
My Sandbox

The playground where I keep my mad ideas.

BigToFu · Bücher und Literatur
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19 Chs

Fastest Portal MHA

Fastest Man Alive

Chapter : ???

By : BigToFu

Standing inside the dimensional portal station underneath the house. My hands ran over the dials as I tuned the portal to a unique quantum signature I had found. A few tweaks here and there was what it took as my hands flew across the controls.

Signal locked in, the ten foot portal shifted from a green vortex to that of a clear lake. The surface rippled as if it was water and with the skyline on the other side, it was clear that I had succeeded. Before I let anyone even near the portal, I made sure to check the chrono signature.

That came back in sync with our time stream which meant that time on the other side of the portal was running at a one to one ratio which I was perfectly fine with. Getting the same time flow was alright in my book since it wasn't reversed the other way around. Pulling out the portal gun and setting it to find home, I pulled on my helmet as I approached the portal. Halfway up the gangplank, my kids came from the side in their own exploration suits.

Behind them, Jean and Raven were walking in their own exploration suits. Alfred had his helmet on and was just looking ready to go while Raven and Jean were helping the girls with their own helmets.

"Ahh, where are you going?" I asked clearly not getting why they were kitted out.

"With you to explore a new reality of course," Raven replied as she checked the seals on Sophie's hard suit.

"Yep, so lead on big guy, you're our fearless meat shield," Jean quipped as she finished with Celeste. Rolling my eyes at that, I made sure to link a teacher line to each of our suits with the kids in the middle. Adamantium and vibranium wiring would make sure the kids were safe and I was more than fast enough to respond to anything happening.

As I walked up to the portal, Maya came and stood next to me. Picking her up, I placed her on my back and made sure that the lifeline didn't get messed up by the others.

Squaring my shoulders, I led with my right foot and walked right through the portal, right into a roof. Hmm, guess with the improved tech combined with my powers, travel has vastly improved since last time.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I quickly vacated my location in front of the portal and allowed the rest of the family to walk through. Everyone was looking around and I felt it odd that there wasn't much of a change.

While I was taking in my surroundings, Maya decided to tap me on the back of my helmet.

"Daddy, what's he doing?" Maya asked, pointing to a kid standing on the other side of the building's railing. I moved before I could even think about it. Yanking the kid by the back of his neck, I held him up dangling before me as I stared him down.

"What the hell kid?" As I said that, I took in the green hair and the meek posture, well fuck. I guess I know which unique reality we were roaming around inside of now. "Well, answer me already. What were you thinking?"

He didn't say anything and only shrank in on himself some more, before I could start tearing into his ass, Raven came and saved him.

Raven smacked me in the side as she pulled the kid out of my grip. "Ohh can you please put the poor dear down and give him some room to breathe."

Backing off, I pulled up my omni as Maya flew off my back to go hear what the kid had to say. I had an ear out to listen in while I had Kelix my AI hook into the Wi-Fi that was available in the area. A few quick commands had a few bank accounts created and a dollar siphoned from a few million accounts. Then that quick million was spread over a few accounts in my ladies and my own name.

"I don't have a flashy quirk and I can't be a hero." The green hair kid said and I had to suppress the urge to strangle the little shit. Jean and Raven shared a look, while Maya just went over and gave the kid a hug. My triples were with their brother and looking over the edge of the building.

Sighing and rubbing the bridge of her nose, Jean did not look very excited about his reasons. "Look kid, just because you don't have some flashy power means you should go jumping off buildings."

Saying nothing, I stayed off to the side even though I knew who this was and no, I did not expect to end up in his universe. Yet, since I was here, I might as well give canon a good boning. Hmm, I wonder if I should MILF up Inko.

Maya patted the kid on his back, "It's okay, daddy can help because he can do anything."

Rolling my eyes, I had to stifle a huff, but that didn't stop Alfred and the triplets from laughing at what Maya just said.

"How can I help when I don't even know the kid's name." I replied as I took off my helmet and let my dreads down my back. I didn't allow anyone to take it off before because even though this was earth. It was another reality and you never know what might happen during transition. Since the computers had run their test and came back clean it was time to show ourselves.

Pussing off from the railing, I walked up and looked down at the kid. He looked up at me, eyes wide as saucers and I could already hear him mutter. Sigh, I'm gonna have to fix that, I wonder if I can have him grow a spine and kick that explosion kid to the curb.

Scratching my chin, I ignored the look Jean was giving me, "What's your name brat?"

Maya wasted no time in taking her helmet off and flying back over to hang off my shoulder. Raven and Jean also took theirs off to let their hair down. Paying no attention to that, I kept my gaze locked on the kid before me.

