
mysterious CEO Jennie

Jennie, the enigmatic CEO of one of the biggest entertainment companies, has always kept her face hidden from the public. This mystery surrounding her appearance has fueled rumors and misconceptions—many believe she is unattractive or aged, attributing her decision to avoid public scrutiny to these reasons. In reality, Jennie prefers to stay out of the limelight to lead a life free from scandal and intrusion. Her kindness remains concealed, guarded by a painful past, leading many to perceive her as aloof and arrogant. Then, one fateful day, Jennie's world shifts dramatically when she encounters Tyler, her idol and the world's most handsome and renowned singer. For Jennie, this meeting is both a pinnacle and a downfall. She is thrilled to finally meet her idol but is unprepared for the unforeseen turn of events that will forever alter her life. As Jennie grapples with the excitement of meeting Tyler, she uncovers a shocking truth: Tyler is not the charming, charismatic figure he presents to the world. Beneath his polished exterior lies a dark and malevolent side that could shatter everything Jennie thought she knew. The suspense mounts as Jennie begins to unravel Tyler's true nature. Will she manage to see through his façade and reveal the truth about him, or will she be deceived by his carefully crafted image? The future holds unforeseen challenges, and Jennie’s ability to confront and expose the real Tyler will test her in ways she never imagined. As Jennie’s journey unfolds, the stakes grow higher, and the line between reality and deception blurs. Will she unveil the sinister side of Tyler, or will she fall victim to his elaborate scheme? The answers lie ahead in a gripping tale of intrigue and revelation.

clumsygirl1 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

unexpected confession

<p>Jennie reached the place where Ren told her to come but Ren was not their so she messaged him. and he replied.<br/>well i am so sorry to tell you this now but i have to change the location as someone disclosed my previous location so their are so many papparazis there and it's not good for your image as you are going to debut soon it can be a huge scandal.<br/>Jennie rolled her eyes and messaged ok . then she went to the new location that Ren told her to go<br/>Jennie was mesmerised by seeing the place that Ren chose. it was a vintage cafe with dim lights and slow piano music everything was so perfect.<br/>she ordered coffee for herself. she took her first sip when she heard someone calling her name.she looked at the person with shock as the person standing in front of her was not Ren it was Tyler. she said<br/>T.. Tyler you.<br/>yes it's me it was all planned i told Ren to call you...<br/>what! but why? you should have called me directly instead.<br/>Tyler stopped for a moment and scratched his head and said well ya but as i have a big confession. so, i wanted to gather my strength that's why I told Ren to call you.. <br/>Jennie looked at Tyler and thought why is he acting suspicious i am damn sure Ren is not a part of this..<br/>heyy! are you lost in your thoughts miss Jennie<br/>Jennie laughed and no! <br/>ok then Tyler stood up and sang a romantic song for Jennie<br/>Jennie was so mesmerised by his voice and beauty.<br/>suddenly Tyler bent down on his knees and proposed Jennie with a diamond ring.<br/>Jennie froze at her place after few seconds she stood up . when she heard Tyler 's voice.<br/>Tyler said I love you Jennie. i can't live without you . i fell in love with you the day i saw you. will you be my girlfriend<br/>Jennie stopped for a moment but then she said yes to him. as she wants to know him more <br/>Then Tyler kissed Jennie.<br/>after having dinner Tyler dropped Jennie at her apartment.<br/>but Ren is still waiting for Jennie in the restaurant .<br/> Ren really fell in love with Jennie.<br/>Ren went back to his apartment..<br/>And started destroying everything then a piece of glass hit his hand and blood started coming out. He stopped and looked at the blood and in a broken voice he said why me... why always me.<br/>Tyler came to see Ren he looked at him and smiled and then in concerned voice he said Ren what happened why are you crying tell me who made you cry I will finish that person.<br/>Ren looked at Tyler with tearful eyes and said brother, I accidentally killed the beautiful butterfly today. He didn't want to tell him that Jennie is the one who made him cry.<br/>Tyler started laughing. he was so shocked that his brother is crying for a butterfly<br/>Ren looked at his brother and gave him fake smile.<br/>anyways Ren come with me let's have your favourite BBQ..<br/>Ren stood up and looked at his brother,then he took his car keys and went away without replying him .<br/>Tyler gritted his teeth's after seeing Ren's arrogance. and said<br/>my dear brother i will snatch everything from you . the way you snatched everything from me in my childhood and i will make sure to make you shed tears of blood. <br/>while on the other side Jennie was in shock like what just happened with her she never thought that Tyler would propose her like this. she touched her lips . and said "we kissed no way what happened to you Jennie how can you let him kiss you. from when you started to trust people. so,what if he is your idol still you can't trust him ...no ...no...no.. why you said yes to him why??? nooooo i can't date him no!".<br/>she decided not to tell about her relationship to Sophia.<br/>Ren went to his office and sat down with glass of wine looking at Jennie's picture he started crying again. afterall his love for Jennie is real .<br/>Tyler changed his clothes took wine glass and smirked while looking at the big poster of Jennie on his room's wall . and said oh my darling aka CEO of star entertainment finally you are mine soon you will be my wife and then i will take your company. and that Ren he will beg for his survival. his back counting started from today soon he will loose everything.<br/>Jennie suddenly remembered something that she has to collect costume from STD entertainment. she took her car keys. and went to STD entertainment building.<br/><br/>she entered the building there is no one except some guards and trainees. <br/>she has to go to the tenth floor so she took lift. their is no one on the tenth floor except Jennie and Ren . Jennie was unaware about Ren's presence she went to her cabin and took her costume. while she was returning she heard sobbing sound from Ren's cabin she got scared at first. still she decides to look inside she saw someone crying in dark she got scared and screamed loudly. Ren looked outside when he heard scream he wiped his tears and went outside to see the person who screamed. he was so shocked to see Jennie their Jennie was also shocked when she saw Ren but also relieved. then Ren asked her why are you here. at this time.<br/>i just came here to collect my costume for tommorow 's shooting.<br/>Ren said ok and he decided not to ask her about why she didn't came to the restaurant.<br/>Jennie looked at him and in concerning voice she asked but why are you crying is everything ok.<br/>"really first you stabbed my heart and now asking me why i am crying " he said in his mind. then <br/> <br/>He took Jenny's hand and led her inside his cabin. Then he looked at her and tears welled up in his eyes. He was trying his best to control himself but he failed. he hugged Jennie and said i failed.<br/>Jennie felt pain in her heart she asked her what happened you can share it with me if you want. you will feel good.<br/>Then he told her how he fell in love for the first time and decided to tell that person about his feelings and how that person broke his heart by not coming .<br/>Jenny felt sympathy for him, although she didn't like Ren, but she felt bad for him. And after knowing him her hatred for Ren faded.<br/>after that Ren started to tell her about his past. he was also drunk so he was telling her the truth. Jennie decided to stay with Ren all night.</p>