
Cursing Her To Go To Hell?

- Next Morning.

Song Xia woke up as she stretched her arms and walked towards the bathroom.

After she finished freshening up, Song Xia wore a white sweater with a purple long skirt and tied her hair in a ponytail.

Her hair was a little wavy at the bottom, which actually made her look very cute.

Song Xia looked at herself in the mirror and was astonished herself. She was still not used to her new face!

She glanced at herself one more time before quickly looking away and going downstairs.


Song Xia made herself her favorite black coffee and took a sip of it. Indeed, black coffee makes me feel fresh~!

She happily walked to the living room with her coffee in her hand. It was almost as big as the pink room she was staying in.

She sat on the sofa and put the cup on the coffee table while watching the TV.

She kept changing the channel as she was bored when she caught a glance of someone familiar and stopped.

She put the remote on the coffee table and picked up the cup. She crossed her legs as she elegantly sipped her coffee.

The TV was playing a video of Long Chen and Zhang Qiao at a banquet. The reporters were interviewing the ''married'' couple.

''CEO Long and Madam Long, how is the married life actually going? Can you tell us some details..''

''Mr. and Mrs.Long, when are you planning to go to honeymoon?! It has already been more than one year since your marriage...''

''CEO Long, what do you think about the collaboration of Long Enterprises and Guan Corporation?''

''Mrs. Long, is the rumor about your younger sister, Ms.Zhang Qianmi being the 'Future Eldest Mistress of Li Family' true?!''

Long Chen, gently put his arm around Zhang Qiao's shoulder as he said indifferently, ''Our married life is going pretty good and about our honeymoon...''

He tenderly stared at Zhang Qiao's eyes before continuing, ''We're thinking of going next month for a vacation.. As for the collaboration, Guan Corporation really deserves it.''

Zhang Qiao blushed shyly as she spoke in her honey-sweet voice, ''The rumors are indeed true..''

Long Chen then leaded Zhang Qiao out of the hall while the reporters surrounded another famous couple, Guan Shan and Mo Yun (Secretary).

''CEO Guan and Miss Mo, when are you both planning to get married?''

''Miss Mo, don't you think it's time to get married after all, you guys have been dating for more than one year..''

''CEO Guan... Miss Mo...''

The charming Mo Yun clung onto Guan Shan's arm and said coquettishly, ''We're thinking of getting married soon~''

She soon showed a pained expression as she continued while biting her lips, ''But you know that Bro Shan's wife had just passed away one year ago and it would be inappropriate for us to get married so soon...''

Guan Shan added coldly, "A certain someone's family has also been making trouble for Yun'er and us so we'll have to delay our marriage!"

He and Mo Yun then left the hall as well.

After the couple left, the reporters started cursing Song Xia and the Song Family one by one.

''How can a woman be so evil enough to cling to him and not let go of CEO Guan even after she died...''

"Did you see how much Miss Mo looked hurt as if she had been enduring up until now.. I feel so bad for her!"

"She must've been bullied by the Songs and that ugly woman!''

''Poor Mo Yun! That b*tch was so shameless for chasing after CEO Guan and even bullying Miss Mo with her power and status!''

''Now that she's dead, she would've surely gone to hell and had been tortured by God! That's what she truly deserves!''

If it had been before, they wouldn't have dared to talk about the Song Family like that but now that the Songs were soon going to lose their power, they didn't hesitate to insult them.

Song Xia turned off the TV as she shook her head.

Tsk.. tsk... Even after I 'died', this people are cursing me to go to hell! Don't worry, soon you all will get what you deserve!

Li Mansion, China

The sound of crashing came from Li Ming's room.

The servants and maids immediately ran towards the door and knocked the door. ''Young Master, are you alright?!''

One servant kicked the door open to see Li Ming, who was angrily shouting and screaming while smashing everything into pieces.

''I told you guys that I won't marry THAT GIRL!! WHY SHOULD I MARRY HER?! I ONLY LOVE ONE PERSON!


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