The kid was shaking like a leaf, but he didn't blink as I knelt down to his level. I knew that it was clear to him how overwhelmingly powerful I was, but he didn't flinch. The kid didn't move one inch and even with shaking knees, he stood straight and answered me.

"Midoriya Izuku, my name is Midoriya Izuku."

"Nice to meet you, Izuku, I'm Benjamin Blake, father to the brats, Maya," I said, jabbing a thumb to the koala on my shoulder. "Celeste, Sophie, Phoebe and Alfred." I then pointed to the one hanging out by the railing. They waved back as I introduced each one. "Two of my queens, Jean is the one with the flaming red hair, and Raven is the blue one with red hair."

The kids' eyes went wide at each introduction.

Rolling my eyes at him, I levitated him up with my control over gravity and air. "Let's go get some food so you can tell me about yourself and I'll think about helping you."

Raven rolled her eyes at me while fussing over Maya. "Must you steam roll the kid?"

"Why not, it's fun," I replied with a shrug. Without another word, I jumped over the side of the building with Izuku. The kid screamed his lungs out, but all I did was laugh.We slowed before we hit the ground and I moved out of the way as the rest of the family came floating down behind me.

The folks on the sidewalk instantly moved out of the way and I ignored them as I waited on the ladies. The ladies touched down on the ground first and then my girls and Alfred came right after.

Jean looked around and then looked at me before rolling her eyes. A few quick hand motions had our hard suits changed out with the UMF standard outing clothes. Looking down, I found myself in combat pants and boots with a common black tee on.

Ignoring that, I shrugged before turning around and bringing up my omni. "Alright kid, where is a good spot to eat, somewhere with a booth at least."

Maya floated over with her hair ablaze, a smile no one could turn down on her face. She took Izuku by his hands and gave him those big bright beautiful puppy dog eyes. "Yeah Zuzu, you know where the tasty food is right?"

The kid blushed from his neck to the tip of his ears. Rolling my eyes at him, I nudged his shoulder to get him out of the moment.

Izuku was captivated by the powers on display, she clearly had pyrokinetic powers which allowed her to fly. His mind ran a mile a second before he decided that he had to write this down in his notebook. Before he could reach inside of his bag, Izuku had to stop as he received a pretty strong nudge.

"Come on kid, you gotta live in the here and now, not your head." I said as I pushed him forward and let Maya be her cute little self. Izuku gave me a place that my GPS was instantly able to locate. Looking around at my family, I found them ignoring the crowd that was gathered as they pointed and took pictures.

Rolling my eyes at the situation, I double checked the GPS before kicking things into high gear. Before anyone could say anything or realize what I was doing, I picked up each of my family and ran then to location. Yeah, there was no way I was going to walk down a street in Japan lite with a family like mine.

Before anyone could respond we were all in front of Zhao's Ramen. The poor kid jumped as he took in his change of location. Raven smacked me on the chest and Jean huffed and rolled her eyes at me.

"Dad, I wanted to fly around." Maya pouted at me, the attack was devastating to my poor fathers heart. There was no denying that my kids were the cuties.

Alfred looked around and noticed our location before shrugging. "I don't mind, it was getting a little past lunch."

"That means I get to have your dessert then right, Alfy?" Phoebe asked, sly grin on her features as she zero in on her older brother. Raven didn't let them get any further as she started to usher the kids into the ramen shop.

"Sir, I'll have to, to, to, give you a warning about your illegal quirk usage."

Turning to the person who said that, I raised an eyebrow at the lizard tailed police lady as she looked up at me. Her partner was clearly the one that pushed her to do this. I kept silent and smiled on the inside as I let them sweat some more. Before I could say anything to them, Jean contacted me over our shared mental connection. Everyone was getting seated and they were waiting on me to come and join.

Tilting my head to the officer, I turned and left, warning my ass. As long as you didn't use your power to endanger others then you should be allowed to use your powers responsibly in public. It was clear that I wasn't endangering anyone so there wasn't any reason for them to say anything. Then again this was clearly a Japan lite and I was a tourist, so fuck it and ignored the worker drones.

Tilting to make sure that I didn't smack my head on the door frame, I went inside and followed Jean's mental commands. I found everyone inside a private room on the second floor with a massive window that overlooked the outside.

Looking into the room, I noticed that my ladies had put one of our custom seats back facing the wall with the circular table before it. Looking at the other seats placed against the far wall, I then shrugged and phased through the table and took my seat in the middle. Taking a seat at the table, I then gave Raven a kiss on the forehead as she leaned into my side. Jean got a kiss also as she also leaned onto me in relaxation.

Relaxing with an arm around Raven and the other around Jean, I looked at the green haired shrimp sitting between Alfred and my daughters. He was hunched into himself and it was easy to tell that he was nervous. Bless her poor heart, Celeste was talking to him softly and he was just nodding along.

