

"hey, Vanessa. Didn't know you would be coming over." I said seeing an annoyed Vanessa stepping out of the elevator. 

"I came to help my lame dad with his evil plan." She said with a sigh, while I looked towards the second elevator which opened, showing Doof who was covered in pigeon po0p. Doof hated his elder brother, who was the golden child. his elder brother was also the mayor, he wanted to control birds to go poop on his brother to embarrass him in front of everyone, but Perry put a stop to this. 

"Oh, Alex. Did the testing go well?" Doof asked, his mood cheered up slightly seeing me. I shook my head lightly at his words. I didn't want anyone to get their hands on something that could make them far smarter, and that was even more so for someone like Doof.

"It had a drug-like effect on the rat's brains. it made the rats want the helmet to the point they went crazy." I said to which Doof nodded slightly, slightly happy he didn't put that thing on.

"Well, I will go freshen up... oh, this is Vanessa, my daughter. Vanessa, this is Alex, my student." Doof said,

"I seem to have forgotten to tell you we met yesterday," I said stunning Doof slightly, but he nodded in understanding, before going off to freshen up.

"So, what are you planning on doing now that the Great Mind Inator failed?" Vanessa asked, to which I smiled slightly.

"Well, it didn't fail. I just saw the risk. the rats grew too smart and dangerous, I should destroy it and work on something else." I said stunning Vanessa slightly, So we entered the elevator and headed upstairs, while I told her everything that happened, before asking her what happened with Doof, which she helplessly told the story which I found funny.

"It's not funny," Vanessa said helplessly seeing me laughing at her story.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh... well, tomorrow I plan to go out and look for a job. I don't want to live in your dad's house forever. I feel like a leach." I said softly, 

"what type of job are you thinking of?" She asked to which I thought for a moment, 

"Maybe I could sell something at a high price? or maybe I could create a treasure finding... Inator." I said lightly, making Vanessa look at me with a blank look.

"Don't pick up my dad's naming sense... anything but that" She said with a sigh, to which I laughed lightly. We got off the elevator, and I went on to start telling her my plans. Vanessa didn't say anything, just letting me get lost in the endless dreams of stuff I wanted to create.

"But above everything, I want to create something that could allow me to take hold of the strings that hold reality," I said with a smile, but Vanessa was confused not knowing what this string was.

"string theory... well, in simple words. String theory is the idea in theoretical physics that reality is made up of infinitesimal vibrating strings, smaller than atoms, electrons, or quarks." I said 

"Everything is just 1 extremely small string that is vibrating. with this in mind, if you vibrate at the right level, then you could phase through stuff, or could even clash with something, causing it to be canceled out from existing." I said lightly, while Vanessa nodded slightly in understanding.

"... I have been wondering. why would your parents attack you?" Vanessa asked hesitating, I froze lightly at her words but shrugged. 

"I came back from university to surprise my family the day before my birthday. I caught my little brother and girlfriend together. out of fear, they made a story in which I forced myself on her." I said lightly, stunning Vanessa. but she was more stunned at how little care I had about the whole matter.

"Stop right there!" Doof who just overheard my words said while walking over, I looked over towards him and saw Doof looking at me with a serious look. He looked towards Vanessa, and back towards me. as a father, how could he let me be alone with his daughter after hearing that?

"You can hook me up to a memory reading inator you created," I said softly, Doof had created something like this, but never got the chance to use it. so my words were the perfect time for him to use it. So, although Doof was unsure.

"I'm not saying I don't trust you... but if you're willing then sure." Doof said softly, to which I nodded. So, he went to get it and hooked it up on me. I told him how far he should go to see everything, and after a moment the scene of me walking upstairs and hearing the sounds of someone moaning was seen. of course, Doof wouldn't allow his daughter to see this so we were in a private room. 

Doof watched everything that followed, me walking away while my girlfriend ran after me, but I ignored her and went on to clear my head, before returning home where I was given a good beating which nearly killed me. of course, to be safe, Doof went on to add another part to the Inator to be able to search for key events. but he quickly found I was a virgin. My parents were strict when it came to such things as sex, so sex was never a thing for me, but kissing was different. so Doof saw a lot of such things, before he closed it, unable to see anymore.

"I'm sorry," Doof said softly, to which I waved it off while getting up.

"I perfectly understand... at least you allowed me to defend myself. but it's all behind me... as you might have noticed. I'm not of this world. I came to this one as a way to escape from mine and see the smartest mind of this world to learn from." I said lightly, Doof looked deeply at me before nodding.

Doof's childhood was rough, but at least his parents never beat him. The blow from having a family that treated you with love and care, to suddenly beating you up was huge. it was better to never be loved by them, that way you expect nothing from them. 

Doof suddenly gave me a hug, which caught me off guard as I didn't expect such an action from him. This guy called himself evil?

"Thanks... but I'm over it," I said not liking the fact I was feeling my eyes burn up. Doof didn't say anything, after patting my shoulders he left and went to go speak with Vanessa, while I went to go take a shower where I cooled myself down.

After, I went on to head out. I wanted to head out and look for ways to make money, I was thinking of creating something like YouTube and getting money from there. but I was too lazy.

