
My Third life in The Beginning After The End (BAE)

Life is never ustified unless you think it is, Everything has a reason so find it instead of blaming your Destiny.

Sakata_Kakashi · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Helping The Great Human Emperor William

What will be your decision when you have an Empire with Billions of innocents behind and hundreds of thousands of enemies at your front?

Even if you are not related to anyone by blood from your empire, however, you have friends with whom you free up from a young age, you have people who you started calling brothers after long years of life and death battle side by side,  you have an Emperor whom you started calling as a brother after learning from the same teacher.

You argued.

You laughed.

You cried.

And so did they.

Now it's time for you to choose as the Great General.

Escape or Fight.

"Is there a need to ask, if I am to die then I will die in the Battlefield with the honor of defending my mother? " I cried out with a smile as I open my eyes and the cry of hundreds of thousands of enemies came into my eyes as I can only look at them as if a swarm of insects moving towards me at a high speed leaving behind a huge dust cloud which did not destroy my fighting spirit but make it burn greater then ever as I cried out of smile "Come face me if I Alexander take a single step back of cowering in front of you I will remove the Title of Great General from my name. "

Then after gathering enough Ki in my foot I jumped in the middle of the enemy line and declared "If Alexander is going to die he will die at the Battlefield, not from old age or illness in his bed. "


As soon as I landed in the middle of the enemy lines a huge shockwave spreads in all directions after forming a miniature hole on the ground and spreading a large number of rocks at my enemies to attract the attention and then published all my Ki to make sure they don't attack the Empire while I am still alive.

Believe me, I don't want to throw my life away but you need to understand none of these invaders are normal beings but every single one of them has supernatural energy and I have created The Ki system not very long ago after my battle with the Black dragon that attacked our Empire and with the help of the Dragon blood and heart I was successful in becoming a Supreme but my people has only started learning.

If this invasion took place a few decades late I might have accepted the help from my friends and brothers but this is a battle they can't participate and if I am gone only God the Almighty can save it, actually even in my presence on if the Almighty takes pity on us only then we will be able to escape but for now, let's just focus on the battlefield.

"Let's see the level of you guys without weapon before getting myself overworked. " with that I punched the closest person to me and sent him flying with a dozen of his allies and moved to kick the person next to him which caused a fee more to fly.

At the beginning of the battle, I continued without a weapon and only counter attack or crush the person I can I will sometimes snatch their weapons to use as a throwing weapon as successfully defeated a few thousand enemies and finally decided to use my first Ki attack

"Wood Style: Deep forest Vines. "

As soon as I called out channeling my energy in the ground vines surrounded the whole area restricting the movement of the enemies and allowing me to strike with my fist and leg as well as vines to destroy their numbers at a can't speed when I discovered a red light with extreme energy approaching my head and I quickly used the warp gate to avoid it and when I arrived a thousand meters away I discovered 100 meters radius area has already turned into dust, not only my tree vines but all the enemies are also now gone and look like it's time to use Reflection wings.

As I continued the second half of my battle with higher-ups of the enemies the minions tried to run away but to my surprise, they were never successfully avoided the loose fries and soon the numbers decrease in half.

Finally after 10 days of battle and using all weapons...

The Reflection Wing.

The Dragon Tongue Blade.

And finally

My Dragon Avatar I am successful in defeating almost all the invaders and the few that remain on the battlefield escaped with tails behind their legs.

"It looks like I won't be able to die on the battlefield anymore. " I said with a sarcastic smile before sitting on the ground and starting to heal my body of the countless wounds and broken down bones when I felt a cold sensation in my heart and blood started coming out of my mouth as extreme weakness invaded my body while my whole body slowly started becoming numb while all the pain in my body from the battle wound is gone for some reason and turning my head with all the little energy I have I asked the person who is holding a sword that went through my heart "William? Why? "

"Do you think an Emperor will accept a subordinate stronger than himself, besides didn't you want to die on a battlefield look as your Emperor, I have helped you achieve your goal, Don't you think I am a good brother," says William with hypocrisy.

"Man I might have been blind to accept you like a brother but why did you need to kill me after everything I have done for you and our Empire, why did you think I will ever betray you. " I asked with a sigh while trying to gather my Ki but to my surprise no matter how much I try it is useless.

"Are you trying to gather your Ki, if so don't try anymore cause it's useless since I have prepared this sword, especially for you, and looks like it is working very good, so be a good General and accept your death but don't worry I'll not let your sacrifice go to waste and make sure to spread the teaching everywhere as well as make you a hero who assisted and sacrificed himself helping The Great Human Emperor William to achieve a victory over the other World Invaders? "

"Then I wish you the best of luck with your fake... "