Okay the brat was getting far too comfy with my baby girl, "Alright kid, now that we are in a more private setting. Tell me the real reason why you were up on that roof. I don't see the link between a flashy quirk, being a hero and being on the roof about to turn yourself into pavement soup."

Raven looked far more attentive and stopped reading whatever was on her omni. "Yes, as a mother myself, I can say that if you have followed through with your task your mother would be devastated."

It was clear that the kid was even more uncomfortable now as he slightly shook in his seat. Yeah, it was clear that he didn't think about his own poor mother and what his stunt would have done to her. Jean looked at the kid with an interesting look on her face before she spoke up, "You can skip the explanation of quirks since they appear to operate like our own meta-gene."

Izuku got a look on his face and I was thankful he didn't start to mutter again. "Since as long as I could remember, I have always wanted to be a hero like my idol All Might. But, I was diagnosed as quirkless because I didn't have that extra pinkie toe joint."

I wanted to cut him off and point out how a pinkie toe joint being able to say if you had the potential for abilities or not was total bullshit, but it was like the damn broke and the kid picked up pace and just unleashed his troubles.

By the time the kid had finished unleashing his troubles a waiter came and knocked on the door. Alfred got the door and the waiter wheeled a cart inside and covered the table with food. Now that he finally let his issues off of his chest Izuku looked a lot better to my eyes.

I cooked some of the pork on the grill before us before placing some in Jeans and Ravens dishes. While I was doing that, I ordered my thoughts for Izuku, "Alright kid, let's make a few things clear. I have barely been in your world, but no real doctor would tell you a pinkie toe joint would be the basis behind why you have abilities or not. It's all genetics and from the quick overview I did when I arrived, your gene is most likely dormant. That doctor should be fired and lose his license. From what I could tell with your history, quirks have been around for about one hundred to two hundred years. That's more than enough for such a gene to spread around the world."

The look on his face was one of concentration and I had to hold up a hand to stop him from speaking. "We can ran a few scans later once you introduce us to your mother"

"Yeah, Zuzu, daddy can do anything." Maya said hair still ablaze, but her flames were that of a mystical nature so the chair was safe.

Sohpie rolled her eyes then pulled up her omni and showed video images of her Uncles in action, "He could be like Uncle Clint, or Uncle Tony. They don't have any powers and they are heroes."

Izuku's eyes went wide as he watched Clint score hits after hits with the bow. Then the kids muttering really picked up when Tony came on screen in his armor.

"That has to be a targeting quirk, no maybe telescopic vision."

Alfred put his fork down and wiped his mouth before he said anything, the gentlemen. "No, Uncle Clint has trained for years to get to the peak of humanity physically and Uncle Tony is a certified genius, he even helps me with my armor."

"Well, Uncle Peter is my favorite," Maya said proudly for us to hear. "Uncle Pete is so super cool, he took me swinging last Tuesday and it was awesome."

"Now, wanting to be like All-Might is no reason for you to want to be a hero. You can't be a hero because you want to be like someone else. Kid, you need to find your own reason for wanting to be a hero. The life of heroics isn't a easy one and you shouldn't just jump into it because you want to be like someone." I said with a pair of chopsticks in my hand. I was trying hard not to point the pit at him since I knew that was some sort of social taboo.

A soft chuckle came from my side and I looked down in time for Raven to put some freshly boiled noodles and broth in my bowl. "You should listen to his advice ZuZu, he's a pretty famous hero where we come from."

Jean nodded along before stuffing a cooked slice of beef into my mouth. "Juggernaut, the unstoppable force of nature."

Biting through the chopsticks, I gave them a soft glare. Once I swallowed what I was eating, I decided to clear things up for the kid. "I'm not a hero, people might worship me like one, but I'm the Emperor, so my job is to make sure they are safe no matter the monster I might have to face."

Jean batted her lashes at me then gave me a quick peck, "And the people love you for it."

"Now, I believe we are all done here, I would suggest you give your mother a call Zuzu. You can let her know there will be guests coming over or we can invite her over to our hotel suite." Raven said, clearing the dishes with a sweep of her hand. I was up and moving, placing myself between Izuku and Celeste. Before he could react, I had a loose strand of green hair, I then placed in my omni-beams scanner.

"One down, now all I need to do is cross examine it to your mothers." I replied with an eye on the scanner and looked over the first genetic sample of this reality. Izuku looked at us all with wide eyes before he pulled a phone out of his pocket. While the kid was doing that, Jean and I went downstairs and paid the bill.

While I was paying the bill with a smart card using the funds I had collected, I finished only to turn around and find Jean standing in front of a minivan style tax service. Shaking my head at the taxi, I started to float since I was not going to get into that thing. I was going to ask why not use one of our own hover vehicles, but then I realized we were not only in another reality, but also in another country.

