

Why do we exist? It seems like such a simple question but if that were the case then why can't anyone give us a definite answer? Maybe the answer is something we can only find out ourselves maybe the purpose of our existence is to find out why we exist. I am not sure what it is and if I am being honest I don't give a shit! I couldn't care less about life or more specifically my life. I lost my ability to feel any form of satisfaction or pleasure a long time ago. My will to live shriveled up and died long and you know what's sad I am only 19! My life has been an unending stream of mind-numbing monotony so tedious that every time I step outside I pray I am struck by lightning or hit by a goddamn car! Don't get me wrong my life isn't bad per se. I have two loving parents and a nice home and I have even made plans to enter college but it is just...how can I put it. Have you ever just felt tired and didn't know why like there was this growing sense of lethargy consuming your mind making you feel like complete shit and nothing you do matters and it leaves you wondering why the fuck do I keep on going? Why do I feel so terrible inside even though nothing is wrong? Maybe I Should Just Kill Myself!? But I digress...you don't want to hear me ramble on and on about philosophical bullshit, you just want to know what this novel is about. If you must know it's about a young man being reborn in a fantasy world and just trying to find a purpose to live in a world of violence and power where only strength matters.

Preston_Shaw · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

It was excruciating waiting for days on end in this room in the Baron's mansion.

The boy tossed and turned from his constant anxiety over what was going to happen.

Never in his wildest dreams did he expect to get this far he had assumed he wouldn't make it past the last trial everyone else seemed to do so poorly at.

But here he was in a mansion with clean clothes and as much food as he wanted.

However, he wasn't happy instead he was worried about what the catch was gonna be.

There was always a downside to good fortune and it was usually as bad as his good fortune was good so he knew he was in for something.

For better or worse his fate was now different and he was nothing but a simple passenger on this boat ride into oblivion.

Which he was certain was what this whole crazy situation was gonna lead to, oblivion.

After about five or so days a servant knocked on the door and the boy was led to the dining room where the Baron sat on the far end of the ebony wood table enjoying a scrumptious meal.

"Sit down!" he commanded while looking intently at the boy.

Just as the Baron ordered the boy sat down opposite the Baron, where a plate was laid out for him.

"Tomorrow the caravan carrying your competitors arrives and where it will take you to where the real test begins," he said while nonchalantly eating his meal.

The boy said not a word and merely nodded his head.

"You don't talk much that is good but I hope you are a good listener because I have some important things to tell you before the caravan arrives tomorrow."

Again the boy nodded so the Baron continued.

"Firstly the test I gave you to measure your bodily potential doesn't matter that much since that can be changed with the right resources but don't misunderstand, your top-notch potential is good since your limit is much higher than most," The Baron looked at the boy when he saw no reaction he sighed and continued.

"Secondly I wish to know more about you so tell me your name and your background." said the Baron in a stern tone.

"I have no family nor a home hell I don't even have a name." said the boy in a soft voice barely above a whisper.

"Hmm? I see pity, however, such things don't matter as long as you successfully enter into the royal institution you'll be just fine but there is something I'd like to ask you that has been bothering me." asked the Baron in a curiosity-laced voice.

The boy though confused nodded his head and so the Baron took that as a sign he could ask his question, pointing at his left hand he asked.

"Is that a sixth finger on your left hand?"

The boy looked at his hand and nodded in approval causing the Baron to groan in annoyance.

The boy didn't like that, he never thought about his sixth finger too much since it was a common condition in his old world called polydactyly.

The boy merely considered it an extra digit nothing more but from the Baron's reaction, it clearly had a deeper meaning.

Noticing the boy becoming worried the Baron groaned before telling him.

"Oh, calm down it does you no good to get all worked up young man having a sixth finger is just some part of this silly superstition, it is merely considered a bad omen by none thinking fools, pay it no mind." said the Baron before finishing his meal.

"If you really want to know more about it just ask a scholar at the institution that is if you make it in," chuckled the baron as he got up from his lavish chair.

"Well it was interesting speaking with you I think so good day to you, make sure to get up nice and early tomorrow so you don't miss the caravan." spoke the Baron before exiting.

The boy although curious about the whole finger thing decided to quickly finish his food and retire to his room in anticipation of the eventful day he was sure he will have tomorrow.


Waking up early the boy got dressed and while doing so he carefully observed himself in a full-length mirror next to the bedroom door.

What he saw was a short skinny little boy with dark cinnabar hair and rich syrup-colored eyes.

'Well I sure am a shrimp but at least I don't appear skeletal anymore' thought the young boy as he carefully examined his body.

Running his fingers through his messy red hair the boy thought to himself 'Wow my hair sure is red not that I hate it. Geez has it always been this color I've been filthy for so long that I can't even remember?'

Shaking his head the boy said in a barely audible voice "This is no time to be obsessing over my silly appearance I must consider what will happen to me at this institution," he then pushed open the door and sauntered down the hall.

As he made his way to the dining room he began thinking about where he soon will be sent off to.

From the name of the institute, he could infer some things, for instance, the words martial arts make him think that he will undergo intense physical training.

As for mysticism, the boy had no inkling about what it could mean.

'Is it witchcraft or is it just another word they are using for science like how alchemy was once the term used for chemistry.'

The boy mused over the possibilities until Lane suddenly pulled him from his thoughts by stepping out directly in front of him.

"Hold it, boy the Lord has requested your presence at the door for the caravan arrives in just a few minutes!" spoke the butler with great enthusiasm.

Before the boy could object the butler grabbed his hand and hurriedly rushed him to the door where the Baron stood impatiently.

"Humph! About time what took you so bloody long!" barked an annoyed Baron.

The boy ignored him which only angered the Baron more but he begrudgingly let it slide.

"The caravan arrives very soon so step outside and wait!" ordered the Baron in his usual authoritative voice.

The boy did as the Lord said and walked outside where he and the Baron waited.

They didn't have to wait long until they could see a series of pathetic-looking buggies pull up carrying a small group of only around thirty children.

'What the fuck is this!' thought the boy as he stared dumbstruck about how awful this so-called "caravan" looked.

The Baron who shared the boy's confusion walked straight to one of the drivers and asked about what the hell was going on.

"Hey calm down will ya! I know this all looks crappy but what do you expect of course a bunch of backwoods bums like these brats would have no talent these are just what's left after the first tests so don't blame me!" yelled a disgruntled carriage driver at the furious Baron.

The Baron huffed before walking back to his mansion "have fun, boy!" said the Baron before slamming the mansion door.

'Well, I hope that's the last time I see him.' thought the boy before sighing and getting into one of the crumbling buggies.

Hopefully, things would get better from here.