

Half a month passed away quietly, Mei took Raizel on simple missions from time to time. It was an easy and peaceful time. He likes spending time with her for some reason. She is an easy target to hang around with, he thought at that time.

And then, on the 15th day of this month, the Kaguya clan was wiped out. It was so sudden that no one could figure anything out...

Because of the scarcity of resources and clients, Kiri often devolves into various inter-clan conflicts. This is very common here, but the Kaguya clan waged war against Kiri to quench their lust for battle but were slaughtered by the village's superior forces.

This is the story everyone is told. How much is truth? How much is false is unknown.

Before this, the entire Kiri was in favor of innocent bloodline users and against Mizukage. Mizukage was killing them before, but that was mild, and even if their death created some controversy, they were mere low-class citizens what could they even do?! Some people including Mei Terumi hide them in the dark and protect them. That was it.

Even Mizukage could not kill a huge clan like the Kaguya clan just because he wants to. No one would stand by his side if he offend big clans, he will be killed instead.

This accident changed everything, it turned into every one having doubts about bloodline users' lethality...

"Mizukage is finally making big moves?", Raizel muttered as he sits in the backyard holding a flute, "Kaguya clan was big and influential, they were not in threat of any kind. Why did they rebel? To quench their thrust of battle?"

On this day, things began to change. Everyone can feel the abnormality in the air, and the murderous intent has been solidified in this chilling area.

"What are you doing?", Mei came behind him.

He turns his head, "Just playing the flute, you know"

She sighed, "You are always playing this weird, and eerie-looking flute in your hand, whose is it anyway, it's so black", She tried to take it from his hand but he snatched his hand back, not letting her touch the treasure flute.

God knows she will die the moment she touches it. Even someone like Kushina sensei with her near-endless chakra did not dare to touch it without countless protective seals on her body. It's just him who can play this evil thing without any problem because of his mutation and infinite chakra.

"I would prefer if you don't touch it", Raizel said

"Oh?! Getting possessive, aren't you?! Who is it that gave you the flute? Your girlfriend?", She asked with a smirk, "I have to say, the girls around the market are quite smitten by you. Did one of them give it to you?"

Raizel just glared at her.

Mei laughed, "Wow! You are jealous, you really are! Oh, come on, tell me her name!", She giggled again, "I must say she has really bad taste; who makes such an eerie-looking thing to give as a flute?! It looks like a torture instrument that could kill someone with just its looks"

Raizel chuckled amusedly and twirl the flute around his fingers, "It does look like that. And yeah, it is mine. It was given to me by the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my whole life. It is the only thing that kept me sane when I am down, and just because you don't know how to play flute don't be jealous of mine"

Mei did not reply anything after hearing the whole story, and sat beside him, "Who said I could not play musical instruments..?"

"You even know how to play flutes?"

She chuckled, "It's just playing a simple instrument, I know a lot more", She said as she made a flute on the spot using the wood from a tree in the garden, "This is gonna be hard since the sound will be hard to produce", She said as she played a single note.

A beautiful melody filled the air, the sound of a flute that could change anyone's mood, he felt relaxed just listening to that tune, "It sounds beautiful, just like an angel singing to the heavens"

She chuckled, as they talked about things unrelated. She likes spending time with him like this. It was peaceful. This is what she always dreamed of, a peaceful time with someone without any death and destruction.


"Let's talk about the girl who is it..?! Your girlfriend?", She asked like some kind of a gossip girl...

"Just someone very important, she grew up on the streets like me. When I saw her I could feel the strength that she had. It was amazing to watch her. She was an incredibly beautiful person, and she liked to play too"

She looked at him confused, "Why are you talking in the past tense..?!"

"She died", Raizel answered with a serious look. Mei remained silent after hearing the story, she didn't know how to react. Raizel didn't care, he was used to it. Death was part of this world. And now, she is gone...

She smiled, "You ain't half bad yourself; In fact, I've never seen or heard of anyone who could play as well as you", She said while giving him a light punch on his shoulder.

Raizel chuckled, "This is all I could do. Some useless thing to impress the girls with, isn't it?"

She looked at him, "That is not true, you might not be able to fight or use chakra. But any kind of skill is useful, especially for a street boy like you", She said with a serious face.

He smiled and looked at the eerie flute again, "Wanna play together?", He asked her with a hopeful look.

She nodded, "Sure!"

For several hours did they play a song together. The sound of his flute merged into hers. Their combined melody made a beautiful harmony... in this heaven-like country where the smell of blood prevails over everything and death looms at every corner, this is what Mei had longed for: the simple bliss that only music could bring, and the one who brought it to her is someone she can relate to...


~~At night~~

After poisoning their food, Raizel eats with her. During these past few months, he has been tasting her limits. Given his extreme level of knowledge of poison. He was sure that she will not wake up tonight...

He waited for a long time, and only after making sure that Mei could not wake up. Raizel sits in front of the bronze mirror. Taking the wet towel he slowly wipes the makeup on his face.

Pulling out the fake skin on his face and hand. And removing the fake eyebrows and hair. He takes out the lens in the eyes that changed his eye color.

He sits there, looking at his original face. In the mirror appeared a face that he sees so little... He sat there for a while, watching his face, his hand caressed his face in the mirror before he let go and put off a new set of hair.

After a while, a new face appeared in the mirror, with different eye colors, hair, and voice.

