
Ayuri Naiads (2)

As Anu made her way into the water tunnel maze, I was watching Anu's every action from within Asmi planet which now was in Anu's heart.

Even if I could attend the battle , I clearly wasn't stronger enough to join this battle. so, I sat inside the planet Asmi and watched Anu's every move in a huge window screen displayed in front of me. it was like playing a game in PS except here I could let Anu be on Auto pilot or control through my speech.

as Anu traveled with in the tunnels deeper and deeper , I started to see skeleton remains of humans, even Though I didn't have some hero syndrome but I still felt a rage in my heart seeing the sheer number of human skeleton which kept increasing as we went in deeper. I haven't seen the creature or didn't know how many of them are there but I didn't care I just wanted to extinguish it , may be it is just a survival instincts seeing a species treat my kind as it's pry and dinner I just felt threatened . it was like horror movie in here human bones and Remains scattered here and there .

for some reason Anu didn't show any reactions to this kind of surroundings, I guess the only thing right now in her mind is to save her sister, I bet seeing this unsightly scene she is more worried about her sister now more than ever.

my plan was based on the assumption that Anu's sister is also critically poisoned by the creature and kept as hostage, seeing this Anu will go berserk and kill the creature and try every skill in her inventory to cure her sister but it wouldn't be possible as this is a nuclear toxin which slowly mutates the creature affected , living the the effected creature two choices, one adopt and mutate or die by cellular break down. finally Anu will turn to my help , for which my reply would be the obvious one , that is that Anu's sister should imprint a Emigration Contract.

when Anu see's no hope and is despairing over her sister , she will see my option as the only option and will have to chose it . that's when I will get my second subject for the planet. with two over powered beauties as my planet inhabitants I can think of many things , I would want to do .. . ha ha ha!

it took us about 10 mins to reach our Destination thanks to the 3-D GPS tracking given by Asmi. we arrived at a underground cave where different tunnels meet to from a huge junction , this cave was about 500 meters wide and 37-foot in height filled with huge rocks blocking our vision , the 3-D pointer showed us that Anu's sister was here in this cave following it we arrived where we could see couple dozens of eggs of the size of three years old baby in frozen state and containers with toxic warning on them, then there were the creature and Anu's sister talking merrily as Anu's sister healed the egg.

I was shock because this was a completely different development than I had thought of , according to the development here it seems as if both the creature and Ayuri are close friends, if not just friends , how is this possible , she should be at the brink of her live and while the creature is poisoning her. what is happening her where did these many egg come from f.uck! why are they friendly with each other why is she sitting their uninjured I am going to go crazy somebody answer me .

while I was shell shocked , Anu rushed forward with all her might channeling Bloom qi to its fullest, she punched the creature. the creature was caught off guard and went straight for the ceiling of the cave with Anu's punch , then it's mangled corpse fell to the ground . afterwards Anu turned to her sister and hugged her while asking

" sister are you okay did the creature hurt you , everything will be all right I have come to save you" trying to console her sister.

unlike Anu , her sister didn't hug her back because she was still contemplating what just happened. the creature was dealt with one punch by none other then her sister . was she hallucinating , since when did her sister became so strong wasn't she positioned by the creature and had serious injuries from the fight with the Organization.

'..... I have come to save you ' hearing these words from her sisters mouth , tears started to flow from Ayuri's eyes as these past few mouths were really tough on her , like other normal girls Ayuri also wanted to cry many times , when their home was invaded , when their mother was abducted , when they had to abandon their home , when they had to run for their life with the Organization constantly chasing on their back , when she had to chose between herself and her sister she also want to cry like anybody would in this situation but she didn't as she had a younger sister who is depending on her she can't show weakness now of all time , she remembers the promise she made to her mother when she asked her for a little sister ' I promise to look after her mother , please now will you get me a little sister' but now when she heard her sister say 'everything will be all right I have come to save you' she knew its okay to cry now , she let it all out , the pain , burden , helplessness everything that she once had to bury for the happiness of her little sister started to surface one after the other.

I saw both the sister hug each other and cry it out as if they were having a competition to see who would cry harder and longer. even though I was happy for Anu I couldn't hide my sadness that thing didn't go according to my plan to conquer a second beauty, alas .. . then I scanned the surrounding for something useful all I found was the eggs and sealed containers of the nuclear toxin. so I asked what the eggs were

[ scan complete.. .

subject :- mutated snake eggs (cryogenic)

due to mutation by nuclear and elemental toxin the snake eggs have adapted to the Mutation, leading to a completely different species.subject is showing mutation tendencies towards homo sapiens as their gene pool is contaminated with homo sapiens gene.]

" oh so you are saying that they are mutating towards humans as their gene pool is contaminated by presence of human gene .... um ... if the that's the case than what if they go through complete mutation will they turn into humans "

[ Yes their is that possibility ,host. but still they will have some resemblance to their previous genes ]

" hahaha, so they will become like nagas , ho ho sexy Naga women .. ." I fantasized.


Mumba had opened up for the first time in about a thirty years to some one , he hunted humans every day and night to surpass his resentment towards their kind , if he had the power he would wipe them out from existence , he always regretted not being at the village to fight side by side with his brethren and die side by side to them. he also regretted stopping to watch his village for one last time and getting the eggs frozen. but what he regret the most is to open up to this blue rabbit bitch.

so what her home was invade like mine, so what she had to flee with her sister , like he did with the eggs , so what she was ready to sacrifice her self for her sister like he would for his brother .. .. . he regretted he let his guard down , he regretted it more than any thing , it hurt more than losing a body.

when Anu punched him to death , at last movement Mumba shed his first form to save him self from certain death. first he lost his third body at his tribe , now his first body to this green rabbit bitch it hurts , but what hurts more was the thought

' was what that blue rabbit told about herself true or was it just a Sham till her sister arrived to rescue her.' for the first time in past thirty years he let his guard down and it hurt so much so much that it opened his old wounds. it surfaced all the rage , hate ,resentment he was trying to bury, to build a tribe like he promised his brother , were now surfacing , his head was hurting badly with all this different emotions he just wanted to let it all out . he grabbed a barrel of nuclear toxin and started to drink it fully as a result his body mass and height increased by two fold , he drank the nuclear toxin one after the other until he was a 7 meter tall giant.


since the eggs clearly showed potential so I asked Asmi to collect all the eggs in to the planet . yes, I wanted to create a army of nagas , according to Asmi the eggs still didn't have specific gender.it seems the gender is determined at the fourth cycle after the egg fertilization , unlike the human embryo where the gender is determined before fertilization and fortunately these eggs were frozen amidst their first and second cycle so they were still genderless.

after the eggs were stored away safely , I was celebrating for getting 72 Naga eggs. while I was celebrating I suddenly felt chill behind my back when I turned my window screen to display what was happening behind Anu , I saw a humongous creature with upper body of a human and lower body of a snake growing from 4 meter to 5 meter to 6 meter to finally 7 meter tall. Seeing this I alert Anu

" Anu watch out!"

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