The family came down while Jean was talking with the driver about places to visit in the city. I had to smother a sigh as people took pictures and I could only roll my eyes at them. I figured it was my imposing figure they were taking in and I couldn't begrudge them that. Everyone loaded into the taxi, but Jean and I took to the skies.

As we flew, Jean and I played around a little, but I couldn't help take in the state of this version of Japan. It wasn't a mess, but it was clear that there was a societal issue going one underneath the surface. People stood at the side and watched crime happen because they didn't have a license to help a person in need. Then after or during a hero would arrive with some flashy clothing or sounding name.

From the way a lot of them operated, I was really starting to think most of these people got their hero license to just kick teeth in. It wasn't all bad though because here and there I would see someone that was at least doing a respectable job. Then again with the numbers being one good out of the last ten useless heroes being the stat. Things were not looking all that great around here.

It was clear from my outsider's perspective that everyone was relying way too much on their abilities. Letting out a sigh as logic overrode my enjoyment, I followed Jean around in the air and took scans with my omni. The information I was getting from the wide genetic scan I was doing was raising some strange implications and I wanted to find who came up with the pinkie toe thing and throw them into the solar reactor in the middle of the system.

I was seeing the same genetic markers over and over, but with different variations on the tail end. It was oddly suspicious and if I didn't know any better I swore I was looking at the X-gene. Hell, I didn't even want to think about that implications and what it would mean about the celestials out in the wider expanses.

There was a double ping from Raven informing us of their arrival, I looked up in time to see the smirk on Jeans face. Then she took off hitting me with some a small blast of fire to send me tumbling.

"Winner gets breakfast in bed." Jean spoke, voice echoing inside my head. Rolling lazily in the air, I righted myself before chasing after her. Catching up to her was easy, but I didn't want to win. What I wanted was some mighty fine payback as my palm greeted her shapely ass.

Chuckling at the blush on her face, I watched as she rolled over midair, then placed a quick kiss on her lips. Jean's hand traced down my jawline as she sucked and nipped on my bottom lip. Smirking down at her, I allowed Jean to roll me over onto my back. A quick smack on the chest had me falling faster out of the air, but my spatial awareness allowed me to catch myself into a flip to land on my feet at the last second.

Standing up out of my crouch, I turned around to find her standing next to Raven, both of them sharing a sultry look on their feathers. The girls were on their omni's and Maya was floating in the air looking around with wide eyes as usual. What was new was the lady standing next to Izuku with the same green hair as his. They both had that wide eyed look of a deer caught in the headlights.

Standing tall and trying not to loom over her, I stretched my hand out for a shake while taking in her form. "Hello, you must be, Mrs Midoriya." I said smiling as I took in the mother before me. She was a little over five feet tall and it was clear she took to stress eating. It was also clear with a little work she would be a looker with a nice rack.

Both Midoriya's bowed and I had to make sure I kept it in my pants and not look down her nice creamy cleavage.

Midoriya Inko bowed deep and her words flew out. "Thank you for taking care of my Izuku."

"Dont worry about it, as a father myself, I understand the worry a parent carries. Now is there somewhere we might speak in private?"

"Ohh yes, sorry sorry, right this way. Would you like some tea?" Midoriya Inko said hands waving while also a few more bows. Smiling at her, I took a step back and let her show us the way. I ruffled Alfred's hair as Maya came over and landed on my back.

Letting the girls walk in the middle, I followed behind Raven as she walked in front. It didn't take long to get to Midoriya's apartment, and I gotta say. Knowing something was totally different from experiencing it. The apartment clearly had a home feel to it but it was also starkly clear her husband wasn't around.

There was only the small shoe rack and beside Inko and Izuku's shoes there wasn't another. Closing the door behind me, I took in the pictures on the wall and noticed the one with a guy in it. It was a picture in the hospital and he was holding a baby with green hair. All of the others that I could see around the house had mother and son but no father.

Hell, even what appeared to be the last photo of the husband was one of what looked like kindergarten kids. It was hard to keep from narrowing my eyes or growl in anger, fucking anime and dead beat fathers. Pushing that thought aside, I allowed myself to be ushered into the living room pushed into a seat.

The kids tried to sit awkwardly in the room with us, but I ran them off to go check out Izuku's room. Once they were gone it was only Raven, Inko, myself and Jean left drinking tea and enjoying the silence. Raven pulled Inko into a conversation and I noticed the ping on my omni abou at few things.

One was that the DNA was sorted and ready for review and the other was that there was a photographic match with one Hisashi Midoriya. Well, damn, that was a mess that I did not want to unpack right now. Interestingly enough, I wonder if she knew and was keeping it from Izuku.

