
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime und Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 19

Human world - England - Pendragon Mansion.

Inside the Pendragon Mansion was where Satan and Naruto appeared along with the others where the latter carries his little daughter Mordred who is very comfortable in his arms.

Naruto looked around like his son and couldn't help but be somewhat amazed by the whole strange environment, surely humans have advanced from what he notices.

Satan, being more vocal than his father, did not hesitate to ask curiously about his surroundings.

Satan: What is this? What is that? Does that thing draw water? How does that move?... - Lilith's son asked several questions one after the other, looking at his surroundings while his eyes shone. slightly amazed by these strange things that he didn't know about.

Guinevere [ pa... looks like a child ]... - thought the beautiful black-haired woman with strange thoughts about The Acts of the Adolescent, little knowing that she is practically in the presence of a child who forced his development to help his brothers against Lucifer Himself like this. that his actions are a bit normal.

Irene sweated slightly when she saw the black-haired man being enthralled by his surroundings, he looked like a child since everyone caught that fact.

Jeanne decided to answer Satan's questions, since the duty of his lord's servants is to guide the curious and he is also his lord's son.

Jeanne: that is a frame... and that is a fountain and if water comes out of it and those are the stairs, young Satan... - She responded softly to the young black-haired man who nodded although he did not understand anything, giving him the names is not essential. It would help to understand, since he didn't know the things but hey, learning their names would also help him.

Satan: I understand... - he said now looking at the book shelf in the corner of the room, trying to analyze what it is for and what it is.

Naruto: Is there a place where I can lay her down?... - He asked Artoria with curiosity, drawing the attention of the others to him as well as that of the pendragon who took a few steps in his direction and nodded.

Artoria: Let's go to the second floor... there are some free rooms on this one and then we'll go to my Office, since I think you must be curious about the current situation, right?... - I asked him softly and Naruto nodded calmly before begin to follow his companion in a pleasant silence while listening to the light sighs of his daughter who sleeps in his arms, he looks Linda.

Naruto: come Satan...- he called his curious son without taking his eyes off his little girl as Satan quickly followed him behind him.

Tamamo looked at Irene who looked at him the same way and they both downplayed his importance before following the group, since they are still curious and want to know more about the " son of God " whose face they still don't know but by his voice, it seems clear. who is Someone very young and not perverted, since since He Appeared at no time has he looked at Them other than to thank them and returned to pay all his Attention to Artoria and to some extent to Mordred.

Irene and Tamamo were not bothered by that, but They compete in beauty with Artoria and at least wanted to know, if their Appearances were attractive to the son of God, they did not want to make him fall but they wanted at least a reaction from such an Imposing divinity although Right now , is not Emitting that slight Aura that made them subdue.

Kuroka and her little sister looked at each other before following the group along with the others who were not far behind and began walking towards the second floor.

Kuroka looked askance at the Back of the son of God, The being who told them that he could bring his Mother back and would do so in gratitude for accompanying his Mistress, He... It is interesting and more so because he had never heard before that It would be possible to revive the dead and bring them to life in addition to the Evil pieces of the Demons, since the same son of God who walks in front of the group is their Creator of none other than said Faction and also the " Evil Pieces " , are limited to reviving beings that recently died, not those who have been dead for years.

Kuroka hopes it's not a false hope because Ella actually misses her mother and Shirone to a lesser extent, since the one who raised her was her older sister and loves who Ella sees as her mothers.

Tamamo looked askance at the son of God who was at the front next to Artoria. The yokai couldn't help but point out that he had more presence of God than her own Gods, so calm and serene, although that didn't mean that he was no less powerful if his Just one presence made her kneel and get lost... that was not normal at all. She who has fought in numerous wars and battles in her faction and against other factions, never kneeled or lowered her head before anyone, Amaterasu-sama, never She asked for that so no one, She knows powerful beings and The Primordial Blood Instinct that these Emit would make Others lose themselves but He... that Angel, did not emit any, not even power... He simply Appeared and was... he doesn't know describe it but it was as if it were a fact that you should revere his presence, Something terrifying and that deep inside She found Exciting because of the way he subdued her.

Morgana [ So he is my sister's Beloved and nothing less than God's first creation... heh, Artoria does have some Terrifying tastes ]... - she thought with slight Irony and curiosity as to how her sister met such a person. divinity.

The group continued in the direction of Artoria's Office in which she, along with Naruto, let Mordred rest in one of the rooms, apparently it was a lot for her to meet her father for the first time, after centuries and there were so many. Emotions that are Exhausted.

Artoria Office .

