
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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295 Chs

Chapter 282

This report was delivered early this morning, and it is said to have started being sent from the front lines via swift hawks yesterday.

The speed of the swift hawks is naturally much faster than that of the ninja, but it still takes quite a bit of time to fly from the Land of Grass to Konoha in the Land of Fire.

The swift hawk flew overnight to arrive, and as soon as Jiraiya realized it was a battle report from the front lines, he immediately called for a meeting.

However, by the time everyone had arrived and opened the intelligence report, they were all dumbfounded.

The content of this document was actually quite extensive, but the very first sentence directly rendered them all silent.

"The war has ended."

Such a simple sentence left them all somewhat at a loss, because they had never experienced such a situation before.

The war had been going on for a while, but in terms of intensity and fierceness, it seemed there was still some distance from the final decisive battle, wasn't there?

They had heard that Iwagakure had launched a large-scale raid because Tsunade had been pressing them too hard.

But Tsunade had already called the troops back to defend, and at most, Iwagakure had only managed to push Konoha back to its own area.

How could it be that overnight, inexplicably, the war had ended?

Yet when they began to read the content that followed seriously, their silence deepened further.

They suddenly had a feeling that this war might be one for the history books.

From the start to the end of the war, Konoha had over a hundred ninja casualties, most of which were injured.

These casualties were not from the final battle but occurred during previous raids, skirmishes, and small-scale conflicts.

And the final decisive battle was entirely a one-man show!

According to the intelligence, Uchiha Kaito single-handedly caused the morale of the large Iwagakure troops to collapse.

He charged into the midst of the large troops alone, and the entire Iwagakure force was shamelessly humiliated by him.

Relying solely on his taijutsu offensive, he made it so that not a single one of the Iwa-nin could withstand his pressure.

And when he completely unleashed his offensive and began using Susanoo to fight...

The entire Iwagakure main force was like lambs to the slaughter, only to be taken at will by him without any restrictions.

They couldn't even resist; even their commander on the scene, Bungo, was cut in two by Kaito.

Had it not been for Ōnoki arriving at that moment, and the Akatsuki organization joining the fight, the war would have ended right then and there!

"Is this really a human being?"

At this moment, the people from Konoha participating in the meeting were truly dumbstruck.

The only one who seemed relatively calm was Uchiha Fugaku, who had been pushed forward by the family to take Kaito's place, because Kaito was not there.

Being the possessor of the Mangekyō Sharingan and once the head of the Uchiha clan, he naturally knew a bit more.

But he only appeared to be calm, while his heart was already in turmoil.

The Uchiha did indeed have someone in the past who could destroy an army with his own power.

But those were all contents of legend, and according to verifiable information, all of this was achieved by Uchiha Madara!

Uchiha Madara was indeed an extremely special existence within the Uchiha clan.

Some people thought he was wrong, while others were unwavering in their belief that he was right.

And then there were those who, after losing him, believed that they were the ones who were wrong!

In short, he was a person whose rights and wrongs were very vague, but who was also extremely charismatic and powerful.

Uchiha Fugaku also knew through Kaito and the family history that the main reason the clan had reached that point in his time was Senju Tobirama's concern about Uchiha Madara.

And now, it seems that the Uchiha clan had indeed produced such a person.

And this person, just like the original Uchiha Madara, had firmly taken the position of head of the Uchiha clan.

However, Uchiha Fugaku had one advantage, or it could be said that after experiencing so much, the Uchiha clan now had one common advantage.

They would not doubt what Kaito would become; they only knew that they should trust Kaito.

Because it was Kaito who had brought about earth-shattering changes to the entire Uchiha, and it was also Kaito who had brought unprecedented harmony between the clan and the village.

It could even be said that it was entirely because of Kaito that the clan obtained rights in Konoha they had never had before!

These were rights that the Uchiha ancestors had long sought after but were utterly unable to attain.

And now, they had thoroughly acquired them.

In the past, even Uchiha Madara had been suppressed by Senju Hashirama, but now there was absolutely no one who could suppress them!

However, it was precisely because there was no suppression that they became modest and low-key, and even their way of doing things had changed.

Because at this moment, perhaps they truly considered the village to be their village, this place to be their home!

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Fugaku raised his head to look at all the silent people present, and a hint of amusement suddenly arose in his heart.

But he was still very honest, not saying a word.

Once he was the clan head, but not now; the true clan head was Kaito, and he was very clear about that.

Thus, he would absolutely not do anything overstepping that might affect Kaito, unless certain matters affected the interests of the Uchiha clan.

While Uchiha Fugaku was pondering this in his heart, the people present had also largely recovered.

Although they were shocked by Kaito's strength, they also knew that it was best for them to suppress such emotions now.

After all, no matter how shocked they were at the moment, the war had indeed ended, and they must start taking action for the post-war affairs.

Do not think that the end of the war is a simple matter; they need to address the issues of post-war order, and the reconstruction work is also up to them.

In addition to that, they also need to discuss obtaining tangible benefits from the defeated nations.

To be honest, all of this is not simple, especially since the parties they need to negotiate with include more than just Iwagakure.

Keep in mind that in the prison of Konoha's Anbu, there's still a Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki to deal with.

This also means that they will need to engage in tough negotiations with Kumogakure, and their workload is by no means small.

"I think it's time for us to seriously discuss what exactly we want."

Jiraiya looked around at everyone present with a somewhat complex expression, especially lingering on Uchiha Fugaku for more than two seconds before he finally spoke softly.

"Fugaku-san, since you are representing Minister Kaito, you should be aware of your minister's thoughts and intentions. Please share your opinion."

"Lord Hokage, the clan head's stance has actually been clear for some time."

Uchiha Fugaku immediately stood up and gave a slight bow to Jiraiya, then he spoke very earnestly.

"Minister Kaito has emphasized not once that what we really need are the Land of Grass and the Land of Hot Water. With these two countries in our hands, we can carry out more experiments.

As for the other needs, I believe Minister Kaito will surely support them because the minister is also a member of Konoha."

Uchiha Fugaku was very polite in his speech and clearly expressed his attitude and position.

That is, he fully supports Kaito's ideas. As for the rest, you can handle it yourselves; in any case, we will definitely support you!

After all, we are all members of Konoha, and we must support the interests of Konoha. As long as the things that have been agreed upon earlier are realized first, everything else should be fine.

"I understand. The Land of Grass and the Land of Hot Water are indeed things we need to strive for."

Jiraiya nodded his head, indicating his agreement with this statement.

"And since Minister Kaito is so confident, I also want to see what kind of actions and breakthroughs Minister Kaito will ultimately make.

As for other issues, does anyone else have any thoughts?"

"Lord Hokage, I think we should release the news of the Fourth Raikage being in Konoha."

Nara Shikaku, seeing Jiraiya asking again, quickly spoke before Hyuga Hiashi could.

He was very clear on how strongly Hyuga Hiashi detested Kumogakure.

And since Kaito had clearly emphasized that the Fourth Raikage must not return alive to Kumogakure, he agreed with this as well.

However, with the specific situation that the other party cannot return, and there's no obvious warfare but still demanding benefits from the Land of Hot Water.

If Hyuga Hiashi proposes something too excessive for Kumogakure, that would not be good.

Of course, the demands still had to be made, as it could reduce the level of suspicion towards Konoha.

But Nara Shikaku would not believe that Hyuga Hiashi would make choices within reasonable limits.


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