Shoving that hot bit of mess to the side, I turned back into the conversation. Before I could say anything as I watched Raven show off images and videos on her omni. The girls came running out of Izuku's room and the kid's face was flushed with embarrassment.

Sophie flew over and landed on my lap while her sisters took a leg each. Maya floated over and took a seat on Jeans lap while Alfred just rolled his eyes as if he was too cool for school. "Daddy look, Zuzu has been writing analisis for like forever." Sophie said far too excitedly and if I didn't have super speed, I would not have been able to keep up with her. "Look, look, Miss Mega eye emitter type, speed two strength one, but it says here her blast can melt tungsten. The farthest shot was out to two miles during a competition, she also went to UA highschool."

That peaked my interest and I had to calm her down so I could take a look at the book. "Okay, okay, let me take a look." The title of the book read Quirk Analisis Volume Two. "You wrote these?" I asked looking at his harried feathers, even the tips of the kid's ear was red from embarrassment.

Inko looked lost as she looked from the book in my hands to her son. "Zuzu?"

"Yes, it's a little nickname Maya called him and extended to our girls, it would seem." Raven said with a smile on her face. I read the book over and over taking in the details this kid had written only from observation.

I let out a sigh as I looked up and I was clear that they were worried. "Okay, first of all this is amazing, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But I hope you don't just have these out in your room because this is clearly classified government information."

"Wh, wha, what do you mean?" Izuku asked, stuttering.

"Yeah, we are going to have to work on your stutter, you're the man of the house, so show some more confidence." I said looking him over with a critical eye. Funny enough his back went straight. I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Jean placing a hand on Inko's leg to keep her from speaking up. "Now, the reason why I compare your work to classified government information is because of how detailed it all is. Not only do you have power types, but you also have a condensed history of the hero, including costumes and features. You have strength, weakness and even a scale to show their abilities from one to ten. Izuku, I'll have one of my people get you a vault to secure these inside of."

Looking at him, I had to make sure that he understood how important his books were. Tapping my belt, a pouch expanded and I took out one of the extra omni's I carry on my person. "Here is an omni-tool, think of it as an ultra advanced smartphone and computer. Each omni comes with secured private encryption unless you allow someone access, so even I won't be able to take a look. Write your quirk analysis in the notepad section."

Izuku stood straight then gave me a bow, "Thank you."

"Don't worry about it, but let's get this show on the road, Inko, do you mind donating a strand of hair please." I say as I pull out the omni-scanner.

Inko looked around before asking the important question, "What is this for exactly?"

"Well, we haven't really hidden the fact, but we are from another reality. One where our powers come from what we call a meta-gene or X-gene depending on the scientific circle you encounter." Jean said with a soft and soothing voice. "When we first came through the portal that let us into your world, we encountered young Izuku here. Jean then waved a hand at the now tomato red blushing kid.

Raven took up where Jean had finished as holo-images of Pandora floated around the room. "Izuku then told us how he was considered quirkless because the doctor said he didn't have some double joint in his pinkie toe. Relying on if someone has a double joint or not is clearly unscientific to say the least. That's one of the reasons why our husband has taken such an interest in young Izuku."

"Yep," I said, making sure to pop the 'P' for all to hear. "From what I have seen on my flight over here. Your society is clearly advanced but also clearly behind. Just from my outsider's perspective it's clear that everyone has an over reliance on quirks, but I don't get why the gene for such a phenomenon hasn't been discovered yet. It's also one of the reasons why I ran a scan on everyone while I flew over."

Inko and Izuku had shocked looks on their faces as they took in the holograms floating around the room. I allowed them the time to soak it all in before I outstretched an arm for Inko. It was clear who the kid got his inner strength from because instead of breaking down, Inko steeled herself and then gave up a strand of hair. I smiled at her and let out a laugh inwardly as her face blushed a bright shade of red.

"Now, if we use what we already understand about abilities from our own scientific understanding, then it's easy to understand gene theory." I had to stop at the lost look the mother and son duo had on their faces. Taking my time to change up my approach, I tried again, "Think about it this way, there are active genes, recessive genes and dormant genes. Let's put it in a way you could understand. You have two hair types in your genetic makeup. Black hair from your father here," I then pointed out the markers for them both to see. "And here is the green from your mother. Notice how the green genetics marker is active while black is dormant."

"Yes." Both of them said at the same time.

"Good good, now that you understand that, tell me what you see." Then I waved a hand and brought up over three hundred different genetic markers for the kid to look over. It was clear that the quirk gene was a dominant gene shared by all just like our own meta-gene. "So here is the million dollar question Izuku, what do you see?"

The kid was staring hard at the hologram, it was clear that his brain was working overtime, then before I knew it, he started to mutter. Yeah, gonna have to fix that. I stayed silent as Inko looked between Izuku and the holograms.

