

As the sun shines and the lights of it went directly to Kelvin's face,he knew that it's time to wake up but when he is about to stand up he felt something heavy on his stomach. When he opened his eyes to see what it is,he was shocked at what he saw. "Oh shit what the hell did I did last night?"

"Why am I sleeping next to him? Next to a guy?" "Did I drunk too much last night?"

"Why am I naked? Oh my gosh did something happened between us?" Oh shit what on earth am I thinking?" he asked to himself continuously. He can't see the guy's face clearly because the guy's face was covered by it's torso. But he can tell that the guy is good-looking because of it's large and muscular body. "First I need to get out of this place" he said to himself. He tried to get up slowly,scared that the guy next to him will wake up and will see the mistake they did last night. When he succesfully got up and was about to grabbed his clothes that is on the ground

"Ouch that hurts" he said touching his butt

He endured it and continue to grab his clothes. When he completely got all his clothes,he wore it and fix himself.

When he reached the door,he calmed himself and stare at the good-looking guy that is still sleeping and have no idea what the heck happened. He decided not to wake him up and was about to get out when he noticed that the boy was familiar. He stared at him,memorizing every part of the guy's body. "If only I could his face" he said to himself while staring. He panicked when the guy moved and he thought that the guy was about to wake up but it didn't happened. When the guy stopped moving he took a deep breath and sigh. "That was a close one" he stare at the guy for the last time before getting out. "Ugh I didn't even see his face" He notice that the placed is familiar and when the reality was about to hit him really really really hard. He was about to know and realize the most shocking revelation that could happen to him in his life. For his 19 years of existence on this planet. It is the most shocking and terrifying moment in his life. "OH MY FUCKING CAT. You've got to be kidding me. Please tell me this is a joke or a fucking dream." He walked faster and when he is inside his house. He tried to remember what just happened last night. "DID I JUST SLEPT WITH MY NEIGHBOR?"

As the memory starts to flash to his head,he kept cursing and cursing. He remembered anything right now. From how he got to the club. How he got drunk and ofcourse, to how he end up waking up next to his neighbor. "Next to my fucking neighbor oh my gosh. Great, how the hell will I act like nothing happened when I see him later? We are studying at the same University. You idiot Kelvin. Wait he didn't see me right? YES I can act like nothing happened,but I'm really not good at acting. Oh never mind the most important is he didn't see me. Besides we aren't close so I will just act normally. We rarely talk. Psh I will kill my friends later for letting me made this bull crap mistake. But the fact that me and my neighbor slept together last night and have s---- oh gosh I can't say it. Shit this doesn't make any sense. Oh well I will now get ready to go school.

Hiii what do you think about this one? Tell me about your thought about this. Have a good day.

ren_kuncreators' thoughts