placed a hand on the hokage's desk and gave him a crooked smile, getting it in her head to try and throw the man off-kilter.

"Maybe I will," she said lowly, winking and leaning slightly forward. "It's just the two of us, after all."

"Sheesh, Sakura-chan," Naruto grinned. "If you look at me like that, I'll get the wrong idea."

Sarada writhed under the desk, filled with an ecstasy of fear and shame and glee, listening to her mother and taking the woman's words sincerely. Young as she was, she could not read beneath the trivial jokes of adults, and she took at face value this remark which was meant only to get Naruto flustered. It turned her on to hear this, and she imagined a dozen different scenarios in which her mother would climb over or walk behind the desk only to discover her there, sucking Naruto's dick.

She imagined her mom getting angry and disowning her, leaving her to be adopted by Naruto as his pet and personal cum dumpster. She imagined her mom getting horny and joining her, mother and daughter kneeling side by side to worship the hokage's cock. She imagined her mom bending her over her knee and spanking her right in front of Naruto, then turning her around and presenting her ass to the hokage as an apology to him and a penance for her, giving her the same kind of punishment as a parent who made a child they'd caught smoking go through an entire carton at once and spreading her legs wide, presenting her daughter's hindquarters for Naruto to ravage until Sarada had either learned her lesson or become a complete cock addict.

Redly glowing eyes rolled behind dreamily drooping lids, and a cute, lewdly flush face twisted in delight as Sarada pervertedly fantasized and more fervently pleasured Naruto, adoring the hokage's dick while he and her mother continued to chat.

"Maybe you would get the wrong idea…" Sakura said with a smile. "Or maybe it would be the right idea~?"

"We both know which it would be," was Naruto's reply. "Don't tease, Sakura-chan."

She laughed it off and waved a hand.

"Fine, fine! But about the proposal, then…"

"I'm fine with anything you propose," Naruto said. "Anything at all…"

Sakura laughed familiarly at this remark, and Sarada shuddered and swung her hips beneath the table. Naruto could detect the movement of Sarada's body through how it affected the bobbing of her head, feeling her mouth jostled subtly by the lusty sway of her frame, out of sight but not out of mind. He smiled a little wider, his cock throbbing exquisitely in Sarada's mouth.

Damn. She may have been inexperienced, but Sarada was GOOD at this, and Naruto couldn't help melting a little more as she slobbered on his rod. His eyelids drooped for a fraction of an instant, and his features nearly slackened. It was a slip in his composure, a chink in his armor split wide open by Sarada's niggling attentions. He was only just able to pass this off with a feigned yawn, and under the desk he nudged Sarada with his foot, wordlessly telling her to dial it back a hair.

"Oh, did you not get much sleep last night?" said Sakura. "You sound tired."

"Might have been an hour or so short."

Sakura tutted.

"Well… that isn't terrible, but you should take better care to get a full night's sleep."

"I know, I know…" Naruto said, brushing off her concerns. He'd gotten this lecture enough times from Shizune and Granny Tsunade. "You don't need to tell me twice."

Sakura gave him a dubious look, but then she shook her head.

"Fair enough. I guess you don't look THAT tired." She shrugged. "But if you have more trouble sleeping, you should see me about that."

"What, you want to help me have a good night's sleep, Sakura-chan?" Naruto cocked an eyebrow. "How bold of you. Someone might get the wrong idea."

Sarada made a faintest noise underneath the desk, rapturous in the grip of her unknowable fantasies and maidenly delusions, and she smacked her lips and gulped and sucked, revering Naruto's pulsating cock and pushing him to heights of pleasure beyond description. It took all the heroic willpower of a living legend for the man to restrain himself from a complete concupiscent collapse, and he still had to grit his teeth for a moment behind his humorous grin.

But Sakura didn't appear to notice, too busy rolling her eyes. She wore a small indulgent smile, though, when she met Naruto's glance next, and she cocked her head.

"You perv," she said. "But is that a yes on the proposal, then?"

