
Chapter 03 - Landing in Japan

They put on some light touch on my face and changed my outfit into a white "we bare bears" T-shirt and a blue jeans pair with FILA shoes again.

Everybody is waiting for me, especially Mr. Imoto. They said they are ready for me and Mr. Imoto is waiting restless. I can see Archie filming the scene again. Isn't he gonna rest?

I can still see Archie filming the whole place and I saw Eli and told her to come to me. She was like the flash when I call her. Sometimes, I feel like I am putting a lot of pressure into Eli and asked her if she want to hire some assistant. She simply said "No" and that it will be a bother to do everything again if the new guy messed up.

She asked me "What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?" in a rush and I told her it wasn't about me. She then asked "What is the problem?" I pointed at Archie's direction and asked "Eli, Did he eat?".

"Yeah, we ate together" she said and looking at my worried expression she suggested if I wanted him transferred to another department and I replied that he likes film and he wanted to do that for a long time.

Archie was a high school friend. He was the first person to ever approach me when I was very shy to talk to anyone at school but on my second year, I was force to leave school because some things happened unexpectedly and I was home-school for three more years. He still came to my house to chill, we sometimes hang out outside the house and update me on things outside.

We became close as that alone and we kind of get along from there. He was very persistent on pursuing Creative Arts or something like that and I thought it was cool but his family kind of hate it because they wanted him to be a doctor. Then, he went to Canada to pursue his career and when he came back he was a new man that have confident in what he do.

After a light make up, I finally met the famous anchor in Japan and I thought he has this serious vibe but he was very bright and he smiles a lot.

"Hello, Mr. Collins, it's an honor to finally meet you." Mr. Imoto handing his hand for a handshake. He was smiling so brightly like he's seen the president of America. I smiled and replied accepting his handshake, "Hi, Mr. Imoto, pleasure to meet you"

We shake hands and he was a little bit awkward at first but... he's kinda cool after. He sat first and he extend his hand politely offering me to sit across his seat.

He started and the smile on his face hasn't left yet "Shall we start?". I sat down , make my self comfortable and answered "Yeah, sure"

He started out asking me "How's your stay in Tokyo?". It was a simple question. "hmmm.... it was great actually" I said then continued "I didn't expect to see a lot of fans and I am very excited to start my tour here." He laughed saying who wouldn't know Ian Black at this industry. I was complimented again and felt good but I thought of the pressure they expect from me.

Maybe, he realized that I was out of the world so he asked me. I came back and asked him to repeat the question because I didn't really heard it. He asked "Please tell us about your tour?" while looking at me attentively.

"Well, it's my second tour and I've been to a lot of places lately and I haven't really visited a lot of place in Asia and I just want to meet my fans here. So..." I answered nodding, more like agreeing to my own answer.

"We heard that you haven't visited your home country since you debuted? Is that true?" he question like a pro, I give him that. I suddenly thought about my mom and answered "Yeah... uhmmm.....I was too focus on my continuous tours and there are a lot of things on my head too. I was always planning it but it kept on going to my bucket list alone..." I smiled and said... "This time, I told my management personally to visit Asia as my birthday gift."

He laughed like I joked about something funny. I was too serious on my comment though I thought he's serious too but I was wrong and that he just, maybe, wanted a good vibe environment. I just laugh along and said "So, yeah, I'm excited"

He thinks it was a sweet comment and I thought he comment like a girl but it was all in my head. He looked fascinated by the question he was about to ask.

"This tour, have you learn a little bit of Japanese words?". I was excited about this question because I actually spent the night on the plane learning this. "Yeah, I do, I do" I was moving too much on the chair and I almost slipped.

He asked me if I can share some of the things that I've learned and I started thinking of the words that I actually learned on the internet. "Uhmm.... Ohayou Gozaimasu...., Ari...gato Guzaimasu, Ogen..ki desuka? and Aishteru" I said awkwardly as I really didn't know how to really pronounce it because I just red them and didn't really listen to how it should sound.

"Yeah, do you know what it means?" he said expecting some great answer. I didn't disappoint him on that part. Also, I don't understand but I was fascinated by myself too. "Good morning, thank you very much, how are you, and I love you?". I asked him if I was right and I am. He was nodding his head and was actually laughing but not quite loud. "You are a fast learner." he said.

The interview goes on and he asked for an autograph for his son, who wanted to be me when he grow up, though he liked him to be the best anchor like him. I gladly gave him an autograph and I sent him a video message.

"Hi, Eijun, it's Ian. Your dad said you wanted to be me in the future. I just wanted to say that if you wanna be a singer, you do that but never forget that you need to study as well. If you listen to your dad and manage your time. You'll be the best anchor and a singer in the future. I'll see you two days from now. Bye!" I waved as Jona cut the video.

He thanked me and left after a moment of greeting with the others. We visited the stadium for tomorrow's practice but I seem to notice that there are more people outside waiting in line just to see me. It's not even D-day and I want to start right away but Eli said I have to rest for today.

Eli brought the bottled water and she handed it to me before even asking it. This is like a routine to me. I usually drink water after an event or if I just lift a hand and scratch my nose, Eli would know that without asking her.

"Thank you, was that good?" I asked. She answered "It was great but..." she seems hesitant to continue the rest. I just told her to say it and she continued "...you seemed a little off a while ago.".

I remember when I stopped when he asked me it's been a long time since I visited mom. I looked at Eli and said "Eli, when can I visit my mom?" she was startled when I asked about wanting to see my mom. I guess, I never asked before.

She asked me if I am desperate enough. I stared at my face in the mirror and I smiled "I don't think so". She smirk and the topic ended just like that.

A day passed with just meetings and just vocal rehearsal. I spent some time at the gym early in the morning and burn some sweat. After shower, I planned on walking outside but I was stopped by Eli saying I need to rest because I have rehearsal in the afternoon.

I was forced to stay in my room and play games until my hands won't type anymore. So, I tried to sleep but can't and all I could do in this room is watch movies and just order food.

I watched my last performance on The Morning Show and I can say I was a little bit tired that day but I still rocked that song. I was a little bit fired up to start the rehearsal after watching it. My vocal coach knocked on my door.

He went to check up on me and he reminded me not to use my voice to much tomorrow. He said he won't be there tomorrow but will be back soon. I asked what was the problem and he just stayed silent. I know he wouldn't bail on me on my tour so I know he'll be back.

Before he left he said "Don't overworked yourself tomorrow. Just follow what we practiced and you'll be fine."