In the same room, which is large and spacious enough so that everyone can have their own chairs away from the Others, everyone began to sit in their respective chairs although on behalf of Satan he was going to do it on the floor, since he couldn't. He knew it was that strange thing to everyone's curiosity, although with Jeanne's explanation, the young man agreed to sit in his own chair slightly amazed by the softness of it.

With a movement of her cane, Morgana opened the large window of the Office that shows the beautiful view of the Front Garden of the Mansion and after that she went to her respective chair and settled in it like the others.

A large chair that could accommodate about 5 people was the one that was empty with a position in front of the others, being the respective one of Artoria and the son of God who did not take long to enter the room, drawing everyone's attention.

Artoria was holding onto one of Naruto's arms above his toga, and she guided him to said chair without resistance, letting herself be carried away and sat on the large chair next to the pendragon, very close together under the attentive gaze of everyone.

Morgana raised an eyebrow curious about her sister's behavior like everyone else who knows Artoria, since well... She is acting or being a little meek to her usual cold and somewhat cruel attitude as well as frivolous at the time. to speak but now it seemed that she left behind her " cruel bitch " attitude in the minds of some present except for Jeanne, Kuroka and Shirone who never looked down on the pendragon's actions, only serious and strict.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at his partner's "strong" grip on his arm and that caught his attention and he looked at her.

Naruto: Do ​​I miss me so much?... - He asked his partner in a soft voice, who nodded.

Artoria: yes... Now I have something more solid to hug... - She whispered to him and Naruto understood just like the tone in her voice, She misses him a lot, they were relatively centuries apart.

Naruto: I see and I thank you again for doing everything you had in your hands to search for freedom...

Artoria: "I didn't do anything... you freed yourself and..." - Naruto interrupted his words before he himself did the same with her.

Naruto: don't feel bad about that, I saw that you waited for the sign that I told you that with time it would appear to you... you always had Me present in your mind and you never stopped looking for a clue for Me... that's more than enough Artoria... I did not expect this to happen and free me and I know that if this had not happened, you would continue looking for a way to bring me with you... that's why I thank you as well as your efforts... - He told her He gently brought his free hand under Artoria's chin and made her lift her face, which she had resting against his arm.

Naruto calmly looked at the beautiful deep green eyes of his companion that he was trying to see under her toga, which began to retreat on its own at the same time that Naruto brought his face closer to Artoria's, who looked at him with slight surprise but did not move.

Those present looked at the Interaction with curiosity and Anticipation to see his face while the toga of the son of God slowly receded.

Artoria watched as her partner's neck and chin began to appear in slight anticipation.

Satan averted his gaze, the last time he was expecting his father's affection with his companions in the case being that time his mother told him that children do not see that and everything was dark, he did not want to know if his father could turn off his Luz just like his Mother did several times with him and his brothers until they understood.

The jaws of everyone present, including that of little Shirone, began to open in disbelief when part of El's face was shown to be the most beautiful thing they had ever seen in their lives.

Naruto captured Artoria's soft and sweet lips with his own in a soft kiss, according to Lilith, this was to show affection and make his teammates feel better and that he always had to do it when he didn't see his teammates for a while so from Heaven and that, but this time, he was locked up for a long time and his partner Artoria needed this affection, he understood.

Naruto's beautiful golden eyes with crimson highlights looked into Artoria's beautiful deep green eyes.

Artoria, amazed by the contact, got a little lost and passionately returned Naruto's kiss by putting her tongue in his mouth and surrounding Naruto's own while she let him go and her hands went to his neck, which took Naruto by slight surprise.

Kuroka looked with desire, that little Act... He... He... is beautiful and is sharing saliva with Artoria-Nya... She could see how her Mistress put her tongue in his mouth and attached him to Her, The steam from their joined mouths was slightly noticeable while both of their saliva fell down their own chins, while they continued their dance of tongues that slightly warmed the Nekoshou.

Shirone covered her eyes with her two little hands although every second she looked through these The Act with her red face.

Irene blushed slightly at the intimate act of those two, She was no stranger to that but damn, He is too beautiful and is sharing saliva with his "Friend/rival".

The Dragon thought for a second about Her in Artoria's Place with that Otherworldly divinity, no one could be so beautiful.

Tamamo dropped her jaw, He's more beautiful than all of Them put together, not even Yasaka compared, could a man be so damn beautiful and hot? He doesn't even look tough but damn... She feels a little hot, her alone Appearance would surely make many fall or... hell, he couldn't go out like that right? He would cause great chaos between the needy and the not needy even in the supernatural due to his supernatural Appearance.

