
Naruto- Justice For The Immortal

MC wants to give Justice to Kakuzu!! MC dies!! GOD is in need of a mortal to save him!! MC is chosen!! MC goes to Naruto world!! MC is OP!! GOD loses to MC!! MC is OP than GOD!! MC has really big Small MC!! MC is after Other's Heart or Body!! MC is also called Heart Robbing Shinobi!! Author-sama is amateur!! The Cover was robbed from ( https://s1.zerochan.net/Kakuzu.600.889072.jpg)

The_Lost_God · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs


Somewhere in the vast universe, there is small island planet. Comparatively about 100 times larger than earth. In the middle is a great castle made of gems, ruby, diamonds and all precious materials. In a central room a young man with silver eyes and hair opened his eyes. There were women around taking care of him. Without any care he smiled. He then laughed.

"Did you have fun master?", one of the woman bowed to the man with respect and asked.

"I had a little fun. But now I think I will have more fun.", replied the man. Then once again he went "hahahhahahah"

"Ara..ara. Honey how was your trip?" Suddenly a woman appeared in front of the man with a smile on her face. All the other woman bowed to her respectfully and left the room. "It wasn't that great but I think I will have fun now.", replied the man with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Oh..", The woman made a huge O shape with her mouth and sat near him. Then she asked, "Why didn't you bring him with you?"

Listening to the question the man with silver feature had black lines visible in his face. But shortly after he came back to his neutral and replied, "I can't hide anything from you right?" The woman just laughed, "hehe…hehe"

Then the man started talking about his trip to earth. "You know how boring the life of gods are. It has been so long since I felt excitement, fear, amusement and all. I was bored as Fu*k so, I was looking at the opportunity to possess someone and live as him. The opportunity came to me when a family got into accident. The parents were dead and the body of the child was fine but his soul had left the body. So, I possessed him. With my divine power I was sure it wouldn't be fun so, I sealed or rather locked my own power. I even sealed my own memory to fully immerse myself in mortality. All I had was god's instinct and arrogance. I was sure even without my divinity, power and memories sealed, I would be at the top of the food chain. But, I was so wrong. After the accident I had to spend some time at hospital. During my stay A kid used to come daily to give company."

"It was mark wasn't it?", Woman asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, It was Mark. When I first looked at him, I felt fear. Without my power and memories I was just a mortal and looking as a mortal I also felt like , as if he is a Devil. I could see his spirit and soul which was so robust and compact almost like a god. He isn't developed and is just on a level of demi-god. And as for the third person view you know how I lived my life in there. After unlocking my memories I felt that, without my power, memories and experience I was nothing in front of him."

The Woman laughed at her husband. Then she teased him, "What would other gods say if they knew a major god was afraid of a mere mortal? Hehehe…hehehe"

"You haven't seen him Eve. Once you see him you will also feel miserable like me. Try to see him without your divine eyes, try to feel without your divine soul, try to comprehend him without your consciousness. And, you will know what I was talking about."

"Well, What about your universe?", listening to his wife, Drake suddenly frowned. He knew he could do nothing.

With a sigh he replied, " well, I can do nothing. Let the things take its course."


Silent occupied the room for god knows how long. Suddenly,

"Yes, I'm finally here. Kami-sama (Kami=Bastard God, Sama= MotherFu*ker) I'm here. Now reincarnate me. Where are you Kami Sama??"


Flashback(Mark's POV)

Somewhere in the vast universe, a naked soul was swimming. "There it is. I'm reaching it. I'm almost there. Hahaha…. Finally!! I 've reached it.", It was Mark who was flying towards the island planet. And, yes it's me. As I saw it, I thought, It must be god's residence as seen in isekai manga and anime. Now, I can reincarnate. Madara, Hashirama wait I'm coming. Tsunade, Hinata wait, I'm Cumming", I thought as I swam towards the Island. Suddenly, I felt something pushing me or pulling me as I didn't feel a thing, but I was getting near the island where Kami was residing. I'm nearing, nearing and I have reached. Suddenly I felt a barrier as I tried to enter the island. There was red alarm illuminating the entire planet. And, I could see a lot of light coming towards me. I can feel as if a lot of strong people are coming towards me. And, I feel they aren't good things.

End of Flashback

"Ouch…Ouch what are you doing? Isn't this God's residence? I'm here to be reincarnated. Leave me alone. Sorry that I cursed you when I was in the world of living. Please forgive me."

"Talking about shamelessness, huh? He is even more better than you at this. Look, the god of Narutoverse, the Central Universe in the eastern sector of the Chaosverse, The one and only Great God, The Silver Crown Drake, The Ruler of Righteous Sector who is best at his shamelessness, who occupied the No. 1 Position in being shameless has now lost his only title of being no. 1 to a mere mortal. Haha….haha.... "


Guards in their mind, they heard, "Let the child come."

Just hearing this made them bow in respect. They looked at the direction and bowed with tears in their eyes, as if they became enlightened just hearing the voice. With respect flowing out of their bodies, they replied, "Yes, Master"


1. I didn't want to think about the new name for god so, his name will be Drake.

2. The story is late because I wanted to give the story to the gods and the reason for Mark being Isekaied. He isn't being isekaied just because he is Drake's Friend.

3. In future if there will be travelling to other animeverse, I wanted good story platform. Not randomness like, "System send me to one piece anime," or sort of.)