
Naruto - Konoha no Raijin

what is Death? Can it be really possible to retain memory after death? Are will you cease to exist completely. I cannot comprehend about death, death is mysterious To some it is purely evil, to some it’s a redemption and what’s death to you..? …. ….. …. But in the end you cannot escape death, no matter what you do Cover art by : XClemz I don't own anything except for MC even the Jutsu's aswell

Wandering_Author · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs


🔺Konoha third training ground

In the dusk, the sky is scattering the sun is slowly going down, a gentle wind is breezing in the third training ground,


You could see a kid lying on the ground, panting hard and that boy is Kurokawa Yukio, its been a year since he started training,

In last year, his chakra has been increased to Low Chunin level, and his Sensing Skills and Kanji writing skills have been increased exponentially, and when coming to Kenjutsu it came to halt, but he laid a very good ground work for learning a style, he also learnt Tree walking and water walking

while he was cleaning his parent's room, he found basic ninjutsu scrolls which contained, Kage Bunshin no Jutsu / Shadow Clone Technique, Henge no Jutsu / Transformation Technique, Bunshin no Jutsu / Clone Technique, Shunshin no Jutsu / Body Flicker Technique, Kawarami no Jutsu / Substitution or Body Replacement Technique. He learnt all of those to the perfect level in the last year

when he was perfecting the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu / Shadow Clone Technique, he discovered that he could create more shadow clones, if he could divide his chakra to percentages and distribute accordingly to his other clones, now you can understand he was a genius on his own peers as he learnt Taju Kage Bunshin no Jutsu / Multiple shadow clone Technique without any scroll or with any proper guidance

He was also accepted to academy and would be joining classes this year in coming week.

🔴 Two days before the start of the Academy

As he was walking towards his home, he sees a kid who is getting bullied by two Chunins, the kid has bushy hair and green jump suit. In an instant he jumped and quickly beat up the two chunins but didn't knocked them out and the speed of his cannot be seen by a naked eye, he then gave his hand to the fallen kid and helped him to get up

" you should be ashamed of yourself, by attacking a kid…you are a disgrace to be a leaf shinobi, not to mention a shinobi" Yukio said in a cold tone, although this is coming from a five year old kid, his tone sent shivers to the spine for the two chunins.

"don't worry you will be getting into the academy, hone your Taijutsu" said to the kid in a warm tone,

When he was leaving the area, he was stopped by the kid whom he saved just now, and the kid shouted " My name is Maito Guy! Thank you !! " and Yukio replied " Kurokawa Yukio.. I hope we meet again in the academy " and left the area

All this was observed by that kid's dad , you can see the tears coming from his eyes and gave a thumbs up to Yukio

And a man with a white hair who wore a standard Jonin uniform smiled when he looked at the whole scene said to himself ' your kid has growing well Takashi, he seems more stronger than you are at that time, Iam looking forward to see his growth' and the kid who was holding the man's hand had the similar white hair and wore a black mask looked at Yukio interestingly

" Like father, like son huh? " said a man wearing a white robe with red broad line in the middle with a spiky brown hair while looking at the crystal ball.


(A/N) : I know this is a short chapter, I thought this would be better to end this chapter like this,

Feel free to comment your opinions, see you again in the next chapter

Until then, Good Bye…!