
Chapter 280

And Yaneko was very clear about this, but she really hated trouble so much.

"Alright, this matter won't affect you, don't worry."

Kaito stretched and continued walking forward, but he quickly noticed that the looks he was receiving from the people around him were somewhat unusual.

Recently, when he had captured the Fourth Raikage's brother, the way people in the Leaf camp looked at him had already become strange.

However, back then, the looks were mostly out of fervor or respect; as Kaito would say, they still regarded him as a human.

But now, their gazes had taken on a different flavor, an extreme enthusiasm laced with distinct awe—not the way one looks at a mere person.

Kaito even wondered if in this world there was a custom of worshipping a deity before undertaking an action.

Perhaps these people would take his portrait, or even bow directly in front of him before setting off, right?

Although Kaito was aware of how exaggerated his actions had been.

After all, he had watched Uchiha Madara take on many foes at once, first thrashing the allied forces and then brutally beating the five Kage; he too had been so shocked he couldn't recover.

At the time, he felt that Uchiha Madara was no longer human; he was simply a god!

Of course, later on, Uchiha Madara did become a god, albeit just someone spouting some fancy talk after having his heart gouged out.

Kaito did not want to be the subject of such talk; discussing logic was one thing, but if it came to physics, well, that's another story.

And it seemed these people had been physically shocked by him and were now regarding him with a form of 'rationality'.

Still, such gazes were somewhat unbearable for Kaito, especially if it wasn't just one or two people.

But if everyone in the camp was like that, it would be too uncomfortable.

"Are we preparing for a retreat?"

Kaito smiled and nodded to the people passing by, not bothering to look closely at their expressions in response. He immediately turned to Yaneko.

"The war is over, and the tasks that need to be handled are not our responsibility anymore. I think we should also be able to leave here."

"If nothing unexpected happens, we will go back with the first batch of troops tomorrow."

Yaneko knew that Kaito had rested for a whole day and wasn't very clear on a lot of information, so she went straight to explaining to Kaito.

"Because the troop rotation is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, at that time, our injured and a portion of the troops will return.

We will probably go back together, following Ōnoki."

It's quite normal for combat troops to rotate and rest, withdrawing some of the units that suffered more significant losses for reorganization. This ensures the integrity and combat effectiveness of the forces.

Even though the war has ended now, rotation is still a necessary measure.

After all, for the Leaf Village, the war has come to such a point where they even captured the Tsuchikage of the Hidden Stone Village; it doesn't make sense to continue.

But that's just what the Leaf Village thinks; who knows if they will try to organize some sort of rescue operation.

Therefore, ensuring adequate defense to deal with any potential actions by the Hidden Stone is the best choice.

Moreover, having enough troops is also very advantageous for the Leaf Village in the upcoming negotiations with the Hidden Stone.

After the war ends, naturally, many issues need to be discussed, such as the losses caused by the war, as well as new issues regarding the distribution of interests.

"Tomorrow, huh? I wonder if Shisui and the others will be able to recover in time."

Kaito stroked his chin slowly and then curiously looked at Yaneko.

"By the way, will your uncle come this time? After all, for such an important matter, your uncle shouldn't be absent."

"I'm not sure, the letter was sent back last night."

Yaneko could only spread her hands, indicating that she did not know the specific details.

"However, I think he should come for this matter, after all, you did assign them a task."

Yaneko mentioned this with a face full of amusement; Kaito was someone who never hid his thoughts.

From the very beginning, he had set his sights on the Land of Grass, and now it seems the Land of Grass really couldn't escape.

But the Land of Grass is just a foundation, on top of which the Leaf Village naturally seeks to gain more.

The more benefits are desired, the more there is to argue and negotiate, which requires the skill of the negotiators.

In this regard, the most experienced would probably be Shikaku Nara.

It can be said that this is a challenge, and Shikaku Nara is indeed the best choice.

"Let's wait and see, maybe we'll even run into your uncle when we return."

Kaito stretched leisurely, then looked at Yaneko with a smile and said.

"Moreover, this time I've also fulfilled our promise, you know. I've worked hard to change the course of the war, and I think I've managed to complete the task without dishonor."

"You guy..."

Yaneko, hearing Kaito's words, suddenly became somewhat helpless.

She suddenly felt that Kaito's sense of mischief was outrageously large.

This guy, despite being so powerful, had kept silent at the beginning.

