
My Talking sword In Parallel World

My name is Sakura Chiba. I am in senior high school. I don't believe in fate. I wanted adventures in my life. Until I goes to Parallel world. Everything changes in my life. What is this? where am I? who are these? and Why is there a sword in my hand?

PriyalPoddar · Fantasie
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6 Chs

A Twist of Reality

I woke up, my head throbbing with pain. Confusion clouded my thoughts as I struggled to understand what had happened. It was already morning, and the events of the previous night felt like a hazy dream.

I went back to my house, still trying to make sense of the inexplicable changes happening around me. As I entered the dining area, the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air. My father, sitting at the table, looked up and his eyes widened with relief. "Sakura, where have you been? We were worried sick about you," he said, his voice filled with genuine concern.

I blinked, momentarily taken aback by his display of emotions. It was rare for my father to show such open affection. "I... I'm sorry, Dad. I... I don't even know where I was," I stammered, trying to piece together the events from the previous night.

My mother, who usually appeared disinterested in domestic matters, stood by the stove, stirring a pot of soup. She turned to me, a small smile playing on her lips. "Come, sit down. Your favorite soup is almost ready. You must be hungry," she said, her voice filled with warmth.

My younger brother, who was typically engrossed in his own world of video games, came down the stairs and joined us at the table. "Sister, you're back! I thought you vanished or something. You missed out on an epic battle in the game last night," he exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement.

I took a seat, feeling a mix of confusion and gratitude for the unexpected display of familial togetherness. "I don't know what happened, but I'm glad to be back. It feels... different," I admitted, my voice tinged with a hint of wonder.

My father reached across the table and patted my hand gently. "Sometimes, things change in mysterious ways, Sakura. But what matters is that we're all here together now," he said, his eyes filled with a tenderness I hadn't seen in a long time.

As we began to eat, conversation flowed freely, breaking the usual silence that enveloped our meals. We shared stories, laughed, and for that brief moment, it felt like a normal, happy family gathering. I couldn't help but marvel at the strange twists of fate that had brought us closer.

In the midst of our conversation, my mother leaned in and whispered, "Sakura, tomorrow is your birthday, isn't it? I know we've been busy and distant lately, but I haven't forgotten. I have a surprise planned for you." Her words filled me with a mix of anticipation and curiosity. Birthdays had never been a grand affair in our family, and the thought of a surprise made me wonder what she had in store for me.

The rest of the meal passed in a blur of laughter and genuine connection. I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, this newfound harmony would extend beyond this moment and become a lasting reality.

It was strange, yet a wave of happiness washed over me. I hoped this wasn't just a dream.

Heading back to my room, I changed into my school uniform, still trying to process the sudden shift in my reality.

[At School]

As I approached my classroom, an unusual silence enveloped the corridor. I hesitated for a moment, wondering why there was no noise emanating from the classroom. Tentatively, I opened the door and was greeted by a surprising sight. The class was quiet, with students sitting attentively at their desks, engrossed in their studies even without the presence of a teacher.

Perplexed, I made my way to my usual seat at the back of the room, intending to continue my usual routine of dozing off during class.

Suddenly, the teacher entered the classroom, her voice resonating with authority. She walked towards me and asked, "Sakura, why are you sitting here?" Her voice was much louder than usual, startling me.

"I apologize, ma'am, for falling asleep in your class. It won't happen again," I quickly replied, bowing down to show my remorse.

To my surprise, the entire class burst into laughter. Confused, I looked at the teacher, who was now smiling. "I'm not angry at you, Sakura. I was asking why you're sitting at the back when your assigned seat is at the first bench, second row," she explained.

I was taken aback, unable to comprehend the sudden change in the teacher's behavior and my new seating arrangement. Feeling bewildered, I followed the teacher's instructions and moved to my designated seat.

With a smile, the teacher declared, "Now that everything is settled, let's begin the class."

Deep in my thoughts, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. Why did everything feel so strange and unfamiliar? The teacher's smile, my improved academic standing, it all seemed surreal. Could this still be a dream? I decided to push aside my doubts and embrace the unexpected turn of events. After all, things seemed to be going well so far.

Exhausted from the day's lectures, I let out a tired sigh. "Finally, done with all the classes," I muttered to myself. "It was even more tiring sitting at the front, and I couldn't even catch a nap."

Yua approached me and remarked, "Tomorrow is this month's mid-term exams, and I haven't studied a thing. It's great to be ranked second in the class, huh, Sakura!" Her words caught me off guard, and I shot up from my seat, shouting, "What? Second place? Who? Me? Are you kidding, Yua? Don't joke around like that!"

Yua looked puzzled. "What are you saying, Sakura? Why would I joke about something like that? I'm just stating the fact!"

Confusion and disbelief engulfed me. What in the world was happening? It felt as if the very fabric of reality had been altered. Was this some sort of twisted game being played by a higher power? I longed for someone to come and rescue me from this bewildering situation.