

-Why are you running? It was you who concluded this contract. You remember it ? -... -So don't even try to escape -------------------- When Miroy's father dies, it's a descent into hell for his family whose living conditions become catastrophic. Until the day Miroy is offered $2 million by the army colonel for a special mission. But Miroy never thought that his life would become entangled with that of two twins. Kings of the planet Blue, who want Miroy to become their queen. No rape in this story. Everything will be consent and they are all adults.

Lilitee · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Peaceful place

We found ourselves there, standing among the debris, equipped only with the backpack of one of the researchers and the experienced guide who accompanied us. There were seven of us, each bearing the marks of our chaotic landing, but unscathed and united by a common determination.

Night was quickly approaching on the planet RKA, and the sky was taking on a purple hue, dotted with a few twinkling stars. The air, still pure, carried a freshness that heralded a cold night. Our guide, a robust man with piercing eyes, turned to us.

-We need to find a place to rest before complete darkness envelops us," the pilot said quickly.

 -The forest offers us natural protection, but it can also be dangerous. Follow me, and stay on your guard, added Captain Moreau in a stern voice.

We walked deeper into the forest, our footsteps muffled by the thick moss and soft leaves beneath our feet. The lush vegetation seemed to vibrate with life, luminescent plants lighting our path with their soft green glow. The sounds of unknown creatures echoed around us, a constant reminder that we were far from home.

After what seemed like hours of walking, we reached a clearing. The guide inspected the premises, checking for the presence of potential dangers. Satisfied, he motioned for us to settle down.

"Here's where we'll spend the night," she said, "It's clear enough to see what's approaching, and the trees around us will form a natural barrier against the elements and animals."

The researcher opened his backpack, revealing some supplies, a water canteen, and a basic survival kit. We shared the meager rations, each taking a sip of water to quench our thirst. The guide began to build a makeshift shelter from the surrounding branches and leaves, using his knife to cut and weave natural materials.

-It is crucial to stay near the fire tonight, Captain Moreau warns us as he lights a small campfire. "Predators on this planet are attracted to movement and smell. Fire will keep them at bay."

We sat around the fire, the crackling of the flames providing comforting warmth and a calming glow in the gathering darkness. One of the group, a young woman with short hair and bright eyes, spoke up.

-How did we end up here, exactly? And how are we going to get back home? asked Ambrose worriedly

The guide responded with quiet gravity.

-For now, our priority is to survive. This planet is full of resources, but also of unknown dangers. We must learn to coexist with it before thinking of a return

Silence fell again, punctuated by the sounds of the forest and the songs of nocturnal creatures. As we settled in for the night, the immensity of our situation dawned on each of us. We were reluctant explorers, thrown into a foreign world with only our ingenuity and courage to sustain us.

-I hope they didn't pay us a million because he didn't think we'd ever come back from this planet, Darcy grumbled.

With our eyes fixed on the starry sky, we gradually fell asleep, lulled by the murmurs of the forest and the promise of a new day, a new chance to discover the secrets of the planet RKA.

-Are you sure it's a good idea to go near this lake? Asked Marc skeptically

-For the moment we don't have much choice, replied Captain Moreau.