
My Primal Bloodline System

Theo gets transmigrated into a world of magic after a tragic accident. In this new world, he must battle against all geniuses to prove that in his presence, all geniuses are trash!!

Odafe_Aghogho · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Chapter 2

Theo travelled through the forest by jumping through trees. With his increased stats, he could jump over ten metres.

Suddenly, he sighted two hyena type magic beasts, the size of a grown man fighting against each other.

On the ground was a dead phyton carcass. From the ripples of their fight, Theo deduced they were merely at the novice rank, just like him.

He quietly jumped down the tree and made his way towards the Hyena on the left who was riddled with injuries, seemingly on it's last breath.

He sent a powerful kick at it's head, sending the hyena smashing against the bark of a tree.

The other Hyena growled upon seeing Theo and fled.

"Even as magic beasts, hyenas are still cowards" Theo laughed as he walked towards the hyena he kicked.

"I hope this works" he pursed his lips, sending a fist towards the half dead hyena's head.

C R A A C K!

The skull broke, causing the hyena to breathe it's last. At that moment, a series of notifications rang in his head.

-[You killed a novice rank Yishou Hyena]

-[You have gained +10 exp]

-[You have received +5 stat points]

Theo grinned. Just then, he noticed a glowing orb floating atop the carcass. It was grey in colour.

Curious, Theo snatched it, scruntizing it. Suddenly, he received a notification from the system.

-[Do you wish to convert power stone into stat points?]

"Oh? this thing can be converted into stat points ?" Aiden was intrigued and gave the go ahed.

The power stone turned into dust, while another notification rang in his head.

-[Power stone has been converted successfully]

-[You have gained +40 exp]

Theo was over the moon. Forty!

Damn! this system was too awesome to a fault right? just the power stone of a low ranked magic beast gave him forty stats points. What if he killed higher ranked ones huh?

On reasoning to this area, he smiled wryly. He was still too weak to be having these wild ambitions.

After mulling over it for a bit, he decided to invest 15 stat points on his intelligence stat. Just as he expected, it influenced his skill power.

Although he wouldn't benefit from this investment on the short run, the results would start showing when he begins casting skills.

He decided to invest fifteen stat points on his physique stat. The greatest offense was defense.

This left him with fifteen stats. After mulling on it a bit, he decided to invest five stats on his Strength, Speed and Agility.

He could feel that his power has increased. Even if it was miniscule, it counted as something.

Now he felt confident. If he went against that Yishou Hyena, he was confident that he would kill it in just two moves.

At that moment, he decided to read the memories belonging to the former body owner.

A flood of information flooded into his brain, causing him to almost go numb.

He began to scale through the seas of memories, filtering through the useless ones.

Coincidentally, the former body owner was also named Theo. His background was quite good as he was the grandson of a Lord.

A Lord had significant authority in this magic society. Although they were ranked at the bottom of all Nobles, they were better than peasants since they could rule over a Tribal territory.

Due to his powerful backing, the former body owner was able to get admitted into Cloud Peach school. He did his awakening and awakened as a heat mage.

Heat mage? Theo burst into laughter. Seriously? what type of dog shit misfortune was that. Heat magic was a lower class of Inferno magic.

And just like he anticipated, the former body owner was ridiculed by his peers for his trashy talent. To make matters worst, he spent five years stuck at the first level of the novice rank!

"Meh, this guy sure has dog shit talent" Theo ridiculed inwardly.

It wasn't that he was mean, but the former body owner's talent just was too damn poor.

Going through the sea of memories, Theo also learnt why he found himself at the forest. Apparently, the former body owner was beaten and had his cultivation crippled by a senior student.

Fed up with life, he opted to commit suicide by giving up himself as free lunch for the many magic beasts.

Theo was left in awe at the former host's courage. But he also felt pity at the pathetic life he lived.

Although he had a powerful background, unfortunately in the magic society, personal power was a determining factor.

"Rest in Peace dude. I'm going to grow strong so your death would be worth it" Theo swore with a clenched fist.

Just then, he heard the rustling of leaves, as well as the sound of foot steps. He could deduce that the footsteps matched that of a human.

But what was a human doing in this dangerous forest?

Just as he was musing over this, Berty emerged. Fortunately, she sighted Theo leaning against the bark of a huge tree.

"Theo!" she rushed over to his side and like a caring mother, began to inspect his body for traces of any injuries.

"Are you hurt anyway?"

"Relax big sis. Do i look hurt to you?" Theo laughed.

Thanks to the flood of memories, he recognized who Berty was, as well as her age.

He was currently fifteen, and she was seventeen.

{AUTHOR: Admission into Magic schools starts at the age of ten max}

Berty nodded. But suddenly, she landed a resounding slap on Theo's cheeks.


The slap was too fast that he couldn't even react to it. Even his tough skin stung a bit from the slap.


"You idiot! how could you think of commiting suicide huh?" Berty chided sternly.

"Your life isn't precious to you and you decide to throw it off huh?"

"If you died, how do you expect me to explain myself to aunty eh?"

Receiving all these scoldings, Theo bent his head, drawing circles on the ground with his feets.

The former body owner was such an idiot. Now he's suffering from his actions.

