
Chapter 9

Hashira left the ANBU station, changed into a set of plain civilian clothes and started to stroll around the village , he was walking in the direction Ichiraku ramen shop to refuel.

" Hmmm..Unknowingly..... I am almost at Jonin level ' Hashira growth has been exceptional, he has already left his generation rookies into dust.

Hashira decided that he will buy Another Nature Release when he reach Jonin level. He wanted to buy one faster but the price is just too much for the current him.

Experiencing His phenomenal growth in these months Hashira concluded that his strength can only be increased in a chaotic environment. The more he fights more he can Level up.

Even though he is strong, he is not conceited enough to think that he is some big character now. Before truly strong people he is like a bug that can be crushed easily.


'There is so much to do! I need to get into a more suiting environment. This ANBU job is not really gonna cut it after I become a Jonin.'

Hashira sighing walked to the Ichiraku Ramen and sat down.

" Yo, Ayame. get me some miso Ramen "

" Coming right up" Ayame Shouted And told her dad to prepare it " So Hashira, How have you been, I have not seen you here in quite some time "

" Yeah, I was kinda busy, you know " Hashira tactfully refused to share any detail.

" I heard you got pulled out from Naruto's team! What happened? " Ayame asked resting her chin on her palm, looking to be in Gossiping mood.

Hashira rolled his eyes at her antics " I just couldn't handle those snot nosed brat, who only knows about shouting, crying, blaming and shaming. For some as talented as me it's a waste to baby sit them. "

" Ouch.... Burned , Did you forget you are also their age " Ayame taunted.

Hashira pointed his index finger on his head and Said scholarly " Age is a state of mind ,beautiful. Here I am 20."

" Ohh.. You got quite a sweet tongue there " Ayame giggles.

" Well your beauty is an undisputed fact, you know" Hashira retorted.

"Hehe.. Oh really! I wonder What Hinata will think when she knows about your Flirting with me" Ayame countered.

As Hashira kept taking to Ayame and enjoy his meal, from the corner of his eyes he saw a swaying Drunk Bulged figure.

Hashira turned to look and got excited to see who that figure was.

" What happened, Hashira what are you looking at?" Ayame bent on the counter to see what has got the usually stoic Hashira so hot and bothered.

" Nothing... " Hashira turned back to his eating.

' Tazuna... That the fucking Bridge Builder. It's probably time for Team 7 to go to Land of Waves. In the whole elemental nation right now, the most chaotic place is Kiri itself. There I can make great progress ' Hashira mind started to work at full gear to come up with a way to go to Kiri.


Later in the mission office.....

Naruto and the team arrive, as a plump woman with runs over to get her cat

"Oh my cute Tora, I was so worried to death" the woman was naturally Tora's owner

Seeing the lady hug her cat to death, Naruto commented "If I were this cat, I would probably run as well…" as he pitied the cat's life.

Sasuke and Sakura silently agreed.

On the table, the Hokage took a D-Rank scroll as he read, "this duty is about babysitting a boy..."

"Hey old man, how about we get a real mission here" Naruto said as he received a smack from Kakashi.

"Hmm…"The hokage thought, while Iruka took the opportunity to reprimand Naruto "You've just started out as a Genin, you are not ready for a C-Rank Mission…"

"Hatake Kakashi" the Third Hokage called Kakashi's attention.


"Do you think that your team is ready for a C-Rank mission..."

"Yes , i do Hokage-sama " Kakashi looked at the team especially Naruto giving him puppy eyes and agreed.

" Then I have a Escort mission for you " Hiruzen put down the D-Rank scroll and picked up another one.




"Come in" the Hokage said, upon which an old man in a hat and a bottle showed up.

"Whaaattt, aren't they just a bunch of squirts" the old man asked as his gaze came to rest upon Naruto.


"Particularly, you the smallest one with the idiotic face, Do you expect me to believe that you are a ninja?….." the old man continued as he took a sip from his glass bottle.

"Damn you old man" Naruto shouted back as Kakashi instantly held him back from jumping the old man


" Don't worry I am coming with them, our team can take care of the mission." Kakashi said.

"I'm Tazuna, a veteran bridge builder. For the next few months, I'm going to have you protect me as I return to my homeland and build a bridge!" The old man introduced as he headed out.

Naturally the trio followed the old man as they left the Mission Hall.

Tazuna kept looking at Naruto and said "I still don't feel safe with this kid".

"You've got a problem with the future hokage, old man?" Naruto asked getting a bit irritated.

"Hokage, aren't they the strongest ninja in the village? You sure don't look like you are gonna be one" Tazuna said cooly.

"Hehe, old man, the day I become one I will make you acknowledge me…." Naruto commented

"The day you become one is the day the pigs fly…" Tazuna said as he took another sip.

"Damn you old man, you're asking for it" Naruto raised his fist as he said, while Tazuna did not pay any attention to the comment.


As Team 7 went out of hokage tower to get prepared for the mission Hashira was waiting silently in a corner resting his body on the wall. Kakashi notices him but Hashira signals not to say anything with his eyes.

Kakashi didn't bother with him anymore and went away.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in"

Hashira went in and kneeled " Hokage-sama, you have summoned me "

" Ahh, yes Hashira. first of all ,Great work you have made remarkable progress and I am very satisfied " Hiruzen looks up from his papers.

" Thank you hokage-sama"

Hiruzen smiled at Hashira response " Tell me Hashira, how do you fell about becoming my Personal ANBU guard "

Hiruzen suddenly dropped the F-bomb, Hashira looked at him, cursing in his mind ' He is concerned with my frantic growth and wants to make sure I am controlled and my mind is tainted with The Will of Fire '.

In a moment Hashira read his thoughts, he is not some kind of clueless nut who cannot understand the intent behind these Political moves.

" I will have to refuse Hokage-sama " Hashira said quickly.

Hiruzen was stunned for a moment at such a clear cut response without any hesitation, But he quickly recomposed himself

" Hmmm.. Okay it's your own choice, I won't make things difficult for you " Hiruzen knows that with such a resolute answer, if he still insists Hashira may get out of his grasp altogether.

" But if I may ask, why did you deny "

" Hokage-sama, I just want to serve Konaha out there in the field and protect it from the shadows, although it's an honor to a guard of yours. For now I still want to gain experience and sharpen my skills" Hashira answer with an patriotic sentiment in his eyes.

Hiruzen nodded and waved his hand for him to go. But seeing that he is still here, He asks " Is there something you want to ask for "

Hashira showed a difficult face and answer with a requesting tone " I want to go with Naruto on his mission to Land of Waves " .

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow, Hashira quickly followed " I have a bad feeling about this mission and just want to make sure he is okay. I will stay in shadow and follow as a ANBU. "

After a slight pause Hashira looked straight into Hiruzen eyes and said resolutely " I also want to go to My Clans homeland, in The Land of Whirlpool. Uzushiogakure ".

Hiruzen thought for a second and after what seems like an hour for Hashira he nodded and gave his permission.

As Hiruzen knows that ANBU are needed to read many Scroll and Secret of Ninja World , Hashira has got the information of Uzushiogakure from there and wants to visit his ancestral land so he allowed for it.