
Naruto: Avatar World

Naruto and Sasuke were fighting at the End of valley and Naruto seem hesitant to attack Sasuke and Sasuke took advantage of this and tried to kill Naruto and as reality is often disappointing.... Naruto died in the hands of Sasuke Uchiha or to be precise a phenomena happened that no one could have ever imagined not even the Sage of Six path could have thought or believed something like this to be possible.... When Naruto woke up he found himself in a new world where war and conflict were as common as eating and drinking and in this world Naruto will face the harsh reality of world where he wouldn't be naive and innocent anymore. where only strong would survive and weak would be the prey and controlled as puppet. what would Naruto do in such a world ? will he consider Saving life of others or will he become a selfish person whose only purpose is to survive!! Also if you want to support the work and read advance Chapters then go to (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N). Here's the P@treon account:- p@treon.com/Alzero (Disclaimer:- This is a TL work of spanish)

Alzero_ · Anime und Comics
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128 Chs


The town of Tawa wasn't exactly a tourist destination. Located near the border between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom, it was a challenging place to live if you were caught in the crossfire of either side. As a result, the town mainly attracted mercenaries, pirates, merchants, and renegades who sought a place to relax, have a drink, and grab a meal.

However, today was an exception, as a crowd had gathered around a small stage.

"Come and test your strength!" A woman stood confidently on the wooden stage. She had striking golden hair tied into two long pigtails, an elegant face adorned with unique cheek marks, bright blue eyes, and what caused more than one person to do a double-take were her generously proportioned chest and hips – measurements rarely seen on a woman.

With a smile, the blonde crossed her arms, causing her ample bosom to bounce beneath her orange jacket. "Today, I've brought you a challenging yet rewarding test! You stand a chance to win a substantial sum of money! Assistant~" she called in a sing-song voice, and Katara, looking a bit shy, appeared behind the stage, carrying a cloth bag. She arrived in front of the audience and opened it.

"Wow," more than a few in the audience couldn't believe their eyes as they beheld a hefty block of gold. It easily weighed around ten kilos, an impressive amount for pure gold.

"For just ten silver coins, you can participate and have a shot at winning this handsome fortune," Naruko continued with a whistle, summoning Sokka to appear behind her. He carried a sizeable wooden box that was placed in the center of the stage. "The rules are simple: all you need to do is pick up the prize from the table, and it's yours."

"What's the catch?" A young pirate with a scythe eyed the contest skeptically.

"There's no trick, my young friend. You just need to lift it, but remember, it requires a calm mind and balanced brute force," Naruko explained. Many in the crowd got excited about the simple challenge and began to form a line. However, others remained skeptical.

"And who knows, maybe the winner won't just get the gold? Perhaps some extra fun as well," Naruko added with a seductive smile, teasingly playing with her own breasts. This provocative gesture convinced everyone to join the line.

An hour later...

"Ahhhhhhh!" A burly man screamed as he strained to lift the bag of gold, but he couldn't even budge it a centimeter. After several futile attempts, he ended up collapsing on his back, unconscious.

"Oh my~" Naruko smiled and casually kicked the man off the stage. Behind her, a weary Katara held a large bag full of coins. They had easily earned enough money to buy a mansion in a big city.

"Anyone else want to give it a try?" Naruko asked.

Hateful glances were directed at the busty blonde. No one in the crowd had been able to move the gold piece, and frustration was mounting.

"I can try?" All eyes turned to a peculiar old man with white hair and a large mustache. He was somewhat dwarfed in stature and dressed in orange clothing. Leaning on a cane, he ascended the stage.

"Hey, grandpa, we can't guarantee insurance will cover your medical expenses if you hurt your back trying," Naruko quipped, stepping aside to let the old man attempt the challenge.

Aang, hidden beneath his disguise, had been about to try when a commotion broke out.

"Wow, what do we have here?" The mercenaries in the crowd parted as a new group arrived. It was a gang of pirates led by an older man with gray hair, dressed in dark clothing and sporting a typical pirate hat. Perched on his shoulder was a lizard-like parrot.

"That's what I told you, boss. It's a jackpot," one of his crew members grinned as he noticed the beautiful blonde with a bag of coins and the gold piece beside her.

"Would you like to try, sir?" Naruko maintained her composure, unfazed by the imposing pirate who approached her, accompanied by his crew armed with various melee weapons.

"Why don't we make this interesting, honey?" The pirate, his eyes fixed on the curvaceous woman, pulled out ten silver coins from his pocket. "If I manage to lift that thing, I'll take the gold and everything you've won today in my territory..."

"What if you can't?" The blonde woman appeared intrigued as the pirate opened his coat to reveal a blue scroll with an unusual symbol.

"This is a scroll from a waterbender with a set of advanced waterbending techniques. I was going to sell it to an Earth Kingdom noble. It's worth 200 gold pieces."

"Ehhh?" Katara's eyes lit up upon seeing the valuable scroll.

"Hmmm." The blonde rubbed her chin, clearly interested.

"And I'll sweeten the pot with an additional hundred gold pieces... on the condition that you promise me some fun tonight," he shamelessly proposed, ogling the woman's ample bosom. She responded with an even wider smile.


Katara, Sokka, and Aang watched the exchange with skepticism, concerned that their friend was taking too great a risk.

The pirate confidently stepped onto the stage, eyeing the box containing the bag of gold. Drawing his sword, he pierced the box, causing tension to ripple through the four friends. A puff of smoke billowed out from the box's edges. "An interesting trick, but we're not all easily deceived."

"Oops~" Naruko could feel the daggers in the glares from everyone present.

"Simple enough." Taking the bag, the pirate opened it, revealing the solid gold rock. But before he could react, he was shoved aside.

"Thanks for participating!" Naruko snatched everything—the bag of gold from the pirate's grasp, the bag of coins from Katara, and even the scroll from the man who struggled to get back up before she stepped on him. "See you~!" She plucked a smoke bomb from her neckline and tossed it to the ground before leaping off the stage and disappearing into the crowd.

"Five hundred gold pieces for that woman's head!" The pirate captain seethed with rage, drawing his sword, ready to hunt down the audacious woman who had dared to swindle him. An exuberant cry went up as all the mercenaries swarmed to pursue the 'Golden Fox,' who proved to be surprisingly fleet of foot.

In the end, only Katara, Sokka, and Aang remained on the stage.

"That didn't go as well as I thought," Aang remarked with disappointment, removing his fake hair and mustache. The two Water Tribe siblings exchanged glances and sighed, realizing they had to go after the ninja and extricate him from this mess.

"Quite the opposite, my friends." Their spirits lifted when they heard that voice. Emerging from beneath the stage, a smiling Naruto carried everything that 'Naruko' had purportedly taken.

"So, you're the real one?" Sokka asked skeptically, struggling to wrap his head around the sorcerer's abilities. Witnessing him transform into a seductive woman had been disconcerting. Was he even male? He hoped so. They already had to contend with the Avatar; dealing with a shape-shifting sorcerer would be another challenge.


"And what about the pirates? Will they come after us?" Katara voiced her concern. Naruto responded with a mischievous grin.

[ If you want to read advance Chapters then go to Pat reon and support me there.

PAT REON I'D:- Alzero ]