
Mysterious Queen Bee

Do you want to enter to the world that full of magical creatures? Make Friends with Vampires, werewolves, witches, and fairies! Have a life and an adventure like atheena’s? Atheena's life is like an angel living in heaven, She's rich, She's pretty, she's popular, she have the best and the strongest werewolf pack, she have the best and bravest vampire army, and she have the most beautiful soulmate.. Although atheena’s life is perfect she’s still missing something her parents love is missing. The field trip is fun but it will be the reason for the destruction of the Mysterious Forest and it will also be the reason for the existence of bad and new vampires and werewolves, Because of a field trip War of bad and good creatures will happen which will cause the death of a hundred werewolves and a hundred vampires.

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14 Chs

The Beggining

A/n POV: Atheena and Erin is walking in their school because they're waiting waiting their service but suddenly two guys approach them

"Hello cute kids" the first man said while smiling evily.

"Hi" Erin girl said while smiling at them.

"Erin don't talk to them they're unknown guys" Atheena girl whisper to Erin.

"Uhm sorry we don't talk to strangers" Atheena said coldly.

"Oh no we are not strangers.. In fact we are your new drivers" the second man said while smiling evily.

"Oh really?" Erin asked them confusedly.

"Yes" the first man said smirking evily. (Mind: Nearly there.. I just need to lie a bit more)

(Read the first man's mind) "Erin don't believe them they're lying" Atheena said shouting.

A/n POV: The two mans got shock when Atheena can read their minds.

The two man quickly grab Atheena and Erin hands and put a towel on they're nose.

Atheena and Erin fainted.

The two man put Atheena and Erin inside the van.

A/n POV: Atheena and Erin got kidnap and no one see or suspect the kidnappers

Location: Abandoned House

Atheena and Erin woke up.

"Ath where are we?" Erin asked while looking around.

"I don't know either" Atheena reply while looking around.

"Well well well who do we have here?" The boss said while clapping sarcasticly and smiling evily.

"A-a-a-uncle?" the two girls said shocking.

"Nice guess" the boss said laughing.

"Uncle? Why!?" Atheena shout.

"Why!? Because I hate your father!" The boss reply by shouting on atheena's face.

"But Uncle your my da-" Atheena got cut off because the boss spoke.

"I don't see your father being my brother I only like his company and money not him!" the boss reply.

"YOU TRAITOR!! You betrayed us Uncle!!" Atheena said in shout while crying.

"I don't care, Like I said I only like his company and money... Stop this nonsense tal-" The boss got cut off when atheena spoke.

"Why are you doing this!??" Atheena shout madly while crying.

"Because your father is always right and the best while me? I'm dumb in their eyes. Mom and Dad always pick your father while me never been pick by any chance me always helping in household but your father" the boss pause. Crying and mad. "His using his phone chatting his girls, He never help mom and dad to clean the house but I do.. But it's still not enough to make them proud it's always your father.. How about me?" The boss said kneeling down while crying.

"Uncle.." Atheena said while crying.

"I'm their son too.." the boss said while wiping his tears and standing up madly.

(Atheena and Erin just looking at him while crying)

"Because of your father" the boss said while pointing at atheena.

"My mom and dad change, they keep choosing your stupid father!" "so I will take my revenge! Beat them!" the boss shout signing his man to beat the kids.

A/n POV: The scar mans are now beating Atheena and Erin the two young kids is crying and shouting for help because the scar mans is keep beating them with a large stick.

"Please stop.." Atheena said while crying and begging the mans to stop.

"Don't hurt Erin just me please.." Atheena continued

"Shut up!" the boss said shouting madly.

"Don't hurt Erin please.." Atheena said weakly while begging.

"Ow please stop please.." Atheena continued while crying and begging the mans to stop.

"Please stop" Erin said while crying.

"Argh! You two are to noisy, put erin to the other room and her there! Now!" The boss command his mans while the mans immediately do what their boss say.

(Atheena got shock when they put Erin to the other room)

"Ilease no Uncle! Erin!" atheena starts calling Erin

"Don't hurt her please!" atheena begged while crying.

In the other room (Erin room)

(Erin heard atheena's shout)

"Ath I'm here help me please!" erin shout her back while crying.

(Atheena heard erin)

"wait i~" atheena got cut off when...

"Shut up!" the boss shout and shot atheena's arm

(atheena fainted)

Erin's POV:

I'm shock when I hear a gunshot.. Oh no this can't be oh no no no Erin don't think negative but what if... What if she got shot? What if she'll die?... I lost my thoughts when I fainted.

Wiwung-wiwung (police)

(The boss drop the gun)

(the mans run)

"Scan this area" the general said pointing to the room.

"You, scan this" the general continued while pointing to the other room.

"And you, come with me" general said while heading to the room with light.

(The general shock)

"help the little kid" the general said commanding the police to help the kid.

(The police immediately approach the kid and scan her)

(The other police is scanning the room)

"She have shot on her arm!" the police said shocking.

"What!?" the general said shocking.

(Radio: General there's a kid here)

"What?! Get the kids and put them in the ambulance now!" the general said commanding the police.

A/n POV: They immediately went to the hospital after that incident happen Erin and Atheena end their friendship why? Because Erin blame Atheena for what happened, They got traumatized because of that incident, They got phobia of a large stick and a man with scar, Atheena is now 15 years old.

"Happy Birthday darling" Mrs. Kim said sweetly greeting atheena.

"Happy Birthday Atheena" Mr. Kim said calmly greeting atheena.

"thanks." Atheena said coldly thanking them.

A/n POV: They all greet Atheena for her birthday, They play games and had fun but the birthday girl didn't had fun.

Next day

Atheena POV: I woke because sunlight is hitting my face I groan in annoyance because I want to sleep more but I guess Mr. sun don't let me so I decided to stand up I check the time it's 8am already I go downstairs and prepare a milk I drink it.

"I think I'm alone again" I said sighing.

"I'm always alone. I want to go to the park" I said in mind.

"Mr. Driver prepare the car please!" I said shouting coldly.

"Yes master!" he reply at me politely.

A/n POV: Atheena prepare herself she take a bath, dress up and leave.

Atheena POV: Mr. driver is driving head to the park right now, I'm looking around when I see a person that used to be my best friend a years ago. Erin.

"Uhm Mr. Driver can you stop right here" I said coldly and he obey me.

Atheena POV: I left the car and approach Erin and Zane (Erin and Zane is sister they both girls)

"Uhm hi? Why you two are crying?" I said coldly but I'm worried, They look at me in shock.

"Bro! I miss you!" Zane said and hug me but she still crying.

"I miss you too bro" I said hugging her back Erin is just looking at us why she still crying.

"What happened?" I said breaking the hug asking them.

"Our mom kick us out" Zane replied while looking down I look at Erin and she look down too.

"Oh.. If that so just stay in my house" I said sweetly and I saw them looking at me in shock.

"For real?.. You're not joking right?.. Are you serious?" Zane flood me with so many question and I just chuckle and said.

"Nope I'm not joking.. Let's go?" I said offering my hand and they gladly accept it

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