"Active quirks, these are all active quirks, that's what they all have in common." Izuku exclaimed clear excitement in his voice. "Here are the markers that are all the same, this means they are quirks, and here are the variations making them different."

"Bingo, got it in one kid." I said with a chuckle then ruffled his hair. "Now let's compare your mothers quirk gene to your own. Note that your quirk gene isn't resistive or not there, but it is dormant." Before I could say anything more, the kid was crying again and this time so was his mother.

"So, I do have a quirk." Izuku mumbled low tears coming out of his eyes. "I have a quirk."

"Izuku," Inko mumbled, also crying tears. The mother and son pair hugged and cried and I tried really hard not to cringe. They really needed to be emotionally balanced because man, breaking down at any bit of news just wasn't going to do. Before anyone could say anything, Maya flew over and somehow put herself into the little familys hug.

"It's okay Zuzu," Maya said as she inserted herself into the hug. "I'm sure daddy can help."

I had to keep myself from rolling my eyes at her because of course she would volunteer my services. Inko smiled at Maya and gave her a squeeze before letting her go. That inner strength showed its face once more as she turned to face me.

Inko firmed herself and then looked me straight in the eye, "Is there a way to activate Izuku's quirk?"

"Yes." I replied easily.

Inko got into a traditional kneeling position and then bowed her head. The smile and cheer dropped from my face and my Emperor's bearing showed forth.

"I know it's not my place to ask, but please can you activate Izuku's quirk." Inko asked with clear sincerity in her voice. Slowly, I got up from the couch as I approached her kneeling form. Lowering myself, I took Inko by the hand and helped her stand back up to her feet.

With a sigh, I wiped her tears before speaking to her softly. "I understand that it is a mothers duty to sacrifice everything for their child, but this is not a request you are able to make. Within my family we have a saying; With great power comes great responsibility. If Izuku would like that power then he must prove his resolve to me. I have already told him this, that if he wants to be a hero, then his reasons must be more than wanting to be like All-Might."

At this everyone looked at Izuku and I continued, "If he only wanted his quirk unlocked that would be alright. But he has made it clear that he would like to be a hero, being a hero is not a game, it is also not a reason to have power. Now that he has an omni, Izuku can easily contact any of us. I shall give him a week to decide."

That was the que for everyone to get up and gather around. "Thank you for the tea Inko, it was lovely." Raven said with a smile. With that we all left the little family behind and took up space in another taxi that drove us around downtown.

A very interesting side note was that we got to see All-Might in action while we were going around town. Interestingly enough, for Jean, Raven and myself it was clear that he was injured and over extending with the left while holding back the right. Getting to the hotel and relaxing in the penthouse, I found out that the ladies had booked us a tour of Might Tower.


We had been in this reality a few days traveling around when I got the call and found myself back in the cozy little home of the Midoriya's. Instead of sitting on the couch, I stood facing the protagonist of this universe. There weren't any tear tracks and the look in his eye was clear and bright, all good signs.

Izuku stood there before me looking like a man ready to grab hold of his destiny. It was clear that Izuku was firming his resolve, and I gave him all the time he wanted.

Izuku took a breath before he started to speak. "You asked me why I wanted to be a hero."

"Hmm, I did."

"I understand why you couldn't accept such an answer. I wanted to be a hero to be like someone else, but instead of leaving it at that you gave me a hint. With great power comes great responsibility.."

There was no way I could hide my smile now as he kept speaking.

"You gave me the time to think about it and I came to a conclusion; I don't want to be a hero like All-Might. I want to be a hero I could look in the mirror and be proud of. I want to be a hero that brings hope to those around me. I want to be a hero that can ease the worries of my mother. And last but not least, I want to be a hero because helping is the right thing to do."

Looking at him, Izuku's knees were shaking but he held my gaze level with no fear. "That is more than acceptable, both of you gather your things for at least a week's stay. Inko your hand please."

Inko blushed as she reached one of her hands out and I noticed that it was the hand with what should have been her wedding ring. Interestingly enough, there wasn't any wedding ring or the mark from wearing one for years. Ignoring that, I took her hand and gave her a tune up. Gone was the spare tire she was gaining from stress eating. Her bust line gained a cup size and overall muscle tone was improved. Hair became rich green gorgeous and long trailing down between her shoulder blades. Did I just MILF up the housewife, yeah I did, but who cares.

With a nodd, I took a step back while letting Inko marvel at the fresh improvement to her health. They marveled at her new look before I had to clear my throat and snap them out of it. Izuku ran off to gather his stuff while I gave Inko one of the additional UMF suits I carry on me at all times.

While I was explaining how the suit worked in conjunction with an omni, Izuku was off getting himself packed. While the kid was packing, I sent a message to the family about what I was planning then sent a message back home. It took Izuku thirty minutes to get his stuff ready and I had to stop him from bringing far too much All-Might merch.

