
The Whispers Guide [Part: II] [Rewritten]

"So my powers are centered on the concept of being a Yandere?"

Xander asked the Whisper with a skeptical expression, after all, he wasn't an otaku in either of his previous lives, but after the "All-Mother" explained what it meant to be a Yandere, he found it strange how most of his powers are based on immense love for his partners.

Technically, if he builds a harem, he can become an unstoppable force of nature, according to Xander's initial thoughts on the topic, while the Whisper looked at him and replied as such.

"Do you know what a Yandere is, or do you need me to explain it to you in a broader sense? With a more detailed explanation than what the All Mother gave You, of course?"

The Whisper inquires of Xander with morbid interest; after all, if s[he] does know what a Yandere is, he or she cannot understand why someone would choose that specific occupation class.

However, if he didn't know what it was, it would be easier for him to accept the strength of fixation from within, allowing Xander to develop in power quickly. After all, the system was a natural hack because it was fueled by pure Elyptium.

Because in this world, any abilities he demonstrates would not be questioned, as new techniques are being created every day, even if most are not useful or powerful enough to attract the attention of others. In Xander's case, if he completes his mission, the system will reward him with new or already existing techniques.

The power of his method would be so strong that the Whisper would not be shocked if they were desperately sought after; thankfully, this world has one or two regulations that must be followed; another person's techniques are difficult to copy if his permission is not granted.

You cannot imitate someone's method since the only way to learn it is for that person to show you how to apply it. Even Nevertheless, depending on the initial application of the technique, mastering specific techniques can take anywhere from a day to a decade. Or perhaps even longer.

Because of this law, this is a world where intelligence and creativity triumph over bronze every time, despite the fact that it is also a world of pure equality, where men rule supreme and women are treated as mere tools, sex slaves, toys, and political heads to represent their superior male masters.

While on the side of the Divas, the monster clans, women are hailed as ultimate leaders and overlords, since they are Goddesses, men are viewed as food supplies, sex slaves, pure entertainment, or merely as breeders to expand their numbers, and their species have no rights in their country.

It might be stated that both worlds were equally screwed, but also equally balanced; in the end, neither males nor women rule supreme; it's a matter of who is stronger, which is the fact of life in general.

To make matters worse, no one is protesting; why would they when wickedness appears to be as natural as breathing for oxygen in this society; it's a world where being a male is both beneficial and horrifying, and the same could be said for being a woman.

Then there's Xander, one of this world's abnormalities. Half Diva, half human, he's a one-of-a-kind life, and when the Empire discovered a male Diva was born, many wanted to utilize him, and many wanted to kill him.

Divas are totally feminine; if guys exist, they must be manufactured, a flaw in creation, an unstable life that is dangerous to both sides if anything.

But just as Whisper was thinking that its host is a fairly interesting individual, Xander responded to his or her question and knocked him or her out of his or her thoughts.

"Well, ah... Hmm... Rory says it's a person who is morbidly obsessed and deeply in love with another person, but I just chose the occupation class because it had better perks."

Xander explained as he dreamed about money and the lock-picking abilities he gains from the Yandere occupation that his goal was to break into vaults, chests, and treasuries to obtain valuable objects that could be sold for a high price.

Meanwhile, The Whisper looks at him, perplexed; s[he] was astounded by his hunger for riches, so much so that despite knowing what the Yandere class entails, he still chooses it. S[he] wanted to comment on the fact that Xander played himself, but Xander appears to have already realized what he had gotten himself into.

Despite this, Whisper groaned as [s]he returned his/her gaze to Xander and started his/her explanation.

"Yes, Lord ΩΑδ, every specialist is heavily reliant on acquired powers known as techniques; in order to gain power, they must learn the technique or create their own."

"Learning is easier than really developing a technique for a multitude of reasons, for example... one cannot learn to build a method if they haven't attained a duable degree of proficiency, in the "Logica Manipulation Technique."

"This specific technique is required for both learning and creation, so you must first learn this technique before you can learn to use other techniques or create your own."

"So now you know.... after all, this one technique is special in the sense that it is the first ever technique to exist, and as such it is the origin technique from which all other techniques were born... without the ability to freely manipulate Logica, it is impossible to become a specialist to begin with."

"That's the only way humanity can fight the Divas; it's what makes this world unique in the first place; power creation is normal in this world; you can create any ability you want if you have knowledge, talent, control, and mastery over Logica."

"But that's not all you can do with Logica; you can also create weapons, fundamental laws, unique rules, new life, and so on; it's essentially the power of creation, and anyone who can manipulate Logica has access to it."