"If I said no," Naruto ventured, "what would you do?"

Sakura arched an eyebrow and crossed her arms. For a moment, she idly pitched between threatening and seduction. She could menace him jokingly, or just as jokingly make a saucy offer. The latter would maybe lean a little too far into encouraging that old crush of his, even with as easygoing as they had become with each other. It was fine to jest, but at some point, it would run the risk of crossing a line.

But she smiled, disregarding both prudence and prudishness, and humored the hokage with a wink and a cock of the hips. It wasn't serious. At least, Naruto was pretty certain that it wasn't serious, and Sakura herself was definitely being more humorous than not. Still, it was a nice pose, and for Naruto—with Sarada secretly sucking his cock at the same time—it was just enough stimulation to push him over the edge.

"Oh… I think you have a pretty good idea~"

Naruto's manhood clenched, and Sarada made a muffled sound of delight that was fortuitously drowned out by her mother's remark, the girl greedily guzzling the hokage's cum as he shot it straight down her throat. The ensuing slight coloration of the blonde's cheek was taken by Sakura as a sign of the effect of her joke, but it had much more to do with Sarada rolling her tongue and puffing her cheeks and contentedly smacking her lips on the shaft of the hokage's cock.

"Then I should probably say yes," Naruto said. "I wouldn't want anything inappropriate to go down in here."

"No?" Sakura chuckled. "Yeah, maybe not… Well, if we have the go-ahead for this, that should be everything."

Naruto nodded.

"I'll have Shizune or someone send over the forms when they've been signed off," he said. "They should be able to let you know when it's all green."

"Sure." Sakura nodded. "Thanks, Hokage-sama… It's a pleasure working with you, as always." With pleasantries and formalities out of the way, she turned to leave. But she paused before departing and looked over her shoulder. "…By the way, you wouldn't happen to have seen Sarada anywhere by any chance, would you? I didn't see her at home this morning, and it looked like she had woken up and left before me."

Sarada shivered under the desk, and she popped her mouth off of Naruto's dick to drag in a deep, anxious breath. Thrilling, she pressed his phallus to her face like she was nuzzling a stuffed animal, tense in anticipation, imagining countless possible outcomes, all varyingly lewd and humiliating. Dreamy, dozy sharingan wheeled up Naruto's lap, and she looked up into his face, wondering if he would reveal the truth and dare her mother to do something about it, or maybe make her mother an offer to join in.

"She's a dedicated girl," Naruto said. "I think she just left early to get some extra training."

"Mm… Probably," Sakura said. "She did leave a note saying she'd be out most of the day. Still, I don't know how to take that. It feels like only yesterday that she was still my little girl, but now she's graduated and become a ninja…"

"They grow up fast," Naruto said. He shifted in his seat, the movement dragging his dick across Sarada's face and pressing a wet, sticky cockhead to her high, inherited brow. "Sarada's already a charming, mature young woman."

"Oh, yes." Sakura nodded. "She can take care of herself… and she IS dependable, for a girl her age. Much more serious than I was at that age. I think she gets that from her father."

Naruto chuckled.

"Well, I say she gets it from her mother."

Sakura smiled and shook her head. Sarada panted and impatiently waited, breathing in the smell of Naruto's sex and getting nearly drunk off his musk. The girl's head was swimming, and her pussy was soaked, and her heart was skipping and thumping, her insides squirming with a nervous energy.

"…See you, Naruto."

"Yeah. Later, Sakura-chan."

With this, the woman left, and Naruto watched her go, savoring the view in his post-orgasmic glow. He didn't take his eyes off her until the door closed, looking at Sakura's backside and thinking of a similar tush, only smaller and tighter, that he had gotten very well acquainted with recently. He stared at Sakura's ass, but he was thinking only of Sarada's.

When the door did finally close, Naruto allowed himself to relax. He was still hard, and still horny. Possibly even hornier, despite having just recently come, and he reached under the desk to pat and stroke Sarada's head, pulling her back toward his lip, guiding her softly back to his tip.