I had to shake my head at that while acting like I didn't see Inko running through different clothing options. Once they were both ready, we exited through the front and I waited for the door to be closed, with that done. I picked them both up before speeding us down to a park my family waited inside of.

"Was that superspeed or teleportation?" Izuku asked, eyes wide, his fingers flying across his omni. "Must be superspeed since there wasn't any warping of reality. Capable of circumventing laws of physics with no sonic boom."

Rolling my eyes, I nudged him in the shoulder to bring him back to reality. "You're muttering again, we need to work on that. Can't have you zoning out during combat to analyze your opponents."

"But you have so many quirks that I have never seen before." Izuku replied, lost with what I could tell was an omni screen before one of his eyes.

"Unlike what you have seen on tv and around the city, there is no such thing as a one dimensional power." I replied as I looked over everyone.

"But you have super speed, strength, flight, and healing." Izuku replied, walking right on my heels.

Stopping what I was doing with the portal gun in my hand, I looked down at the green haired kid, "Alright, let me ask you this. You remember the genetic diagrams that I showed you, yes?"

"Of course, Mrs Raven even gave me a copy to review."

"Alright, then you understand that your quirk as you call it should have been the same as your mothers right?"

"Yes!" Izuku replied a little too happily.

Looking down at him, I had to roll my eyes at his enthusiasm. "Then have you already figured out the misclassification of her abilities?"

That pulled him up short and I could tell that he had no clue where I was going with this at all.

"That right there is the failing of your society, but it's not your fault so let me clear a few things up." I told him as I waved over Jean. "Your mothers quirk isn't to move small things, it's telekinesis. That means with a little bit of training, your mother can go from little tricks to being stronger than All Might."

Jean knew exactly what I was getting at as she then levitated a few small objects, then levitated up all of the vehicles within site. Inko and Izuku had wide eyes as they took in what I was telling them both.

"Stronger than All Might." Izuku muttered with wide eyes. Turning around, I then used the portal gun to create a portal to take us all back home. Lucky for the two, I had thought about getting them back home ahead of time and left a dimensional GPS at their place. It was very telling how they didn't even ask to bring along the kids' father or that inko wasn't worried about what her husband would say.

Putting those thoughts out of my mind, I ushered everyone through the portal before pulling up the rear. Once everyone was through the portal the sign on the upper corners of the room then flashes green.

Mega scene skip with a lot of goodies in the middle

Izuku Midoriya

-Known as ZuZu to family and friends.

Right now, Izuku was out for a wake to stretch his legs. Looking around, he could only shake his head at it all. Stopping on the sidewalk, he looked up and hoped that he wasn't becoming as jaded as his mother's boyfriend. That thought alone sent a shiver down Izuku's spine, his mother dating an Emperor was not something he saw coming. Looking down, Izuku then flexed his fingers and smiled as he saw the green psionic aura surrounding both of his hands.

Relaxing his hands, he placed his left in his pocket while he used the other to review the latest Hero polls. First, Izuku had to take a look around to make sure that his teacher wasn't watching him either close or a distance. Looking around all he found at his side was Alfred and no one else beside people. He did notice that a crowd had started to gather at the distance.

"Hey Alfred, what do you think is going on over there?" Izuku asked, a hand pointing in the direction of the crowd.

Alfred looked at the crowd then shrugged in return. "Unsure, would you like to investigate?"

Floating upwards, Izuku smiled at his friend. "Yeah, of course maybe we would be able to see All Might in action."

With that said, Izuku watched as Alfred's armor wrapped around him and they both flew up and over to get a fat better view of what the crowd was looking at. What they found though sent a shiver down Izuku's spine. From the explosions going on from the captives hands, Izuku knew the person being controlled by the muck villain. Izuku hovered in the air over the crowd but couldn't figure out why no one was helping, turning he gave Alfred a look.

He smiled as Alfred rolled his eyes while sighing, following behind his friend, then both landed at the back of the crowd. They both received some weird looks but Izuku ignored that for what some of the pro heroes were saying.

"Poor kid, and he had such a flashy quirk too."

"I know, but we have to wait for someone with a better quirk to arrive."

After spending so much time on the island and meeting so many different types of people, Izuku had finally got it. Katsuki wasn't his friend, no, Katsuki was a bully with superiority issues and even if he didn't like him. Izuku was still going to save him because he couldn't call himself a hero if he never tried.

Accepting the truth for what it was, Izuku turned and found that Alfred was already in his armor. Smiling, Izuku brought up his own suit controls on his omni and had his UMF suit perform a quick change. Checking his surroundings, Izuku saw the plan Alfred had compiled with using the fire hydrant, but saw the chance for the villain to escape.