Xander pays close attention to Whisper's comments because he is in a new universe where practically everyone is a creator God in their own right.

And with the Whisper as a helpful guide who explains things to him.

Xander was certain he would make it big in this new land, and the Whisper needed Xander to gain more power in addition, after all, that was its job. So, in an attempt to further drive him to succeed in this new world, The Whisper began to emphasize how terribly mankind was losing.

"But, as I said, mortal ranks make up the vast majority of that world's population, but with the war between mankind and Divas raging for millions of years, mankind is now on the receiving end. Humans are strong, don't get me wrong, but the Divas are monsters, the weakest of which is at the Black rank, and it's rare to find any Diva weaker than that."

Xander listened to each of the Whisper explanations, but he had a question now, and he didn't waste time asking it.

"If these so-called Divas are this powerful from birth, I can only imagine how monstrous their leaders must be."

The Whisper, of course, saw this coming; it was only a matter of time until s[he] had to explain how awful... When compared to other Divas, the Diva Lords can be when compared to common or unique Divas.

So s[he] came right to the topic and revealed how different these Divas were.

"The weakest of the twelve Diva Lords is at the Paradox Realm."

Meanwhile, Xander was speechless; he had only been introduced to mortal-level beings thus far, and now he is hearing of an unknown rank known as the Paradox realm.

"How strong is a Paradox Realm existence?"

He inquired, his interest piqued, and the response Xander received astonished him, if not opened his eyes to exactly how hazardous this world is.

"It's at a level and realm of power that only those at the God rank can achieve; let's just say the range and scale for a Paradox existence would be low hyperversal in terms of range."

Xander didn't ask any more questions about power scaling because it was quite straightforward; at least in this universe, he would have a headstart edge over many others; now all that remained was to ask small questions such as.

"So when will I be abe to use the power given to me by the All-Mother?"

Asked Xander who was intrigued by the prospect of wielding superhuman abilities.

However, The Whisper crushed Xander's aspirations and dreams immediately on the spot.

"... Well, at the age of five, you're just a baby, so don't expect to do much."

"Ha... that's too long?"

Xander stated angrily, since his objective was to use his superhuman skills as soon as possible.

The Whisper, on the other hand, sighs inwardly as he guides his host down a fairly acceptable path by saying as such.

"Well if you dont want to wait so long to aquire power, you could always take the apostle route."

Whisper immediately answered.

Meanwhile, Xander's mind returned to the three pathways that had been assigned to him as a head start. And, as he said, he began to wonder more thoroughly about them.

"Ha, by the way, Whisper, what's the point of the routes?"

"It's just a decision you can make for yourself, think of it as a head start, whenever a major event is about to happen, you will get the opportunity to decide what route you want to take, like a what if, but each route has its benefit and downfall, every action you make will have a reaction; always remember that."

The Whisper announced, and Xander responded as follows.

"If that's the case, what about the system?"

"The system is your cheat ability from the great All Mother; if you complete the quest assigned to you, you will be rewarded for it."

"Such as new techniques, weapons, level promotions, currency, and much, much more, think of it like an RPG game, some quest will be the main quest depending on the affection level you feel towards a woman of interest."

"For example, if you fall in love with woman "A," most quests will revolve around her. If Woman "A" is about to be assassinated, you will be required to do what a Yandere does best: kill the people involved in cold blood, or something much worse."

Announced The Whisper as she succinctly describes the system. Xander, of course, answered in kind.

"Well, that seems simple."

"Of course it is, but aside from that, you can track your progress by opening your status board to see how strong you are right now; in fact, why don't you try it now? All you have to do is say, 'Open Status,' out loud or in your head."



"Interesting, very well then."

'¡Open status!'

«Beep! Now opening status»


{Personal Information}

|✾ Name: Xander Overdeath✾|

|✾ True name: Kingu Einsberg/ ΩΑδ✾|

|✾ Age: ???✾|

|✾Crush: N/A✾|

|✾ Maidens: [Zero Bitches]✾|

|✾Servants: N/A✾|

|✾ Race: The Something✾|

|✾ Species: Royal Lamia/ High Human/ Unique hybrid✾|

|✾ Occupation: Yandere| Apostle of Fertility✾|

|✾ Currency: +100 UG| +1000 G✾|


{Status Sheet}

STR: 53 >> (+69) Sealed

SPD: 33 >> (+69) Sealed

DEF: 3 >> (+69) Sealed

STM: 3 >> (+69) Sealed

CHR: 3 >> (+69) Sealed

END: 3 >> (+69) Sealed

INT: 3 >> (+69) Sealed

WSD: 3 >> (+69) Sealed

LCK: 3 >> (+69) Sealed


{Unique Constituion}

|lesser healing| lesser general Immunity| Poison Immunity| (+7 locked)|





After Xander opened his status, he looked at his status sheet with interest; everything he had been promised was there, but he was perplexed as to why his Yandere occupation bonus of (+69) on all metrics had been sealed.