"C'mon say something! or have you become a mute?" Berty frowned, seeing that Theo didn't utter a single word.

"No words can justify my actions. So i'd rather stay mute" Theo shrugged his shoulder.

"At Least you admit to your wrong" Berty rolled her eyes.

H O O W L!

Suddenly, the forest shook from a distant but powerful roar.

"We have to get going" Berty grew stern as she grabbed Theo's fist and began making her way out of the forest.

Theo couldn't resist at all. Plus, Berty's speed was just too fast for him to comprehend.

All he felt were flashes of trees and viola! they were out.

The duo walked into the school premise without a single hitch. As for the old gate keeper, he was having a nap.

To the chagrin of Theo, Berty dragged him to her hostel. Feeling the weird glances thrown at him by the passerbys, Theo blushed fiercely.

When they arrived at Berty's hostel, her two other room mates were already present.

"Hey girls" Berty waved.

"Uhm. Who's that guy you're holding babe?" the room mate with blonde hair asked.

Her name was Edith, and she seemed older than Berty.

"This idiot is my cousin. Uhm, can you guys give us a lil space please? i need to properly discipline this brat"

"Sure" both of her room mates agreed and directly left the room.

Although Theo was quite popular among the grade one students, he was a nobody among the grade two students.

When she saw that they were now alone, Berty cast a sympathetic look at Theo.

"What?" the latter asked warily.

"You lost your cultivation right?" Berty smiled knowingly.

However, her smile didn't reach her lips at all.

"I.." Theo faltered. How do he explain this issue?

"Damn that Howings! just because he's about to breakthrough and become an intermediate rank mage, he thinks he can act lawless huh?" Berty clenched her jaws and patted Theo on the shoulder

"Don't worry little bro, i will report that bastard's actions to the Punishment Department. They are known for being impartial in their judgement. So what if that bastard will soon become a grade three student? He isn't above the law!"

Theo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Wasn't this cousin of his over-protective. However, he knew he had to stop her before she did something crazy.

According to the former body owner's memories, Howings was the nephew of a powerful Baron. To be precise, he was the brother of the Baron's wife.

It was due to his special background that warranted his lawless arrogance. Theo just got transmigrated and he wasn't ready to butt heads with a powerful Noble.

Maybe later in the future, but not now! he still was too weak.

"Actually sis, while i was at the forest, i had a fortuitous encounter" Theo began to map out a grand lie.

"Oh? what type of encounter?" Berty's interest was piqued.

"I saw a strange fruit. It had a fleshy pericarp but it's skin had spikes. I was so hungry that i couldn't resist taking a bite.." Theo intentionally trailed off, monitoring Berty.

And just as he anticipated, he had her full attention.

"What happened. Damn, are you keeping me in suspense?" Berty's veins bulged.

"Haha. Well, it just that after i ate that fruit i slept up. When i woke up, i noticed my cultivation was back"

As if to confirm this lie, Theo punched the tiles, causing a five inches crack to appear.

"You!" Berty gasped in surprise.

If she didn't believe him before, now she did!

The tiles was made out of a rare component called Ornite. Even a primary rank mage would struggle to shatter it apart.

Who else could cause it to crack? if not mages.

"So, you don't really have to mind Howings alright?"

Berty took a deep breath, trying to digest the new information. The news of Theo's cultivation crippled, his suicide attempt and now his cultivation being restored.

Heck! she felt that everything just happened in a flash.

"Since you are alright. That's for the best" she sighed but quicky went stern.

"I heard the root of your problem was a girl huh?"

Theo scratched his nose awkwardly. Naturally, Berty took it as him admitting his fault.

"Next time, don't go chasing after ladies you hear me? only when one is powerful would he enjoy these things. Noble titles? women? money? They would all be yours. But the crux is power. You must have the power to warrant these things"

* * *

Cloud Peach school was divided into six sections. One was known as the Servants/Labourers quarter. This was where all quasi grade one students lived.

Then there was the bronze quarters, where grade one students lived.

The silver quarters was where grade two students lived.

The gold quarters was where grade three students lived.

The platinum quarters was where the various Instructors of the school resided. It was a no go area for some students. Trespassing without permission warranted severe punishment.

As for the Diamond Quarters, it was an extremely restricted area because it was the residence of the school Principal and Vice Principal.

Any student caught trespassing would either be expelled or even killed!

Currently, a boy in hoodie wearing a face mask stood before the gates leading to the Gold Quarters. He was being questioned by a grade three student who served as a gate keeper.

The grade three student had a look of superiority and haughtiness on his face.

"Senior, i truly have something important to report to Senior Chyx" the hoody figure sounded flustered.

"You want to meet Senior Chyx? do you think any tom, dick and harry can meet him?" the grade three student sneered.

"Plus, why are you still wearing that mask, when i said to pull it off huh?" the grade three student made to grab the mask on the Hooded figure's face.

"You'll regret it!"

However the grade three student's gaze became ferocious. His palm clenched into a fist as he punched at the Hooded figure's face.

Just as the punch wanted to connect, a palm blocked it.

"Who!" the grade three student turned back, wanting to berate the intruder.

But on seeing who was behind him, he jolted, staggering back. He looked like a frightened mice who encountered a peerless cat.