
Naruto - Konoha no Raijin

what is Death? Can it be really possible to retain memory after death? Are will you cease to exist completely. I cannot comprehend about death, death is mysterious To some it is purely evil, to some it’s a redemption and what’s death to you..? …. ….. …. But in the end you cannot escape death, no matter what you do Cover art by : XClemz I don't own anything except for MC even the Jutsu's aswell

Wandering_Author · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs


🔴 Few minutes Prior to Three Village Meeting (Midnight)

🔺Iwagakure Borders

A tent has setup for the meeting, as the meeting was hosted in the Iwagakure borders, the tent was guarded by Iwa-Shinobi, four was standing in each four corners, and other four shinobi they were each one of them standing in the middle of each side.

Sakumo and Minato already arrived, they didn't wear standard Konoha Jonin Uniforms, because for not letting the enemy that they are from Konoha, they wore all black outfit with Dark brown Anbu Armor with all black cloak and they are covering their faces with masks, Minato wearing owl tribal mask and Sakumo wearing dog tribal mask, they were standing in the nearby tree completely blended in the wilderness, overlooking at the tent

Soon Shinobi from Kusa and Suna arrived, and have gone into the tent, a little while later both Sakumo and Minato nodded at each other, Minato threw his kunai and flashed away near the shinobi guards and killed all of them instantly without making a single sound. He quickly put a horse seal, summoned 8 of his shadow clones and transformed into those guards, Minato then gave a signal to Sakumo, Sakumo nodded and went to check the surroundings making sure there is no spies or enemies around, to his surprise,

🔴 Meanwhile

🔺Meeting Tent, Iwagakure Borders

All the three villages discussing about forming a pact to attack Konoha, a shinobi from Iwa spoke in a firm voice "Iwa-nin will be stationed in Kusa for attacking Konoha, but to drag Konoha into Kusa, Kusa should go to Konoha for aid because Iwa is attacking Kusa, but there will be no attacks, we would be stationed there, when Konoha comes to Kusa, we would strike them " and a representative from Kusa spoke, just when Minato clone was listening this, Minato was interrupted by a dog which was summon of Sakumo, the dog had a scroll, which is stating that there was nearly two hundred Iwa shinobi is stationed 2km away from the meeting spot,

Minato summoned a clone instantly and flashed and appeared beside Sakumo which he marked on Sakumo before, and Minato spoke " what should we do now Sakumo-san? Should we both kill all the representatives and leave or should we fight those shinobi as well? For that Sakumo replied "Minato you are a seal master right?" Minato nodded, Sakumo spoke "can you put a barrier around them for not letting them escape ?" and for that Minato replied "yes I can, I can also put up barrier which stops the sound going outside" and then Sakumo spoke "Can you do that?", Minato replied "yes, absolutely" and then Sakumo spoke "Alright then put up a barrier and kill them all" and Minato nodded and flashed away, when Minato flashed away, Sakumo thought to himself 'well he wasn't called the fastest ninja in Konoha for nothing'

Minato instantly appeared in near the tent summoned another four clones and quickly put up a barrier which cannot be seen from outside,

Minato went inside the tent, one of the shinobi spoke anxiously "who are you bastard? What happened to guards outside", what happened next was a pure silent massacre, Minato quickly sealed up all the bodies in the scrolls, it looked like there is nothing happened inside the tent, and he removed the barrier, and the clones dissipated giving memories to Minato and flashed away

just when Minato flashed away a from the tent a group of Anbu shinobi came towards the tent and inspected the tent and one of them spoke "we will wait here and intercept them"

Minato appeared beside Sakumo, and spoke "it is finished Sakumo-san" and Sakumo shockingly replied "that's fast?, alright lets deal with them, "Minato formed four clones, each clone threw a kunai to each corner without even making a single sound, then formed a barrier just like before, 'when are we getting orders? I can't wait to get into action' thought a Iwa shinobi' and he saw a yellow flashes at one side of the camp, and at the other side a white light dancing over other side

"what was that an enemy atta-" before he could finish anything his head was cut off with a yellow flash, at other side of the camp, Sakumo massacring the Iwa shinobis with his lightning infused chakra sabre although it is not as instant as Minato, It looked like a light dancing on the area,

Minato killed all the Hundred shinobi's and sometime later Sakumo also finished his Job, and they were moving towards Konoha, Suddenly they were intercepted by the Anbu before, both Sakumo and Minato spoke at the same time "Root!" and one of the Anbu spoke "Rat! Go and inform Danzo-sama! We will take care of them" and when Minato heard this he spoke in low tone which gave chills to the Anbu "you sure?" and just then Sakumo spoke "Minato! Follow him, and don't kill him, we need him alive, and also give me a sealing scroll", Minato nodded and gave him one and shunshined away,(he didn't mark him),

when Minato left Sakumo held his sabre infused with his lightning chakra, rumbling sounds coming from the sabre, Sakumo spoke in chilling tone "now you will see why they call me as Konoha no Shiroi Kiba / White fang of the leaf", with a quick speed, before one of the root could react , Sakumo cut of his head, a burning smell came from the neck of the body, when the remaining root seen this they have ganged upon Sakumo, it didn't even taken five minutes for Sakumo to cut of their heads, he then sealed their heads in the sealing scroll which is given by Minato

In a few minutes caught up to the root-nin, Minato formed a mini Rasengan, and shoved it on the back of the root-nin while he was still running, he made a mini Rasengan for not to kill him,

After finishing the business Sakumo quickly caught up to Minato, and moved towards Konoha, while they were moving Minato asked a question " what is root doing here Sakumo-san? I thought this is a Top secret mission" and for that Sakumo replied "I think Hokage-sama have to answer it"



(A/N) : Guys, I hope you like this chapter, comment your thoughts on the story so far, and also drop reviews

How did the meeting go? And your thoughts about the mission?

I hope I justified powers of Minato and Sakumo and their personalities

what are your suggestions? Please comment on this

Thanks for 216 collections, Thanks for all your support Daoisto0M3es, Leef_Power, B4u_Shout ,Adrian_Pionce ,1si2, Nsss_Nsss, Soumil564_Sood, Prudhvi_2470, Justin_Harris_4368 and all the others who have commented

Drop some stones if you like this (Ninja Art: Stone Rain Jutsu)

I am also working on OnePiece fanfic, although I have uploaded It previously but it is not written by me, I used chatgpt(I don't use it for this fanfic) for it but it didn't came out how I liked, that's why I deleted it,

If you have any suggestions about storyline, please let me know

You can connect with me on Instagram @wandering_author01

See you again in the next chapter, Until then Bye