
Mysterious Queen Bee

Do you want to enter to the world that full of magical creatures? Make Friends with Vampires, werewolves, witches, and fairies! Have a life and an adventure like atheena’s? Atheena's life is like an angel living in heaven, She's rich, She's pretty, she's popular, she have the best and the strongest werewolf pack, she have the best and bravest vampire army, and she have the most beautiful soulmate.. Although atheena’s life is perfect she’s still missing something her parents love is missing. The field trip is fun but it will be the reason for the destruction of the Mysterious Forest and it will also be the reason for the existence of bad and new vampires and werewolves, Because of a field trip War of bad and good creatures will happen which will cause the death of a hundred werewolves and a hundred vampires.

Atheena_Kim · Andere
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14 Chs

The Hybrid Queen fell inlove with a Witches Queen

"Spill the tea Kyle" I said seriously. "The first vampire who attacked you is Traze the bestfriend of the Prince of bad vampires" Kyle said seriously. "Then who's the one who escaped?" I asked him seriously. Everyone is just listening to our conversation. "Dwayne the Prince of all the bad creatures." Kyle said seriously making us all shock. "Now he will take his revenge on you, He's so mad when you killed his best friend" Kyle than explained seriously. "What's so serious about that?" I asked him. "Remember when you protect your girlfriend to the bad creatures inside the forest?, She suspect Jen that she's your girlfriend, Now she's targeting Jen, She want to kill Jen Master. Like you killed his best friend" Kyle wolf said seriously making me shock. Oh shoot! What have I done? What trouble did I get myself into? What trouble did I get my girlfriend into? I look at my girlfriend who is shaking scared. "Mysterious Queen Bee call some vampires that will guard this house 24/7, Wolves prepare a pack that can help the vampires to guard the house now! Faster!" I shout commanding them, They nod and leave. "Auntie can they all stay here? Their life is in danger too" I said hoping she say yes. "Of course you all are welcome here" Auntie said calmly. My girlfriend hugged me and I hug her back. Someone's POV: "Boss when we will attack? My eyes want to see a blooded and teared up body already" A Vampire said while smiling evily. "Just wait my minion, We will Destroy the good all vampires, and we will destroy their Mysterious Forest the place where the good all creatures live" The Prince of bad creatures said while smirking evily. "Boss, The newborns are here" The Prince's right hand said while smiling evily. "Let them in and let me meet them" The Prince said while smiling evily. "Tylor bring them in!" The Prince's right hand shout. (Tylor and the newborns came in) "Boss, this are the newborns, I trained them so well and feed them with humans so they will gain more power" Tylor say while smiling evily. "Very nice my left hand and my right hand, Wait for us Hybrid" The Prince said then laugh so evily.

Back to The Good creatures:

"Auntie how many days do I need to be completely healed?" Atheena ask.

"In the book it says you will completely healed up for 1 week but you, you will healed up after 2 days" Auntie explained.

"So she will be completely healed up tomorrow?" Fiona asked confusedly.

"Yes" Auntie replied.

"Hmm.. Tomorrow what time?" Atheena asked.

"I don't know maybe 10 in the morning" Auntie said.

"What time is it?" Atheena asked.

"4PM" Xyl answered.

Atheena POV: 10 in the morning and it's 4PM so I need to wait.. 18 hours to be completely healed up. "18 hours" I said. "18 housr what?" Precios asked me. "I need to wait 18 hours to be completely healed." I replied. "Don't tell me you're gonna fight again when you're fully healed" My girlfriend said sternly. "I need to" I said calmly. "Please don't" My girlfriend begged. "Wifeyy I need to, I need to protect you, The Squad, My pack, and my Army, that's my duty" I said calmly while holding my girlfriends hand. "Staying with me is your duty too… Am I right?" My girlfriend said with her crack voice, A tears is start forming in her eyes. I look at the Squad signing them to leave. They left. "I think you guys need some privacy" Auntie said calmly then she left I just look at them leaving and take my glance to my girlfriend who's tearing up because of me, I sigh. "Yes, it's my duty to stay with you but-" I didn't finish my word when she spoke. "Then don't come with them" She said while crying. "Hubby please don't" My girlfriend begged. "Wifeyy I need to" I said calmly. "Just let them do it!" My girlfriend shout madly, I think she's just holding her temper from the start, now she explode. "Aish, you don't understand me don't you? They're targeting you Wifey, they're targeting you. So what am I gonna do? Of course I will protect you, I will do anything just you to be safe" I said softly then I kiss her hand softly. "Please, I don't want you to hurt yourself again, I don't want to see you in pain anymore, Hubby it hurts me when you're in pain, I'm begging you Hubby please, please please" My girlfriend begged me while sobbing, I don't know what to say so I just hugged her and kiss her forehead, I lay her head on my chest and I start tapping her head so she will calm down. "Just please don't do it, I'm begging you Hubby, I don't want to loose you.." My girlfriend said while crying on my chest, I rub her back so she will stop from crying. "Shhh… Everything will be alright" I said softly and kiss her head, Or is it? I said in mind. My girlfriend stops from crying I think she's sleeping, "Haish, I'm sorry Wifeyy, I need to do it, if that's what they want, If that's can make them stop, and if that's can make you safe, and I'll do it 'cause I promised that I will protect you, I promised that I will keep you safe, and I promised that I will make you happy no matter what happens, no matter how hard it will be. I'm gonna keep my promise not because i can't break it, it's because I love you" I said softly and kiss her forehead. "Ath? Can I come in?" Auntie said while knocking. "Auntie, of course" I said while covering my girlfriend's body with a warm blanket. Auntie came in. "What happened to her?" Auntie said while looking at my girlfriend's sleeping body. "Don't worry Auntie she's just sleeping" I said while smiling, "Oh I see" Auntie said while nodding. "Atheena I want to tell you something about her" Auntie said. "What is it Auntie?" I said confusedly. "Do you know.. That the girl you're holding is the next Queen of all Witches?" Auntie said making me shock. "S-she's t-the n-next Q-queen?" I said in shock, I think my soul left my body. "Yes, when she turn 18 she will be the Official Queen" Auntie explained making me amazed "That's so cool the Vampire Werewolf Hybrid Queen fell in love with a Witches Queen" I said in amazed making Auntie giggles.