
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime und Comics
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384 Chs


[ Senju Hashirama: What's the matter,

You guys are a bunch of old men!

Except for my brother Tobirama,

no one is following me,

Just because I'm not beautiful?

Do you still have a bit of a strong demeanor!

Women only affect the speed at which you draw your knife!


The big pillar that feels left out,

Non-stop whining in group chats!

[ Uchiha Madara: Hehe!

I'm way better than them at this point!

I've been - been following you,

Didn't leave for a moment!

and saw you,

The whole process of being pulled down from Huangquan!

Even spicy chicken Tobirama,

Just saw it too!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[Sengoku of Buddha: Come on,

The air is full of the rancid smell of love!

Time to argue about this,

Might as well come and see the scenery of Huangquan World!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[Hero Garp: Don't complain, Big Pillar!

Sengoku is right!

This is our future,

A place to go!

Check it out beforehand!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Sengoku and Garp don't want to keep talking nonsense,

Casually perfunctory about the big pillar!

[ Golden Lion: @ Hero Garp,

Don't be so cunning, boy!

What is a place we will all go to in the future?!

I won't anyway,

Go to this hellish place!

After all, I'm not like you,

After joining the leadership of Lord Yang Hui,

at least i don't,

As time goes by,

grow old,

Then die helplessly!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

Golden Lion said disdainfully!

[Dorag: @Hero Garp,

Dad, think about it,

Join the command of Mr. Yang Hui,

But there are so many benefits!

Just like me,

my current strength,

It's a lot better than before!

Although I dare not say that I am better than you,

But if there is a fight,

You will never be defeated by you!

And as the Golden Lion said,

Don't you want to be young again?


And @Buddha's Sengoku,

Marshal Sengoku may also consider,

Let's work together to create a peaceful and prosperous world!

Fight to get all Celestial Dragons,

All sent to Huangquan to be slaves!


When Drago saw the Golden Lion,

It is also a stitching needle,

In an attempt to turn against Sengoku,

In case of success,

The purpose of their rebellion,

It's easy to do!

[Hero Garp: Socket?

Dorag you boy,

Is it so loud now?

Haven't been beaten for too long,

Have you forgotten the strength of the iron fist?

Why don't you come to Naval Headquarters now,

I make you recall memories?

But death or something,

I do not care,

It's just another place in Huangquan!

And if these countermeasures,

you shouldn't tell me,

My special brew has long been thinking the opposite!

You thought I wanted Marine,

Do things for Celestial Dragons!

As long as Sengoku makes up his mind!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

Garp thinks of Celestial Dragons,

... Ask for Flowers

He said impatiently!

[Dorag:... ]

[Sengoku of Buddha: Garp, you kid,

Kicked the ball to me again!

But what this kid Dorag said,

Send Celestial Dragons to hell as slaves,

It seems really interesting!

really want to see them,

The expression on his face when he fell from heaven to hell,

tut tut!


[Dorag: What hell?

That's Huangquan!

But Marshal Sengoku,

Do you mean to promise?]


[Buddha's Sengoku: Promise a fart!

I am Marshal Marine after all,

How can you make a decision so easily!

And the world political spoke and air marshal,

Be nice to me!

Although I know that the world politics is in front of Yang Hui,

Sooner or later it will be over!

But I haven't made up my mind yet!

After a while,

I will resign to the Five Elders,

Then hand the Marine to Kuzan,

I'll just listen to him!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Aokiji: What am I,

You don't want to make up your own mind,

Give me the choice?

I think you still take the position of marshal,

Leave it to Polsalino!

Otherwise, pass it on to the red dog,

In this way, the world's political radiation will not hinder you,

Then Yang Hui will destroy it too,

How perfect!


[ Whitebeard: Good guy,

This "it" is very spiritual,

And you are planning to,

Let the red dog go to hell!

You are so poisonous!