That had made her worried at the time, to the point where she had even reassured Kaito, saying she would stand with him.

But in the end, he ended the war without making a sound, making what she said at the beginning seem particularly silly.

"You still have the nerve to say that, you made me worry for nothing, jerk."

Yaneko had already figured out Kaito's personality, which is why she replied with a bit of dissatisfaction.

After saying this, she also looked up at the sky with a smile, and after a long while, she leisurely said,

"But it's really good that the war is over, and at that time, you really were like a heavenly god."

At this, Yaneko suddenly turned her head, smiling at Kaito and added another sentence.

"But now, you're acting like an idiot."

"An idiot or a god, either way, it's still me."

Kaito shrugged nonchalantly and then replied with a smile.

"However, I'm happy you didn't call me an 'Asura', although I think that given how I was, it wouldn't be a problem to be called that."

The term 'Asura' is not a flattering term in the ninja world; the fundamental reason Uchiha Madara received this 'honorable' nickname is that he killed too many people.

Moreover, he chased the entire bloodline clan of the Mist Hidden in the Water Country off to sea, which made the assessment of Uchiha Madara even lower there.

Therefore, Uchiha Madara, who should have been 'God of the Ninja World', ended up being referred to as the 'Asura of the Ninja World'.

However, it seems that Uchiha Madara himself didn't mind; on the contrary, he seemed to rather like this title.

Perhaps he even considers himself an Asura.

"Alright, let's not talk about this anymore."

Kaito shook his head slightly and then continued to speak.

"Let's go see Ōnoki, we've been active for half a day now, it's time to do some proper business."

"Going to see Ōnoki is proper business? Are you possibly planning to show off?"

Yaneko gave Kaito a curious glance but after thinking it through, it seemed she understood something.

"Do you want to let him know about your approximate appetite, to prepare him mentally, and to make him apply pressure on Iwagakure?"

"Yes, that's what I'm thinking."

Kaito nodded, smiling as he looked at Yaneko and asked.

"Not bad, it seems you've also noticed the issues with Iwagakure."

"All I can say is, you're really quite scheming."

Yaneko glared at Kaito, and then she spoke slowly.

"The issue with Iwagakure is a serious one; there's a gap in leadership.

Moreover, Ōnoki probably doesn't want the position of the Tsuchikage to fall into someone else's hands, but the problem is that Kitsuchi has been killed.

Although intelligence suggests that Kitsuchi was not a very good candidate for Tsuchikage, at least he was able to stabilize the situation.

And Ōnoki has now almost cleared those who opposed him in the village by using the war, there's probably no one left in the village to oppose him.

Putting pressure on him is tantamount to putting pressure on Iwagakure, and in order to train a successor for Iwagakure's Tsuchikage, he will definitely find a way to return.

Is your plan to start from here, to forcefully press Ōnoki, and while doing so, leave some information in his mind.

So that before negotiations, when we allow him to contact people from his own village, he will propose some things that are in our interests?"

It must be said that Yaneko is really smart, I just put forward an idea, and she immediately guessed Kaito's intention based on the intelligence and the current situation of Iwagakure.

"You're the clever one."

Thinking this, Kaito reached out and ruffled Yaneko's hair, which immediately brought her displeasure.

However, Kaito didn't take it too much to heart; he was already heading towards the place where Ōnoki was detained.

At this moment, Ōnoki was being held alone in a temporarily constructed wooden hut, the perimeter of which was all sealed with jutsu, and all the people around the hut were members of the Anbu.

These Anbu ninja, upon seeing Kaito, immediately saluted him.

They were all aware of what Kaito had done in Konoha, and now what he was doing was stimulating them even more.

These members of the Anbu felt that they probably could never raise their heads in front of Kaito again.

Because this head of the security department was just too strong!

Kaito had no idea what these Anbu members were thinking, he nodded to them and then directly walked in with Yaneko.

Soon, they saw Ōnoki standing there, the old man's body bound by chains that sealed chakra, obviously worried that he might do something undesirable.

And at this moment, he also looked very old, as if he had lost all vitality.

However, when Ōnoki noticed the door to his prison cell being opened, he instinctively raised his head to look over.

But when he clearly saw who the person before him was, his fists clenched tight, and a sudden surge of anger and fear appeared on his face.

"It's you, you really did survive, I would never mistake you!"

"You are the Asura of the Ninja World, Uchiha Madara!"



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