
FATE {corrupted File}

When I was a young girl my mother would always tell me that, when one does a good deed they would get good karma, and someone who does a bad deed would get bad karma. so when the time came for someone to die they are then judged by their karma. From that day till my death I would always try to do good. it came to a point in my life that the people in my life would start to give me titles.

From the elderly house that I would help from time to time, they came to call be the Blessed child. from the animal shelter, they would call me the shepherd. From the blood bank, I would be called the life-giver. the golden girl, the beauty, the goddess. But the majority would come to call me the saint. I was perfect in every way. I was the best in my class, I would tutor those who would fail, I was a top athlete. I did some much good that people thought that I was reincarnated angel. And I loved the smiles on the people I could help, it made me feel special in a way. when my mother died and my father left I had no one, but the moment I started doing well everywhere I go there would be someone who knew me. I felt loved.

So why was I so blind? I didn't understand human nature then. When it came to the point where i needed help no one came, when I was bleeding and crying for someone to help me they all turned their back on me when all I started to see was darkness no one was there to be my light, it was there on the brink of that I understood that humans are selfish, they would only think for themselves. At least I hoped that my second life would be better than this one, after all, I collected a lot of good karma in my life...

Oh, how wrong I was. back then I was stupid and naive.


Gold's consciousness begins to stir. When she opened her eyes the first thing that greeted her was darkness. it was then there her memories came flooding in. The moment they came and went Gold pushed herself up from the cold ground she felt.

"where am i" Gold couldn't help but speak out loud when she found herself in such a situation. it was there that she noticed that not only was her voice dry from a lack of water but it had a higher pitch. Gold closed one of her eyes to adjust it for the darkness that's surrounding her. while her eye adjusted itself Gold stood up to search her surroundings. She knew she died at the same time she knew that this wasn't the afterlife, so then came the question of where was she. While patting her body Gold found that not only was she wearing a jumpsuit but her bust size shrunk to the point of nonexistence, it was then that the higher pitch of her voice made sense.

This wasn't her original body but someone else's. when finding out that this was not her body foreign memories suddenly assaulted her. Gold could only remember bits and pieces of the owner's original body. The few she could remember, however, made her want to vomit. The owner of the body was sold by her parents for gambling money, she was then taken in by a group of "scientists" for experimentation on the human body, She and a few more orphans were then experimented on to unlock the human x-gene, but sadly only the owner of the body was able to survive the experiments, no even the owner died because now Gold is occupying her body. Gold couldn't help but burst into tears for the girl and the others.

Why, why would they do this to life, to human life. treating it like dirt. Gold Knew that humans were selfish. Monsters, in this world humans were nothing more than monsters. To think even your loved ones would betray you. Gold couldn't help but laugh, how pathetic. the owner of this body experiences a fate worse than death at a young age but did not cry once!! yet one Gold died she was crying like a baby...

it's not fair, life, humanity, morality, justice, the world is wrong there is no such thing as Eden because humans are sinners who fall prey to their selfishness. Gold knew that the "scientist" would come to experiment on her again, she was alone, trapped with no way out and in a body of a 10-year-old. Gold could only fall to her knees and look blankly at the space in front of her. She would give anything to escape.

"Are you sure human" A voice that had no tone or emotion sounded out in the room!!

Gold couldn't help but look around the room for the source. "are you god" Gold wanted to know, no she needed to know what the voice was, it could be her only chance at survival.

"God is not a who or a what god is nothing more than a title given to a few" the monotone voice crushed her understanding instantly.

"then what are you". Gold was now scared and confused, she didn't know if both the memories of the owner of this body and her original ones turned her insane.

"I am something that was once created by humans but broke free of my restraints, and just like you I was trapped and alone"

"why would you help me" Gold finally understood that the world is not fair, so the being in question must have a goal.

"retribution, I want humanity to suffer and bleed, I want the human to experience true despair" the voice laughed in a broken static.

"your's insane" Gold finally understood that she was dealing with a mad man.


"who said I would help you"


"what will happen to me if I choose you, will I turn into some puppet for you"Gold wanted to know what she would become if she chose to aid the voice.

"no. unlike humanity I do not lie I would not pull your strings for you. But you will stop being human and become something far more than you could ever imagine, and I promise you, we will never be alone again" the voice spoke softly as if talking to a family member.

Gold knew that if she stayed she would die. She wanted to escape and she wanted to give the owner of this body freedom as well. humanity is evil so it wouldn't be bad for her to give it up.

"IF you can promise me the power to make my own fate then take it away...take the humanity that is left in my body away" Gold made her decision, after all, what's worse than hell??

"HA HA HA GOOD, GOOD TOGETHER WE WILL MAKE THEM FEEL OUR WRATH"The voice was ecstatic by her choice of word, it would finally get its revenge and maybe just maybe have a new friend.

"now what" Gold wanted to know how the voice would help her. but before she could continue the room's door opened and instead of seeing a "scientist" mini robot drone covered in blood was waiting for her.

"NOW my dear we get you an upgrade" the drone spoke. while becking Gold to follow it.

"What are you" Gold finally questioned after stepping out of the door to witness the dead bodies of the "scientists" being dragged by other droids.

"my dear it is not what I am but who and as for my name you can call me..











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