Morgana, Guinevere, Jeanne were also not saved from blushing at the Appearance of God or his son, whatever, but Seriously, He is the most beautiful thing they have ever seen in their life.



sound of plates breaking*.

The sound of some breaking glass brought Artoria out of her stupor and she vocally raped Naruto, although little did she know that she was the second to do it. The pendragon turned her gaze towards the door of her office where the Greek girl she took was. Years ago as her servant.


Yes, that is the name of a beautiful well-hung blonde who is frozen looking at Naruto like most.

Satan looked at her for a second before looking curiously at the frames on the walls and what they meant.


Artoria coughed attracting attention as she composed herself next to Naruto who looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

Artoria: I think we should start and clean that up Aphrodite... - said the Pendragon slightly blushing for having gotten lost a little but damn it, She is a virgin and has strongly repressed desires that she can now satisfy, She still wants a child in Her.

The others seemed to understand and nodded.

"E...Um...can I join?"

Aphrodite asked with a slight stutter without taking her eyes off Naruto and asked because she wanted to continue looking at the most beautiful being she had never seen before in her life, even more beautiful than Her.

Artoria sighed and nodded when she saw that the mess that the Greek created on the floor was gone.

Aphrodite quickly went to the chair that was empty and sat down on it before starting to stare at Naruto which didn't make him uncomfortable at all, since everyone in the room is looking at him except for Satan who is looking at that strange thing in his eyes. Wall.

Irene wondered how old she was, she seemed to be 15 years old perhaps, 16 human years just like Artoria is 16 since She stopped aging at that age.

Artoria: Well, girls, here I present to you My partner, Naruto, yes He is God's firstborn... - She said, introducing Naruto again to all of them who nodded slightly.

Morgana cursed, as now she couldn't get Naruto's face out of her head, in all her centuries of life she had never looked at something so beautiful before.

Jeanne just looked at her lord in silence, Ecstatic to be in his presence, She is in the presence of God, for God's sake.

Naruto smiled amusedly as he noticed that apparently the Young Girl's mind blocked a certain meaning.

Naruto: yes... although I am currently God in every sense that you can understand and... - he was going to say before being reminded that a certain companion of his and the first one wants to be free.

Naruto: a moment here... - he said while he took his hands to the two necklaces around his neck and tore them off to everyone's curiosity before taking them in his palm and crushing them as suddenly a light illuminated the room.

Naruto: welcome girls... - he said calmly when certain girls began to appear in front of him, showing themselves in all their splendor without any great change, none other than... Lilith, the first human woman and Naruto's first companion, Eva, the second Original human Woman, Mnemosyne, a Titanides daughter of Uranus and Gaia and finally, Belial and Hanna, daughters of Naruto and Lilith.

They were the ones present who appeared in the room to the surprise of the others.


Underworld - Meeting Room.

In this you could still see the leaders of The Alliance now assimilating what was told by "The Leader of Heaven", some secrets so heavy and classified that they could actually screw up the current "peaceful" life of the Three Great Factions in its entirety if they came out. to the Light, all this revolving around a single Angel.

" Naruto, The First Great Angel and Firstborn of God, Who Exists since God barely created the earth on The "fourth Day" as It is Written in history, being that in His presence Water, The Moon and The sun were created and The Other "3 days" followed.

Ajuka contemplated this revelation being that that was not the only thing that happened, but that This Naruto was punished by God in a seal for creating them along with none other than Lilith, The Original Lilith Mother of Demons and The true father of the demons. Demons.

Serafall:e... this is Madness and Now he created a Sun and a Moon in The Underworld... heh ... I would doubt his words if he had not done this... - he said with an empty smile at This revelation Shocking.

Odin is silent in his Seat while rubbing his beard, a new and big problem for these children.

Azazel looks at Michael with a frown. He never knew that Naruto was sealed but he was right because he didn't reveal the same thing to the other Angels, since they could go a little crazy and everything would collapse between the Three Factions if God admitted to having sealed to his son who is or was the most beloved of all Heaven for resembling God Himself even in presence.

Sirzechs: We cannot reveal this to the public, we do not know how they would take that the whole story was actually poorly written and poorly interpreted and even more so that now his own father is back in The World... - El Maou said to his companions while The Council Hell, they are in a strange silence even in their Seats, all ignorant that their young heirs of their Houses heard and saw everything about Naruto from the party room, although they may not speak because they have in their minds the only Image of God overcoming any of your thoughts.

Fallbium: wait... He is an Angel, maybe if we talk to Him and explain to him what the situation is like, what we are looking for and why his past existence should not be revealed, he will understand, right?, to seek peace and live in Harmony. .. - he commented after analyzing it for a moment, being that although the existence of this son of God terrified him, it could also serve to reach true peace among all.