"Thank you, Daddy…"

"Hm? What for?" Naruto asked. "Letting you suck my dick?"

He looked down at Sarada questioningly, amusedly. She smiled and met his gaze with adoring, lascivious eyes, and enthusiastically she nodded.

"Yes" she moaned. "And for giving me your milk… It's so thick and tasty~"

Her tongue lolled out, and she glanced down at his cock with her lecherous sharingan, flushing redder in her glee as she dragged her dangling lingual member drunkenly over the tip of Naruto's erection, swirling it around his head and laving it over his slit, licking it clean and flaring her nostrils as she savored the experience of his musky adult cock and clinging semen. Drooling like a starved woman sat before a kingly feast, Sarada licked and kissed and tasted the tip of Naruto's manhood, passionately sampling it.

The man shivered, grinning in amusement. Part of him felt sheepish at the ridiculously lewd face Sarada was making, and a very tiny part of him felt outright guilty for making the girl look like this, but the rest of him—the reigning majority—felt nothing so much as gladness at the fact that he had gotten Sarada to look and act and be this way, that he had found out what the girl was really like and really into, and that he had taught her how to be womanly and seductive.

It wasn't creditable of him to think this, maybe, but he couldn't help musing that Sarada looked even sexier than his wife ever had. And Hinata was FAR from unattractive. But while Hinata was loving, she didn't have this same kind of shamelessly sensual devotion to his dick, and she would be much too restrained to go down on and worship his cock the way Sarada did. And, of course, Sarada was far tighter, too… far, FAR tighter.

Naruto shivered, and he threaded his fingers through the girl's hair, smiling lopsidedly down at her.

"You thirsty little brat," he grunted. "Where did you learn to act so slutty, huh?"

"Daddy taught me" Sarada rolled her eyes euphorically, and she opened her mouth wide, tongue-kissing the head of Naruto's phallus. Her eyelids fluttered and drooped, and her body trembled in a rush of excitement. "Daddy has showed me how fun it is to be naughty and perverted. Daddy's dick is what turned me into this horny little slut… Ahh… I love it. I love your dick so much, Daddy…~"

Naruto's cock, still a little tender from his recent ejaculation, achingly spasmed and throbbed as Sarada started to gulp it down. She began sucking on his dick, not swallowing it all at once but bobbing her head and angling it to and fro as she serviced every inch of him with careful, salacious attentions. It felt so good that it was almost painful, but Sarada looked like she was in even more agony than him, her eyes aflame with desire and her breath steaming from her lips, puffing warmly about his manhood.

"Yeah, that's right," Naruto said. "Hehe… you dirty little thing. If you weren't such a cutie, acting this horny would turn me off. But you ARE cute, and it looks good on you… that slutty, filthy expression."

Sarada beamed, and she loudly, lewdly slurped, the smacking and sucking and gurgling of a fervent fellatio rising from under the hokage's desk. As naked as the day she was born, as horny and desperate as a dirt-poor whore on first-rate aphrodisiacs, Sarada adored and devoured Naruto's dick, sucking him off with all of her might.

Naruto shivered and closed his eyes. He was ready to relax and sink fully into the mind-numbing bliss when he heard a knock at the door.

"Excuse me," said Shizune. "Uh, the diplomat wants to see you now."

Naruto schooled his expression and straightened back up. He caught Sarada's eye, and he saw her smile around the girth of his cock, stretching her mouth over his fat, throbbing length and slicking him with her saliva. He gave her head one last encouraging pat, then called to Shizune.

"Send him in."

It looked like it would be a busy workday for him. But for Sarada, it was the best day off she'd ever had, and her fearless, frolicking fellatio made it that much more pleasurable for Naruto.

It was going to be a long day, yes…

…but that would just make it even better.

Naruto took care not to smile TOO obviously as the unhappy diplomat walked in. His attention was completely on Sarada's saucy little mouth.

She really was damn good at this. She was just a perfect little pervert.

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