"Where are you going?" Vanessa asked seeing me about to head out.

"I'm going to find a place I can work," I said making Doof's eyebrow raised slightly. But he had me stop there, 

"You don't need to get a job, I have more than enough money. but since you are not from this world, there is a lot of stuff you need to get. such as an ID and so on." Doof said to which I looked at him in shock.

"Are you sure?" I asked to which Doof nodded with a smile... god, they were making it hard for me to keep in my tears. but I plan to repay him greatly one day...

time passed, and I had no interest in meeting Phineas and Ferb, I spent most of my time studying and improving myself. As time passed, so did my capability. I was still far from reaching Doof's level of intelligence, but I was able to start creating crazy stuff that my world couldn't create. I was able to create things like a mind-control helmet and even a lightsaber.

But what I had trouble working on was biology, going from tech to the field of life was something that needed more time for me to work on. but I was a quick learner, plus I had a super smart AI. So, I was capable of improving my genetics, turning me into a perfect human... well, perfection was just an illusion.

But this improvement to my being greatly increases my capability, allowing me to become the smartest person in the world. just 1 month after entering this world, I have gained such huge improvements 

Vanessa asked me out around the same time this happened, although we dated as I thought she was just the perfect person for me to get over my trauma, I found myself not able to truly love her. instead, I loved my work far more than I loved her. But I didn't give up and tried to put in the work, even losing my first time to her. although losing my virginity for the first time was magical, I loved the feeling of having sex more than her.

this made me feel bad and like a scumbag. so I respectfully ended things, although we went on to remain as friends. 

I was still lusting over knowledge, so I went around the multiverse. the Phineas and Ferb verse had a multiverse, it wasn't just one universe, so I went on to walk around, improving my knowledge, and understanding of the workings of the multiverse.

I thought I would spend more time with Vanessa and Doof, but the thirst for knowledge pushed me. Plus, I didn't want to open up myself or be so vulnerable to anyone else like that again, but I was thankful to the Doof family....

So, time passed, and soon it was time for me to be pulled back to my world. I warm hole opened, swallowing me in. With a flash, I found myself at the park I was at before leaving this world. It was the middle of the night, 12 hours since I left. With a cane in hand to help me walk, I began walking off.

I haven't healed my limp, instead, I had it remain. A little message to myself to let me remember that anyone could betray me. science and knowledge can't. I was okay with that, I was pretty much a god right now. What could I not recreate right now?

"Sir, this world's laws are completely different from the one we were just in. I would need some time to adapt to this world." Aesis said unable to adapt to the sudden change of the world right away. 

"Go ahead, how long would you be out?" I asked calmly, I expected this so I wasn't shocked. the Phineas and Ferb verse at the end of the day was... well, it was more on the toon force side, its laws were more relaxed compared to my world. 

"just a few minutes. but the unique nature of this verse means that the Stringnites might be weaker than they were in the other world. I would work on a way to have them ignore the sudden laws," Aesis said.

"Go ahead, but I think we are far from doing such a thing. but once we collect more data of different worlds than I'm sure we could," I said with a smile, my intelligence and Aesis's intelligence were not too far apart... well, Aesis was light years above me in many things, such as collecting and analyzing information. This allowed Aesis to be able to even guess future events depending on how much information Aesis had. but when it comes to creating stuff and upgrading them. we were not too far apart. 

Aesis went offline to improve itself, while I went on to collect my Stringnites, wanting to form an armor around me. but there seems to be some resistance in the air.

'System, is there anything special about my world? Is it a magic world, a cultivation world, or something else?' I asked calmly, seeing how weird this was. I had the Stringnites gather around my eyes, improving my eyesight to be able to see everything around me. I quickly saw that my world had a unique energy in the air.

{Yes host, a cultivation world.} the system said while I looked at this energy which only added more resistance to everything. I looked at it for some time, and slowly my Stringnites began to evolve as they absorbed this new energy, 

"A cultivation world? I was hoping for it to be some superpower world." I said lightly. cultivation was just a concept of absorbing heaven and earth energy to break through human limitations and become immortal. 

the laws of this world were something humans could know of, but could only control through tools. cultivators had the power needed to be able to draw upon the power of these laws in many ways. Cultivation was cool and all, but it needed a lot of time. now the question was... Who on earth knew about cultivation?

'Well, this is going to be a pain. I was hoping to see Abstract of the Universe.' I thought calmly, In Marvel, there was stuff like Abstract. there was Lady Death who was the embodiment of death, there was the phoenix force which was the embodiment of all psionic energy, and the list went on. I wanted such concepts to exist in my world, but in the cultivation world there were no such things and instead, the heavens seemed to take the role of all abstract.

I honestly didn't like cultivation worlds, they got boring after some time. most of the time, they seem to just all be the same. they get boring for me, and I found it annoying when it was easy to guess what would happen next. it was even more so when the story went to over 4k chapters...

Well, I needed some time for the tech to adapt to this verse. of course, my Stringnites could adapt. When creating them, I of course took into account different worlds and their unique rules, 

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