Agreeing to the plan, but putting his own changes into it, they agreed on the action before they themselves moved. There was a shout from behind, but Izuku ignored that to form a large green telekinetic bubble around Katsuki and the muck villain.

Alfred spoke over the comms with a quick "Ready."

Holding the large green telekenic bubble above his head, Izuku flew himself and his captures over to the side to hover in front of Alfred. A quick nod was shared before Alfred pointed his mega canon at the bubble. Shifting the containment field of his telekinetic bubble, Izuku allowed the water to flow through.

Instantly the explosions stopped as Katsuki's quirk was nullified, then out of the bottom water flowed with what was clearly the villain diluted inside of it. Another hand came forward as Izuku changed the bottom half of his telekinetic force bubble. Now hovering over the street were two interconnected bubbles, one containing Katsuki and the other the villain.

"DEKU, the FUCK are you doing here in that fucking suit. Have you been holding out on me you little shit!"

Izuku noticed Alfred tilting his head to the side as he tried to figure out what was happening.

Then the dreaded question came as his friend asked him the question. "Do you know him?"

"Yeah, but I wish I didn't." Izuku replied, cheeks burning red in embarrassment. "Did you bring anything for restraining this villain?"

Alfred turned and looked at him while disconnecting his armor from the fire hydrant. Izuku could only shrug in return because all he had on him was writing material and his school things.


Izuku jumped because he knew that voice, that was the voice of the number one hero, All Might.


"Thanks sir, Zuzu the bottle." Alfred said, Izuku was still stuck looking at the number one hero. He never noticed when Alfred rolled his eyes and took the offered bottle from All Might. "Just ask for that autograph so we can all just move on please, also you still have that sparky boom boom kid in the air."

"Ohh," Izuku squeaked as he realized that he almost failed his training, then again, it was All Might. So it should be alright, Izuku told himself. Putting away the muck villain, Izuku noticed the look that Katsuki was giving him. Ignoring that to turn and look at All Might his frustration came when Alfred pulled at his shoulder.

Turning, Izuku had to ask. "Yes?"

"We can't stay, moronic heroes and police will be here in a sec." Alfred told him. Izuku turned around eyes wide as he realized what was about to happen.

"But my autograph?" Izuku mumbled lower lip quivering.

"No time, bro we gotta go." Alfred said as he grabbed Izuku by the back of his UMF suit. Then before anyone could respond, they rocketed away making sure to put the largest building in between them and the cameras.

Landing on a roof some distance away, Izuku fell to his knees in devastation.


"Yeah, so just let him get the drama out of his system."

"All Might!!" Izuku yelled, jumping up from his crouched and devastated position. Then before the larger hero could react, Izuku was upon him with a notebook. "Ohh my gosh, I'm like your biggest fan!"

"CALM DOWN YOUNG HERO." All Might said with his chest pushed forward as he showed the world a large smile.

"Hmm, that's a nasty injury," Alfred said as he looked down on the scanner showing above his forearm.

"What?!" Izuku half yelled half asked as he turned towards Alfred. "I thought we weren't supposed to use our tools to scan people?"

All-Might couldn't stop the sweat drop that formed on his forehead, then before he could turn and vanish, it happened. Blood welled up as his powers timed out and he changed for right before both of the youths.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ALL MIGHT?!" Izuku yelled and asked before passing out.

"And of course he would pass out." Alfred sighs as he walks over to Izuku's side.

"Will he be alright?" All Might asked as he looked down at his fainted fan.

Picking up Izuku, Alfred puts him over a shoulder before turning towards All Might. "Yeah, he will be fine, it's just he has wanted to meet you for so long and it was just too much for him."

"Thank you, young man, do you mind keeping this a secret?" All Might ask as he peers at the brothers.

Alfred tilted his head to the side, "Sure, but why haven't you gotten yourself healed yet?"

"I have searched far and wide, there are not quirks that can heal my injuries." All Might answers with a sigh.

Alfred was silent for a time before he came to a decision. "Yeah, figured as much, come on, am sure you can cut a deal with dad. Just so you know, he might want a battle as payment for healing you. He can be kind of a battle maniac when he discovers strong opponents."

Now, it was All Might's turn to be silent as he thought it all over. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, just don't break anything important when you guys fight, please. Mom was mad for at least a week when he broke the moon back home." Alfred said with a sigh before opening a teleportation portal.

"What, what? Broke the moon?"

Alfred shook his head, "Yeah, some fool thought that they could invade us and dad took that as an insult."

"I take it that things didn't go well for the intruders?"

"Nope, because Dad used their heads as a plow and broke the moon, now come on. I don't want to keep the portal open long." With his piece said, Alfred then walked through the portal that hung in the air for all to see.