
Naruto: Cell's Rebirth As A New Person.

Cell almost died from teen gohan's kameo wave, but the power of the two attacks created a rift in time and suck inside cell's nucleus.

Burning_Balls_3852 · Anime und Comics
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Love Hurts As Much As A Shot To The Head.

At a bar in village of wave, was a place where the bandits go to hangout with there buddies, and drink until there hearts content. As we head inside the bar, we could see a group of four people chatting at a circular table about something. "I saw this beautiful little girl a couple days back. And i want her." The man said to his three comrades. "Don't tell me, You want to kidnap another kid again?" The bandit on the right side said.

"Well yeah!' The man spoke loudly, as he looked up at the ceiling hugging himself, as the man then began describing his fantasies with the little girl. "Man, you gotta see her. She has black hair as the night sky, and pure white skin as snow. But the one thing that get's me the most is her light purple eyes, that matches with her beauty. Oh my god! I can't wait to get my hands on her. Because the things i will do to that little girl is unimaginable."

Seeing there fellow bandit talk about another child again, made them roll there eyes as they thought in unison. 'Looks like we are going to take another kid again.' As they were listening about the little girl he wanted, a little blur then past by the bar, making it's way through the pedestrians with ease. When the blur landed on top of a building not far from the bar, A little girl with the same features appeared with a couple of wallets in one of her hands.

As she then began to open each wallet, and started to count the yen she had stolen. '55 yen and 1 ryo? Well that should be enough." She thought to herself, as she toss the wallets behind her, and put the yen and ryo in the pocket that did not had a torn hole on the bottom of it. "And i know where i'll be going to first!" She yelled, as the little girl then began to jump from building to building.

When she made it to the place she was looking for, was the same food stand that sells apples.. Landing in front of the stand now, had startled the clerk. "What the hell?!" He shouted in surprise, when he saw her appear in front of the stand like that. "Hi apple guy." She said with a wide grin. "You again?" he said realizing who it was that appeared just now. "In the flesh old man." she responded, making the clerk defend his age.

"I'm 41 years old young girl, so i'm not that old." Ignoring his rant, the little girl then took out 30 yen from her pocket and said. "Whatever you say old man." Not want to argue with the little girl even further, the clerk then took out two candy apples from behind the stand, and handed over to the little girl. "Hear you little brat." he said, as she gave him the 30 yen. "thanks apple guy. I'll be back some other time." She yelled back at the man, leaving the stand with the two candy apples in hand.

"And stop calling me apple guy. My name is cody, so don't ever for get that." He shouted at the retreating little girls back. when she was far from the stand, she then headed out of the village to the forest, and made her way to a lake not that far from the bridge, that will be call the great naruto bridge in the near future. Setting on a big rock now, the little girl then spoke to the four people that was hiding behind the trees.

"Perfect day isn't it guys." She asked, taking a bite from the candy apple. "You're damn right it is." the leader of the group said, as the four of them came out from behind the trees. "Perfect day indeed. Isn't it fellas." He said, as his three lackeys began to chuckle. "Hm. So Whatever you want from me, can it wait after i finish?" She asked the leader. "Well i can't promise that, because i can't wait even longer my love." The man said, stretching out his arms towards the little girl who began to laugh at his response.

"What did you say just now?! did you just announced me as your lover?! Keep dreaming dirty old man!" She said, as the little girl then fell off the rock laughing hard. "What's so funny cutie. Are you denying that the first day we met was true love?" He asked, making the little girl stop laughing and stood up from the ground, with a bored expression in her eyes that disturbed the four of them. "What made you came up with that conclusion? Can you see that i am not interested in you."

Shaking off the unsettling feeling he had felt a moment ago, the man spoke again. "Well even so. You will be mine-" But before he could even finish talking, a purple beam shot through his forehead, as his lackeys see him fall to the ground not breathing. "Mine? No thank you. your better off dead in my book." She said with discuss in her voice, as the remaining three people took a step back in fear. "Y'all about to leave? And the fun was just starting to begin."

When they heard that, the three of them began to run back in the forest towards the village in fear of the little girl. "Hide and seek?! I really like this game! Ready or not here i come!" She yelled with excitement, as she vanished in the forest taking them one by one, as they screamed when they got caught by the little girl.

[To Be Continued]