The Whisper appears to understand why his host had a suspicious look on his face, so he went ahead and briefly explained the function of his status sheet and why his Yandere occupation metrics were sealed away.

"Lord ΩΑδ, let me explain why the occupation perk is locked away; you see, that's my fault; your stats should be much higher than that."

"However, Hasha seals away most of your abilities, making them less potent and far weaker than before. I also did my own interference and sealing so your body could adjust, seeing I won't allow you to overstrain yourself until you reach an acceptable age to begin basic body training, which is at the very least five."

When Xander heard this, his expression fell into despair; he really wanted to use his Yandere talents to quickly gain strength. This was quite frustrating for him, he admitted.

"Haaaaa... So not only are you nerfing me by removing my (+69) bonus stats, but this mysterious maid, servant, or whatever she is has also nerfed me, talk about unjust."

Xander explained with great frustration, you could say at this point and time he was in a really bad mood for being nerf twice, seriously speaking a lot of his genuine power was sealed away.

However, The Whispers' rationale for sealing him is as follows, as s[he] stated.

"It's for your own good, and if I had to be brutally honest with you, let me tell you that humans in this universe have evolved to naturally sense Divas, something like a six sense."

Whisper explained, and Xander responded with a somewhat angry and lifeless tone as if he simply didn't care any longer.

"First and foremost, what does that have to do with me... secondly, why not give me the ability to fight with all my strength naturally?"

Xander asked, to which The Whisper replied almost immediatley.

"Firstly, Xander, you are a Human/Diva hybrid... humans, particularly the people of the empire, want you dead, and in order to avoid that... Hasha sealed your powers away, as a means of not drawing any suspicion towards you."

"Secondly. If Hasha removes the seal and I remove my own seal, and your stats naturally accumulate with each other, I can guarantee you that your own strength will destroy you the moment it is released, because your body is too weak to withstand all of that power."

"Look at you, Xander, you're barely an hour old, and yet you want me to unlock all the power without training your body to handle its potency, trust me, you're going to die in more ways than one."

"But here's what, if you can fortify your body... I'll agree to remove my seal at least, but you'll need an insane amount of durability... or you can just wait until you're five when I think you'll be ready."

The Whisper stated, his or her voice firm, and Xander could tell, he would not advance any farther in this argument, in short, play by these rules, or you will not receive anything at all.

"Xander, on the other hand, just sighed and accepted his loss... and instead changed the subject by commenting on humans' natural ability to detect Divas."

"Don't you think that humans' ability to cheat and become Diva radar is insanely convenient?" "How much was mankind losing to be aided by evolution?"

The Whisper observed this, but he wasn't going to play along with Xander, and he made it apparent, as s[he] indicated.

"The Divas were fucking them up badly, but as you get older, you'll understand, but yeah, to finish up my explanation, all other occupation abilities or hax will not be shown as it's a bonus mastery of the job class."

"It's almost like a natural ability; for example, every human has the ability to breathe, but you don't see breathing on your status board, do you?" So it is, I only sealed away the (+69) to avoid straining."

Explain the Whisper.

Despite Xander's displeasure, he understood the Whisper's reasoning, thus he responded as such rather than going back and forth with it.

Despite the fact that he still didn't comprehend why Hasha sealed his power. So he responded and inquired.

"Hasha sealed away about 99% of your natural power and other fundamental abilities from your Lamia side the moment she touched you; using a technique called "Bloodline Suppression"; to make you as human as possible."

"After all, you're a male Diva; a being that shouldn't exist, and your bloodline has been greatly suppressed to avoid suspicion and to protect you from humans; although that's just your natural abilities, so like all newborns that start at +1, the system +2 stat bonus every +1 level promotion increase your based stats at +3, do you understand?"

"Yes! I'm disappointed, but I can live with it."

Xander responded, and the Whisper responded in kind.

"Great, now all you have to do is choose a path and you'll be all set for your new life, so tell me which path you'll take?"

Hello everyone, if you want to see more chapters, aid me with thy powerstones. The smallest amount help the series immensley.

2 Extra Chapters >> 100 Powerstones

4 Extra Chapters >> 200 Powerstones

6 Extra Chapters >> 400 Powerstones

8 Extra Chapters >> 550 Powerstones

10 Extra Chapters >> 750 Powerstones

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