Everyone began to contemplate those words except for Michael who denied, He knew his brother a little better through his father's mouth.

Michael: The problem is that you don't tell Naruto what to do... He tells you, He taught me the same thing once... he sighed ... The only one he took orders from was father,...Lucifer, Gabriel and even Azazel, who I think he remembers, including me, we only listened to him and never gave him an opinion... - Everyone told them calmly.

Odin: but currently you would be their leader, right? And why do you retract it so loudly? I don't think...

Michael: I apologize for interrupting you but I take it back. So why is it... it's big no less, you just saw it when it appeared, right?,... who does what he did?, kneel and even intimidate without trying and so far... he looked like father, even you confused him and I'm telling you... Naruto is just... sighed ... I don't know, but being his Leader it's practically a bit silly for me to try to Oppose Him... "I can't make him fall or put a leash on him... He can do it to me..." he said, lowering himself further into his seat, this was simply too shocking.

Azazel, noticing how worried and even almost exasperated Michael is, decided to intervene for him. Today has been a day of many emotions and the most shocking is the arrival of his older brother. He does not know what his liberation means for the world, both human and supernatural.

Azazel: and... I think peace could happen,... he sighed ... It's only if He understands her, The brother disappeared before the first Great War and so on broke out, he may be ignored by the majority of things and he doesn't even care about peace... but he is too powerful and even an Icon for the world to simply let him be there without caution or surveillance... - I think and the entire room nodded in agreement. I agree, except for Michael, who had no opinion, although he now felt that with every second the system of Heaven was becoming stronger, almost as if he recognized his father again.

The Current Leader of Heaven got rid of his plans, planning against Naruto would be looking to fall from the sky which he doesn't want so he simply has to wait to see what his older brother will do now that he is free, he is very sure that it won't take him long to go for Gabriel and turn the sky upside down.

In simple terms for today, Michael would have to deal with his psychotic sister, an older brother without common sense and the funniest thing about this is that they cannot fall in any way where others can and they have in their hands the weapons that can condemn everything. Yes, a little problem.

Human World - Ireland .

Away from any human civilization, among a large forest, you could see a hidden ancient-looking castle, this being one of the many bases of the terrorist group " Incognito ", Khaos Brigade , and going inside it you could see a large number of books. scattered everywhere until a beautiful black-haired woman with large curved horns towards the front was shown among the Pile of Books, wearing a short blue yukata, and she herself came out from among the Books looking at a white Sphere inside a scepter. blink as it approached her.

This being nothing less than one of the first Demons to Exist, Seilah Pheonix, Firstborn daughter of the Original Pheonix and an Ancient human witch, being the one who had been entrusted by her father with the Mission of searching for her father Naruto when he regained a little of his Mind and gave him an Orb and said that the Orb would be activated when he sensed his father and ordered him to leave without returning and even less tell him if he had results, since after that Seilah saw how her father changed again from calm and pleasant to ruthless and crazy with Hate for everything.

The first-born Demon had accepted her father's request and disappeared looking for any clue in centuries of this Naruto without finding anything or the Orb working, being that she also found out about the Death of her father and mother but she did not give great importance to being involved in her Mission that her father entrusted to her and said that when she will find her father's father Naruto, she would get the answer being that she does not know which one but at least she has a reason in her life to continue living a meaningless and foolish life.

Seilah looked at the flickering Orb before emitting a strong Light and activating completely. He had finally Appeared. His father's father and he no longer had to be in this silly group with a naive and foolish Leader. It's time to meet him in person. .

The Demon contemplated sealing all her Books that covered her entire castle.

"We'll meet face to face soon, Naruto."

Indu faction .

Going to the Faction of the being that holds the Top 1, of the strongest beings in the World, we can see a temple on top of a large and elevated mountain. Going inside it, in one of the rooms that is somewhat dark, you can see a humanoid figure. glow in the Darkness until a strange Orb was shown to be the size of a Yellow Eye with a horizontal black stripe in its center.










Well I think everything is explained.

Naruto did tell Artoria about his companions in case they have questions and it is Ancient Era in case there are questions.

Naruto knows castles but the current era finds it surprising to see things he has never seen before.

Satan is a child in the body of a teenager, I think it was explained why he matured in previous chapters but I will adapt everything. The behavior of Azazel and Michael is logical. He was shocked to see his brother again and yes, God spoke with Michael about some details of Naruto being his new Hand after Lucifer, Naruto and Gabriel that's why his Action, since Michael practically doesn't know Naruto himself, no one really does except Gabriel and Lilith and to a lesser extent Artoria.