Even Mei Terumi, with whom he has been living together for some time now, won't be able to identify him even if she speaks to him. His demeanor and his aura all changed into a cold-hearted assassin that roams at night.

Pulling out the mask, and a black robe, he takes out his infamous black sword with sheathing as he prepares for the night.

Raizel is a man with 100 names, 1000 faces, and 10,000 lies. But there is only one name he terrorizes the entire world with... Ghost.

He put on the mask. And his chakra disappeared thoroughly. Even the sensors will not be able to find him.



Heavy and gray clouds rolled into the sky, illuminating a loud clap of thunder every single minute. The sounds of raindrops hit the ground like miniature mortars unto tainted soil. Flashes of lightning danced across the sea of gray and black. If one looked up, he would say that it would be the song of Hell, reaching Earth's decrepit ears.

However, even though the sounds of nature wreaked havoc upon the landscape, they could not be heard over the sounds of slaughter.

Red fluid covered dirt, as another body fell to the ground. A sword clattered to the ground, broken and lost in its useless prime. All around that body were several others, a pool of the same crimson illuminating them.

A Kiri shinobi was trembling as sweat fell down his face. With a yell that seemed full of both fear and anger, he tried to charge at the figure that was walking slowly towards him.

Ghost unhurriedly watched the charging shinobi who lost his mentality. He was, as before, leisurely walking forward. The clinking sound of his sword being sheathed and unsheathed again and again follows his arrival.

The Kiri shinobi's twin daggers began to glow with a black light. His speed was fast, very fast, as he vanished and reappeared to Ghost's side, his dagger stabbing towards Ghost's heart, and was only 10 or so centimeters away.

Clink. Ghost's thumb sent the blades out and back again.

This clink seemed to have stopped time for a moment.

The Kiri shinobi was completely astonished. His dagger was about to stab into his opponent's heart, but he was the one dying instead.

'So fast', That was the last thought in the Kiri shinobi's head. His neck was sliced off, blood cover his neck as his body fell right there.

He hadn't even seen what happened. He just died.

Ghost keeps moving forward playing with his swords as if fiddling with a lighter.



"You sure know how to cause a ruckus", Responded a voice in the far-off distance, "You should stop killing so much for nothing"

Ghost's head turned around, looking over his shoulder at the source of the voice. "And you should keep your chakra hidden" He replied kindly, "Or at least try to"

The voice soon turned into a figure, and then a full form was recognizable. "Why? The so-called best sensor in the world would sense me even if I try to hide it", The figure shrugged, "Why should I even bother?"

Brown hair. Seemingly uncolored eyes. A slim and muscular figure. The majestic robe billowed in the winds of the day.

The two stand silently before the figure speaks up, "I won't ask how did you get here. It must be a cakewalk for someone like you. I just want to know why you are here. Ghost of Konoha"

"I was out looking at the nature of the world", Ghost replied.

"... And you came here for that? infiltrating Kiri, in the dead of the night, stealthily walking, and killing so many for that reason? You must be out of your mind if you think I would believe something like that"

Ghost shrugged, "You are so smart"

The Kiri shinobi's mouth twitches, as with a poof..!! of smoke, a long katana appeared in his hand.

"Ghost of Konoha. A sword-wielding freak, and the very incarnation of terror and death itself", The Kiri shinobi muttered with a smirk, "It is said that there is nothing you can't do. No matter the task, as long as Konoha has Ghost they can never go down. I think you are just overly hyped. Allow me to demonstrate how truly strong ones fight"

"Okay", Ghost didn't move an inch, as the Kiri shinobi charged towards him. The sword in the Kiri shinobi's hands was glowing with the blue chakra that emanates from his arms.

Ghost just stood there, unmoving as the destructive sword just phased through his figure. The attack didn't even enter his eyesight.

"Impressive", Ghost spoke with sarcasm, "I didn't know someone could be this slow and simple-minded. Say, how are you even alive..?!"

Kiri shinobi blinked and grit his teeth as he jumped back to create some distance between the two, "I will kill you...! I will destroy you!", His eyes were filled with a strange emotion now, almost as if he had become a different person altogether.

Ghost rolled his eyes, "That's why we are hired killers, dumbass. We kill", He said...

The Kiri shinobi swing his sword down, and the flash from the sword blinded the entire area as the chakra spread into a beam of energy.

Ghost who was standing not far away felt a slight pressure from the chakra attack, "This is not how you use the extended chakra attack doofus. Allow me..!", Ghost sighed as his chakra instantly turned into an invincible blade, turning into a catastrophic all-crushing wave.

The sword aura destroyed everyone and everything within its range, everything was annihilated in one strike. And then the sword dissipated. The massive wave of energy vanished just like that leaving behind only an eerie silence.

The Kiri shinobi had vanished without a trace. There was nothing left on the ground, not even a speck of dust. It only took 5 seconds for the entire thing between the two, Ghost glance sideways, the backup is arriving.


When 20 shinobis came to the scene, they saw... nothing. No bodies, no bloody ground, no marks of Jutsu used. No sign of fighting. There is not even a smell of blood in the air around them. There is no way in hell a fight occurred here.

"Are you sure sensors sensed something in this area"

"Yes sir"

"Search for clues. Increase the patrol around the area as well, see if you can find anything or anyone suspicious"


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