
Naruto BoS

Overpoweredlover · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

The Entrance to the Hall of Hokage

"What the hell happened here?" Menma said as he arrived at a small village.

It was a run-down village that seemed to be devoid of living beings.

"It looked like no one was here. Wait. Is that Blood?"

Menma immediately noticed blood stains on the ground near some houses.

And a blood trail that seems to be leading towards the outskirts of the village.

His senses are telling him that something horrible has happened in this village.

He walled around the village as he saw houses that had some sort of scratches mark and finally, he saw the corpse of a man who had his arms and legs cut off.

After meeting the first corpses it was only a matter of time before finding other corpses scattered around the village.

Most of the corpses that he saw lying around the village seemed to belong to the men who happened to be wielding swords and spears.

Then suddenly the image of the man that he just met popped into his mind.

"Then the children, women and elders that are in this village were the ones that got dragged into the outskirts and were probably sacrificed," Menma said as he figured out what had happened in this village.

He then followed the blood trail to see numerous corpses that were hung onto the trees.

He was right.

Although he was looking at children that don't seem to be very old yet hanging on the trees lifelessly he didn't feel anything.

No anger. No sadness. Just pure indifference.

"Book. Do I lose my emotions after you recreated me?"

[No. The book will not rewrite the emotions person who has been bonded to it.]

[Although it will influence them in a certain direction it can only enhance the already existing emotions and cannot insert new emotions.]

Menma doesn't know much about himself or how the book of Six Paths works.

But there is one thing that he knew.

It was the fact that this was a village that Hidan passed through before meeting him.

"I think resting in this place might be a good idea, after all, I don't think anyone will come here after what just happened," Menma said to himself.

He didn't get tired but he still wanted to rest.

He didn't dare to sleep in the forest because he was somewhat scared of animals and dangerous people who could bother him while he was defenceless.

Although this village just hosted a serial murderer it still has shelter and furniture that he could still use.

So he decided to settle in this place for at least one night to fully recharge his energy.

He chooses a good-looking house that doesn't have any corpses in it and decides to cook some food that is available in the house.

He had a meal and then rested on the bed that was inside the residence that he chose.

He fell asleep quickly.


[Entereing the Hall of Hokage(SSS).]

A familiar voice popped into his mind.

He opened his eyes and realized that he was in some kind of Void.

Where am I? He thought.

[You are in the Hall of Hokage. A space that can only house the consciousness of the Book of Sixpath's owner.]

[The owner of the book can enter this space by falling asleep or losing consciousness.]

[The consciousness will return to the body after the training is over. The body will be protected by a supernatural force and cannot be harmed until the consciences return to the body.]

A white hair man who is wearing blue armour looking directly at him while crossing his hands.

"Who are you?"

Menma asked.

[He is a replication of Senju Tobirama. In other words a clone.]

[He is one of the 10 people that are created to teach you about how to fight. After all the owner of the book must not be weak.]

"Weak? Didn't I just beat a guy that massacred an entire village?" Menma said.

[Beating Hiden before he could use his full power cannot be considered a win. According to the calculations created by the book of Six Paths if you fight him ten times you will lose eight out of ten.]

"I see, it looks like the odds are not in my favour" Menma replied.

That means I got lucky. Menma was not happy with the revelation.

"That's where I came in." The clone of Tobirama said as he put his right hand on Menma's shoulders.

"You lacked basics. We have to start with the very beginning." Tobirama said as he carefully examined Menma's body.

"Let's start with taijutsu first," Tobirama said.

[All of your abilities are temporality sealed.]

[Abilities that are directly connected to the body parts are unsealed.]

"Wait. What?" Menma was shocked.

[You will not die or feel exhausted during the training.]

[Complete Tobirama's training to obtain Incomplete flying Raijin(B), Shadow Clone Jutsu(B) and Kenjutsu(S).]

[Have a wonderful time. Sage.]

"Now then let's begin our training session," Tobirama said as he looked at Menma.

Then he threw a knife directly at him.

Menma was unable to fend off the attack as he was now powerless because most of his abilities were sealed.

He has to dodge the attack instead.

Luckily he was able to dodge the attack by a small margin.

However, Tobirama disappears from his sight.

"This is the ability that you have to learn first," Tobirama said as he stabbed Menma in the heart from behind.

"The flying Raijin. The ability that I used to kill the brother of the worst person that ever set foot in Konoha." Tobirama said.

"Konoha. What the hell is that?" Menma said as he looked back at Tobirama as blood dripped out from his mouth.

"Nothing. Just a small village that my brother built." Tobirama said as he smiled.

"Can you pull out the sword that is in my body before you start to reminisce about your past?" Menma said.

It hurts like hell. I wonder if I could survive this kind of wound if I was still in my body. A thought flashed through Menma's mind.

[You could.]

A rely pleasing to the ear was heard as Menma smirked a little.

If you see any plot holes just ignore it. Since as the series progresses some storylines will start to become impossible. One of the examples was the Itachi pursuit Mission.

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